i M Meiffi VpC XL 25 Cents a Month,' Caih. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY, JANUARY M 1906 25 Cents a Month. Cash. N 102 1.1 1 - V f 1 A BANK FOR ALL PEOPLE. .-.'.."-'' A . bank account promotes credit, establishes responsibility, and results m security. - It is your best friend. START ONE TO-DAY. Citizens Bank Trust Company PAST YEAR A GOOD ONE ' HriUg, of Salisbury, come, down and -,. ' - with bis brother, Mr. C U Heilig, Many Signs of Prosperity and Growth at Mt. Pleasant . : During the Past Yean ret- favora- The Tdwd Wants Bank, B. & L, and ;; Other Industries Daring This Year. Mt. Pleasant, Jan. 8. While other and larger places are taking their respects pf the past year with ble results, Mt Pleasant, too, may take an inventory of the stock on band which compared with one year ago will, we believe, show a marked ad' vance. ' In population there was a steady increase throughout the year. The rolls of the different schools fully attest this fact . ' A number of handsome res idences were erected, and many im provements made which added very much to the town. In a business way the growth has been almost phenomenal, far beyond expectations at the beginning of the year ' Two new business houses were practically completed during the year. A conservative estimate places' the in increase in .business done 'at 35 per cent, more than any previous year. ' J All manufacturing enterprises .have been scenes of activity, and there has been plenty of work for all who cared to work, In fact, we have every rea son to feel proud of the record of the old year, lit saw the first fruits of a town spirit which, if kept alive, will be of incalculable benefit in future progress. . ' .'Many suggestions are being made as to some-of the things to be accom plished during the present year, prom inent among which is, a double daily mail service. The present service, however, is the best we have yet . had and is giving entire satisfaction,' and there is no one who wishrs to see it changed, but with three rural routes leading out from here the ; volume of mail willbe increased to fuch an ex tent that an additional mail would be great benefit. .' 1 his of .course, would use the old' schedule, leaving here at 8 6'clock in the mornirg and returning leave Concord "at any old time in the' afternoon. ' The cost to Uncle bam would be so small aa pot to be a serious consideration. At any rate the suggestion is a good" one, Ind worthy an effort'to secure. . ' ' -. : A building and loan association and a bank have been suggested, and why not get them I Let them come;- there will be business doing for them. .. : . And some one has asked that the census be taken. A good Idea, We are all interested to know7 just how many there are of us any way. Better than all these, however, is the suggestion that we get off the "pipe line" and take a ride on the car line. This must be done sooner ..or later, why hot in 1906? , .'. ;; Soma local Hotes.;;.Vtf f Five years ago- a company of young people from Concord spent a day here picnicing.'.;- Miss Ada Allen was among the number and had : the mis fortune to lose her bracelet Diligent search was made but that which she prized so highly could hot be found. One day last week, While Charley Crowell was walking ; through j the meadow on Buffalo creek hp noticed something bright peeping from beneath the mud. It proved to be Miss ' Al len's lost bracelet! and Was forwarded to 1 r at once. '- -' -V. One day in each year Mr. L takes the annual hunt, commemorative of the days when "boyhood was in flower." Last Thursday this event was celebrated and they report a great day's sport. There seems to be an organized gang of "shop lifters" who have been getting in some costly work recently Evidences indicates that part of the gang hail from the Country and part are on the spot We hope it is not wishing them too much for the Near Year that they have the pleasure of a good warm job on the roads next sum mer. A jolly representation of the "old time set headed by Mr. Harris Crowell went to the bachelor quarters of Mr. Sandy Shoe Friday night and for several hours whooped up the songs and music of former days. Upon arrival they found their host re tired, but this counted for little for he was soon the merriest of the group, Go where you will and you will not find a better section of country anywhere than that around Mt. Gilead church, east of town. The past few weeks have seen a perfect net work of 'phone lines spread over the country; every man and his neighbor now has a 'phone. These people are nothing, if not progressive. The condition of Mis Zula Eudy, who is now at the home of Mr. J L Leflcr, is serious and unchanged. We are glad to note, however, that her physicians see indications for a favor able change. Misses Mae Torrence and JessieT Glover, of Charlotte, are visiting rel atives here. Mr. Edwin H Btaverwent to At lanta Saturday where he will study telegraphs and stenography. Wr wish him success. Messrs. Walter and Robert Adams, of Gastonia, spent yesterday in town. While this correspondence is usually "white supremacy", yet we step ss'Je for the moment to note, the presence in town of Cab: Milenheimer, a col ored man of the old school. Cab had been living in New Jersey for some time, and is just concluding his Christ mas visit to the people who use to "own him" He hasn't forgotten them, nor has his Northern associations changed him as a representative type of the typical Southern darkey While he doesn't know "a from izzard" in books, yet by always doing good, hon est work, he is making a success and talks of banks, deposits, drafts, checks and the ease of a business man. ., - GRIFFITH LAST NIGHT. Shaiespeaie's Richard the Third at j the Opera House Last Night!: It is doubtful if the average reader of Shakespeare's Richard the Third fully agree with John Griffith in his interpretation or the play. ' He was badly handicapped, by the stage sur roundings, especially, in the battle scenes, when Richard had tome stirring lilies. We like Griffith'sGIoster bet ter than his Richard. Local condi tions and personal idea may be re sponsible for this, though. Mr. Griffith was poorly supported, with the excep tion Of Richmond, there being none to follow Griffith with credit and support him as necessary.. The audience last night was not large' and there was no real enthusiasm over the stage work at any period of the play. Mr. Griffith is, however a good actor and does not deseive severe criticism in this roll when stage and support arc cousidered, APPALLING LANDSLIDE Houses Situated on the Edge of a Clay Pit Tumble Into the Great Hole. SIXTEEN TO TWENTY BODIES IN THE RUINS Fire Follows aad Many Lives Are Lost In the Flame as Well as From jnjaries la the Fall. .Haverstraw, N. Jan. 9. From 16 to 20 bodies are now thought to be in the ruins of twelve wrecked and 'fire destroyed homes which slid over a clay embankment last night. Rescuing parties who remained on the scene ail night are powerless to help because of the intense heat from the flames. At daylight began the work of recovering the bodies or what is left of the dead The victims are mostly women and children, either killed outright or slow ly smothered and burned while impris oned in their overturned bouses, caused by the sudden precipitation of ten frame houses into the pit of a brick yard. Without a minutes warning the en tire row of one family houses and three stores shot over the bank which had been due away by workmen in the brick yard. The fall was about a hundred feet and the overturning stoves spilled ftrey contents among the dis mantled interior, setting fire to the collapsed houses in which were im prisoned, beyond hope of recovery, many people. The bank slid slowly at first rearward and then went down with a crush. The screams of the terror stricken inmates aroused many in time tor them to escape in their night clothes, the space on which stood their homes becoming vacant. Following the cries from the pit many rushed to the edge of the clay pit in time to see the sput tering of fire, followed by an outburst of flames. Firemen from this place and rein forcements from Garnersville dashed to the scene, being confronted by hor rifying handicaps. ' Jadge Boyd Adjoaras Special Term of ' Federal Court One Week. Greensboro, Jan. 9. Upon filing affidavit in the Samuel case in the Federal court by the defendant that a material witness was sick Judge Boyd ordered an adjournment of the court until the 16th, and the court took re cess until next Tuesday. Cents Report os Cotton Giaoed to Jan nary 1st Washington, Jan. 9. The census report of cotton ginned to January 1, 1906, ' given out : today placet the amount at 9,721,774. ; -A Concord Boy to Many. ' . The following invitation hat . been received announcing the wedding of a Concord boy. the ton of Mr. C R White:'." . . Mr. and lira. Joseph Travis Simmons Invito yon to witness the marriage "i, c of their daughter . ''; -: - to ; ; .Mr. Robert Lawrence White ' . ; , Thursday evening, January the thewty ' third nineteen hundred and six , , . at sight-thirty o'clock ; v k Cambridge street . Greenwood, South Carolina, : -; . The secret of suooosaf ally ridding the system of a cold is a thorough eraoeat- ion of the bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does thia Liquid Cold Dure, drives all cold oat of the system. Best for Coughs, Croup, etc. Sold by OibsonOrag dtore. - ' A A AAA AA KAA AA A t U G SALE n Illlllll.il VA ( i f IT , No better time to fix up the home for the entire year than right now, at tne beginning or it. We can help you by offering you the prettiest and most attractive Carpets, Rugs, etc., with but slight cost Or MM Vr 9? uzcieuacfiw ARMOUR MUST PAY. Supreme Court Decides Against Big Packers in North Carolina Case. Washington, Jan. 8. In an opinion by the Chief Justice, the Supreme court of the United States today de cided the case of the Armour Packing Company versus B R Lacv, treasurer of North Carolina, in favor of the State. This case grew out of an effort to enforce the State law of North Care" lina, imposing a license tax on every meat packing house doing business in the State. " The Armour Company contended that it was not engaged in doing a packing buainess in the State, as it did no slaughtering there, but the law was upheld by the State Supreme court and their finding was sustained. The law was also attacked on the ground that its enforcement waa an in terference with intent-ate commerce; that it contravened the uniformity rule of the North Carolina constitution, and that it was contrary to the Federal constitution, because it was class legis lation, but the court accepted the in terpretation of the State Supreme court and sustained the law. .. .,.,,.:; Justices Brown, White, Peckham and McKenna dissented, on the ground that the Armour Company ia not en gaged in doing a packing house busi- j ness in the State, but in telling meat. Indigestion ia easily overcome by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Core, ' because this remedy digest what Ton "eat and gives the stomaoh a 'rest allows it to recuperate vat grow strong again. Kodol relives Indigestion, : Belching of Gas, Sour Stomaoh, Heart-Barn, eta, and en ables the digestive organs to tranform all foods into the kind of rich red blood that makes health and strength; Soldi by Gibson Drug Store. . y ; WE CALL TEE BUSINESS KAN'S ' ATTENTION I Our Hoffman Flat Opening Blank Book meets every requirement of a special made book. . Also the Famous "Are and Be" De tachable Leaf Ledger and the Tengwall A Eagle L L Books. I ' . ' Staii Barrlnger Co Charlotte, N. 0. Luck Is All Right To Depend on When Fishing Thai's because you have no alter native. & But there is one sure thing, you can not depend on luck when it comes to doing your winter shopping. It's good busi ness to look around and spend your money where your best Judg ment dictates. We are pleased to show that we can be of service to you. New Goods New Styles, and interesting prices. Fine Siltts, Dress Goods, Trimznings, Notions, R.eadp-to-wear Skirts, Jackets, 'Clothing and Fine Shoes. & 4 1 I '