Tlie TriMne Daily and SemtWeekly PablisM ey JAS. F. HURLEY Entered in the Postoffloe In Concord, N O., as Second-Class Matter, Subscription Rates DifLT One Year ,0 Six Months Four Months 100 One Month 35 One Wwk 10 SEMI-WSKKLY One Year $100 SU Months 60 Three Months 85 Publishers' Announcement The office of The Tribune is in the Brick Row, No. 85 Union Street. ' Advertising Rates can be had at the office. Copy for changes most be in by 10 o'clock a. m. The Evening Tribune is delivered by Carriers to ever portion of the city. We take pains in delivering the 1mts and urge Subscribers to report all irriegular ities promptly to this ofliee. Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Ke spevt and similar articles are charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line Cast in all cases. Concord, N. C, November 21, 1!M6 BILLS MAILED. The Tribune has mailed out this week a number of statements of accounts to patrons. We hope to hear from these at an early day, The time for settling accounts has come and we want to get a l ours in good shape by January 1st of the new year. THE DIFFERENCE. The Asheville Gazette-News says "we wish to put in a word for the much abused Ashevillle correspondents of the New York papers." The much abuse arose over stories of the recent killing of five people sent to the papers, presumably by correspondents on the spot. Some of these we know were not true to facts and seeing the Asheville correspondents get ting the blame the Gazette-News has by a way of explanation: "Because a story bears an Asheville date line this should not be taken as conclusive evi dence that it emanated from this city. On the contrary several of the big New York papers pay large salaries to men, whose specific duty it is to take news matter sent in by press associa tions and reliable correspondents and rewrite it so as to conform to their own peculiar, saffron hued style. These papers do not wish a dignified relation of any set of facts. They will pay for anything so legitimate. The story published by the New York American was particularly offensive to the people of Ashe ville, but the Asheville corres pondent of the paper assures us that he did not write the narra tive as it appeared in that paper. We have been shown the story in the New York Times, and it is our undestanding that virtually the same story went from Ashe ville to the American. There is not the least exaggeration in the Times story." Three alienists have declared their opinion that Harry Thaw was insane, at the time of his shootinsr Stanford White. The experts will play a very import ant part a't the Thaw trial, which comes off next month. District Attorney Jerome is "to prosecute the case, but if we can rely upon present opinion of Jerome Thaw need have no increased fears on that account It is not likely that Jerome will prosecute as vigor ously or as dangerously as would Jim Osborne. M'lVER MEMORIAL defense ho doubt of the man on the jspot but a view to two classes of papers; the sane, if you please, and the" ' Vellow; j'h; ' ' y The Observer' says most' cor- ' reetly: ' - t;f ';': 'Itwaa proper, that Prof. J. Y. ' Joyner should have bee's 'elected president of the Normal and In- dustrial School ) far .Women.) j It was yet more proper, and should c-b4Lftreatel?.i grsttifyiag to the State, that he declined and will tsohtinue in the i larger position which he is fillinsr so well." - ' ' Joyner can, we imagine, be d , spared from his present position, yet he was tii one 'to whom Enould be offered the presidency of the State Normal T! r rr il order houses of 1 other cities sell lot3 : v.'f t' 9 coir try, i s'i!icy I .ve -ttv?:i tu;;ir.---. Exercise Held at Greensboro on Tuesday Prominent Citi zens Take Part. Greensboro, Nov. 20 Amid the works that he had wrought, me morial exercises in honor of the late Dr. Charles Duncan Mclver were today held in the auditorium at the State Normal and Indus trial College. The spacious new auditorium .was crowded with prominent educators, profes sional and business men from every section of the State, many people from the city, and about one thousand students and alum- The vast audience listened with interest to the addresses, which were splendid tributes to the memory of the late president of the institution. Dr. Winston, president of the A. & M. College at Raleigh, and for four years Dr. Mclver's teacher, spoke next. His was a brief but beautiful tribute to his great pupil. He was followed by President Venable'of the State University, who made a splendid address. Miss Mary K. Applewhite, on behalf of the students, paid a fine tribute to the memory of their former teacher and friend. Dr. J. K. Brooks, of this city. University alumnus, spoke. "Dr. Mclver," said Dr. Brooks, was made of sterner stuff than the average man today who is all-absorbed by the persuit of wealth. His life was devoted to a mission, which had naught to do with money-getting so far as he was concerned. Not stagger ed but rather inspired by the magnitude of the task, he went everywhere preaching the doc trine of education for women, No greater man was born on North Carolina soil." Last came the speech of Prof. J. i. Joyner. His address was an analysis and a portrayal of the character of Dr. Mclver. His warmheartedness, his generosity. helpfulness, his self-forgetful ness, his enthusiasm and his tire less "energy he painted eloquently, The singing of "Nearer My God to Thee," then closed the service. Poisoning of "Life" Partners in Hungary. ... Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 21 An epidemic of poisoning has been brought to light in the vil lage of Knez which discloses that probably a score of ill-mated hus bands and wives have been mur dered by dissatisfied life part ners. Anonymous information led the authorities to the examin ation of twenty-five bodies and arsenic was found in thirteea Four women have been arrested for the murder of their husbands and nine men for the murder of their wives. Small Fortune Hidden in an Old Carpet Detroit, Mich., Nov. 20 It be came known today that during an auction sale yesterday of the household effects of the late John Mullin at his former home, 235 Vine wood avenue, $15,000 in gold was found hidden away under a dusty old carpet which the auc tioneer had. just sold as it lay on There you have not only a justl tne floor' When the purchaser npped it up tne money was found. Mr. Mullin was one time prominent in the iron industry at Pittsburg. The new- Pore- Food and Drag Law will mark it on the lable of every Cough Cur ontainiif opium, chloroform, or any other stupif ying or poisonous drug. But It passes Dr. Snoop's Cough Cmre ss made for SO yean, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all alotog has bitterly opposed the of all opiates or narootio. ; Dr. 8hoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe for (he youngeat babe and it ewes, it dots not simply suppress, Get a safe and reliable eongh cure, by simply insisting on haying Dr. Shoop's. Let the law toe your protection, . We cheerfully recommend and . sell it. GibsoaDrog Stars. - ' 5tv The chief good is the suspen sion or tne judgment, which tranquility of mind follows like its shadow, Diogenes Laertius. When tho tip of a dog's bom, is cold and moist, that dog is sot sick. A fever ish dry nose means sickness with a dog. And so with the human lips. Dry, risked and colorless lips mean feverish- Seven Trackmen Killed. Bluefield. W. Va., Nov. 20.- Seven trackmen, of a gang of 19 engaged in removing a slide on the Dry Fork branch of the Nor fork & Western railroad, were killed today as the result of a big slip of the land. The men were swept down the mountain side and into the river. Twelve es caped. The bodies of four of the victims were recovered and three of the bodies are buried under hundreds of tons of earth. All of the victims were Italian laborers, and were known only by numbers, not names. Made Happy for Life. - Ureat happiness came is to the home of S O Blair, school superintendent, at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dreadful complaint he names. He says: "My little daughter had St Vitas' Dam, which yielded to no treatment bat grew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Electric Bitters ; and I rejoice to May, three bottles eneclea a complete core." Quick, sure cure for nervous coiuplainU, general debility, female weakness, iniprovwhed blood and ma laria, Onaranteed by all drag stores; price 50 eelito. Had a Close Call. A daiiKeroos surgical ojieratiou, in volving the removal of a maligant oleer, as large as my hand, from my diught er's hip, was prevented by the applica tion of Bncklen's Arnica Salve," says A Catickel, of MietoH, W. Va. "Fends tent use of the Salve completely cured it." Cares cuts, burns ami injuries 25 ceutM at all drag stores. If it were possible to head sor row by weeping and raise the dead with tears, gold were less prized than grief, Sophocies. Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men and women eutch colds at dances which terniiuate in pneuiuouia and consumption. After exposure, if Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a cold and no serious result need be feared. Refuse any bnt the genuine in a yellow package. D D John son, Druggist. Why Vinol Is Better Than Any Other Remedy to Restore Health and -. .... ... . . j- trehgth- Because Vinol is a real Cod Litver repartition and does not contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is toot : a secret formula. . ' Because Vinol contains all the medicinal elements the "' soothing, healing, strengthening and flesh creative properties, ' of Cod Liver Oil but without oil or grease. ' Because every thing in Vinol, except the tonic iron and a fine old wine, is actually extracted from' fresh cods' livers and their oil. - r , v .:.., v" ; . Because Vinol is deliriously palatable and agreeable under . ': all conditions. Everybody likes it. :'." Because Vinol tones up the system, strengthens every orpin, nerve, muscle and fibre of the whole body and thus overcomes weakness by thoroughly eradicating the cause of disease. - ' That's Why Vinol is altogether different and better than any other remedy for Coughs, Colds, BronchitiR, and all Throat, : Lung and Wasting Diseases. That's Why Vinol Restores Health and Strength to Delicate Children, Feeble Old People, Weak and Sickly -: Persons, Nursing Mothers, and Convalescents. : WE RETURN MONEY IF IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION 1 Gibson Drug Store, c DEIHD Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take SOLD BY D. D. JOHNSON, DRUGGIST, CONCORD, N. C. Laxative.Fniit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples . and blotches. It is guaranteed Constipation Baked nmt sddIm. with one twoDta. hrttM prompt nHef lur Ouitipattiuo. With ath ensuwaU-wbmt brpsvl will have the Mine effect Nature undoubtedly ha a rwteble rfunorly to relieve ewir-ailment known to man. if phyrirlaua NMan i wm to buaJUi. And can but and f ttrlkiiif r inn with lvfmnl to Ountflpatlon. Tne bark of a mrta n tr In fell font lav-ttt. earn Sairrada offen a moxt Monllent aid tothka end. But, nhinMl with Kiryptian Bean. 811 p- fterr Elm Bark. HolM Kx tract of Fmnea. ete.. thla am macmra bark In kiv.ii ( U- sjreatoat noatlbla power to correct Nistiiiau(ia. A tooth soma Oandv Ttsblet. mlsMl lx-u. in now msuU avi th Dr. Hhoop LboratorffH, fntm thl InrrtHiuooi and most efloctiv areacriiXitni. IU effect on Oonsti. Ktlon. BIHoumm. Hour Htomarh. Bad Bntb, Ikiw ComDlexkin. t-u. ia liidMd nnuuist sasd atisfyhur. No annlM. ao onnl.nsant after efterM are ex. perlenotMi, and Iax-i-uh are put up In beautiful llttoMrrapbed metal boiea at 5 omiU aud fi oanta per box. For aomethln npw. nlna. osYMsnmiraJ And affectlTe, try a box of Lax GIBSON DRUG STORE. rr' No Seams or Corners. Cannot taak, Alo lutely Sanitary. Wears Like Iron, ('leans an Kanily as China Yorke& Wadsworth Co. He removes the greatest orna ment of frienkship who takes away from it respect Cicero.J Famous Strike Breakers. The mot famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowls go on strike, they quickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best onrs for oonstipstioo. headaches and disxiness S6 at all drug stores. When a woman wins an argu ment with tears a man begins to understand why nature1 did not endow her with logic This is Wortk Keasmberiajr. As no one is immnne, every person should remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will ears any case of kidney or bladeer trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. D D Johnson, Druggist. : , The attempt to prove thai two can live as cheaply as one often results in the necessito to provide for three. .. , , c I- 1 are r !.!! ill 1 ink. Tl'Wl' ig. To 1 1 I: v f ): The bast treatment for indigestion id troubles of the stomach is to rest the stomach, It eaa be rested by a gooddigestani.. Eodul puts the stom ach in shape to satisfactorily perform its functions, . Qood for indigestion. our stomach, flatulenos, yalpitation of the heart and dyspepsia. Kodol is made in strict conformity with the Na tional Pare Food and Drag Law.; Sold by Gibson Drag Store. . r Diplomacy consist merely in getting what you want' whether it is an empire, a husband or a If yon like coffee bat dare not drink it, try Dr. Bbonp'1 Health Coffee. It U fame that real Coffee does not disturb the stomach, heart and kidneys. Bat Dr. gbonp's Health Coffee has not a grain of true coffee in it - Ji'ing made from parclied grains, malt, etc, it forms a wholesome, food-like drink, yet having the true flavor of Old Java and Hocha coffee. "Hade in a minute." Call at our store for a free sample, Dore-Bost Company. ' r.., "-2 1 "75 rrcrc;;3 in e?lls eft' WANTED 15 or 20 teams with driv era to do tmtdiiiK on Hide truck at Kail. nnpolw. C. C. Whi taker. 11 23 d & sw NOTICE -Is hereby given that the 10th ssseHsemeut of the Cabarrus Mutual Fire Iwniraiice Co. ih due and payable on or before January 1st, 1U07. J no. a.. fM- tenwn, secretary. POSITION WANTED A young lady stenographer ueures pomhou untu Deo. 81st. Addrexs Box 182. tf FOB SALE My horse and .baggy; baggy good sh new; horse trusty. M. It. BncbanHii. t f FOR SALE A 8 h. p. gine, in splendid condition. gasoline en- Tribuue. FOR SALE Spaqe in the papers that JJail; cover CalHUTUH. Senii-Weckly. Tribuue, y and Money to lend. A Crowell. Call on Montgomery tl Gasoline office. engine for sale. Tribune If yon want to tell the public, use The Tribune. tips art- Tna Dairy aid Food Conmisalos't Report i The Minnesota Dairy and Food Obh mission's analyxia shows tliat Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar and Bee's LaX' stive Honey and Tar contained opiates and croton oil.; Opiates are poise and croton oil is a violent poisonous pur gative. Refuse to accept any bnt Fo ley's Honey and Tar In a yellow pack age. Foley's Honey and Tar eon tains ao opiates or dangerous drags and is the best cough sad cold con. . : D D John son, Druggist Blobbs-'That fellow Bluffura certainly puts up a . good front ' SIobbs-"Yes; he has to do that compensate for his lack of back ing. - V, ; -f- , . r , , Cared of Brlgkt's DIsmm. Mr.Bobert Q Bark, Eluora, !N. Y., writes: "Before I started to use Foley's Kidney Core I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated op with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired 1 eoold soarcly see one of my family across the room. I had given np hope of living, when a friend of mine reoommended Foley's Kidney Oure. One 60e bottle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottla the dropsy had gone, as well as all other symptoms of Bright's disease. D D Johnson, Druggist. It is sometimes possible to get something, for nothing, but you can't get experience that way. - . Preventics, as tlu uaine implies, pre vent all Colds and Grippe when "taken at the sneese st rreventics are 'isonie candy lite all eol 'r, when yon f tVy cl . " 1 f' Freveii'S' !!! t !.; (a I V'f.t t:.-'I ";i f r c ' WOULD YOU RbLL DOWN A PLANK A barrel of Superlative Flonr, Cider, Vinegar or pure Sugar? Nut if you bought your FINE GROCERIES of ns. We merely ask the question to let you know tliat we deliver, free, these items; also fragrant coffee, pnre teat), canned goods within price and beyond com pare. A good time now to stock family store-rooms against a rise in prices. Also Baled Hay and Phone 92 Shucks. Lippard & Barrier. A WAY THET HAVE. What This Conoord Citizens Says Only Corroborates the Story of Thousands. The particulars related by this repre ntative citizen of Conoord are similar to hundreds of others in Utis city. When there are scores of people, all anxions hi seu Booos ine oeaenis receivea irom I i v- - " the ase of Doan's Kidney PUls, the I1 tWyli convinced. ' Bead the following: - B W Johnson, poUoemao, living at 144 North Spring 8t, says: "Doan's i Kidaer. Jtlla have beast a thor-1 A LIQUID COLD CURE . AND' ':. LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP TEE sa . at" TKE cr.icim V r Ta M Clorar BIimsmb as ths aTOBiy BS sa i. 'y ough trial in our family and we found them Vtory satisfactory. My wife and I have both saffered from our backs and the pills have helped us both. ; We had tried many ' other medicines bat had never fonnd much 'relief antil we got the first box of Doan's Kidney Pills at the. Gibson Drug Store.. They are a great medicine. 'J ... Wot sale by aU dealers. Price 60 Foster-aUlbarn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sola agents for the United Bemeaaber ' the take ao other. same Doan's and ; By, the time a fellow feels that he .has money, enoqgh to get married he generally finds' that he has other uses for it - , t ' PaeninoBia Follows a Cold ' . Bnt never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and "strongtliens tlie longs and preventa poeunHwiia.-; D D Johnson, Druggist. ' - - . Humility is a virtue that hob bles about on crutches. Chicago News :- ' Kennedy's Laxative, (containing) Honey and Tar for cold, coughs, etc. Contains no opiates. Conforms to Pnre Food and Drug Law. Sold by Gibson Drugstore... - " - In politics a boom is. often an abre viated boomerang. It is one of the most wonder 1 topics for developing the fig- ur3, m&kiRg bright eyes, red nps "1 reny clceps ever o.Tered to 1.3 ..r-T-:t gill'- IloIIister's j '...:n Tea. Tea x: ' ' "A Cold or a Cough nasriy shrsys pro duces constipation the water all runs to ths eyes, now snd throat Instead of passing out ot the system through ths nver snd kidneys. For the want of moisture the bowels become dry and hard.' Nesrlysll other eough cures sre constipating, especially those contslnlng Opistes. Kennedy's Laxathre Honey and Tar moves tne bowels, contains no Opiates. ' KtililEDY 5 LAXATIVE PONTATHllttaV i.or&TAt. Relieves Colds by working them out of the system througSis copious sctioa of - trie Dowels. . . CJ " Relieves Coughs by clesnaing and strengthening tho mucous membranes of , tnstnrest,coest,lungssndbroachlsltubss. For Croon, Whooping Cough, la Grippe, innasasa, nroncnius, sna sn tongas, Colds. Lane and Bronealsl affections as remedy is equal to Kennedy's laxattva Boasy ana xsr. cnuarsa like U. fot up In 48e, BOa and SI.OO bottle at M Lafc oraiory er a. u. wawia u.,uiuoao, U.S.A. : Sold by Drug GiImoh Store DR. J. S. LAFFERTY . 17'North UniW .$t OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEl - Concord. N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours : 8 a. m. to 12 m I p. nt. to 5 p. m. G!?l(!e Thotie 2 T ' 'nee Tbone 11 ( c a Cannon ft ' r Co. the Ellington, The Winter Pccch This peach has been kept m perfect condition until Ndveniber 84th; ' I have the only stock . of these trees in existence! and offer a limited number at 50c ecK f. o. b. here - ORDER AT ONCE JohhA. Young Proprietor Greenabero Nnrseries, Crctensboro. N. C. IT IS FREE IF IT DOES NOT CURE. THEN WHY SUFFER WITH A COLD WHEN FETZER'S COLD CURE ' . . . .... h Costs you but 25c Fetzer Drug Go. Remember! March 1st will be the last oi r-oasts btadto. Be sure and have some work made bv Foust Opposite Court House,' Concord The Charlotte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Carolina. Every Day l th Tsar, $8.00 a Tsar The Observer consists of 10 to IS pages daily and 90 to 8? pages Sunday. It handles more news nutter, , looal, State, national and foreign than any other ' oono uarpuna newspaper. THE 8UNDAT OBSERVER. is nnezoelled as a news medium, and is also filled with exoelleat matter of a miscellaneous nature. . The Send-Weekly Observer issued Tuesdays and Friday, at $1.00 per year, is tlie largest paper for the' money In this section. It consists of 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news of tlie week looal, state, national and foreign. a - Addr THE OBSERVER COMPANY, Charlotte. H. 0. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. N. BJ Following sohedule fbrares puplished only as information, and are not guaranteed. - : , r i.f 4:10 am, No, 8, daily for Blohmond boro for Winaton-Salenv Baleigh.' Goldsboro, New Bern and If orehead City at Danville for Norfolk. - :18 am. No. 8, daily, Washington and Atlai ta Express. Pnllmaa sleeper for Oolambas Oa, and day coaches for Atlanta. :!.:-.: 7:54 a m. No S3, daily. New York and Florida Express for Charlotte, Columbia Jacksonville and, Augustay. - first class day coaches, Wsahinston to Jacksonville sad Pnllmaa sleeper New York to Port Tampa. - .-..f-v' 0:10 am, No 11, daily, for Atlanta," and local tts . . " . v " 8:68 a m, No 88, daily TJ 8 iCail for Washington and points North. ' Pnllmaa sleeper for New York and Richmond ry eoaohes New Orleans to Washing ton. Close ooaneotioa at Oreensboro f or Jlalelgh and Goldsboro. Dining oar service. ; s-: 1:66 p m, No ?, dafly for Charlotte and looal stations. ' . .-, .. - . " .- - 7;87pm,Nel, dally, for Richmond and looal stations. Connects at Greens boro for Goldsboro, and at Danville for Norfolk. Pnllmaa sleeper Ashevills to Norfolk and Charlotte to Richmond. 8:48 p m. No 88, dally,1 Washington and Southwestern Li raited for Wash ington and points north. Palmaa sleeper Jor. New York. Dining oar " servioe. This train stops only on signal for passengers for Washington and Deyona, Bona ruumaa train. 11 :8S p m. No, 40 daily, for Washing ton aad points north. Pnllmaa oar Columbus to Washington and day ooach Atlanta to Washington. :09pm. No SU. daily. Washlnrton . and Florida Limited for Columbia Angnsta. Charleston. Savannah and - and Jacksonville. Pnllmaa sleeper for Jacksonville. Day ooach Washington to Jacksonville. 11:6 a m. No 84 daitv New York and Florida Kxpress for Wasliinirton and ' points North. Pullman mw)r Port - ampa to New York, and Augusta to ew York. Firat clans day ooaobes JockKonviHe to Vvasiiinirtnn. H. II. Hirdwick, H T at ; w. ujtAius, ap a, . - : V- UngtOB, D. O. R. I Vernon, T F A. t. , N.O T. P. P. Cab-,! . ' 4 1 Ij W