fir : v j ji.'.v Vol. XI. 25 Cents a Month, Cash. CONCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 1906 Single Copy & centi No 3 Tribune.. .sint Lib an iriTTT- OF POLITICAL INTEREST ' Matters of Politics that are of Interest to Ceacord tad Cabarras Clabs Or (salted Solicitor Clarkioa Speaks Other Political Polats. The Smith-Richmond (controversy is not the only thing on the political checker board in Cabarrus, though these two. aspirants have been ss busy as tbey could be in trying to muddy the witars. The real campaign is on and the voice of the Forest Hill band is not the only intimation that politics arc warming up. The two parties are now facing each other on the field of battle and the campaign ihows every sign of activity. Solicitor Clarkson mi in Concord last night and made a good Democratic speech over the store of Sehorne & Jerome on Depot -street After the spesking aHackettdub was organized. A club is to be organized on Friday night at Democratic headquarters. Blackkara Retains. Washington, Oct. 2. Represent tive Blackburn left tonight for his North Carolina borne, after a few days here. He said he would enter at once upon his campaign, speaking at Mt Airy Thursday night of this week, st Low Gap at noon Friday, at Sparta Saturday and Wilkesboro Tuesday , of next week. He will arrange other dates later. He says he expects to csrry the district, but there are a good many of his friends who hive" some doubts aa to his success in that line. The joint csnvass between Webb and Roberts in the 9th district was in terrupted at Morgan ton Monday by the illness of Dr. Roberts, the Re publican nominee, and the remainder of the canvas will be revised. The Tribune asked Chairman Sims, of the Republican committee, this morning for news. He knew nothing; said he was getting ready for work, and had arranged to have a number of prominent speakers in the county dur ing the campaign. Tbe county campaign begins Mon day and jointly the county candidates will go the rounds making the usual sterotyped speech of a few lines. It is not known yet if the coroners will be on this canvas of the county. Te Teat City "Backet Shop" Law. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 1. The new city ordinance prohibiting "bucket shop" and wire brokerage concerns from operating in Birmingham went into effect today, and three arrests were made fur violating the new or dinance, those who were arrested be ing J T Rogers, manager for Foster & Company; L A Wood, manager of the Birmingham Cotton & Stock Compa ny, and C H Colthran, manager for Ware Si Leland. Each gave bond for bis appearance in court tomorrow when a test case will be made. ' Proof of His Aristocracy. An engine driver who was recently killed on the railway by an electric train at Liverpool was known as "the gentleman driver," bees use he went to work every day in a cleau collar and tie and a bowler bat Newcastle Chroicte. , - J ' A very pretty and convenient home being built "by Mr S E Sloan on Grove street, near the Central Graded school. Mr C C Whitiker has the contract ' for thia new residence, which, when complete, will be a splendid addition to a veir pretty section of the city. Mr E J Jones s erecting a residence on an adjoining lot to thia home. LOST List week on Corbin street, self-filling fountain pen. Return to this office and receive reward. - v tu & sat This advertisement was inserted in Tuesday's Evenirg Tribune and in a few hours after the papers- were out the. pen was brought to tbe office of 'The Tribune to be returned to the -owner. This is but one object lesson. Every dsy proof such ss this is pre tented to 'prove the vilue of our "Penny Column".; .At such a email cost these adso such a long ways. ' Wigg "She says he's the apple of ber eyeV Wsgg "Well he's cer tainly seedy." , ; LOT GIVEN FOR SCHOOL. Soataera Laaa aad Trial Coaaaay Dotates Lot for School 'in West Ceacord. The Southern Loan Sc Trust Com pany owns a lot of property in . West Concord, over on the hill, where mills, churches and houses have been built. The company is now arranging to give the county a central lot on which to build a school.' The people over at Weat Concord want a school and must have one, and Mr W W Flowe, the president of the Loan & Trust Com pany, ia preparing to deed a lot to Su perintendent Boger for a school site. The lot will be on the hill by tbe road leading to the Sunderland school, mid way between the Brown and the Young-Harttell mills, at a point con venient to the people living in West Concord. Tbe Tribune has not all the plans, but with the lot the pro gressive school board may be depended on to build and operate a school at the very earliest time possible. West Con cord is coming along nicely With schools, churches, daily mails and other conveniences thst section of Concord will grow and prosper. ALL SORTS OF NEWS. Asheville hit had a remarkable fire record this summer. From fire head quarters it was learned today that the last fire a very small b!aze occurred on June 23, or more than three months ago. According to thia record Ahe ville has been absolutely free from fires during the entire mid-summer and early fall. Asheville Gszette-News. Washington, Oct. 2 Two retire ments from the President's cabinet are slated for the coming winter. They are those of Attorney General Moody, whose resignation will be come effec tive about the first of December and that of Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, who according to present intention will retire in February. For one of the Vacancirs to be created the Presi dent will nominate Geoige V L Meyer, an American ambassador to Russia but for the other he is not yet ready to announce a successor. Mr Koosevelt has sought to prevail on Attorney General Moody to remain in the cabi net, but the latter because of business arrangements he has made, has found it impossible to do so. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 2 Roy Hoyle, a special officer of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, and one of the most widely known and best liked men in this vicinity, was fatally shot, and Alder man Sidney Lyons, chairman of the city council of Mobile, waa slightly wounded in the hand to-night during a fight at the county jail between deputy sheriffs and a crowd of men, determined to capture Dick Robinson, a young negro. - The mob ia still hunt ing the negro and will lynch him if possible. The negro, who is only 17 years old, to-day attacked Ruth, the 12-yeajold daughter of Blount Sossa- man, who lives about three miles from here. v ' Atlanta, Ga., Oct 2 Major Geo. F. Hoyle, recruiting officer of the United Sates army, was hit by an At lanta and West Point passenger train at College Park this afternoon and died in an hour. Major Hoyle was married and lived at College Park. He was 65-years of age and had been in charge of the recruiting office of Georgia for several years. A horse and buggy, driven by Wal ter Self, a white man, was struck by a street car near Lindley Park last night, about 8 o'clock. The horse waa killed, the buggy smashed into kindling wood and tha man badly injured. -Greens boro Industrial Newa. New York, Oct 2John C Baker, 38 years old, head of the art depart ment of the New York Herald for several years past, committed suicide last night in his apartment in Central Park, West, by shooting. He form erly lived in Atlanta, Ga . For several years Mr Baker had been suffering from nervousness. ' - Gymnastics alone can never give that elasticity, ease and graceful figure which cornea by 'taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or tab Irti, 35 cents. Concord Drug Co. Nell' "She weara a pompadour, doein't she?" Belle "Yes, but she 'jji tie r;ano with a bag." ' ' TEMPERANCE LECTURE. Mr. A. D. Wilcox, Representative of the National Aatl-Saloon League, at the Ceatral School la Moving Picture Lecture Last Night; Again Tonight. Mr A D Wilcox, national lecturer of the American Anti-Saloon League; gave an illustrated lecture to the chil dren of tbe graded school last night at the Central school auditorium. There was a splendid audience of four or five hundred children present in spite of the disagreeable weather. The lecturer's stories were well il lustrated and the children seemed highly pleased, f Mr Wilcox declared that he had lectured to school children for six yeara in all parts of the country, but that he had never seen a more orderly and polite audience of school children than that which greeted him last night. Tonight the lecture will be for the youth. Subject, 'T"he Kingship of American Youth." The lecture is semi-historical and will introduce number of the very finest dissolving paintings. The general public is invited. The lecture begins at 7:30. The admission is free, but a free will offering is taken at the close to assist in paying the ex pensrs. GOODWIN STOCK CO. Show for the Play House All Next Week by Popular Price Company. Tbe Goodwin Stock Company will be at the opera house all next week. The company ia in Asheville this week and of it the Citizen says: "An audience that more than taxed the capacity of the Grand witnessed the initial performance of the Goodwin Stock company last night; in fact, more than two hundred people bent on seeing the opening performance were turned away on account of all standing room being sold. The play presented was a four-act Western bill, entitled "A Romance of the Golden West," plenty of gun play but strange to say not a shot was fired. The play was undoubtedly one of the best ever seen here at popular prices. Miss Flora Nelson, the leading woman of the company, has a charming personality JACK GOODWIN, Leading Man. and won her laurets in her interpreta tion of the part of "Bessie". The spe cialties were clean as well as numerous, five being introduced in all. Little Zorene McDades made a decided hit, as did also Messrs Walker and Lam bert ia their musical act. M iss Lucile Sterling, character old maid, Palmer Morrison, illustrated songs, and the McDades in a first class dancing turn. 'Tonight the company will present that thrilling drama of New York life entitled, "The Buffalo Mystery." An additional feature on . the specialty list Levolo. King of the Slack Wire, late o The Society Circus" at the Hippodrome, New York " ' ' The Cat "I have nine lives." The Cow-vOh,-1 don't die every time I kick the bucket, either." . j . . . CLUNERY X OPENING! f!isi Bracken an no twees Autumn aad Winter Millinery Opening TLnnday, Oct 4th . Showing the moat popular models of those leader ol SMART STYLES, GAGE and PKIPPS. 9:33 a.m. to p., i J ..Ml. - (f - President to Make Addresses ia Penn sylvaala. Washington; Oct.3 President Roosevelt will leave Washington to morrow morning at 7:50 for a trip to Harrisburg and York, Pa. The mag nificent new State capitol at Harrisburg is to be dedicated and the President is down for the address. He will lunch with Governor Pennypacker at the capitol and will address a gathering at the fair at York. The President says he will not discuss politics on this trip. Booker Washington Hisaiog: Anxi ety la Cnnjed. Bowley, Mass., Oct. 3 Booker T Washington is strangely missing from Dummer Academy. He has not been seen since Monday afternoon, when he boarded a car for Newberry Port. A searching party which went to New berry Port yesterday has returned with out result. We don't always have to marry in haste in order to repent at leisure. The Man Who Wants to Get Ahead in The World Ought to know all about the work of this Buildinsr. 9 Loan & Savings Association. Our plan for savers pre sents all the advantages pos sible. If you want to save 25c per week take on share, if 50c a week then take two shares and so ou. As soon as these payments with the interest or dividends amount to $100 yon will re ceive that amount in cash. This regular systematic plan is the only way to make a success of saving, and it is the only way that makes pos. sible the largest interest earnings. You can withdraw your money at any time By giving thirty days notice. 'For further information call at our office in Concord National Bank. Cabarrus County, Building Loan & Savings Association. MEM v 7 mkm..m. Our new Men's Shoes for Fall and Winter wear are here for yon to see See, Try on or Bay. . If you go so far as to try on a pair of our Shoes, we believe you'll buy and if you buy, we'll be sure of you when you want the next pair. Men's Shoes at $2.00," $3 00, $3.50 to $6.00 Vici,; Velour Calf, Black Russia, Patent Colt and Gun Metal Calf are the Favorite Leathers. Narrow Toe or Moderate Shape. Lace, Button and Bluchers. The . difficulty, when you come here, will not be in making a selection, but in knowing which of the many handsome styles to choose. occassion EL L Koran to Be Named lor Governor of Massachusetts. Boston, Oct. 3. Notwithstanding the factional talk to the contrary it is probable that District Attorney Moran will be naminatcd for Governor by the Democrats tomorrow by acclama tion. Moran has all but 100 of the 1,069 delegates. Tbe convention will close one of the bitterest fights ever waged by Democrats in this state. Wltnesaes Naptuus by 'Phoae. West Chester, Pa., Oct 2. At a distance of 14 miles Mrs William Harry, of Coatesville, listened to tbe ceremony which united her son Charles to M iss Sarah M Black, of this place. She was unable to be present on ac count of illness, and a special telephone was arranged from the Black home here to the Coatesville house, where Mrs Harry enjoyed the services at leisure. The plan worked well and Mrs Harry was well pleased with the ar rangement. The Man Who Wants a Home Ought to know all abont this Association. We have helped 250 families to own their homos. Why not you? Otjr Liberal Loaning Plan make home owning feasible for every thrifty family. Don't pay rent all your life. Oonie to us aud see if we cannot show you how to secure a home of your own. We do not buy nor sell houses simply make loans to bay or build, on easy terms aud long time. The easy payment plan has helped others all over tliis country. Come in and learn all about it. Cabarrus County Building Loan & Savings Association. ir WLTO MOW COMt ..:tif FOR SHOES We've eveiTthbg in Woman's Footvrear that any woman requires whatever. Just permit us $1.50 Mis Pretty Parlor Pieces. Are yon always proud of your parlor? Always proud to take your call ers there? If not, there is something wrong, for an attractive parlor is .within the limits of even the most modest purse. Let us show you how you can afford to make your parlor as attractive as you'd like to have it U. S. Works te Devise Eagiaea for Akohol. Washington, Oct. 2 Very little has been done thus far by inventors in the way of providing burners and en gines for the consumption of denatured alcohol, so Secretary Wilson is estab lishing a laboratory to assist the in dustry. The Secretary of Agriculture is a firm believer in the theory that the American farmer will in a few ears become a rival of the Standard Oil Company in the markets of the world, and he wants to see devised the best machinery that will encourage the use denatured alcohol. Mr Julian S Carr, Jr , of Duiham, ia in the city. Mrs Carr and little daughter have been here some days with Mr and Mrs J W Cannon, Mrs : Carr's parents. Bovs and Girls always Shoes just as much as grown up folks but strength, durability and proper fitting are still more essential. Young feet are never still they subject their footwear to all sorts of hard knocks aud strains. Our Children's Shoes excel in every point where most Chil dren's Shoes are defective. BOYS' SHOES Box Calf and Velour Calf, Lace and Blucher Styles, Durable Soles and Military Heels $2.00, Slit, UM to S4.M. GIRLS' SHOES Vici, Kid and Gun Metal Calf, Low or ; Spring Heels, Lace or Button Style. SUI, tiH, SIM te ?UM . There will be no Children's Shoe troubles in any family where we do the shoeing. a to show yon, any tjle, TO 04.00 i UK 1 IS i .-..;..'. s pS Wlntkrop to be Made Provisional Governor of Cuba. Washington, Oct. 3 The Presi dent nad a long conference thia morn ing with Judge Charles Magoon, recently retired as governor of Panama. At the cloae of tbe conference it waa announced that the President had de cided not to send Msgooa to Cuba as contemplated. ' Bechman Winthrop, the p reseat governor of Porto Rico, will probably be appointed provisional coventor of Cuba as recommended by Judge Taft, and Magoon will be sent to the Philippines and made vice gov crnor there. Fob Sale I have a trowinz guina cow that I will sell at a bargain; will come fresh in two or three wee as. Mrs Thomaaon, near M E Church, Forest Hill. i want style in their or desire fcr aaj any qssity frca O