E:EKing Tribune. WE lenis a nontn, cash. CONCORD, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 6. 1906 ?)Vg(fiHTO I fIDEAI- INSUIWNCE UW5jBAU. AT MTPLEASANT h -- Xft y : 1 - J Measure So Considered to be Applied to Cetawhe Wo. From the Collegiate hull. 'C ,J ClwIrT' ji&kV t T Y- Dtatrkt ' W MU, AfternooeA Close ; i A.6KOTUR'; i EfferttaCHUm- :. ,QtAVWoryforthVUitorfc Statu Lil,rary 25 Cents a Month, Cash. NV 24 DINAfcRINClPtES 'am'aiira'cnir AND. Vaneord, North Carolina. imam yiiiijfv Speck von Sternburg. w ""V it T s . : toX lft "' "A I. K - Ambassador Extraordinary and" Plenipotentiary from Germany Increase of Capitol. Notice is hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cabarrus county B. L. & Savings Asso ciation, April 19th 1906, an amendment to the constitution wiHJe offered, increasing the stock from 2500 to 5000 shares which is authorizing $500,000 instead of $250,000 capitol a at present. , CABARRUS COUNTY Building Loan & Savings Association - r W. .R:Odell, Prest. j: U. Heridrix1 Sec. &" Treas, STATE CONVENTION IN GREENSBORO ' , Striking Trackers Paid OH. - rr - Pittscon, Pa j April 4-After being" on strike for (wo weeks the school , ma'tns of ' Pittston township returned ' to work this morning. They received one month's back pay yesterday and . hare" been guaranteed that all arreaN agei will be aid within a week. :J ;; The county treasurer hat paid over to the attorney of the taxpayers' atto , ciatioorhe liquor license money due the township, and he will hve charge of paying the teacher. -p A petition ..'wu presented to the "court today by many taxpayers asking that this school board be 'removed from oUce ' uch negligence. '-."I "be court reserved its decision. . .." t" r rai as' ' ) , 1 j - 1 tf I ; In state Oatherlng of Denocrata to be Held July 3rd, at Greensboro. The members of the Democratic btate Committee met in Raleigh Thursday and set the date, July 3rd for the slate convention and decided on Greensboro as the place. The meeting was presided over by Chair man Simmons. An invitation also came from Asheville. After several dates were discussed July 3rd was fixed as the one best suited. ... . . I WMhington, AprU 6-What is de- Mt Pleant, April 6C.t.wba signed as a model insurance code fori won in the eleventh innnine: score 3 states has been introduced into' Con-It 2. That it the ftory in brief of the gress by Representative Ames, oT t,me"ere yesterday between Catawba Massachusetts, he proposes to luve k P"eKe ,nd ,he In,ti,ute' but much enacted into . I f A- rii.. 'eer one couId be written, for ihia n , L. 1. v proved to be by far the best game that Columbia. The President will prob- hat ever been pulled off on the local ably send a message to Congress urg diamond. Before the game, it was ing its adoption as a remedv for the conceded by many that the score abuses of the power and privileee of I wou'( f to the visitors, but when insurance comoanies. It emhr ,,. ,he re,uh of inninK fter innine w" i j.. . . , recorded on the score book with noth- cootM:r or most init w the creHt of ,he Reformed of the states and wu drafted by a com' boys, ft benn to look vv m,,rh lik. mittee of fifteen appointed for that a shut out game. In the fourth inning purpose by the recent Chicago conven-1 W'"cr placed his foot on rubber for tion of insurance commissioners. The I aaaM 'earn, scoring tne nrst run bill proposes to establish , bureau of u'u ",e ,ame ,ncE ,n ,ne insurance, headed by an insurance he Ioc,u w r A . commissioner, io the department off.t was three men up and three men commerce and labor. down yet the visitors kept their heads SENATOR DEFENDS HIMSELF. L"? jjt Im.V. f.tll .... I 1. Icili n .i. . ww ui it. iyiiLii was ai . TO..rCT lual w ACCOra wan pne bt fbr the College boys with sec- me rresioeai oa we Kate Propostion ond and third occupied. He hit lightly Washington. April 6 On the floor I to Stewart at second, scoring the man of .the. Senate this afternoon Senator Pn ,h,rd- 1 hen through one of those Elkins West Virginia, chairman of the 'PP,m",y fumble, which Constitute a nart nf fho ojmn th man committee on interstate commerce, on Kcond WM ,owed tQ which answerea tnose who Have chareed his I tied the tor.lt In rh l..n,h only being a railway senator, that he I chanced to be Lynch again who was conducted the hearings of the commit-1 on tniM' Me caught f ulenwider un- ree nn r,t , h. . .v j.lw'res and made the winning run for - ..... VI IUC IWUI I , . . and that h, t... ... I we vaKon' lne ame tnroughout . . " K """wuu was fast and full of baseball interest, the issue and prevent a rate bill be- Th. ff f ,h. .k. I. . I w . uiv was) iijc coming a law. He said, "I have ho pitching; "a real pitchers battle. In itei-ests that can affect my judgment or (he xth, with second and third occu- prevent my doing my duty as a sena- p'c' n' 1,0 out' Fulenwider very tor, as I see it. My highest desire ckttrly 5"u,ed three men 'niuccession , , . I " lay oown tne winow at home with-, and purpose is to secure and serve the I J u l .. . .. . ... . , " pui touching the ball. He also did public interest." The senator stated U- .k .u j that he is in accord with the Prcsidentleithth; Hi. tvrlr ; k. I. , a - m " " ton the railroad rate regulation, though I h' out game from' start to finish. CHILDREN If Yon Have Any Ailing Ones This Will farther Saying that the Hepbune bill injYunt 'rihe visitors was also of a ita present form will fail to provide ",n c,,cu,lea ro DUIZ,e D"er- - A . i t- t . , tten teom 'he official score, the sum- against the evils from which the prop e , . y mary w as follows : Batteries for are suffering. Catawba, Yount and Lynch ; for the Not Much to be Said oa the Miners Institute, Fulenwider and Miller. Convention Struck out, by Yount 14, by Fulen- New York, April 6-Pending the J'Tl' decision of the anthracite coal opera- Fulenwider 4. tors as to whether they will accept the DEATH OF MISS HEATH. miners' proposal for arbitration, the ' question of war or pence in the coal l Yonng Lady Well Known Here Died region hangs in the ballance. f r ' rsoay ai nisoopvme. The operators' decision will be made I ciNowf reached here last night of the Interest Von. "We see so manv litrlef how nA 'girls about town who are weak, thin- legged and hollow-eyed," said one of he proprietors of the Gibson Drue Store, .it eeems a shame to allow them to remain so for they will grow up into weak, sickly and nervous men and ; women, without the vitality to work or enjoy life. - . "If" continued he," "the fatheVt "dnd mothers of such children would be- lieVe what wtaa of Vihol, retf oulijj see a great difference in the appearance of the younger generation of this city. You know Vinol is not a patent medio cine, and it. iust the tonic, vrawino ... , " m children nerd. It will make; for then good, healthy flesh, sound boqe, hard muse'e, and richT red blobl'-'ti -- True. Vinol it a cod liver oil nrco aration, but it does not contain a drop of oil, or soy bad tasting -feature. It is to delicious that all children love it yet it actually doet not contain alt the medicinal Curative; element! found in fresh condt' 1 livers, and , is the most wholesome and best medicine f6rChilM dren we ever told. t- ' 1 fr. v .j-i 'It it because we know what Vinol will, do that we guarantee if it fairs to make your children well, . ri'gged and rosy, to refund your money.IL : Gib son Drug Store. : ",p"'Xr-;'.'s'"' ';'"' Tin Colond'i Waterloo . ColoneL John It Fall sr. of Ronev Grove. Texas, neurt mat bia W.iiorloo. from liver and Kidney trouble. In a reoent totter, ha says: l waa neatrly dead, of tneea oomi)laiiita.an(L althonvh I tried my farnHy doctor, he did mo no good; so I got 530 bottle of your great E'ectio TUtt", v'Joh cured mi. 'I r t' 'i t' 1 rr.f V ' n earth, known at th "conference Monday ajjd,,h ot 'MiM' L,wi' He,,h' verv fcrnoolCbutitV freely predicted thit fT'V 1 hj ) ipent much ' - . - t . iu vwkw a icw years ago. the.operators will refuse to submit the Mua .Htli d;T r n :.. . matterto arbitration, and this ooinion Ja, strengthened, by the utterances I this Wtie. During the time that her morning of David Wilcox, of the Del-Ioroter' WM-'n husiness in Concord aware Hudson Co.. who says that "e", W g00d -i. " ' j ' k.v ' deal an made many friend. 1 tne award of fhe anthracite commie- . t- , . . . " The remains were buried . .today at 0Jyy''yt.v.to .tei? Monroe : , , ; 1 , issue and that no ne,w facts had been Jewels Wortli S4.0M Stolen From HoteL broughtout since. It -has been de-1 A,.o,..t. n. Aril sM,. ri... cief 11 '9'w" fijciark; of Ybrk city, was robbed minlrmll n. L lat diamond i.U,A 4 ((l . Voa Baelow't Ulacss Censes Uneasiness'. locai h?te1 where :. bd been stop-' MiW J" k her room Buelow u progressing aatitfactorily.l where she had left them in a small cussing the question of his successor f( spected that the theft was u Chancellor." , There 'i. an un4V ' 4 l hotel .W-"n-li-i' t ' :"- -f '- thiofwho .wat evidently stopping at feeling of the Bourse, first, on account .i, . . - f. .l..!l!!r!:!JISS guest -.He is believed to have come because Her Hehitein; permanent head here from Florida? ; " : - " ' ' of the foreign office, who will succeed It is the second theft of . the kind of himat Chancellor during the leave of I niece Tof Ahdrew Car- k-.nh- a,;ii iJ .t.lt :. being the victim of the firtt .:." regarded as an eggrestive PalS German "" i wh' strong amipathies toward. Enr f-Muskogee, L T April 5.-J Bur- France: BueloVi illness rTO! " ;T; r I fmnal Kafir imtwKoiae mm A am aI ViitaM-mm fafamiiiSirilthkk men of hi bo unfavorable way for maintaining the Creek nation, wu shot and killed peace ;i;r,;i f-v.t 'V;; ' last night at his home in Euf aula.. His1 ,. . .-a,: ... . ; body wai found this morning about 6 The a never erica, over epilled vi.fc n ;- .h. ... ""V i f ' 5" H I residence, a portion of his head being A" square meal is bandr w have H" "T bye buHet wound. - There 'round. - .. .iwunoone ar the place excepf Mr Lurdette and he had been dead many The telephone bell should always j hours before t' e body was discovered tv'2 true. IT' ereisn w to the assassin. . We will furnish your kitchen completely as well as any other part of your home. How about your Stove or Range ? We would like to put the best one made in your kitchen It's a pleasure to cook on them. I 7 A at av II 5&&f& ill I - If " 1 atlPdMi- m mmmmx m -T i run; t l.awii me jv a 4 I - A New Style ..For Young lien.. s F.rlfrliftifficr Stein k "J ' .lMakerii IttitU You Know this style meet it ibout town everywhere you to. Why have we sold so many of them? Because we have paid special attention to the details that young men are nartienlar about the snug fit about the collar ana sftoulders, the close, form-fitting and'gracefal hang of the coat, the dressy finish of stylish' materials chosen for style and service, the gen teel custom-made tone which dis tinguishes these finely tailored gar men's Come here first tomorrow and see this new model, like cut. Positive $15 values. . The coat is 12 inches lone. decidedly form-fitting,- has neat cuffs on sleeves and deep side vents. By deftly handling " the side seams and putting a seam , in the gorge, we get a fulness in '-. ' the chest which gives the figure a full, robust, athletic appearance " It is for men whe want an excep- ,v tionally neat, stylish garment. ; The mailers of the clothing we sell stand at the top of the list. The name is in each suit. Want yon to come see how well clothes are made when talent shapes Ihe clbth see how thoroughly in earnest we are in czr determination to malls tUs ,a stcra Wiire particular and t:t7ycurgni3 can secure the seassa's. uewc:t tzl best styles. s r 7 ,, . if si I i ' i ' 1 I' r Mr El; caaieJ life insurance l! 7 : ty f ij. jet f ;ng a r urter of a i - and - . ' f t