The Tribune Daily and Semi-Weekly Published by JAS. F. HURLEY Entered in the Postoffloe in Concord, N. O Seoond-Olass Matter, Subscription Rates DAILY - One Tear 98.00 Biz Month. 1.80 'Four Month .................... 1.00 One Month.. ... .86 One Week. .10 BKJC-WIBKLT One Tear... tl.00 Six Months... .60 Three Months. . .... .86 Publishers' Announcement The offioe of The Tribune is in the Brick Row, No. 85 Union Street. Advertising Rates can be had at the offioe. Copy for changes most be in by 10 o'clock a. m. The Evening Tribune is delivered by Carriers to ever portion of the city. We take pains in delivering the papers and urge Subscribers to report all irriegular ities promptly to this office. Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Re- aH parts of the State speot ana similar articles are cnargea for at the rate of 6 cents per line Cash in all Declines to Preside at Judge - " Hargis' TriaL " Sandy Hook, Ky., May 26. Special Judge Red wine today re fused to preside in the trials of Judge Hargis and his alleged co-conspirators charged with the murder of Dr. Cox. Governor Beckham therefore must appoint a special judge. Judge Kedwine said the case had been transferred here with out his knowledge or consent, and because of certain statements in the press of the State he felt that it would be impossible for him to preside. Jefferson Standard Life In surance Company. Raleigh, N. C, May 27. -The Jefferson Standard Life Insurrnce Company, of Raleigh, received its charter today. The formation of this important enterprise has been on foot for some time and business men in are inter ested. The capital is $500,000 authorized and $50,000 subscrib ed. Charles E.-Johnson, T. B, Womack, H. W. Jackson, of Ral eigh, and P. D. Gold and C. D. Well Known Physician lakes BenDow, ol Ureensboro, are HI. flwn I if among ine incorporators. Charlotte, N. C, May 27 Dr. Concord, N. P., May 28, 1907. David G. Thompson, a well known physican living at Fort Mills, sixteen miles south of this city committed suicide at 2 o'clock this morning, using a razor with which he severed his throat almost from ear to ear. The deceased was twenty-nine years of age and leaves a family. He had threatened to take his life several times previously. " Little Boy Shoots Mother. York, Pa., May 27. -Gleefully playing the "hunting game" 5- Distnrbed the Congregation. The person who disturbed the congre gation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by D, D. Jo nson. A real hungry man looks with suspicion on a chafing dish. A L.ordial Invitation is extended ALL SOUTHERNERS to visit The JELL-0 Booth at the year old Ernest Dole yesterday Tamestown Evnnsttfnn shot and killed his mother, Mrs. . trance to Horticultural Court. ' We have provided a spacious Beat Boom especially for your cenvenienoe, where you may meet friends, write letters, read your favorite magazine, etc., etc Our demonstrators will be elad to servt you with JELL-O, the dainty dewert, and Ice Cream made from Jxix-O ICE CKEAM Powder, free, and explain how easily thej can be prepared for the table, Th Gsnesse Pure Foes Co., U Roy, N. Y. Frank Dole, at Annville. The mother had gone to the front veranda for a few minutes and during her absence the boy placed a shell in an old gun, as he had often seen his father do. He pointed the gun toward the door and when the mother re turned the little fellow pulled the trigger. The full charge struck the mother, blowing away a por tion of the nead and causing death instantly. The little fel low, realizing that his mother . had been injured, piteously beg ged her to talk to him. When she did not answer he became frantic with grief. A Coroner's jury in charge of Justice of the Peace Posey, ren dered a verdict of accidential death. . Attempt Made to Burn Town? Elkton, Md., May 27. The breaking out of four fires at dif ferent times in the business sec tion of this place early today has created the belief that an attempt was made to burn the town. In each case kerosene was used. The town council has offered- a reward of $250 for the arrest and conviction of the fire bugs. The concerns which suffered losses are Robert B. Frazier, druggist, Wallers Photograph Studio and stables occupied by Rambo and George, ice dealers. Tri - i j i . tinga uaruware store was lg- Thellth Ammnt of the Cabarrus nited but the fire was extinguish- Mutual lire Insurance Co. ts due and THE POWER OF 8TEAM. Mas? Mar Be Bat It Takes Gcalaa tm BeaUaa. When James Watt saw the steam causing the kettle lid to jump iip ana down he said "There must be power tr that steam that it can lift 'such a weight." There was. Millions prior to him had seen thr same phenomenon and regarded It an unexplained mystery. Recent aclentlne research has put anger on the "cause" of Dandruff, FalW TO air. and consequent Baldness, and naa uneannea a tlnjr germ which the life from the roots of human hair. neworon Herplclde destroys thli germ and conaenuitntiv mm! amm ik. uair to its natural state. Sold by leading druarlata. Henri 1Aa stamps for sample t The Bsrplolda Csu. Two slses 10 cents and fl.SS Marsh's Drug Store Special Agent iti la nut uijm r a 7-room cottage on Marsh street. W. B. Sloop. -8 WILL SELL 183 acres of land on north eastern corporate limits of Con cord in tracts to suit the purchaser for small building; lots or small truck farms. J no. K. Patterson dp (Jo. 6-itf FOR SALE Five thousacd second' hand bnck. Gibson Mfg. Co. 6-S8 ed without damage. Died in Doctor' Office. . Winston-Salem, N. C, May 25. Walter Kiger, forty years old and unmarried, died in the office of Dr. S. S. Flynt, at Rural Hall last night. Kiger, whose I payable within 60 days from May firs'. I law. jno. Patterson, Beo. a Treai gwdtf GOOD HORSE FOR SALE Good or farm animal Cash or time. G. W. Lee, Concord B.F. D, 1. 7 Money to lend. AQrowelL . Call on Montgomery Insure your Horses against loss b death from any oause- whataoerer, witi the Southern Live Stock Insurance Co. of High Point. N. a Paid in capital is home was at Kural Hall, returned I , " eaan. -ico, a- Patterson, U1IQ 100. 141 & lib xi uiu m irip. xac was sick with something like "colic and during the early part of the night he called at the home of Dr. Flynt and secured some medicine, after which the. doctor -gave him permission to sleep in his office. This morning when Dr. Flynt opened the door of bis office he found Kiger dead. TO THE LADIES OF CONCORD: We have recently learned the art of DRY CLEANING Cant find an Honest Agent and yont trade We Jackson, Miss., May 27.-Be- do our work nnder guarantec. cause it is claimed to be unpoe- , , . , ?. .nils, to .rrt n Jinn rJZ We celan the following act as airent. the Southern Ex- Made-up Dresses, Silk and press Company has asked the Crepe DeChine Waists, Jack- Railroad Commission for permis- ets, Light Coats, Opera Cloaks, sion to close its oIce at Mound T aces. Ribbons. ftmrjrrnrfVriM Eayou, Hiss., Yazoo & road. Iljur.J : o t . a r on the line of the '; n Valley Eall- I'.-you ia an ex- ;--va ci i..,., j pop. 'i r t'.e ri"i etc, etc., successfully without injury to the most delicate colors. lie! Not Goiis'lT I Am in the Business to "Stay I want your order for Ice. I sell the; Best and Purest Ice manufactured---Clear and Crystal, lasts much longer than soft white ice. After this week I will have my; regu lar drivers who have been driving for three years and know just how to serve you. My Prices are 40 and 50 cents per hundred pounds. Give me your order if you want Ice when the warm weather is on. V ii YOURS VERY TRULY, A. IB. IPOIUMILDS W0KSW0E3 ' Conoord Woman Are Finding Belief at Last , It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; they most "keep p," most attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs,-or headaches, diazy spells, bearing down pains; they most stoop oyer, when to stoop means tort ore. , They mast walk and bend and work with - racking pains and. many aches from Kidoey ills. - Kidneys oanse more suffering than any other organ of the body.v Keep the Kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Bead of a remedy for Kidneys only and that helps and cures the Kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. - Mrs. J. N. Brown, 168 North Union street, Oonoord, N. O.,- says: -"loan highly leoommend Doan's Kidney Fills for I used them and found out their great merit. ' My baok and kidneys have bothered me for a number of years Learning Doan's Kidney Pills were a good remedy, I procured them at the Gibson Drug Store. They gave me more benefit than anything I er erased." ror sals by all dealers. Price 60 oentav Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sols agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. STRONG b what Mrs. Lucy StoraHof TUton, Qa aid after taking Kodol for Dys pepsia. Hundreds jl of other weak women art I Ik etond to perfeet L 1 health bythlsrsm Wl edT. TOUmaTba wall If too will take Indigestion causes nearly all the sick tm that worn so har. ' It deprfrss the system of nourish ment and the delicate organs) peculiar to women suffer weaken, and II .11 I La y An original girl is one who faints when no one is looking at her.; Hon Newt From the New England Statea, If any one has any doubt as to the Tirtue of Foley's Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to . Mr. Alvin H. H. Stimpson, of Willimantio, Oonn., who, after almost losing hope of reoov- ery, ou aooonnt of the failure of so many remedies, finally tried Foley's Kidney Cure, which be says was "Just the tiling" for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He is now entirely well and free from all the suffering Incident to acute kidney trouble. Sold by D. D. Johnson. y giKodol For Dyspepsia enables the "stomach and dtgtstiro to digest and assimilate all of the whole tome food that may be eaten. It nourishes the body, and tebuilds the weak organs, restoring health and strength, Kodol rellsTss lndlfutioa,contttpatkn,dytpepia, our risings, belohing; heartburn and all stomach disorders.' Ditfests What You Eat f I . I mlnalMMW I I ! -, 0..8Msmi..S.a. BaUms IWIsmUi MrtIVi"'i "Come In Out of the -Wet. Prompt payment of pew rent is not enough. Wonderful Eczema Car "Our little boy had eczema for Ave years," wriits N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa. ' "Two of our home doctors said the case was helpless, his lungs being affected. We then employed otlter doctors but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Eleotrio Bitters; bought a bottle and soon notioed im prarements. We oontinued tliis med icine until sereral bottles were used and our boy was oompletly cured." Beet of all blood medicines and body build- GIBSON PBUG STORE. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY 17 North Union St .. OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD) HOTEL Concord, N. C Practice limited to Eye. Ear, Nose aod Throat. Office hours : 8 a. nr. to 12 m I p. m. to 5 p. m lid ' RAILWAY SCHEDULE. T ' ls XT' ioi au Diooa tneaioines ana body buud- fii c w J unii Y ir d toni Gwaut3ed bj u drug Silly Billy wants a kiss, sitting In th rain. Why should ah. d.ny him this? Aniwars vary plaint Can th. fire of love be warm (heed my Ungusgs m.rkl) ' With th. watmae ef the storm putting) eut the spark? Some folks nv.r know snaugh to Moape the wet Sit around and say, "It's toughl1 doomed to vain regret Store le full and eteek le fin., still nobody buye. Came inside and cease ts pine. Seorstr AOVERTtStl 1A 1 L'or Dycpopcia Gives rest to the stomach. For faHUgeatlofl, dyspapais, tour stomach tired atomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed atomach, nenroua stomach and catarrh of toe stomach. A prompt relief. IUIJJ.SIS I .o..,6vij s a. I Sled -by ' Gib:on Drujj Store. CA?UDir:2 m It WsMfa tta Ml cu sWMsMsaVSVWssi SUM IMPerJsr Shal ftSkefl Windsor Hcte) U1T-S rUbertSi, Three atinatae walk tram Eroad F ; StaUoa, twe aslBctee from F ' , ermlnaL American r'a from ()tt .IwL.a f t f r as..Iia Wimm. f ' , liks UJHmn, ml t So4 Al.itUMi i -n. It MWVipi kMun.;v s ' uuia. Il u 1 If roar n- s--. rr h m. ff as. rr n . mwi,!. t . .-tan -'tru 1 hl -i. i m a o.a .ud .& V tut fMk. i. . w. We want 1,000,000, pounds. Bring as Scrap iron. Old Uopper, Brass, Lead, Zino, Rubber Boots and Bhees, Green and Dry Hides, Sheepskins, ; Tallow, and Beeswax in any quantity. ; Gather it up and bring it in. Any kind of Iron, Oopper, Brass, etc.. is valuable, wui pay nignest market prioee for same, if brought to as at onoe. W. L. Robbins. Formerly with Udell Store Oo. Yards at Cotton Seed Oil Mill. Buffalo Bt. Oonoord, 2". O. J nAGAZIHET" READERS I .... -r ayaar I I . V. suHSit aoiriw SwSikiDrUlaaMSKi and anicfcssboatCi ail DM Fx CUtMACSlVT J .-J L - X- fane sqdtiiia f - M baa) $1.00 I wett el astasia aMprotaasoaal a m, pkaosrspbars. . k ' MOID OF A TEOnSAJTD W0MSU8 aenaai 75 eaaau IJU aaloaas sSillgisli XnJTK pessraasss sbsSi at' CsMsrsis ' Telsl AH . lor . . i AliaiasMerAsrsss . 'svmsxT uxoxxm nas4BsUaj ,'SmFm stores, i SDrirur fever is merely a season able name for laziness. v Don't Pay Alimony To be diToroed from your appendix. Tnere wui be no oooaslan ror it it you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is o gentle that the appendix never has oause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by all drug stores. 86 cents, Try them. . ' Upportumuea are far more prf ul owethan prophets. A Narrow Escape G. W. Oloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow esoape four years ago, when ha nut a jimson bar' into his thum. He says: "The doctor want ed to amputate it but I would not oon sent I bought a box of Buoklen's Amioa S aire and tLat oared tlte dang erous Wound." S6o at aQ drug stores.' A lot'of boys will foilow where they can not be driven. , ; Notloe to Ou Cutamera We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for ooughs. odds and long troubles Is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as it oontaina no opiates or other harmful dings? and we reoommendlt as a safe remedy for children and adults. D. D. Johnson. Jamestown Tercentennial Ex position,' Norfolk, Va April 26th.Nov.30tn, 1907. - A woman s idea of economy is to nave things charged. Let me mail you free, to prove merit. tmples of Dr. Snoop's BestoratiTe, aad I my book on either Dyspepsia, The I Heart or The Kidneys. Address me. Southern Railway announces I Dr. Bhoop, Racine, Wis. Troubles of I eitremelV low ratea to -Norfolk. 1 0 StomaoV Heart or Kidneys, arel Vm A aMM,nf tv merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. aoove occasion. - ine lOUOWing hng symptoms only. Symptom treat- rouna mp rates wiu appiy irom meat is treating the result of your ail- Concord. -N. C. . - I meat and not the cause. Weak Btomaoh I Season tickets, $15.70. Sixty-day tickets, $13.10. Fifteen-day tickets, $11.90. Coach excorsion tickets, $705. Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will be stamped "Not Good in Pullman or Tailor Cars. Other tickets will be sold dally April 10th to Nov. CClh inclusive. The Cou'J.crn railway will af- ord excellent passenger service to t' l from Norfolk on account the inside nerres means Stom ach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well, have their oon-1 broiling or inside nerves. Weaken these,! nerves, and yon inevitably have weak I I vital organs. Here is where Dr.Shoop's I Bestorative has made its fame. Kol other remedy even claims to treat the I "inside nerres." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, l use Dr. Bhoop Restoratire sold by Gib-1 son Drug Store. A lot of craft clothes itself "eminent respectability." in For farther" information, and For eatarrh, let me sent yoa free, Just to prove merit) a trial siae box of Dt. scoops uatarra itemedy. it is al snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic I balm that sires instant relief to catarrh I U-zmn reservations aMresa any of thence. and throat Make tl free 0r.t Southern T-illway or test and see. Address Dr. Ehoop, Racine, write ' I Wis. Large Jars 60a 'Sold by Clbson DrugEtora. Pains W. II. Ta-!oa, G. P. A. - ' , ,"r-'.':--ton,D.' 'H. L. Vc-t, T. P. A. l . ::N. Following sohedule figures published only as information and are not guaran teed. In effect January 6, 1907: 1:66 a. m., No. 40. Daily for Wash- Ington and ' points North, i Pullman sleeper and day coaches Atlanta to Washington. 8:33 a. m., No. 89. ' Daily for Atlanta and points South. Pullman and day ooaohes Washington to Atlanta. 4 :80 a. m., No. 8. Daily for Riohmond and all local points. Connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem and Raleigh, at Danrille for Norfolk. 6:48 a. m., No. 44. Daily for Wash ington and point North. Connects at Salisbury for Aslieville,' Chattanooga and Memphis. Pullman aad day ooaohes Atlanta to Washington.' . 9:20 a. m., No. 11. Daily for Atlanta and all local points. . 9:88 a. m., No. 88. Daily for Rook Hill, Columbia and Augusta. , Pullman and day ooaohes Wasluugton to Augusta. 11-10 a. m., No. 86. Daily for Wash ington and New York. Pullman 'sleep . era New Orleans to New Tbrk; day -eoaoH New Orleans to New York. 4 40 p. m.,No, 7. Daily for Chariot ts and local stations. 7:15 p. m., No. 84. Daily for Wash ington and poinU North. Pullman sleep er to New York, day ooaches to Wash ington. y ! . . 8:08 p. m., N& 18. Daily for Rich-... mond and all local points. Connects at Salisbury for Aslievilie, tlhattanooga -and Memphis. " Sleeper, Oharlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Norfolk. . 8:40 p. m., No. 88. Daily for Atlanta and points 8outh. Sleepers to New Or- ' leans and Birmingham and day ooaohes -Washington to New Orleans. . 9:44 p. m., No. 88. Daily for Wash - ington and points North. Solid Pullman train. Stops only on signal for passen. gers for Washington and beyond. , D H. Hard wlrt, p. T. Mgr., W sailing ton, D. a R. h. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. O. W." H. Tayloe, O. P. A., Washington, D. O ssssssssanaaaM 4. DoYoupCHiLDRr - ASK QUESTIONS . . 1 Of course they do. It is their w: v I of learning and It is your duty to answer. .You may need adictioniry to aid you. . It won't answer t-w-; I question, but thortfare thousnncs l.i which it will give you true, cleur Oi M' definite answers, not about, only, but about things; the sun, m. 1, machinery, places, stories and f .- Uke. Then, too, the children en 1 I find their own answers, .: Some of I our greatest men have ascribed the power to study of the dictionary. or course you want the best oic- tionary. The most critical pre, r the New nd Enlarged Edition of Diotic-.-ahy THE GRAND PKIZS (nwiiKin I Award) for wt.u h was given at th I World's Fair, fc'L Louis. t Iyi'i hnm ant q-irlic,ni abuut it tm.e t. s.&c. f..r. ! co.. Caused by boils, bums, ct. . I snaivia and s'.in a::wtm t -pmi; v re- ' tja-r-. i-a-aa, 1 li.-wd hy I. -s C. 1 . ' r r 1 s : !

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