Tribute . Vol. XI. 25 Cents a Month, Cash. CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 27. 1900 Single Copy 5 cents Ko 1 The Evening t. SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES. : Aagiist Term Witfc Judje R B Peebles The Preiidlnj JudjeC. a Gllloi Foreman of (be Grand Jury. " Court convened this morning; with " Judge Peebles presiding and Solicitor Clarkson prosecutiong for the state. The calling of the jury, brought forth man excuses and Judge Peebles ex cus d several who had been drawn for service. . The grand jii'rv was drawn and sworn to as follow i: C O Gillon, foreman; J E Brown, r, J D Little, J S.Gray, J Madison .- Furr, (j F McAllister, Win. Stinson, Wiley Wife, J H B!ackwe!der W F -WineccffG H Cruse, H W Cald well, FE Rilev, M'M Lipe. Jno F Candle, W B Eddleman, Luther . Smith, and W H Braffotd. ? As soon as the grand jury was drawn and sworn Judge Peebles delivered his charge and the critr.inal docket wai taken up. The most prominent case is that against Will Cannon for the killing of Calvin Taylor on July 4th at a negro picnic at Cedar Grove near Concord id No. 2 township. The icriminal docket will consume the most Y'f the week. ) Mr Ira Winecoff is the officer in .Ukri r-t k .mkJ i ..... --J M. O A wi mi. aim j u j miu lJ l 1 1 Iseirhour is the court crier." Mr C W Maxwell of the Charlotte bar is over attending court. J Negro Lynched in Louisiana. Calhoun, La, Aug. 26. Alfred ; Schaufniet, a negro was lynched here ' at 10 o'clock to-day by a mob, for at tempting to criminally assault Miss Olive Chambers, a prominent young ' woman of this place, at an early hour this morning. Schaufniet was fright ened by the sceapis of his intended victim and fl?d, but was later captured by a possee a few miles out of town. - He was brought back to town by the rHsseand after confessing Tiis guilt was banged to a telegraph pole. ' His body was viewed by hundreds of persons, . both white and black, and every one seemed pleased at the swiftness of the justice meted out to the negro, ine following cold - notice was posted upon the negro's body: "This is a warning to all negroes ' who -would attempt to force an en' trance to the apartments of white women." ' The mob which lynched Schaufniet was a quiet but determined one. " : To Prosecate Sheriff Columbia, S. C Aug. 25. Acting 'upon testimoney adduced at the Cor oner's inquest into the death of Willie Spain, the negro who was lynched at I St. George on Thursday last, Gov. "r Hey ward today ordered the prosecution of Sheriff Limehouse . of Dorchester Cou.ity. f , It is charged that the official surren- ' iered the negro into .the hands of ' mob without proper authority or eUort - to-give him proper protection... The Sheriff said thu he surrendered the negro to the mob for the purpose of "investigation." -The laws provide ' that on such case's, upon conviction, the official shall be ineligible to hold any office of trust or profit within this State. : Insurance an Life ol Capb Hambley. .'.. Mt Robert Lee Crawford, re pre tenting the New York Life Insurance Company, today received a' check for $25,009 from the New York office rep resenting the face value of the policy carried with this company by the late Capt E B C Hambley and made pay ' able to his widow, Mrs -Lottie C Hambley. - ... Mr Ciawford wrote this policy over several competitors four years ago and hit company: makes an unusually prompt tettlement. Capt. Hambley died on Monday, the 13th instant.- Salisbury Post. ' Messrs. Robert S Young, Jr., and Lee Johnson are home from Annapo lis. The young gentlemen are off on the usual moath's vacation which Uncle Sam allows his young men at the Naval Academy. CAUGHT HIGH HANDED. Young Negro Boy Caught by Chief of Police la Whlte-Morrlson-Flowe Co.'s Store. ' Early Sunday morning Chief Boger caught a young negro boy, Theodore Wright, in jhe store of th$ White- MornsonvFlowe Co. . He went in by cellar door, a trick he has turn ed frequently before, each time raiding the cash drawer and carrying off what change was left there. This had be come so frequent and common that Saturday night two of the employes o' thettore rcmaii ed in the house until 5 o'clock, at that hour being relieved by Chief Boger. About 7 o'clock the boy came in the usual way and was caught. The cellar door is a double one, fasten ed on the inside by a bar. The door gave, sufficient for the boy to get his band or a thin- bar through, and by this means lift the bar, opening the door. Theodore eras been caught at this kind 'of work before. ' " Sunday Bather Drowns. Gaffney, S. C , Aug. 25 One of the most shocking accidents in the his tory of the city occurred here this after noon about 4 o'clock. Emmett Marsh, well-known young man of the city, was drowned about that hour at a pond near Gaffney. He was in batl. ing when he went down and was una ble to save himself. His companions weie unable to ren der him any assistance. He could not swim, having a plank to assist him. and on losing this he was powerless to use any successful effort toward re gaining the bank. - His body remain ed in the water something over an hour, a large number of men striving to recover it Juing that time. The young man was 19 years of age and an orphan. For a number of years ne had made his home with Mr GG Parish, proprietor of ' the Com mercial Hotel. He acted as night clerk in that hostlery. New Cotton Compress Rules. New Orleans, Aug. 26. The ex porters of cotton, members of the cot too exchange, have posted a notice to all ship agents that rules heretofore obtaining aegarding the' density of compression of cotton for export will not be abided by. The- directors of the cotton exchange have rescinded the former rules, which were passed by the joint action of the maritime x change and the cotton exchange. In the future no claim for faulty com pressing will be regarded by the ex porters save that relating to missing bands. -When bands are missing, such bales are to be set aside and the ex porter notified when the condition will be rectified at once. The exporters say they are convinced that the aver age density of cotton received a't this port it fully up to the standard at other ports. ' ' v." r. v ,Tbla Depositor does Craiy. ' : Chicago, Aug. 26. Johann Kind lerv 13 years old, today became violent and alarmed passengers in an Ashe- land avenue car while brooding over the lots of $80 he had deposited in the failed Milwaukee Avenue State Bank. Kindler is held pending an investiga tion of hit sanity. KinJler is the second person tq become mentally de ranged as a result of the failure of this bank. Ia addition, three persons, in eluding atelier of the defunct bank, have committed suicide, and one man fell dead owing to the ' flight of Pre' tident Stensland and the doting of the Milwaukee State .Bank. - The police tonight arc still in the dark as ro the whereabouts to Stensland. " Mr Julius Morrison, of Harrisburg, was taken to New' York Saturday where he will undergo an operation,, Mr Morrison is almost totally blind and was taken to New York by his two sons, Messrs. D H and S H Morrison who live there. . ' No policy will be profitable that is not steered by principle. Money It probably called dough be cause we need it for our daily bread. BLACKBURN COMING. Republican Congressman to Be Here for County Convention. Mr. E Spencer Blackburn, the Re publican nominee for Congress in this district, J Frank Liney and Thomas Settle, of Asheville, are to bs in Con cord on September 22d for the Repub lican County Convention. They come at the request of the chairman of the party in Cabarrus, and on this day the Republicans are expected .to open up the campaign. Just now there is not much in Re pubiican circles by way of news. There is a contest on for chairman of the county committee. Mr. John A Sims is a candidate for this position, and he is bestiring himself to that end. Peonage Cases In Loulsianoa. Shreveport, La., Aug. 26- United States marshals arriving here today from Bernice, La., report the arrest at that place of L M Dendy, one of the wealthiest planters of north Louisiana, and his son, J J Dendy, on a tture of violating the peonage laws by keep ing negrties in servitude. The Denjys were carried to Monroe, where they gave bond in the sum of $1,000 for their aypearance at the next term of the Federal Court. Recently five planters were arrcsied in the Bernice neighborhood on similar charges and the investigation continues by the Federal authorities- Eleven peonage casts have so far been made fn the Monroe Federal Court. CONCORD MARKET Cotton (Local) 9.75 New York Spots 9 90 Cotton Seed 21c PRODUCE MARKET Correoted by John G. Smith. Eges- - 15c Butter. 15 to 20c Flour..' $2-50 to $3.00 Chickens. 15 to 35c Irish Potatoes 75c to $1.20 Corn 85 to 90c Oats 50 to 60c Peas $1.00 to $1 50 Pork 8c lb' Meal ,-90c to $1.20 For a mild, easy action of the bowls, a single dose of Doan't Regnleta ia enough. Treatment cures habitual con stipation. 35 cant a box. Ask your druggist tor them. Let Us MaKe Your Home HomeliKe. : The complete furouhing of homes is our particular business, and that, too, is the secret of , a bur low prices. , . We buy not single articles of furniture but entire room outfits, so that our purchases are large and we get great price concessions. ' Also save in freight y ' Then, we furnish so many homes and are so thoroughly posted as to what constitutes a cozy, comfortable home, that we can give any young comple much help and many valuable suggestions. At least, let's talk it over. , Brakemso Fatally Injured by Falling From Hit Train. Lexington, Aug. 26 F L Hamil ton, a brakeman on freight train No. 84, fell from the top of his train here last night and both legs were cut off. He was going from the rear of the train to the engine and fell between the engine and first car. He was taken to Spencerin a fast train, but Jied shortly after reaching there. His home was Rocky Mount. At the Solicitation of my Friends and Many Voters I annoume myself as a candidate for the House of Representatives, sub ject to the Democratic primaries and nominating convention. In doing sol I wish to state a few of the things in the interest of the people I am in fa vor of: j I am in favor of a reasonable and just reduction of railroad fares; of giv ing ample power to the corporation commission to enforce its orders upon the railroads (which it formerly held, out was taken away irom (nem), l am in favor of an act to compel the rail roads to give all shippers rqual freight rates, and forbid and destroy the ad vantage they now give to favored ship pers in the way f underbilling and such like devices. 1 am opposed to the dictation t the voters of this county by paid servants of the South ern railroad who shall be the nomi nees of the party, especially who shall represent the county in the legislature. I am in favor of making the Watts law apply to all alike within the bor ders of the state, and net givs as their due and right, as one member of the House of Representatives said, special privileges to the rich and restraining laws for the poor. I am in favor of a "square deal" for a'l, and fi r equal op portunities for all. I am, to the ''mannor born," a na tive of good old Cabarrus. I will sub mit to no political trickery. I. N. Ingram. - Tor Clerk ! Superior Court I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of Cabarrus County, sut, jeet to Democratic primaries and nominating convention. Aait will be imjiossible at this lnte hour to make a thorough canvass, will say that my past record as a citizen and a Democrat sneaks for itself. And should I not tie so success ful as to receive the nomination it will not keep me from supporting the eutirc Democratic ticket as 1 have always done. M, LCTHHR WIDHNIIOCSK. There is no hidden without open confession. conseeraticn Russian Officials Resigning. Beilin, Aug. 27. The correspon dent of the Zeetarg at St. Petersburg wires his paper that Governor General (Caulbars and all his principal military officials have sent in thtir res'gnation in a hurry. This action is very unexpected. Lawson is on Verge of Collapse. Boston Aug. 27 The Herald this morning sas Thomas W Lawson is in a state of physical and mental col lapse as a conscquense of wife's recent death. Husband Attempts Suicide. Gaffney, S. Aug. 26 An excit ing incident occurred early this morn ing at the Commercial Hotel, in this city, when a man disturbed mat part or the ciiy by attempting suicide. j A number of persons were attacted to the room when the shot was hied, among the number a policeman. They were just in time to prevent the man leaping from the window to the ground below. The man was taken into custody but was released to today on a cash bond. He gave his name as W M Rippy, and he was accompanied by his wife, arriving last evening after mid night on train No. 35 from the North. A world of troth in a few words: 'Nearly all others cough cures are con stipating, especially those contaning opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Houey and Tur niovos the bowles. Contain l o opiates." You can get it at Gibson Drag Store. Don't drag along with a dull, billions heiivv feeling You need a pill. Use DeWitt'a Liltln Karly Kiser, the famous little pills. Do net sicken or grie, but results are biiro. Sold by Gibson D u; Btore. "Dr. Thomas' Elejttie Oil is the lioht, ; remedy for that often fatal diseases I croup. Has beou ued with saocets in ! our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteaore, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold at all Druggist. In this state it is not necessary to serev a five days' notice for evictions of a cold. Use the original laxative cough syrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. No opiates. Sold by Gibson Drug Store. At a Bargain One up right Wing Piano Mahogny case 7-a octaves practically new. Price $168, cash or time applv to B P Jarrett, Sal isbury, Box, 64. d s 27 1 YES GOLD TOP DRESS PINS,PerPair WE ARE SELLING A great many of these Pins because every woman needs them and because they are so good and so cheap. Every pair that is sold creates an other sale. The Pins are real one dollar values, gold tops and guaran teed to stand the test. We are also showing some New Perfumes that are as good as the best. Why does the sun burn? Why does a mosquitosting? Why do we feel unhap py in the Good Old Summer Time. Answer: we don't. We use DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ills dou't bother use. Learn to look for the name oc the box to get the genuine. Sold by Gibson Drug Store. mm