' ' ' . a. M Eoting Tribune. ary Vol. XI. 25 Cents a Month, Cash. CONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY, APRIL 7. 1906 25 Cents a Moniu. 'Jash. 25 tt n n A i raw: m ijsmm DINAWRINClPieS IMS BHNK -D KUo Concord, Jforth Carolina. J X v NEW BUILDING AND LOAN. Such an Association Being Organized Ready for Operation in May, Making a Third Such Institution. Concord is to have a third Building and Loan Association rtady for opera ation some time in May. This much is certain, and the charter is being pre " pared and stock has already been sold. The name has nor been decided on and other derails are to follow the re ceipt of the charter. Mr. C. B. Wag ner is the prime mover in this new association, which hopes to open the first series On the second Saturday in May. This will be the third Building and Loan Association for Concord and will be managed on the same liberal, yet conservative, plan as the other two so well identified with Concord's prog ress. Very soon we will have a third institution, with these too all working for the upbuilding of Concord WEDDING AT NORMANDY. "The American Home The Safe-guard of American Libert)" Popular Young Couple From Rowan Married in the Hotel Parlor. This Morning. At 11 o'clock this morning Miss Tit I lie Brown and Mr Silas A Deal, a popular young couple from Rowan1, were made man and wife, the cere money being performed in the parlor of ihe Normandy hotel in the presence of only three witnesses, L V Norman, T L Alexander and J F Hurley. The bride and groom drove to Concord this morning, where by ap pointment Rev J F Deal, of Cabarrus, a brother of the groom, met them at the Normandy and spoke to them the wedding vows as used by the Lutheran church. The wedding was solemnized in Concord because the young people desired a quiet marriage and to avoid a wedding. This wedding is of much interest on account of the young people. The bride is a daughter of Mr Walter W Brown, who moved from Cabarrus to Rowan a few years ago; the groom is a son of Mr C J Del, of Landis, whose brother, Rev J F Deal, is one of the most popular young pastors of the county. Mr and Mrs Deal returned this afternoon to the homo of the bride's parent. RUSSIAN GOVERNOR IS ASSASSINATED. Poveraor Slepaotf, of Rastiaa Previace, la Ton to Pieces by Boa Thrawa Isto His Carriage. St. Petersburg, April 7. Governor Slepsoff, of Tverdel, was assassinated thii afternoon by a bomb thrown into hia carriage. The body of the man waa torn to pieces. The perpetrator is unknown and has not been arrested. FROM THE COAL FIELDS Conference This Evening PeaatyiVaila Employees Ordered to Retnra for Work Monday! Shamokin, Pa., April .7 The Pennsylvania railroad employees, sus pended last week owing to coal suspen sion, were ordered to report tor duty next Monday morning. This causes many to believe the operators intend coming to satisfactory conclusions with. the miners next week. Secret 8ssion This Afttrnoon. New York, April 7. The repre sentatives of the anthracite coal ana independent coal employers met here this afternoon in a secret conference to consider Mitchell's proposition of arbi tration and to draft a reply for presen tation to the joint conference Monday. Alter Will Not be a Candidate for Re-election. Washington, April 7 senator Al ger, of Michigan, who went to Atlantic City for his health, has returned very much improved. He confirms the report from Detroit that he will not be a candidate for re-election to the BRIEF VIEW OF '06. Few people realize what a heavy hand the Landlord lays on a renter. In 35 years a house renting for $10.00 per month, you have paid $4,200 in cash, this at 6 per cent, per annum will swell the total to $13,194.66, an appalling waste of money. And yet every brick and plank will still belong to the Landlord. Avoid this waste by sub scribing to shates in this As sociationbegin saving loday. Cabarrus County Building, Loan ft Savings Association. At National Bank in MI. lilt Yindsor Hotel - m iM7-w nibrt St ,; " Philadelphia, Pa. ;'; Three minutes 'walk from Broad St " Station, two minutes from Beading Terminal. American plan from 9a to 18.80 pr day. . European plan from 91 $3.80 per day. V ' ' FRANK M. 8CHEIBLEY, Mgr. KtTar can tell when you'll maab a finger or suffer m out, bruise, born or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil instantly relieves the pain quickly ewes the wound. Wit without kindness u the bee without honey. J Clarette. A virtue always outweights a talent. 1,'u.t' Rlomarioa. SOME CLIPPED NEWS ITEMS Hope Mills. April 6 Fifth No 209, a south-bound train on the At lantic Coast Line, was wrecked this afternoon at 4 o'clock on a curve nonh of Hope Mill. ' Four cars of coal and the caboose left the track and are badly demolished. No one was hurt except one train hand, who was thrown from the caboose and severely jarred He sustained no serious injury. The wreck occurred at a point where it is impossible for "any train to pass until the wreck is cleared, which will take about six or eight hours. This wreck occurred on an unlucky curve where the Atlantic Coast Line has experienced several bad wrecks in the last year or so. Washington. N. C, April 6. The dead body of Rufus Butts, a colored man. of this city, was found about 2 o'clock this afternoon floating in Jack son creek, under the bridge at the foot of Mailt street. He was lying face downward when found. The coroner was immediately notified and held an inquest over the body. The jury re turned a verdict of death from drown ing. Butts was about 60 years of age. He had been enisling for several weeks and no trace of him could be found until to-day. ' Notice of Annual aTietiug. , The annual meeting of the share holders of the Cabarrus County B. ht & Savings Association will be held in the cit hall court room on Thursday evening, o'clock. . J. M, HBNDR1X. .. , ?:,' Sec'y and Trcas. SApriM9, 1906, at 7:30 W. R. ODELL, frcs. : Boiler Explosion Causes Death of Two Persoas. Vienna, Austria, April 7y In boiler explosion io a waterproof factory at Elsniger this1 morning the boiler house and adjoining residences were destroyed, fifty people being buried in the ruins. Two were killed and twenty seriously injured. Cambridge Defeats Oxford la Boat Race. London, April 7. Cambridge won here the twenty-eiehth victory in the annual boat race with Oxford today by defeating the crew of the latter university by hve lengths. It was an easy victory for Cambridge and her men finished fresh. The Oxford men .on the contrary were greatly distressed by the bard pull and four of the men fainted at the finish. The race was witnessed by a crowd that broke all records. , , ' -ataaoiik Votics. i ." Regular communication f t of Stokes Lodge, No. 32 Uf rlA. r & A M f Monday night, the 9tb, 8 o'clock ; sharp. Some distinguished visitors expected,' alto a special ad dress on a vital subject. By order of W, M. . JNO. H. RUTLEDOE, Sec. .'; ALacky Psstaistnee '. ' is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, He., who has found Dr. King's t New life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping: the stomach, liver and bowels n perfect order. You'll ejroe with her if you try thwm painli s jtiri'sm V.M inf.:e new Can - --i ty a'! Mas With Dead Qui Gives Himself Up. New York, April 7. Miller H. McCuchen, who was with Delphine Love, the actress, when she threw her self from a window ' of the Sterling hotel yesterday morning, gave himself up to the ; police this' morning after hearing of the girl's death. The coroner was not satisfied that the girl's death was suicide - and directed the police to find McCuchen. . V!' - -'', '-'. ' : Boa Capsizes ThreeDrowaed. tinina - kipids, Mien., April 7 Late last night while George McDon ald, Samuel ' CalUpan, The. Delaoey and Mrs. George Copp were taking a ride in a launch oo Cedar river the boat capsized. Delaney swan) .'ashore hut tha other three were 'drowned, only one body so far being recovered. , Gortrnor Qiaos Tomorrow. Governor R B Glenn will arrive tonight and spend Sunday in the oity the guest of Senator W R Odell. Tomorrow the Governor will make two addresses, the first at the Forest Hill Methodist church at '11 o'clock; and again at the Central school build ing in the evening at 7 JO. These two opportunities, to hear the chief executive will be fully appreciated by the people of the city and each meet ipg will be larprly attended. The oi.' r ' '.3 know. ! ! ct pet are t i. Some Side Olaaces at Some Things Assared the City Daring the Present Year. Very bluntly we asked one observant citizen how many houses would be built in Concord during 1906 and he replied between two and three hun dred. None of us can say how many, nor can we give a very accurate esti mate. It is a safe proposition, how ever, that the year 1906 will bring quite a good deal of building, being marked by a constant and permanent growth. The Tribune has on several occa sions predicted much for the year, and we believe that we are safe in staying ! by our statement of several months ago that Concord would do well during 1906. As evidence let us look, and see as far as possible, what we may j expect. First, we might refer to the erection of a large cotton mill, the location of which is about assured and which we may well claim as an asset for ours. The recent purchase of the Coleman mill property, to be operated as the Franklin, calls for the erection of forty houses, the contract having been let for the work. The Southern Loan and Trust Company is building fifteen houses in one section of the city. The Young- Hartsell and the new Cabarrus mills are now erecting a large electric power house. The Cannon mill will build a number of large warehouses, which will represent quite a nice item. The weave shed to be' built by the Gilson will represent a good sized plant within itself. Thus far we have dealt almost entirely with the mills and this may not near cover the case, for the mills. have a way of doing things every day, and any day is likely to bring about something of considerable importance. The new Lodge building is ready for the start, already the clearing away for the foundation is going on. The walls of the Concord laundry are going up rapidly. The same is true of three-story artnrx to fhe St. Cloud hotel. The Ritchie Hardware Com pany is building a large warehouse. The building which Dr. I, M- Archey expects to erects on Union street, adjoining the court house, will be one of the most attractive business houses in the city, a magnificent addr tion to Union street. It it more than likely that the Elks will build during the year, in fact an Elk Home may safely be added to our 1906 expectations. The new hotel for Depot street is of much consequence, meaning a con siderable investment and a splendid addition to the city. J Mr. a. L. Umberger is to build a handsome residence, while many houses will come during the year. Mr- J. L Crowe!! is to build a handsome cottage on Spring street. Messrs. E- J. Jones and S. E. Sloan will build on Acade-ny street We have two building and loans, one of which is to have its charter amended that more shares may be issued. Through these as many as forty or fifty homes will likely be built, while many more will be enlarged by means of these assaciations. Over, in Wert Concord there will be activity all the year. -.The recent mdustrie jocated over there and others to follow will demand considerable building. J ; :.t . : , We have made up this story hum J- ly and with no systematic plan, simply told irbat we lutewAs This does not take into considera tion several buildings talked of, tome of which will be real wed. 'A few days later we shall continue this talk and try and make it more interesting. jSmm-1 ; rites !:: - ff- Si. .i& ! rfj We will furnish your kitchencompletely as well as any other part of your home. How about your Stove or Range ? We would like to put the best one made in your kitchen It's a pleasure to cook on them. 4 (rMrd Correct Dress The "Modem Method" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays 4 Co, of Cincinnati, O, satisfies good dressers everywhere AU Garment Made Strictly to Your Measure at BMxIenai price. 500 ttjrla of forogn and doaMrtic fabric! fraa which fc chooK. RvpnaMSsasJ by Some Real Estate Deals. The SotjtnerftLoan and Trust Com- pany sold' "this week to H. A. Eudy a lot'm West Concord. It donated two lots to the West ..Concord .Baptist church, and sold to 'J. E. Host for W. A. Wilkinson part- of the Winecoff property. .." ' Aad His SaM was Smith. , r - A few days ago a man nhme Smith J R Smith was arrested in Ashe- ville for something like forgery. Con cord has a J R Smith and some of his friends insist that The Tribune should uy that he is not the man the, Ashe ville folks have Of course not--our J R Bas habits of his own,'but none f t - i e"er inter' - outside of bis ill 5 ard. N. C. Concord, Can't tie a oough or a cold up in your system by taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Hon ey and Tar. It is different from all other cough symps. It is better. It opens the bowels, expelx all cold from the system, relieves oooghs, colds, croup, whooping oougb, etc. An ideal remedy for young and old. Children like it. Sold by Gib son Drug Store. A whole lot of men are political reformers every day in the year but three primary day, cenvention day and election day. The world owes every man a living, but tt takes a bustling bill collector to get what's coming to him. Nothing will relieve indigestion that is not a thorough digestant. Kodol Dys pepsia Gore digests what yon eat, and allows the stomach to rest recuperate grow strong again. A few doses of Ko dol after meals, will soon restore the Stomach and digestive organs to a full performance of their funotions natural ly. Sold by Gibson Drug Store. ' .. The man who is always talking about his ailments generally outlives those from whom he expects sympa. thy... : ,. -': , The most rational remedy for oooghs and colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It acta on the bowels as a mild cathartic expels all cold from the system. . Data all , phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping oough, e ta An ideal remedy for children equally good for adults. Sold by Gibson Drag Store. , . r, - There is a vast difference Jbetween contentment and , satisfaction. The happy man is the one contented with his lot H. L PARKS & CO. Of course you can't measure the vtluo of Boys' Clothing with scales any more than yon the eyes. Off the boy an XTRA poop Suit may not looK dif ferent than a similar garment of another maKe. But on the boy any one can tell the vast superi ority of Xtra ooop in fit, style and attractiveness. Boys' Double-Breasted Two-Piece Suits........... : In Plain or Norfolk Styles, ages 3 to 17 years, All WodI Cheviots ' in Grey Mixtures or Plain Blue, in excellent , wearing materials Prides r--$2.00 to $6.00. . Youths' Long Trouser Suits. 7..............., s Cut over petfect patterns to fit young ment 12 to 16 years. Neat Suits and in "Single or Double-Breasted Styles made from selected Worsteds Chevios, Cheviots' Blue Serge.' and Black Thibet. Large assortment of New Patterns . - '- Priced ct C3.CX to tld; '