1-Jnutfi - 1 KiJd U'JM JtS- VOL'XIV. 30 Cents a Month, Cash CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1907. Qlngle Copy 0 cents No. 71. EEGRO GOIEK BEFORE RECORDER Police Court This Morning Netted $210 in Fines Entered Against s Dozen Negroes for Gambling Last Sunday in High Town John Love's House Almost Totally Wrecked When ! the Officers Hushed the Game. Sunday night Officer John Bras- well and John Earnhardt made a trip to High Town, a section of the city at the extreme end of what" is known ' as "Chapman Bow," and ran upon a veritable don of gamblers, , When the presence of the olfieers became known, the burly negroes scrambled for es cape and in making good, several men plunged through' a window, tak ing glass; sash and all "right over the head of Officer Braswell, while a half dor.en -or more made a desperate and successful escape through the door by the wily Officer Earnhardt. It is said that one fellow climbed to. the loft of the house and removing the chimney flue, escaped over the roof. The gamblers were routed at the home of John Love. Some of them have been arrested and stood trial this morning while there are others yet to come. . " There were, thirteen bailed before the recorder this morning : charged with gambling lost Sabbath. Some of them were in the crap game -Sunday night, while others were following the old line card games during the: earlier hours of the day set apart for more sacred things.- As their 'names. were called they marched to the pris oner's box and took their seats, each pleading guilty until the - eleventh man came, whose name was Goodman. He plead not guilty and was dismiss ed. 'Then two more were called .and their pie was "guilty." v . .C, - Police Justice MeConholl'' looked over the long line of stout men and ill his summing up' of ' their offense against the law he allowed each man to' pay a fine of $20 each, including the cost. This total amounted , to. $240. Those who were ara'rigned this morning are: Sam Wagoner,. John White, Tom Gainey, Will Archibald, "d, oharged on two warrants, with '. .oxieation. and profanity. Fined a penny and eost in the last case; ' Sam' Alexander iutoricatitJitf -aud profanity. Allowed to"pay the cost in the last charge.. i ' . ', " Ed Garver was held on a warrant charging him with stealing a buggy and harness, on or about the 17th of September, from J. Mason Wood, the liveryman. He was bound over in the sum of $100,' to await the next term of Cabarrus Superiorj'eourt in Janu ary. ...... .- ;.;.'::.;";, V' BARN-BURNERS ARRESTED BOLL OFFERS AID. Cannon Manufacturing Company Will Advance Money on Cotton, Storing Same, or Will Take Cotton on Call. The Cannon Manufacturing Com- .Two Negroes Charged With Setting Fire to Mr. John Ferris' Barn in Steele Creek Arre?ted Hearing This Afternoon. '' ; Two negroes, Henry Pea and' Jim Steele, were arrested yesterday morn ing by Constable J. H. Dixon, on a warrant charging them 'with having set fire to Mr. John Ferris' barn in Steele Creek township, several weeks ago." Vigilantly guarded r.nd esjorted by several of th leading citizen's of tho Steele Cvek. commmity they were driven into the city yesterday afternoon and carried beforj 'Squire S. H. Hilton for a hearing. ' 'Squire Hilton committed them to jail under a $1,000 bond each until the evidence MRS. EARL H. BROWN DEAD. A Beautiful, Sweet Young Life Em - Gone Out,' Causing Sorrow Through out the City. :, The dreariness of' this autumnal day brings with it in announcement that .falls upon the community like great, black pall, and the sorrowing expression tnat is passed from one home to another, feebly outlines the distress that ' death has brought to the home of Mr. Earl H. Brown, Agnes, the young wife of Mr. Brown, died today .at 12 o'clock after an-illness of some months. To all ap pearances the young woman was en- joying the best of health, but the home circle has been aware for some time of her serious condition, The tidings of her passing is breath- may be investigated today. The trial pany, or rT "2 lo,ca! reP,e" tak. place this afternoon at;l ed in tle from t tentative is Mr. E. C. Bacnliardt, has!0'clock. The following' named citi-L,, mM'M!l M . JL offered to accept the. cotton of farm- , of the county have'; been sum-' flned ,0 the home cjreIe 8nd relati AIHI vim mnnf tn baaiku, MnnA-.. .l I 1 x . . . - Tit -a J 7 """" y i.ii", mracj, "'- monea 10 lesuiy: Messrs. rnen uni- vuncing to the farmer 8 cents on his and Oscar Marks. While nothing of a. definite nature could be gained yesterday afternoon as to the nature of the-incriminating aviflanpa. if in finifi in he v-prv ulrmitf-. ' eotton, and storing the same in ware houses in Concord, where 6 per cent. interest is charged on the money, and 15 cents a month for storage and in surance, or the company offers to take the cotton on call, agreeing to pay the prevailing price whenever the farmer sees fit to surrender his receipt. This arrangement offers, the iarmor an opportunity to get a better price for his cotton, although it amounts virtually- to a -sale, as the farmer is not promised to receive back his bale 1 of cotton,, or any cotton, but takes i ANOTHER HOMICIDE either the spot market price, on sell ing, according to grade and weight, and if cotton is above present figures, or even above 8 cents, the farmer will be materially benefited. The plan, however, is not accepted readily by flth, Mason, Robinson, Ernest Cathey, for ho woman who has ever lived in this city has been -more greatly ad mired and beloved by everybody. In her sweet, gentle way, even from childhood, she has ever attracted friendship nhd(adntiration of those wild knnW htr Tint' in flitv4nntliintf if saw inai wese iwo nancies ; the nuraberless ones with whom she have been under surveillance ror some ,., j:i ,tJt . time past and that their actions have been suspicious. The indications are that a great throng of Steele Creek farmers Will attend the hearing to- day.-i-Chorlotte Observcu IN MADISON COUNTY. Mrs. Brown was the only daughter of Mrs. -C. W. Swink, and was born Moss, on the old 'plantation of her father, the late Dr. John Moss. Early in childhood her parents moved to this city, where she has made her home ever since. . V ' " About six years 'ago Miss Moss be- Asheville, N. C, Nov. 1I.-A tele- !came tI,e bnde of Mr- Eari a Brown phone message from Marshall this 8nd 88 a result of that nnion she mnminf folH of ,,ohr homi,.,d in ,uaVeS 8 8ma11 onr Dnght 8ttr8c- mj;a .) t..,;..iM ,.t h,a rive boy of Ave. She also leaves a .uauim'u vi'iiuij. wiivumiD i nic .... . .. l....l 1 . I . . all of the farmers, who realise that ! tragedy were unobtainable ;.friuer JZV .Tm, v 1 :ii , than tha faet that vesterdav after- : ' T . ' "' iu ' : !t .11 it:- -:t n i thus disposing of their cotton have the same effect of Selling, and noon Clark Norton, nn . . . , . . .... n lipr 2ftth va therefore they look askance, some of ,. ami a most .nstant.y k.Ueu. en- ; , ,; son, mother and brother share alike in the tender - a -.1 . t. - u ii ure, offset the inability of the farm- Norton, ana iraiiktins are pronuneu, . - er to get money on his warehouse re- people or. juauison coiiniy ana me thera,.at.the proposition, while oth-ii8lnil Franklin, at the home of George!, era toke a different view and believe ' Franklin, at White Rock, in the Shel- e8d .h"'ba"d' that' this offer will in a' great mea.s-! ton Laurel sectioa of the county, The L-illiiiD-. it ia anirt. hna nrentflH nn litt1i,,nB cu'" m . , I At this hour no arrangements have er a irirl. but DarticularS were not . Mr. David C' Caldwell has moved ' learned.: Norton has been arrested, """"" ceipts at the bank. Charlotte Chron icle. ' .' '.--' ' jbeen made - for the funeral and in- Bob Colt rane Bob Ellis.-Ma 'Ellis, his household effets VrQm-.:-Spfing .nd will be talten to Marshall tonight, i . '; " . Al Colbert, Ed Thomas, Joe Osborne,Jstreet to dwelling on Georgia aVV - - - : ' ,. y -Tickets are nown ale it Gibson's fjnn Bost and Am4 Phifr'4f:'rl.'j,w. ,jThe Aousa Tasated By Mr.-CBld- Mr.hnd Mrs. J, Lee Stone have re- drug store for the appearance of John Other cases' that were.' brought 'to well 'will, be occupied- by Mr. Herbert turned from Salisbury after spending Griffith tomorrow night in "King the attention of the court werei Will Honeycutt. several days there with relatives. Richard the Third." CONFERENCE THIS WEEK. FOREST EIUi XBWS. " Western North Carolina Conference . of tha Methodist Church to Open in , .. ' 4v ur . H. Thompson, on North Chureh St, The annual meeting of the Western . r Mr. D. . L Thompson, .county ia visiting his father, Mr. J. North Carolina Conference of the! Miss Bessie Goodman, of China '' OF ROMANCE, Saved Girl From Injury ia Ran-a-Way and is Now to Wed - The World prints this piece of Ro mance whieh reads like a page from one of the latest reds, flaming cover ed pieees of modern fiction: Having saved Miss Ruth Hilborn Methodist church will begin at Sails- Grove vi8i'inK M- wm Cau- hnl-v inmilrmw with Riahnn lfnrri. them's. son presiding, Salisbury has made Bv- J- p- Rod8ers ot Henrietta, mnl. .rr.n.mnt for tkinff r. f i family, will arrive on No. 38 th. m.mW. of th. nfr.BM .nd morning on a snort visit to Mrs .from hurt, perhaps from death, in a the session will be one of interest hr10' '8thw Mr J- Burrage .runaway, Jack Goldberg promptly ran church circles. The Concora interest Mr- Rode "iU g on tonight to Sal- away with her affections eapturing will be buve as usual over tha an-bury to conference. After confer- her heart Tbey wiH be earned on pointmenta for tbia eity and eoun(y. ence he ai bis wife wiU go to the Mareh 1 next .n Concord no one of the pastor, has Jameson Exposition. , Goldberg twenty-fivo yean old, ! filled the four years limit and there ! lM stewards oi me vxmcora zircon one oi mow gmu.ni, is aleeling that many or all of these 'met the P""1 th evnin .epmmercial travellers. He left his will be returned, which will pleas, .v- H n8d settlement with their home, No. 222 East Seventy-second TL. .. a ..lM.f rVi a wallr in n.ntr.1 Park on 'OOlUl . - A U MUh w , Ol '.ill jruvil WW- .w.,, w " w- - i . . : . TT. 1L. u Proridwt for at Oonferanos. mn M U1 r years. . ; am, w wi. i " Concord delegate to conference at nv- Mmn Kiaennour preacn at .snning u umi i w Salisbury have been provided for as Centr Sundy toT th P"0- fieth ,tmt h h'rd th nPid wt follows: i Kevt. ju. M. Liong ana AiDerl aner- rai-m-wi vi ruoaw. wm J. C. Rowe Mrs. Susan Saylor. ,U wlU a tonight to Salubrry to be hoora. a ai,.iii p n Wkiftu present at the opening of conference ' With th. bit in his teeth the animal W. C. Jones J. M. MauDin. .tomorrow. Mr. Sherrill wiH go, next J. W. Long Mrs. C. H. McKensie. 8und,y to 01d Trinity and preach M, M. Long W. S. Taylor. W. R. Odell Lee S. Overman. Walter Thompson J, K. Link. D. B. Coltrane E. K. MeLarty. T. E. Wagg Dr. J. F. Griffith. W. H. Perry A. W. Northern. A. L. Aycoek C. M. Rogers.. dashed toward Goldberg; in the sway ing runabout it drew sat Miss Ruth pale and helpless. Goldberg jumped in th. road, grabbed the horse's brid le and hnng on. The animal swerved, NOTED RAILROAD MAN I the runabout was overturned, Miss DIES AT WASHINGTON.; Ruth fell but was nothurt. The horse at 11 o'clock. He was pastor then ifor three years. I (blinded by fright carried Goldberg Washington, D. C, Nov. 1L Jesse! against a tree with such force that the Newton Seale, manager of the north-lyoumr man fell unconscious. A A Runaway and a Broken Buggy. !east unes tne Southern railway, mounted policeman came np at the The fine black horse of Mr. Luther wno was stricken with paralysis at moment and called an ambulance, but Brown broke his rein at the Cabarrus Salisbury, N. O, last Saturday, and , Goldberg, reviving, insisted on being mill about 1:30 o'clock this afternoon brought here on his special ear, died; taken home and not to a hospital. His injuries were serious. Miss Ruth, admiring and solicitious, and her mother, Mrs.' Emma Hilborn, vis ited him several times during the fort- and chased himself up Corbin street, "t the George Washington University down Union to East Depot, out East hospital today. On his arrival here Depot to Chureh, up Church to Loan, aympwrna oi pneumonia were awcov w r. Ko.b wrfk it; ered. He. was unconscious from early xtuui mmiA uava h a ui sa vuawu. auav v ' ii . 1 ia a a mi. ng a bee-line for Gibson's drug store, lu, morning unui iaie ms anernoon. inignt n. was eonnnea 10 oea. men, urh-M ha HQ ohanbail in him mij flight WDen HO aiCO, over the city. The remnants of the ' Mr- Sal WM h0 l Mississippi buggy can be found all along from ln 1862 w" employed hy the Associ- Loan street to the St Cloud hotel. atea rre8H m new uneans in tne ear- The horse was slightly bruised on on V eighties, and had held various po ol his hind legs. There were, several bales' of cotton on the market today despite th. cold and rain. -The price paid was 10.25. Mr. J. B. Spenee, the clever Char lotte postmaater, was in the eity yes terday, th. guest of Mr. C. B. Ivey. Miss Beulah , Query has gone to Mecklenburg today where tbia even ing at 5:30 o'clock she will attend the marriage of ber friend, Miss Mar guerite Auten and Mr. Howard. sitions in the railroad and telegraph service. A Big Mrcantn. Sal. Beginning tomorrow morning the Dayvault Company wiH, begin a ten day sale. Th. store is closed today while th. goods ar being arranged and marked, for th. sal, A large ad vertisement in this paper tells of the sale and also states that ft number of extra salespeople are wanted.- See this half page advertisement naturally, he visited her at her home, No. 10 West On. Hundred and Thir teenth street He fell in love with ber; ber admiration by gentle degrees deepend into the warmer passion. He proposed, and when he asked mamma, Mrs. Hilborn gave ber consent The wedding will be at th. Hernstardt, No. 27 West One Hundred and Fifteenth street Mrs. J. W. Long requests the Tri bune to state that she erred in her ar ticle printed in Monday's paper con cerning the gift of $10 to eharity. The $10 was given by Mr. J?D. Lents for some secret order, while the First Presbyterian church contributed $5. - nn TP- ' i ' l ' 1 u ? J n J r pf-;'' ' v'v. -i ...".'a ' J. -;r " Thelentife Stock of The -Dayvault Gompany is now in the hands of the :u--A C. Davis Salvage Company, the World's Greatest Bargain Givers. The celebrated A. C. Davis Salvage Company, the world's renowned cut price bar gain giver is now here and for the next ten days will give the people of Concord and surround ing country some of the greatest bargains known in the history of Concord. The store of The Dayvault Company is now closed arrangingjfpi; this great sale. The Davis Gompany are gomg through every department marking and, rearranging, makmg Bankrupt races-Salvage iTices of tte : entire- stock. . Saler;begins' at 9a. m, and will open with a special'5 cent sale. .The Dayvault Company in the hand3 of the A. C. Davis Salvage Company. Look for the Red and Blue Sign covering entire . front of store room.' - V Wanted -20 experienced: salesmen and salesladies. :.v ?y ' -: -;

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