INL THEATRICAL CIRCLES. Manager Caldwell Booking for the Com. log Season Tbe Clansman the Most " Completion Booking. ' , .Manager Caldwell is booking for the coming theatrical season, and has : tome good shows under contract and others in process of closirg. The most conspicuous attraction is "The Clansman" by Thomas D xon, the dramitization of the book that has made such a great hit. This is the second season for "The Clansman" through the South. Last year it was greeted by great crowds every where and this year promises as much. The Clansman comes to Concord Decem ber 22nd. "The One Woman", an other dramitization of a Dixon book, it booked for October 22nd. y Miss Florence Davis is to be seen again by Concord people. She comes tbe 16th of November, but as yet in what is not known. Other Bookings. Other shows that have been booked for the season hy Manager Caldwell are: September 14th, ''Denver Ex press"; the 17th, "Pecks Bad Bay"; the 22nd, "Fennegins Balls"; October 20th, The Holy City Co; November 3rd. "Rubin In New York"; the 14th, "HPPy Si Sawywe"; December 11th "Rip Van Winkle"; January 11th, "The Seminary Girls"; the 18th "Dixies Minstrels"; and on the 30th of Marrh, "Buster Brown"- Other bookings of plays will be made froin time to time from now on through the season A Tragic Finish. A watchman's neglect permitted leak in the great North Sea dyke, which a ohild'snnger could have stopped to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like manuur Kenneth Mclver. of Vauceboro, Me., permitted a little cold to go on noticed until a trapio finish whs only verted by Dr. Kilig's New Discovery. He writes ' Three doctors gave me up - to die of lung inflammation, caned by a neglected cold; raved my life.' Guar anteed best cough aud cold cure, at all droRRiHts. COc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Queer how a red-headed little girl Can grow into an auburn-haired beauty. A fellow generally marries the only girl he never told about the other girls he was in love with. Only 8a Years 0:d. "I am only 83 years old and don't ex pact even when I get to be real old to feel that way as long as I oan get Elec N trio Bitters." says Mrs, E H Branson, of Dublin, Oa. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and mikes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, In - flamed kidneys or chronio constipation re unknown after taking Electric Bit - ten a reasonable time. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price BOo. Domestic happiness is largely due to the clubs a woman doesn't belong ' l0' ' ' '; ' ' ' Twenty Year Battle. ' , "I was a loser In a twenty year battle with chronio piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnio Salve; . which turned tbe tide, by ounng both, till not a trace remains," writes A M Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Outs, Burns and Wounds. 2oo at all drnggist. The man who is disappointed in love never stops to consider that it may be his own fault -J. ' Try a little KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA after your meals. ,;. See the effect it will produce on . yjnr general feeling by digesting your food and helping your stomach to get itself into shape. ' Many stomachs are" overworked to the point where they refuse to go further. Kodol digests your food and gives your stomach the rest it needs, while its reconstructive properties get the stomach back Into working order. Kodol relieves flatulenoe, sour stomach, palpitation of the heart botching etc. Sold by Gibson Drug Go. A- ringing speech a proposal of mamage. - : Does evil still your whole life flllr ' Does woe betide? . , Your thoughts abide on suicide? 4 You needapilll 1 Now for prose and faota De Witt's tittle Early Risers are the most pleasant and reliable pills known today. Tliey never gripe. Sold by Gibson Drug Co It is tbe quiet wedding that makes the most talk. ' --. Kennedy's Laxative Boney and Tar is the original laxative cough syrup and combines the qualities necessary to re lieve the cough and purge the system of cold. Contains no opiates. Gibson Drug Company. Is bottle GREAT AT COST A 14 V B goods can At Cosl ! Wool Blankets 5 50 Wool Blankets 3 30. 5 00 Wool Blankets 2 85 ?2 50 Wool Blaukets 1 75 Ladies' Silk Waists :i 00 Silk Waists $1 98 2 50 Silk Waists 11 75. Men's Pants 50 Men's Tauts ?l 95 5 00 Men's Pant's :t .50 50 Men's Pants $2 75 sP:t 00 Men's Pants 1 92'2 2 50 Men's Pants H 05 1 50 Men's Pants i?l 10 1 25 anil 1 Men's Pants 815c Persian Lawn 40c Persian Lawn 27Je 25c Persian Lawn lliyiv 15e Persian Lawn 11 'A v 25c India Linen 18c 15c India Linen 11 'ic Wool Dress Goods 25c Wool Dress Goods ISc 40c Wool Dress Goods .'J0c 50e Wool Dress Goods 41c 75c Wool Dress Goods 55c 1 00 Wool Dress Goods 82 4c. MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .Dry Ifte Bad Blood common among great many people this season of the year. Purify it by talcing "RED BLOOD" SARSAPARILLA Every guaranteed to give satisfaction. .....Agents for Huyler'a Candles. . Concord Drug' Company; THE NORTH CAROLINA , . State Normal and Industrial College COURSES- lltrrjr Hol-ntlflo - Comm.rol.1 DomMtlc HMmio AVnnu.l Training Thres Ceramet leading to degree. Euecial courses colleges. Weil eqtnpped Tralmufr School far Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free tuition students, $15, Fifteenth annual session begins September 20, 1900. To secure board in the dor mitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 19. Correspond' ence invited from those d Hairing competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other Information, address ' . CHARLES D. McIVCR, , . DRY- HEATH Is in full swing. The public seems to fully realize that we mean business, judging from I the hearty response of our Cost Sale announcement. Not a dollar s worth ot Merchandise from our desirable stock will be held in reserve. Everything at cost. This is a rare op portunity to supply your every need in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc., at the cost of the goods to us, bought at the lowest cash prices and in many cases for less than the same be bought to-day. HIGH GRADE Telescopes $1 00 Telescopes 65c 85c Telescopes 55c 80c Telescopes 50c 75c Telescopes 41c 65c Telescopes 33c 50c Telescopes 26c 35c Telescopes 18c Ladies' and Misses' Hose 50c Hose 41c 35c Hose 27jc 25c Hose 21c 15c Hose 11c 10c Hose 7c Blouse Linen 15c Blouse Linen 9c 25c Blouse Linen 18c Table Damask t5c Table Damask 22c 50c Table Damask 41c 1 00 Table Damask 82 yi c Cotton Blankets 92 00 Cotton Blankets f 1 87 31 75 Cotton Blankets 1 10 U 00 Cotton Blankets 65c 75c Cotton Blankets 45c This is a great opportunity for you to supply your needs in Winter Underwear, Our pur chases of this line were heavy, before the advance, and you now have a chance to buy at the old cost price. It is better to show you the goods than to quote prices on paper, but we will guarantee to sell you both high grade and cheap underwear at cost, which will be an UN D ERWEARe immense saving for many HeafifeMiler Company. Anti-Germine... The Great Germ Destroyer For Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ants, Mos qnitos, Poultry Lice, Moth, Flie on animals, and all insect -. and germs. V Harmless ' ' ' -' " ' to human life. ' . FOR SALE BY Price $1 per bottle. Bring us your for traduate of other J. J TOOa, Photographer. 1 Studio over Marsh's drug store. Extra good Photos, prices reasonable. For special reduced prices you should purchase tickets from agents. Remem ber the place ; . CeoH's Stadia. President. Cretnslcro, IJ..C LI - MILLER CO S. At Cost! Men's and Boys' Felt Hats 25c Felt Hats 20c 50c Felt Hats 40c 75c Felt Hats 50c 1 00 Felt Hats 82c 91 50 Felt Hats $1 10 2 00 Felt Hats $1 65 m 00 Felt Hats $2 00 Black Satine Skirts 50c Skirts 41c 75c Skirts 55c 1 Black Skirts S2)c $ 1 50 Black Skirts $1 10 $1 75 Black Skirts U 37 'A 12 00 Black Skirts 1 05 Side and Back Combs $1 25 Combs 82c 75c Com Its 55c 50c Combs 41 25c and 35c Combs 19c 15c Combs 10c 10c Combs "c. Beads tl 25 Beads 822c 75c Beads 55c 50c Beads 40c 25c Beads 21c 15c Beads 11c 10c Beads 6c large families. -Lay in you winter stsl 'WallaSkBtesBBlMSMHMIHMIMHV DliAtin n? It 111 I ill VI uv I I. WISSBURG, the Tailor. Suits made-to- order. Clean ing and repairing. In Craven Building, Depot Street-.... Prescriptions. GREAT COST SALE Men's Negligee Shirts 25c Negligee Shirts 21c. 35c Negligee Shirts 25c 50c Negligee Shirts 41c 75c Negligee Shirts 37c 1 00 Negligee Shirts 82c 1 50 Negligee Shirts II 10. Ladies' and Men's Shoes 1 00 Shoes 82c 1 50 Shoes H 10 $2 00 Shoes $1 65 12 50 Shoes 1 922 83 50 Shoes 92 75 4 00 Shoes $2 85. Ladies' Belts 50c Belts 41c 25c Belts 21c 15c Belts 11c 10c Belts 7e (land Bags and Pocketbooks 1 and $1 25 Bags 822e 75c Bags 55c 50c Bags 41c 25c Bags 21c. Lawns and Organdies At About Half-Price. supply. :: To Say That Our Groceries Will Stand Your Most Critical Examination. & ; We iiave scoored the market for the ' Best tliere is to be had, and careful bay ing luuj .resulted In our ability to offer ' you the niott Attractive Assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries at Reason able Prices. - Hoping to fll your orders. Li ward & Barrier. ; - A Hard Lot. : of troables to contend with, spring front a torpid lirer and blockaded bowels, an leas you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleasantest and most effective cure for Constipation. They prerent Ap pendicitis and tone up the system SSo at jUI druggists. ' . A curtain lecture isn't so bad if it k ongr an asbestos curtain lecture.

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