Iteu km Yest s z- 'Yost, Julr 20. There are many people attending the meeting at Phen Ut Bapritt church this week. Mrt Esther Carter and three chil dren of Phenix Mine arc visiting rela tives here- Mist Fanny Long, who lives near the Yadkin river, is visiting relatives and attending the meetme- Mist Ollie Yost of Concord will be here the 28th and remain, visiting friends and relatives. Mr C A Yost and wife of Chatta nooga, Tcnn, will arrive here the 28th and remain for the Yost reunion on the 1st Wednesday in August, to which everyone are welcome and in vited to come and bring baskets well filled. Mr William Yost and wife of Lum berton are thinking of coming to the reunion. Mr P A Sloop it having a nice bill of lumber sawed, with which he ex pecta to build tome time in the future. Mrt Lillie Troutman hat been very tick for the put week. The farms are looking fresh and nice. Old Coughs New coughs are bad enough. Old coughs are worse, much worae. They always make one think of bronchitis, con- sumption. Avert Cherry Pectoral quickly cures new coughs. And It cures old ones, too. The next time you see your doctor, ask him why this medicine so promptly relieves coughe. .SgBftl,TKJSi LS.lTKfr Is common among great many people this season of the year. If you have something for sale, Try the Tribune's Penny Column. & A Tragic Finish. A wm tollman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyke, which ohild'a linger oonld have stopped ' to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like suanner Kenneth Mclver, of Vanoeboro, He., permitted a little cold to go on noticed antil a tragio finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes' Three doctors gave me np to die of lung inflammation, onsed by a neglected oold; fared my life.' Guar enteedbeet oouh and cold cure, at all dratraiata. 60c and $1 00. Trial bottle free. When a man begins ''flying high" it is a pretty good sign that he hasn' been walking straight. Only 8a Years Old "I am only 8S years old and don't ex peot even when I get to be real old to feel that way aa long aa loan get Eleo- trio Bitters." says Mrs. E H Branson, of f Dublin, Oa. Surely there's nothing 'else keeps the old as young and mates the weak aa strone as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in 1 flamed kidneys or chronio constipation are nnknown after taking Eleotrio Bit ters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 60o. Men who pose in the limelight should be careful of what thry do in the twilight. Twenty Year Battle. - "I waa a loser in a twenty year battle with chronio piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Solve; " which turned the tide, by onnng both, . . .... 11 A I . (I A nu law m mwv tt - " Brace, of Farmville, Va, Best for old Ulcers, Outs, Barns and Wounds. 26o at all druggist. What some men believe a crisis In their lives is usually merely an incident. ; Try a little KODOL. FOB DYSPEPSIA ' after your aseala., 8ee the effeot it will produce1 04 yiur general feeling by ' digesting your food and helping your "Mnmtnk tA Sok ttM into ahana. IfanT ' stomachs arc overworked to the point r ' wnere iney rerose so go nu-iner. jxuuim i digests yoar food and giyes your stomach the rest it needs, while its reconstructive f properties get the' stomach back into 5 working order. Kodol relieves flatulence, t; soar stomac'paipitation of the heart r belching etc. -Hottt try otneon Drug ue. " -A dollar-owned man it of less worth to" the" community ' than "a man-owned H dollar. J ,! ' : , It is al wart well to have a box of salve 1 In the house. Sanborn, eats braises, i ' piles and boil yield to DeWitt's Witch ' Basel Salve. Should keep a box on hand at aU'ttavtrto provide' for emergencies. , , For Tears tiie standard, W followed by many Imitators. ' Be sure you get the genuine DeWltt's Witch Uacel Salve m Olbtoa Drag Oo, ..'"V . u Speaking about good judges of hu man nature, how about a child and a f dog? - " ; ' Does evil atilyoar whole UfelflllT ' Dote woe betider - Tour thoagbte abide on taioider - Tom need a pill t ' Now for prase and facts DeWitt's little Early Bisera are the most pleasant and reliable pills known today. They never gripe. Sold by Gibson Drag Oo 1 A life measured only by length of years is usually a life wasted. Kennedy's laxative Honey and Tar is the ofirfnal laxative eough syrup and 1 combines the qualities necessary to re lieve the cough and purge the system of oold. Contains no opiates. Gibson Drag T. :t.. .-i i Dcn dt now cancan ami i a "n.. . bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction. Price $1 per bottle. m a m m . gr ft Agents for Huyler'a Candles. Concord Drug; Company. Dr. J. S. Lafferty CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Practice Limit to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Will be in his office in Oonoord, opposite St. Cloud Hotel, every Tuesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Monday la Ml. Pleasant Wednesday In China Grove. Get out your - - Panama Let us clean and press It, add a new band, and it will shine and last UKe a new one. Concord Pressing Club. Anti-Germine... The Great Germ Destroyer For Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ants, Mot qnitos, Poultry Lice, Moths, Flies on animals, and all insects and germs. Harmless to human life. FOR SALE BY mil m i Bring us your Prescriptions. J. J COOK, Photographer. Studio over Marsh's drug store. Extra good Photos, prices reasonable. For special reduced prices you should purchase tickets from agents. Remem ber the place CooK's Studio. I. WISSBURG, The Tailor Suits made-to- order. Clean ing and repairing. In Craven Building, Depot Street DR. W. C : HOUSTON DENTIST Office 'Phone 43 Residence 'Phone 11 Office opposite Cannon & . Fetter Oo. FOUST Be sure and purchase a Ticket from my agent, Miss YVeddington, for Reduced Prices in Photos. FOUST, PhotogTaper Opposite Oourth House, Oonoord, N. O 5 : GREAT COST SALE! CdD AT DRY- HEATH - MILLER CO S: Is in full swing. The public seems to fully realize that we mean business, judging from the hearty response of our Cost Sale announcement. Not a dollar's worth of Merchandise H from our desirable stock will be held in reserve. Everything at cost. This is a rare op portunity to supply your every need in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc., at the cost of the goods to us, bought at the lowest cash prices and in many cases for less than the same goods can be bought to-day. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: GREAT COST HI Cost ! Jgg&SSSSf E lit Cos ti , i SALE! . Wool Blankets 95 50 Wool Blankets 93 30. 5 00 Wool Blankets 92 85 92 50 Wool Blaukets 91 75 Ladies' Silk Waists 93 00 Silk Waists $1,98 92 50 Silk Waists 91 75. Men's Pants 96 50 Men's Pants 4 95 S5 00 Men's Pant's 3 30 )3 50 Men's Pants 2 75 $3 00 Men's Pants 1 92 $2 50 Men's Pants 1 65 91 50 Men's Pants $1 10 1 25 and 1 Men's Pants 83c. Persian Lawn 40c Persian Lawn 27c 25c Persian Lawn 164 c 15c Persian Lawn llc 25c India Linen 18c 15c India Linen lltf c Wool Dress Goods 25c Wool Dress Goods 18c 40c Wool Dress Goods 30c 50c Wool Dress Goods 41c 75o Wool Dress Goods 55c tl 00 Wool Dress Goods 82c. Telescopes II 00 Telescopes 65c 85c Telescopes 55c 80c Telescopes 50c 75c Telescopes 41c 65c Telescopes 33c 50c Telescopes 26c 35c Telescopes 18c Ladies' and Misses' Hose 50c Hose 41c 35c Hose 2"yic 25c Hose 21c 15c Hose 11c 10c Hose 7c Blouse Linen 15c Blouse Linen 9c 25c Blouse Linen 18c Table Damask 35c Table Damask 22c 50c Table Damask 41c 91 00 Table Damask 82 c Cotton Blankets $2 00 Cotton Blankets tl1 37 91 75 Cotton Blankets II 10 91 00 Cotton Blankets 65c 75c Cotton Blanketa 45c Men's and Boys' Felt Hats 25c Felt Hats 20c 50c Felt Hats 40c 75c Felt Hats 50c fl 00 Felt Hats824c 91 50 Felt Hats 91 10 92 00 Felt Hats 91 65 93 00 Felt Hats 92 00 Black Satine Skirts 50c Skirts 41c 75c Skirts 55c 91 Black Skirts S2;4c 91 50 Black Skirts 91 10 91 75 Black Skirts 91 37 j 92 00 Black Skirts 91 65 Side and Back Combs 91 25 Combs 82jo 75c Combs 55c 50c Combs 41 25c and 35c Combs 19c 15c Combs 10c 10c Combs 7c. Beads 91 25 Beads 82c 75c Beads 55c 50c Beads 40c 25c Beads 21c 15c Beads 11c 10c Beads 6c Men's Negligee Shirts 2."c Xeligee Shirts 21c. 35c Negligee Shirts 25c 50c Negligee Shirts 41c 75c Negligee Shirts 37)4 c 91 00 Negligee Shirts 82e 91 50 Negligee Shu ts 91 10. Ladies' and Men's Shoes 91 00 Shoes 82c 91 50 Shoes 91 10 92 00 Shoes 91 65 92 50 Shoes 91 92 93 50 Shoes 92 75 94 00 Shoes 92 85. Ladies' Belts 50c Belts 41c 25c Belts 21c 15c Belts 11c 10c Belts 7c Hand Bags and Pocketbooks 91 and 91 25Bags82c 75c Bags 55c 50c Bags 41c 25c Bags 21c. Lawns and Organdies At About Half -Price. MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S , ....UNDERWEAR. This is a treat opnortunitv for you to supply your needs in Winter Underwear, Our pur- chases of this line were heavy, before the advance, and you now have a chance to buy at the old cost price It is better to show you the goods than to quote prices on paper, but we will guarantee to sell yon both high grade and cheap underwear at cost, which will be an immense saving for many large families.' Lay in you winter supply. :: " Company.