The Evening Tribune. i-Mi I.i'V- ..-.(.. r VOL XIV.. 30 Ccnti a Month, Cash CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAV, SEPTMBER 7, 1907. Sinole Copy- a cents No. 35, - A 1907 SEPTEMBER 1907 Su. Mo. Til We. Tn. Fr. Sa. J9J0 MI2I3 14 J5 J6J7I8 J9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 291301 I r I 1 New Crop TURNIP SEED New supply just received.' Everything FRESH af REED'S Drug Store Opposite Postoffice. SOME NEW REAL, ESTATE BARGAINS 1 1A ACRES about.61 " miles from Concord on T- . . T ' J ' xvocjcy KJver roaa. -25 acres in good ! pasture, . splendid orchard, six-room ' dwelling, large double barn and all necessary ; outbuildings. Is in reach of Rocky River church and high school. Also a four-room cottage. DESIRABLE vacant lot, on Church street, opposite cotton platform site, x 100 feet. ' : One new Oliver ' '" Typewriter v Pirce $85.00 n. 1 nwm our Fresh ' - Shipment Nunnally's M Fine ;.. Candy. If you want the best buy . Nunnally's. GIBSON DRUGSTORE. JUST RECEIVED: s ' - New Cresn Cheese AND Tcssted Corn Fhkes. Cdl or Thope 87 for wh-t you want in the Grocery line. Jno. C. Cmiili I 17. ,owvi)VvakUlU)11iUa DEATH OF REV. Z; V. Aged Minuter of the Gospel - Passed Away This Morning at Mt Gilead-BuryatMtPIeas- V ant ':r- : A telegram this morning an nounced the death of Rev. Zeb- edee Rush which occurred at o'clock this morning at the home of his son-in-law, Mr.'C W. Wooley.- The remains wi reach Concord to-night and be taken to Mt. Pleasant to-mor row for burial, the funeral be ing field at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock in the morning. - The death 01 Mr. ltush re moves one of the oldest minis ters of the church in this State, Mr. Rush was 83 or 84 years of age. lie was stricken with paralysis last fall and had been since that time in-bad physical condition. : ;JvV: Mr. Hush was , lor many years an active minister of the Methodist church and served many churches in this section of the State. lie was pastor at the Mt. Pleasant church and here are buried his wife and one daughter. Mr. Rush also ived in Concord during his ac tive ministry and served a aroun-of churches in the conn ty. His retirement was due to feeble health and age, for some years he had not beenflctively engaged in the ministry. His death will be heard with much regret by a large number of warai friend and admirers in this city and throughout Ca barrns county. Much of his time of recent years was spent n this city with his daughter, Mrs. ). L. Host, and all loved the quiet and Godly gentleman Most pf his time was spent be- twecru Concord and Mt; Gilead wjth his two daughters the on- y children living. - Mr. Rush was so well known to the people of tins city and county that nothing needs be said of his life a long and use ful life spent in the service of lua church and- for the best good I to his fellow men and the ; community. His service was of a high order, his life spent in preaching his Mas ter's gospel and at peace with his fellow man. A good man ms gone and his place will be vacant ift the lives and hearts of many. I .f ; v 1 Hummel Delays Thaw Trial New York, Sept' 5. Because Abe Hummel is in a precarious condition, yhysically and . men tally, in Blackwell's Island peni tentiary, District Attorney Je rome is unable to fix a- date for the trial of Harry K. Thaw, charged witu the murder of Stanford White. ? Hummel's tea tlmouy is considered of . capital importance for the prosecution, as it directly contradicts a large part of the testimony of Evelyn Thaw. ir Hummel, once one of the keen est lawyers at the New York Bar, has sunk into a state of lethargy in the prison hospital, according to Dr. Sigmund Tyn- berg, president of the Board of Medical Control of the peniten tiary. It is possible that he may never be able to go on the witness stand. - Knocked Down by a Mail 'x Wagon. . Winston-Salem, Sept 6. Esq. P." TV Lehman, a ' well-known justice of the peace, ' of this city, had a very narrow escape from serious injury about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon when he was struck by, the United States mail wagon and knocked to the pavement His head struck the pavement but fortunately for; him in the fall his hat doubled up and acted as a cushion, thus preventing his head from com ing in contract with the hard pavement The 'Squire suffered a painful, though . no serious, wound in .the breast by being struck by one of the shafts. He .... . iii no a o'art r.tmiaii An tna mcrnr hi n by tu9 lOTarunx LEXT WEDNESDAY The Cabarrus Association of the Mclver Loan Fund to be Heidi at Central School Building. On next Wednesday morning A . 1. 11 11 1. I important meeting of the Ca- uiirrun nnaucmuuu ui mo iu.u- Ever Loan Fund at the Central ."Y? nriroH rhnt nil momhora. flTid friends of the association be Dresent on this occasion, as business concerning the asso - ciaion and its anairs will be discussed. - . The Cabarrus association has not a large membership, but it is hoped that all alumnae of iu0 wwiic """l"1 W1" .CUI"U uieir names in me memDersmpi 11 111 tl livn w an1 onhatmhA lihnwnllir r:r. has taken upon itself to raise. Family Reunion in the County Thursday. There wns a family reunion at the home of Mr. John Fish - ers in No. 11 township last Thursday, which was .attended by a numbe ror riends as well family of Mr. Fisher. There were eight of Mr. Fisher's ten children at this gathering, 39 grand children and 1 great grand child. Other guests on this happy occasion were : Rev. W. T. Talbirt and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Fisher, and Dr.lsenbury, R E. Smoot, of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. White and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Urafford, of the county; Dinner was served on the grounds and a most enjoy able time spent on the lawn. Mr. Fisher is 77 years of age and has recently recovered from 'a very severe illness. Mr, Brafford, one of his guests on this occasion is 81 years of age and in splendid health. Crisis in 1 elegraphers 5tnke is LiOokgu ror luesaay. New York, Sept. 6. Officers of the telegraphers union state to-day that important develop-1 ments in the telegraph stn&e when the board of directors of the Western Union will hold its regular quarterly meeting, The umon officials decline to state the nature of the develop- ments. which, thev claim, will I force the telegraph companies to capitulate. Nearly two hundred stnkers have 'obtained ether positions I since the strike, according to a I statement made by a lender otl 1 he union to-day. I Officials of both telegraph I . j . . j. compuuie8ueoure vo-ay uu me BiriKe is over sgjar aa meiT lompanies are eonernel Married Near Ebenezer. On the 5th of September, 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m., Mr. Daniel M. Barger and Miss Jennie A. Sloop were happily united in the holy bonds of wedlock, in the presence of th, family and a few friends, at thn hpfltitifnl ivmntrv bom. f I . -K I ttk hrirtA'a- nnrfiTiM. H. a. Sloop, Esq., near Ebenezerl L. Church, Kowan county, I N. C, their pastor, Rev. C. A. I Brown, officiating. ' I The happy couple have the well wishes of a large numbei of admiring friends. i "Voices From Near and Far" I will be rendered Sunday night teen children, four each repre- j scnting by words and customs I Asia, Africa, the Islands of the Sea and America. The music! has been selected esneciallv fori this occasion. Dr. Holland will make a short address, appro- priate to the exercises. This ex- erase is free and everybody is inviieu you may uise nouceioinn Bnj ovorvhnAv invito tn 01 me collection p ates Miney u convenience and pleasure. Dr. IX D. Johnson will sell Too tl 11K .lit ' rfl,ll 1T'II... J 'win 01 wtu mm niner ana .... .... pve I you your moaej tut. porch party. ' LAST! EVEI1G The Social Event of the Season Mrs. L. D. Coltrane Entertains I at Her Home on South Union I Street charming hostes3 laat night at i , , . . fn f'"" I rrn. U "cr xno jwm woo Ulow with numerous Japanese lanterns. Mrs. Loltrane, assisted by Mrs. D. A. Garrison and Mesaames u. ts. UHtrane ana IW. C. Houston, met1; the guests I at the stens. Mrs. Ri S. Young and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell took the I myp!,ta tnntia enrner of the norcl wherethe punch bowl was gra . , 0M nM vVnU; I vIVUClJ WIUVW V I VI WJ muwvs I . JennieColtrane and Grace Brown. graphs of all the guests taken in fliAii Viil1 V,rril txo a tliA ovonf tif I , v. h R,n Iwon the prize, a beautiful gold I picture frame. The invited guests Were: Mesdames D." A. Carri SOnt.R, a. Brown, D. L. Bost, nua King u Brown, G. L. patterson. E. F. White. E. H Brown, E. A Moss, W. C. Hous ton, J. C. Gibson, C. L. Smith, A. M. Brown, J. H. Rutledge, D, B. Coltrane, J. C. Wadsworth, A. Cannon, D. F. Cannon, J. P. Allison, B. E. Harris, A. J. Yorke, J. M. Odell, Gowan Du- S. Young, L. T, I Hartsell, C."J, Harris, J. F. Hur- ley, P. B. Fetzer, J. W. Cannon) chal White. W. W. Flowe, W. D. Pemberton, J. W. Cannon, Jr. W. R Harris, T. W. Smith, W, J. Montgomery, M. L. Buchan an, A. F. Hartsell, Frank Brown, J. P. Cook, C. W Swikr .S. 3 Efvin,"S. J. Lowe, Edward Hill, J- M- Craven and her guest Mrs. inaries caaer oi Montgom ery, Aia., j. a. uooaman, u. r . Pi'fnVn'a Tl T Jntinonn R V Rogej r, a. Brower and Misses I Jennie Coltrane, Grace Brown, I Maud Brown. Nan Cannon, Me- Hasp Montgomers and Pearle Fort . Dance Last Night , There was a delightful informal dance last night at the Elks Home. Those who were present are: Misses Alice Locket Winv Bosche, wuma oorren, urace IP6"011! Margueritte Brown, I Ashlyn Lowe, Julia Barrow, NAargaret Lentz Mary Virginia Wadsworth and Pearl Fort and Messrs. Nevin Archibald, Frank Morrison. Eueene Cannon. Ross Cannon. Euirene Brown. Luther R-nn w;n;0m wami-th and !''" " " Mesdamea C. L. Smith and S. J. The Dog Was Mad. Wilson, Sept 6. Saturday morning Mrs. Farmer, wife of I Mr. Joe Farmer, who conducts a I country store three miles from T.' "TT.v " 'T " "T w stove wooa wpen a strange p8" vu caught the dog by the ears na 3 J 1 1 J At.. J Kreunea uu aem iu uuk uuui her husband came to her rescue, during which the dog also bit Mr. Farmer and , afterwards a negro. The dog's head was ex- nreased to Richmond. Vs.. for LT - minfttinn for rahiL and last - i - v - telegram was received here stating that the dog was mad. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer land the negro left last night for mond for treatment About $100 waa raised here today towards - Wmvincr their tnAn.w. Childi'en's Day exercises will be held at Mt Hermon E. L. church on Friday, September 13th. Quite a nice nroErramme haa been arramred for the occa- present well-fUled in the church grove. Dr. J. A. B. Sherer, of New berry coHere, will preach at St John's C. L. cturch tomorrow STORE SELLS OUT Concord Wholesale Grocery Company Sells Out to a Sal isbury Man. . The Concord Wholesale Gro cery Company has sold -put to Mr. Max Moses, of Salisbury, who takes charge at once and will operate the business at the same store room, at the corner of Corbm and Union streets. The company , disposing of this business has been conduct ing a wholesale grocery busi ness in Concord for some years. Mr. Moses is in the same business at Salisbury and will operate the Concord store, handling the same class of goods at wholesale. POLICE-COURT Recorder McConnell had on ly one case before him this morning that of Baxter Gar- mon, which was continued from yesterday. Young Gannon was found guilty for fighting and bned $10 and the cost, he was found guilty for vagrancy and sentenced to thirty days on the county road, but judgment was suspended on condition that he appear before he Court the first Saturday in each month, for four months, and satisfy the Court that he has had regular employment and his behavior has been good. The total fines and cost amount ed to thirty dollars, which was paid. To Take Exposition Site. Washington, "D. C, Sept. 5. It is practically certain that the Federal Government will eventually take over the James town Exposition site and turn into a great naval training station, for it is now appar ent that the Exposition Com pany will never be able to pay back the whole of the $1,000,- 000 loaned from the Federal Treasury, v The Treasury Department to-day received $50,000 from the Exposition, which makes over $100,000 so far applied to the liquidation of the debt. Special Services Tomorrow at . Smith's Grove. You are cordially invited to spend some time tomorrow at these services as a special effort has been made to make them of great interest and benefit to all who attend. The following subjects will be discussed: "The Woman Clothed With the Sun, Moon and Stars." From the Pig Pen to the Par lor." .; ;' '.; "The Beast With Four Faces." Special music and accommoda tion for the whites. . D. J. Spurgeon, Pastor. Trout chickens, , eggs, ham, tripe, liver, hamburger, steak, tongue, and all other good things to eat at The Queen today, op posite postoffice. It I ' ' Tat Ckarmhiff Wonaa Is not Mofily mm of perfect f am I d features. Many a plaia worn who could never serrs as aa artiat'il model, poseeases all those rare qualities I that all the world admires: neatnt dear eyee, clean smoota sUaand prightlineai of step and aotfan that aooompany good health. A physically weak woman is Mrar attractive, not! eren to henelf . Eleetrio Bitter restore weak women, giro strong naif sa, bright eyea. smooth Telrety akin, beautiful oomolexloa. Guaranteed by all drag- gtata.600. ' Orins IxatiT Fruit Byrup is sold under s positire guarantee) to cure oonv I ttipation, siok headache, stomach tr ble.orany form of Indigestion. If it fails, the sun affectum refund your I Bioner. What more Sold by D. D. Johnson. What more oaa any one do. I John Porter, st the Fetser Drag Store,, will hand you over n bottle Paris Chill killer" and eiiar-1 ntee it to ears your ehills. Try it Yoa will And "DaTit Chill Killer" st Marsh ' Drnr Store. Get n bottle ind stop (baking, lias been tnd or orer 20 years. lias not failed yet. I fiftOn AS NEW Iron Ld and bird's eT maple dresser r,..n!Vciila fi P T .Taiim I rove street. j tHkrei To lizal &Kcrif 000D LUCK SALE We are in luck, share it with us. Oar window snows a display of beautiful things for the home at the small price of 10c Beautiful clear glass flower rases, 15 to 17 in. tall, worth 25c to 30c, will go on sale Tnesday at 10c Water bottles that have retailed at 25c to 40c, to go in this sale at 10c. Imported China table ware, decorated, at 10c Sugar and creams at 15c Salad dishes at IScV Remember the sale begins TUESDAY, the ICtL Don't fair to be on hand to secure your share el "good Inch." 0tv&n t&fw( H. L. Parte Ca The Department Store. Sofa Pillow Tops and Center Pieces, some printed on pure linen, others on linen crash. All go, your choice for US ccziio. v l The Department Store CATAWBA COLLEGE, CATAWBA COLLEGE will begin her ful work on tho 10th of September. BeroUr cocrwe are 1 (ti t torr and Oollere deDartme&ts; also accommodations Including- ' beat, rooma. dormitorr rooms ani bW chr ' experienced FaoaUy. E!S for t.e y afssia. Corf tlon. and Art sm. ewt Tije full liu'nui :a s2es f -s Ttr i yy 1, netto::, u. c. afty - serenta year of c- ti enoo-j. in V I " u ! 1 aor-'; -. 1' note SiJ - r a U -

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