Ml ' Jf .'. ' The"- Evening Tribun State Library VOL XL 23 Cents Month, Cub. CONCORD. N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1907. Single Copy 5 cents No. 42 V- TRAIJiS DELAYED BY" ll'ILL BUILD-ROAD . i SHG RAILS! TOKAIWOLIS , A Serious : Wreck JJarrowIy ' Averted at 1:55 O'clock This Morning Engine and Two Cart of No. 40 Off the Track But No Damage Resulted, wnat mignt Dave been a very serious railroad wreck was bare ly averted at 1:55 o'clock this morning as No. 40, northbound passenger train, was approaching the Concord station. ' At a point - several hundred ' yards south of the station at the intersection of the switch track leading to the brick yard of R. , A. Brown; the rails spread, where the engine and two cars of No. 40 bumped along on the crossties until the engineer got the train at a standstill before any serious damage resulted. All trains were delayed until about 6 o'clock this morning when the wrecking and track crew of the section master relaid the rails and remedied the defects. Had it not been for the fact that the train was coming in on a slow run, many lives might have been lost A Proposition of Mr. J, W. Can- nun to ueaa uic voumy 000 With Which to Build a Macadam Road Unanimously - Accepted by County Board- Other Matters. '. V The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commis sioners is in session today. The morning was devoted to routine work in paying bills, etc., and fix ing a rate of taxation on farm products. Mr. W. A. Foil is as sisting Register Isenhour with the clerical work. At the afternoon session the first thing up for consideration was the proposition of Mr. J. W. Cannon, who wants a good road Richmond Full of Old Veterans , City Dotted With Gray- Many are Leaving on Account of Weather. The Richmond runion may be put down as a success, though tne constant downpour of rain has dampened, no, drowned out, many of the pleasures and expec tations of the soldiers. As at nome these old soldiers are re ferred to as the "boys" and boys they are together. There was a constant downpour of rain Fri day and Saturday while this writer was in the reunion city and this made transportation un pleasant and it was a case of stay in doors except for those who braved the cold rain. The soldiers are leaving rapidly. Camp Gor don, where the N. C. soldiers were camped was emptied Satur- from this city to the magic city of Kannapolis. Following is the I day. the remaining soldiers being nraver. which was unanimously I mnen J nouses ior more con THE ROUD CASE IIP The annual meeting of the North Carolina Funeral Directors and Embalm era Association will convene at Raleigh to-morrow. Mr. W. L. Bell, of this city, will attend. adopted by the board To the Honorable Board of Com missioners of Cabarrus County, City. Gentlemen:-. It is no doubt known to each one of you that we are now erect ing two large mills at a point seven miles from the corporate limits, at a place on the main road from here to Salisbury which has been christened Kan napolis. We expect to have these plants completed and in fortable keeping. The Cabarrus boys" were taken from Camp Gordon Saturday and quartered in the hospital building. I saw a good many of the Ca barrus veterans and they were enjoying themselves regardless of the weather. They were the recipients of many favors and North Carolinalieadquarters were always full of visitors, for the Confederate . soldiers first at Bethel were never lacking for friends and at all times of the WHO'S YOUR PRINTER? "X. " . '. Dow he live in some other town, or do you keep yonr work at home with the people whom. . money you receive everyday? " The latter mm is the one to patronise, because mooy wnt from town ia that much leva yon haves chance at getting. We want toot next order. Call na p and we will come after it. PEOPLES PRINT SHOP. - FRANK BRUMLEY, Manager. operation early in the coming day tnere were caiiers at bangers year, and we expect to have a I ball to see old friends, population of 2000 or 3000 people. I Many of the Cabarrus men The nlant will brirnr auite a laree I went to the old battle fields. taxable property into Cabarrus I These trips were made under mwintw (fnr T rrnvA hnilt thfimen. most discouraging conditions. It tirely within Cabarrus county) being located close to the Rowan line. It is needless to say that with these large developments and increase in values in this community that we Bhould have was only because of the intense desire to go over the grounds once more that prompted one to make a trip in the pouring rafa There were many ladies in Richmond. Many wives accom- "Defective Kitchen flue" , Is what yon often hear aaitgned tlie oaase for Area daring the summer months when there is no Are anywhere else in the hoaae. If you don't keep s sharp lookout yoan may get de fective without your knowledge and born yonr home down. .. .. The thing to do is to let the Insurance Companies ktepwatoh f yon by baying a Policy of ' one of them. See me and I will give yon the particular. .. .. .. Jno. L. Miller. The Insurance Man. a tmnA mnradam road from herelpanied their husbands. Mrs. Gil- to Kannapolis, and this road can Ion, Mrs. Parks, Mn B. E. Har be made with less exnense than I ns were at' North Carolin head- jut road of the same lenorth in I quarters Friday mixing with the Cfihamis countv. and will be of I old boys and were enjoying the as arreat value to the people on stay greatly. account of their being very I ne meeting on f Tiaay was one little grading to do it can be con-1 'ong to be remembered by a structed at a ver reasonable I youngster, there was a perfect w ami a wo wnnld lika vflrv larmy of old "vets" in the large much to have this road completed auditorium1 'listening to Senator at as earlv a date as nossible. we I Daniel and to U)U KoDert iee, offer to loan the countv twenty I the son ol the great cnieitam. thousand ($20,000) dollars at five They cheered and gave the old iwwstit infM-eor rtnvnhlA npmi I OBTue CTyi iney nuggea Ola Are You . Ton may not be sow' and that lathe way to stay and If you will call on na when yon feel bad we can sell yon medicine that will help keep yon so Oar line of medicines are not shelf worn and are the beat on the market. Give ns a call. Oar Soda Fountain is In fall blast and is presided over by an artist in the mix." ing bnslnesa and the drinks we torn oat are the talk of the town. 13 n n annually, for a term of five years. I estimate that before the end of the five years term ex pires, that the taxes collected from this new enterprise and the enhancing of property adjacent, will pay for this amount of indebtedness. ..Trusting you will consider this at this meeting of your Board and take such steps as will put the work under contract at an early date, I am, Very respectfully, Jas. W. Cannon This proposition is made with the understanding that you can legally execute notes for the money. J. W. C The matter was freely discuss- fnends and marched again over the old bloody battle fields. The majority of the old soldiers wore thd gray. The "gray coats would have made ah army of no small proportions and no small valor. Richmond was doing every thing for the visitors. As the heavens would weep great deluges of rain, the people of the city would wring their hands and weep for the bad days and be moan such weather which threw all of their well laid plans to the wind. V-- r - v . Richmond is truly an interest ing city and all of we Souther ners Bhould , more acquint our selves with the storehouse of historic' value to be found on ed by a number xf citizens be- ever7 hand in the old Confederate fore it was passed upon. ,! capital wMch has become a great The matter of road superinten- commercial ana nnanciai center. dent had not come up as we go to The Davis monument . is im press. There are several appli- led today. The parade for to canta for this position. The board day will not be so , large as that will be in session for several of Thursday when the monument AvfL .- to Stuart was unveiled, for many 4k. nininm. hum aft- Yia !- ips to Hotel Employees Many of the Cabarrus visitors Create Excitement in New hve returned, many went on to James io wn ana an win do uuuie Against MrsJtowIand Postponed TH1 Monday Dr. Rowland Gets a Hearing Tomorrow Newbern Man Dies in Balti- ........ ... -. more Suddenly. Raleigh, June 3. Today was the time set for the preliminary examination of Mrs. Lillian Row land on charge of, being an ac cessory of her husband, Dr. C. R. Rowland, alleged to have poi soned his son some time ago and the husband of his wife, Engi neer strange.'1 Mrs. Kowiana who married her present hus band six weeks ago, . has been out on bail. Justice Separk to day continued T the case until Monday, June 10th. The cause for the delay is the report of the chemical examination of the stomach of young Rowland. The case against Rowland for the poisoning of Strange will come up to-morrow. Chemist Withers will be present to make his re port in this case, y The principal address at the University today was made by Major Charles M. Stedman to the alumni. , A dispatch from Durham says that Visitors are pouring into Durham for the Trinity com mencement President Kilgo last night delivered the bacca laureate sermon, his subject be ing "The Social Revolution." Rev. Dr. McKay speaks tomor row and Chief Justice Brewer of the United States Supreme Court delivers an address on Wednesday. A special from Newbern to the Evening Times' says that J. A. Meadows, a prominent business man of that city, died today at Baltimore where tie was on a visit A stroke of paralysis was the cause. ask Our Advertisers. H. L. Parks & Co. will begin their mill end sale Wednesday, June 5th. See their new ad to day. "Who's Your Printer?" Frank Bromley, the printer. John Miller, the insurance man, advises you to provide against the "defective flue. " - W. L. Robbms, the old junk buyer, wants all your bones. Read his ad. The D. J. Bost Co. says that man wants but little here be low, but wants that little good." Quality and price are - satisfying at their store. KING MACHI AT OVERALL FACTORY . . .. - A.. . - . . Jne or the City s new indus triesCapacity Forty Dozens Per Day Many Girls and Women Employed. A busy place is the Correll Overall Factory, in the old Pres byterian church building in the rear of the city hall, where 20 whirring sewing machines are turning out great stacks of overalls. About twenty-five girls and women are employed there, and all of them are highly pleased with the work. The capacity of these machines is forty dozen overalls per day, or in other words, a week's work will turn out about 2,600 overalls, entirely finished. These goods are inspected and handled very carefully before being put on the market, several grades being made. Mr. P." A. Correll is the pro prietor, and his superintendent is Mr. J. B. Bustin. They are very much encouraged in their enter prise, and the product of the factory is already in the hands of the retail dealers. At present there is only about two-thirds of the machinery run ning .full time, owing to the fact that it takes some time , to get the operatives familiar with the work. The machinery is run by motor power furnished by the city. A BUSINESS CHANGE W ML Majestic Spring. Absolutely Safe Sold on Sixty Nights Trial Sound, easy sleep is essential to good health and good temper, Few persons are so fortunate as to be able to derive any benefit from nights passed on un comfortable beds. No bed touches the highest point of Com fort unless furnished with a good spring. Of all the springs the "MAJESTIC" most fairly meets all requirements. It is a "double deck" spring, with ten-inch coils fastened in the center so they cannot lean over or get twisted up. The springs are put together with a double crimp cross wire construction, leaving a per fectly smooth surface, with no hooks or ends of wire projecting to tear the mattress. They give an absolutely uniform support,firm but yielding to all the movements of the body. Don't sink down in the middle or sag at the edges.' The "MAJESTIC" is the latest and best of bed springs. am Fred Beck Sells Meat Market to C M. Sappenfield and E. A. Widenhouse. - r Fred Beck, who has conducted a meat market in this city for a number of years, today sold his business to C M. Sappenfield and E. A. Widenhouse, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. John S. Hill will have charge of the market and will begin work at once, Mr. Beck will be associated with Mr. Schmidtberger in con nection with the ice plant, and will begin work in his new occu pation tomorrow morning. Do Witt's Little Early Risen, famous little pills, are sold by Gibson Drug Store. ' .' : ' 'Phone 21. BREAKFAST ROE Selected and Packed on Fishing Shore Try one can, and you will want more. Dove & Bost Company. Hit. William Fetzer left this morning for Danville, Virginia, where he will play "ball during the present season. "Billy" has a fine ball record and has many admirers throughout the South Leagues. Don't make the ooinmon error of treat ing symptom only. Symptom treat ment is treating the remit of yonr ail- mmt .nil lint tliA Aftn.A Wftftk RfalfYllknh rves the inside nerves means Stoin-; at JVlarSa S LIHIg MOre You'll be buying a tonic soon probably need one now. Brace up your sys tem with VITAL VIM. Take our word for it. There's no better tonic, sold. Fifty cents a bottle iilllJ MILL END SALE York. New York, June X General Kuroki the great Japanese hero left for the west after a week in New York with his staff. He created some excitement in the hotel last night by his liberal tips to the hotel employees.' Fatal Fire in Newark. ,r New York, June 4 A fatal fire in Newark this morning caused the death of several peo ple. Four are known to tie dead and the charred bodies of several others are expected to be Jound in the ruins. . V " ' . by tomorrow night A Handsome Monument ' . Frieze & Utley will Bend to Rocky ; River tomorrow a very handsome monument to be placed at t he tomb of the late Corum J. Howie. -This tombstone is being placed by the Harrisbarg Camp of the Woodmen of the World, and the design is constructed to resemble a tree trunk shaft with a base of four cuts laid one upon the other, in the rustic finish. On the cross pieces at the base are ferns and a beautiful My,, while about the shaft c!ir?s several tranches of Virginia croc 1 'r. Howie wi a mem. ber cf the LarrLlarg Camp. To Again Open In This Store on Wednesday, June 5th at 9 O'clock and This Store will be closed to-morrow after twelve, and while closed our great force of employees will be actively engaged in opening, assorting, marking and arranging the great lots of New Mill End Goods that have been shipped expressly for this sale. To-morrow's Elephantw Page Advertise ment will describe and price in a vivid fash . ion the sale store scene production. We -yvant all brown-eyed, blue-eyed, black-eyed and grey-eyed people to turn their peepers on to-morrow's advertisement. ; Remember: This sale is for men as well as women. H. L. PiXS I KM. ' iilif. 'no 4