V 7 y . - ' , '. Rimer Town Items, r -, ' ' There will be preaching at Proa " . perity next Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev. '.. J H C Fisher will preach. Mia Okhia Barrier, who it leach ing in No. 7, will tpend Sunday with , borne folk a. Messrs. Reece , Long and Walter Is . Fisher and Misses Jessie Crowell, Maggie Efird and Mary Heilig of Mt Pleasant spent Sunday evening very , pleasant at Mr W D Barrier's. Mr J H D Walker will soon add another bouse to Rimer- We are . glad to see at many as possible going up in our midst . . We can begin to hear the 'phone bells ringing here, we are glad to note. There will be an ice cream cupper at Mr Jfchn M Sifrit's the 2nd Satur- day in August. A good time is antici pated. Everybody is invited. Come one, come all A good many people from here are r attending the reunion at Yosr. Several of our citizens will attend the convention Saturday which is to be held at Bogf-r's-Reformed church. Miss Nora Kluttz, who it teaching school at Rimer, spent Saturday and Sunday with home foil's. A Tragic Finish. A watchman' neglect uermitted a If the leak' in the great North Soa dyke, which a child's finger conld have stopped to beoome a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like manner Kenneth Motver. of Vanceboro, Me., permitted a little cold to go un noticed until a tragic finish was only averted by Dr. King' New Discovery, He writes- ''Three doctors gave me up to die of lung inflammation, cased by a neglected oold; saved my life.' Guar anteed best cough aud cold cure, at all druggists. 60c and $100. Trial bottle free. The fooliih man syndicates his trou bles and dissipates his joys. Early to bed and early to rise won't help you a bit if you don't advertise. No one would think of asking a marksman what's in an aim. Only 8a Years Old "I am only 83 years old and don't ex pect even when I get to be real old to feel that way aa long as I can get Elc trio Bitters." says Mrs. E H Branson, of Dublin, Ua. Sorely there's nothing else keeps the old aa .young and mates the weak aa strons aa thia grand tonio medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in flamed kidneys or chronio constipation are unknown after taking Eleotrio Bit ten a reasonable time. Guaranteed by - all druggists. Price 60o. When a girl goes abroad to finish her education you can't always see her finish. . Twenty Year Battle. "I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronio piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen'e Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains," writes A M k Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Beat for old Uloera, Cute, Burns and Wounds. 25o - at all druggist. It is quite possible for a girl to be fair and still take a fellow's heart by atorm. A Hard Lot of troubles to oontend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, un z leas you awaken them to their proper ' action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleaaantest and most effective cure - for Constipation. They prevent Ap pendicitis and tone up the system 25o at , all druggists, . - A man who is worthy of hii hire cannot be blamed for looking higher. Try a little KODOL FOK 0 T SPEPSI A after your meals. . Bee the effeot It will produce on your general feeling by digesting your food and helping your stomach to get itself into shape, Many stomachs are overworked to the point where they refuse to go further. Kodol digests your food and gives your stomach - the rest it needs, while it reconstructive properties get the stomach hack into working order. Kodol relieves flatulence, sour stomach, palpitation of the heart belching eto. Bold by Gibson Drug Oo. "'. It's all right to begin at the bottom unless you are learning to swim. ' -It la alwavs well to have a box of salve in the house. Sunburnt cuts bruises, piles and boils yield to De Witt's Witch Hasel Salve; Should keep a box on hand at all tlmoa to provide for emergencies. For years the standard, but followed by many imitators. Be sura you get the genuine DeWitt's Witch Haxel Salve Uibson Drug Oo. . Experience comes high, but people will invest in automobiles. .. Dees evil still your whole Ufa 11117 -Does woe betideT ; Tour thoughts abide on suicide Tou need a pill! Now for prose and facts DeWitt's little Early Risers are the most pleasant and reliable pills known today. They Sever gripe. Sold by Uibson Drug Oo Cough . Have history deney doctor He will tell you the special danger of bard coughs in your esse. Then ask him what be thinks sbout your takine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. If be says It laagoodmedlclrje.whynottake it? flJjyJSKia Bad Blood common among great many people this season of the year. Purify it by taking "RED BLOOD" SARSAPARILLA. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction. .Agents for Huyler8 Concord Drug Company. you have something for sale, Try Tribune's Penny Column. GREAT COST SALE! At Cost! Wool Blankets 95 50 Wool Blankets 93 30. 95 00 Wool Blankets $2 85 92 50 Wool Blankets 11 75 Ladies' Silk Waists 93 00 Silk Waists 91 98 $2 50 Silk Waists 91 75. Men's Pants 96 50 Men's Pants 94 95 95 00 Men's Pant's 93 30 93 50 Men's Pants 92 75 93 00 Men's Pants 91 92 4 92 50 Men's Pants 91 65 91 50 Men's Pants 91 10 91 25 and 91 Men's Pants 83c. Persian Lawn 40c Persian Lawn 27 c 25c Persian Lawn lCc 15c Persian Lawn lle 25c India Linen 18c 15c India Linen llc Wool Dress Goods 25c Wool Dress Goods 18c 40c Wool Dress Goods 30c 50c Wool Dress Goods 41c 75c Wool Dress Goods 55o 91 00 Wool Dress Goods 82c. MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .....UNDERWEAR. Tins B?y4'3ailM2iSlGjr;- CdDMpamy you forgotten that family of yours, with its ten- to weak lungs? Your has not. If you- have! Dr. J. S. Lafferty CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Practice Limit to EYE, EAi. NOSE and THROAT Will be in his offloe in Concord, opposite St. Cloud Hotel, every Tuesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Monday ii Mt. Pleasaal. Wednesday la China Grove. Windsor Price $1 per bottle. Candles. 1317-29 Filbert St. Philadelphia, Pa. Three minutes walk from Broad St. Station, two minutes from Beading Terminal. Amerioan plan from a to 13. SO per day. European plan from $1 18.60 per day. FRANK M. SOHBLEIEY, ltxr CdDST AT DRY- HEATH - MILLER CO S. Is in full swing. The public seems to fully realize that we mean business, judging from the hearty response of our Cost Sale announcement. Not a dollar's worth of Merchandise from our desirable stock will be held in reserve. Everything at cost. This is a rare op portunity to supply your every need in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc., at the cost of the goods to us, bought at the lowest cash prices and in many cases for less than the same goods can be bought to-day. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: high grade: Telescopes 91 00 Telescopes 65c 85c Telescopes 55c 80c Telescopes 50c 75c Telescopes 41c C5c Telescopes 33c 50c Telescopes 26c 35c Telescopes 18c Ladies' and Misses' Hose 50c Hose 41c 35c Hose 27 c 25c Hose 21c 15c Hose lie 10c Hose 7c Blouse Linen 15c Blouse Linen 9c 25c Blouse Linen 18o TablVDamask 35c Table Damask 22c 50c Table Damask 41o 91 00 Table Damask 82 o Cotton Blankets 92 00 Cotton Blankets $1 37 91 75 Cotton Blankets 91 10 91 00 Cotton Blankets 65c ,75c Cotton Blankets 45c This is a great opportunity for you to supply your needs in Winter Underwear, Our pur chases of this line were heavy, before the advance, and you now have a chance to buy at the old cost price. It is better to show you the goods than to quote prices on paper, but we will guarantee to sell you both high grade and cheap underwear at cost, which will be an immense saving for many large families. Lay in you winter supply. :: :: :: I. WISSBURG, The Tailor Suits made-to- order. Clean ing and repairing. In Craven Building, Depot Street DR. W. C. HOUSTON DENTIST OJftce 'Phone 43 Residence 'Phone 11 Offloe opposite Cannon A Fetser Oo. Hotel J. J COOK, Photographer. Studio over Marsh's drug store. Extra good Photos, prices reasonable. For special reduced prices you should purchase' tickets from agents. Remem ber the place CooH's Studio. SAIL At Cost ! Men's and Boys' Felt Hats 25c Felt Hats 20c 50c Felt Ha.ts 40c 75c Felt Hats 50c 91 00 Felt Hats 82)4 c 91 50 Felt Hats 91 10 92 00 Felt Hats 91 65 93 00 Felt Hats 92 00 Black Satine Skirts 50c Skirts 41c 75c Skirts 55c 91 Black Skirts 82c 91 50 Black Skirts 91 10 91 75 Black Skirts 91 31 yi 92 00 Black Skirts 91 65 Side and BackCombs 91 25 Combs;82o 75c jCombs;55c 50c Combs 41 25c and 35c Combs 19c 15c Combs 10c 10c Combs 7c. Beads 91 25 Beads 82 c 75c'Beads 55o 50c Beads 40c 25c Beads 21c 15c Beads 11c 10c Beads 6c Wliy Depend on pacKinghous products, especially if you live in the country ? Place your order now far a pair of Poland China or Mammoth BlacK Pigs, for fall delivery and raise your own meat. & Desecriptive Circular on application. Address John A. Young' Proprietor Oreensbero Nurseries, Greensboro, - N. C. IE GREAT COST SALE! Men's Negligee Shirts 25c Negligee Shirts 21c. 35c Xegligee Shirts 25c 50c Negligee Shirts 41c 75c Xegligee Shirts 37 yic 91 00 Negligee Shirts 82c 91 50 Xegligee Shirts 91 10. Ladies' and Men's Shoes 91 00 Shoes 82c 91 50 Shoes 91 10 92 00 Shoes 91 65 92 50 Shoes 91 92 93 50 Shoes 92 75 94 00 Shoes 92 85. Ladies' Belts 50c Belts 41c 25c Belts 21c 15o Belts 11c 10c Belts 7c Hand Bags and Pocketbooks 91 and 91 25 Bags 82 y2c 75c Bags 55c 50c Bags 41c 25c Bags 2lc. Lawns and Organdies At About Half-Price.