S V i :iv--'. . THE TRIBUNE. c - " r" '.. V: CONCOIiD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1910. vol: xx. Price 40 Cents a month. Single Cop j 5CnU. NO. 58. v.. i P0UTI03 BEING TALKED! . - . - - . - - - - j . Interest Beginning to Appear in Nem-1 Inatio n Men Who Are Asking for Honors Are Being Talked and : Weighed In the Individual Balance. Political talk is coming to the front. -'. Who will 4e-olieitor, 'wiho eongress man and who added to the Corpora tion eommission, hese questions are bring talked. Much interest is being felt in the contest for the Demoeartic nomination for solicitor and opinions differ s a matter of fact. Shannon bouse and Smith eeem to be dividing honors" in Concord, bow the matter . will be taken outside of the city is " another" thing. Caldwell for congress seems to have more following in Con' cord than any other candidate. 'y He is fains? accented as a matter of course by many vho attend primaries. Mr. Donghton is being discussed as well. The latter married a Conocord lady, a daughter of the late Thomas Strieker. . For corporation eomims- sioner one hears some talk. Mr. H O. Brown, the present clerk of hhe corporation commission wants the nomination, end he" will have a good many friends here. Mr. Lee, of Hay wood, will also find friends in the county. His father went to Haywood a good many years ago from Cabarrus and relative are found here to the Haywood man. In addition to this he is considered well equipped man for the place. Equipment is just 'what Mr. Brown's friends are talking. For many years he has 'been the clerk and is fully equipped, being possessed of facts and figures in connection with tihe commission. A good deal of dis appointment is felt over the refusal of Mr. L. T. Harteell to ask for the solicitor's place. His friends thongbt that he would make the race, and that he would be successful. There are now Aw candidates for the nomina tion and jbonora wii) likely .divide " good deal. ' ODD FELLOWS HERE. Visiting Members of the Order Rep resenting the 12th District in Ses sion in Concord, Quests of Cold " Water Lodge Public Meeting To night' Odd Fellows from the 12th district are here today to at fend the district , meeting beginning this afternoon. The Nwpresejitatrves come from the lodge of Union, Mecklenburg, Cleveland. Gaston and Lincoln count ies as 'well as Cabarrus. The ilrst session of the convention 'was held this afternoon at '2:30. At this meeting the preli minary business was taken up and the work of organizing for the sessions to follow' gone into. Tonight at 7 :30 there will be a public meeting to which the people of Concord ' are' invited. Several addresses are on the program and those who attend will nd an in teresting program. . To Enlarge Soldiers' Home . Tuesday the directors of the North Carolina soldiers' horns met At Ral " sign. There were present Julian S. Carr, J. J, Thomas, J. N. Kelly and ,B. F. Dixon., The reports submitted .showed the institution to be in good .rder. Dr. Dixon had thought then wwere only thirteen appKeant for ad mission, but look over the file in -Captain Brook's office showed ' thi t number to be Afty-fchree. It is th " opinion of the board that more lb'om niat be provided as the State intend to care for its veterans; and there will have . to be also an increasein the -. amount of maintenance . The board will soon -bave another meeting at which it wilf form pbns eoveririg atl - these matters. : '' ,;'v - Senator Tillman' Goes, to His Home Trenton, 8.. C. AvVwhington, March .16. "Senator Tillman with his wife nd daugh ters left Washington for his borne in Trenton, S. today. ' The Senator - vho a few weeks ago was at death V - door "snd rallied by bis wonderful vitality was well enough to walk and bis, physicians deVlared there was se danger id his traveling, if it is not possible for the Senator to return in time for the close of this seassion of Congress, it is probable that he mD 1 go abroad for a rest after he has re covered further. . , v" ' " SENATOR DANIEL DYING. ' Virginia Senator at Daytona, Tla, Is said to Be Dying The End Looked for Immediately. Daytona, Fla., March United States Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia is sinking rapidly and the end is expected before morning. The Senator has been in a state of coma for the past 48 hours. The physicians in attendam-e is sued the following statement at 11 o'clock tonight "Senator Daniel's condition is crit ical to an extreme degree. The indica tions are that he is rapidly approach ing theend of his life. HeJs in a atate of coma, which is getting more and more profound. This coma may terminate in death during thd next twelve bonre or it may be as late as twenty-four of twenty-seven hours. The coma is due' to eerdbal hemor rhage, which caused paralysis of the left half of his body in rhe beginning if his illness' here." Mrs. John W. Daniel, wife of the Senator; his son-in-law nnd secretary. Fred Harper, and Mrs. Harper, and the ' following near relatives are at his bedside tonight : Mrs. K. Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison llk'ks, Mrs. Sarah Halsev and Mr. John llalscv . . . -i . ,. Live-diving Play. Now York Press. Work kills its hundreds, while play kills one, says Dr. Wood 'Hutchinson Ami in play he includes destructive lissiimtion of all 'kinds. He suggest ihat lalbor should be made more enjoy ableT-a 'highly desirable accomplish men!. b( it could Je done if the workman, the poor, housewife, the fong-'hourrd clerk could get pleasure Jilt of the iKeesary Irfbnr it 'would not only lengthen , their lives, but note "f heir lives .desirable. The ' child grows by tKir activiy hieb beleiilovs. "by iplnv." And tht leot men 'are rhild'ren hi thi 'sense njit their activities remain pleaaur- 'rble to them they play all through life and thereby accomplish great things. To learn with enjoyment, to iocomplish' with joj', rliis is fife-giv- ng, strengthening. It is t-he proof of i final civilization. Our difBculty in the social civiliza tion is that there is hardly opnort'u lity now for the workinginan (to ex rcss himself in his work. Formerly he mechanic could put something in Iividual into the thing he made. He vas something of an artist. He made i wholo thing, and made no two ex actly alike. There was smme oppor tunity to express his individuality, md this brought in the pleasure of reating, the joy ofjife. It gave him pleasure. Now, the university of machinery ind the standardization of articles lave so acted that the workmen makes nly a small part of an object. He toes not make the whole of anything. 3e is a cog in the machinery; helps :o turn out innumerable-. repetitions )t Hie same thing. There, is no way f expressing himself in his (work. He tannot contribute bis personality to ,he world. He can hot create even in ;he slightest way. It is a routine vhich he does by necessity, but with ut joy. It is not life-giving. It is ife-taking. v . ' ' As Dr. Hutchinson says, work kills nany moixs than even the extreme md bad manifestations of play ; while. lay, natural playK strengthens and revitalizes.!' Joyless work kills not on the body, but also the spirit. Ex treme labor, fe't as such kills the joy f life, the Fight of existence. P4ay is the soul. If.we could make the vork of the world seem like play, the nlllennimn 'twould be near. " . Unnsoally gifted or fortunate peo le 'have "been abie- to make their vork play, Art" and literature, ex pressions of beauty in general, are 'ooktfd. up to by mankind as of the lighcr good, because they ' represent 'his life-giving, tbw pleasurable ivity, which make tlien seem beauti ul. '. What . is beautiful in' art has Seen defined as that which enhances life. When we H hve"our vitality nbanched by our work we shall all be. artists, in one widely important ienser and then, indeed,' the millenni im m1U be bore, 'and all our social problems will vanish, v 1 . FABMTNO OR lnNINO. V: ' Some Thoughts Apropos to Sscent North CaroUn Emicrantion. - G. W. Thompson in Obsrlotts Obser ver. . '. Your article against emigration of farmers to the West suggests the ides that the West was originally min ing country. When gold mining de clined the people turned their atten tion to mining annual crops of grais from the surface, v' After so many years, the capacity of the soil for producing golden grain disappeared like the veins of gold dust, and 'now the crops of the West must be pro duced by farming, just nx they are in this country. Farming does not, consist in scrap ing off the natural fertility of virgin soil for -Hie first few crops and then rushing off for new countries. That is mining. When the historic advice was given to young men to" "go West," eon ditions there were favorable for wheat mining. Now it is necessary t fertiliser. Tlitw returns- from farming 'peraticMis are proportionate to the knowledge and skill of the former just as they arc here. Time and again it has been demon- itrnted right here in North Carolina 'hat two bales of otton may be made to the acre. Intensive fertilizing and cultivating" bring these results. The average yield of cotton for the United States is one-third of a bale an acre and this ratio fixes the price. . If by care and industry one can produce in North Carolina six times the average crop it would seem fo he a good place to live and grow rich. I Brazilian's Body is Taken Horns. Washington, March 1$. With mil itary Mid naval honors, the coffin eontainiirg the body of the late Uirflxiliun uiuba.-wiuior, Jonquim Na- bnoo, was removed today from the 'ault in Oak Hill cemetery and plac ed aboard the 'President's yacht, Mayflower, to be taken to Brazil. The coffin, which is bronze and wejghs 1,600 pound, 'wa.sfifted from the, vault by eight- non-commissioned jnicers of the army and placed upon an artillery easn draped with the Brazilian and American colors. Es corted 'by a sqiwulron of icavalry from Fort Myer, under (command of Capt. Garrard, the ambassador's body was darted for the navy yard. There were bo religions -ceremonies, in view of the fact that elaborate services had been held at the time of the funeral. The State Department was repsent- ad by Chandler Hale, Third Assistant Secretary of State. The diplomatic body was present in the persons of x special commit tee appointed by the directors of the bureau of American republics, namely: Senor De Labarra, the Mexican ambausadi; Senir Ana bel Cruz, Chilean minister; Senor Portolla, the Agenftine minister, and Mr. iShermont, the charge of theBra siliaan embassy. The eldest son of the late embassador was also a mem ber of the party. Arrived at the navy yard, the fu neral cortege was met by the com- atandant of the1 yard and passed be tween lines of marinej and bluejack sts, drawn up at attention. " ' Went to aieep,oa Track. ; ' "Greensboro dispatch of the 16th to the Charlotte Observer says: ? - Martin 'Hewey of SchooUeld, Vs., a mill suburb of Danville, and Horbert Wiles of Greendtoro were ran over by Southbound Southern Railway train No. 7 near Pelbstn this after noon.' The tneni were sitting oaf the track and appeared to be asleep when itrnck by the train. They were plae sd in the baggage ear and brought to Qreeneboro to be carried to a hospital, but Hewey .died in the' ambiance while en routs to the hospital. Wiles wss not fatally injured.' ' ' The cottage on the lot of Mr. J. W. Qannon on Spring street adjoining the home of Mr. D. A. Caklwell is being moved, off tha lot. The. bouse was bought by Mr. J. P. Fisher srho mov ed it to a lot on Grove street wad will occupy it. Mr. Cannon will build a modern and attractive eoitage ml the lot st once. , - - , - ft i UOBS WATEE A' NEED. City Again Win Hare to Face the Scarcity of a Water Supply Like ly That Water Will be Mncn 1n Demand for Oeneral Consumption Bsfors the Bummer .Advances Far. Again is Bkely that Coneord will face a eeareity of water before many months of the year Lave gone. One well informed sad femiGar with the condition said yesterday that there 'would be somewhat of a water (famine in the eity before the summer is gone. Last year Concord bad a limited wa ter supply and the ohances are that the condition will be equally as bad and perhaps worse. The same men hers referred to say that the' street sprinkler will not likely get a supply for general ue, that only within the Sre) limits is it likely that water will be used for sprinkling. This condi tion brings up again in all serious ness the matter of getting an increase of water --for the city plant. Last year the board gave much thought to the mtrtter of getting more 'water, though nothing definite was done. Again wilf this question come up and the board is now giving the matter much thonght with a view of working out some scheme to relieve a sit nation that is likely to grow 'worse rather than better. The supply now coming from deep ' wells is not sufficient to meet the demands made on the city and it is necessary to get a supply from another source. It is likely that the matter will be the sWbject of serious 'consideration at ome. FULL SCHOOL TERM. Board Decides to Continue the Schools the Full Term Closing to he tht 9th of May. Matter Settled by Board. There wa a (full meeting of the board of school oommiseioners yester day, called for the pnnpose of set tling the matter of the length of the school term. The board decided to tontinue the full term and the sehoola will elose on the 9th day of May, run. ning a full eight months as usual. There was some talk of a shorter term, but after careful consideration of all facts the board decided that the pro per thing to do 'waj to run the full term of eight months. There was a full vote to this end. A recent- issue of the Lexington Ledger says of a former Concord pas tor: "Rev. W. IL McNairy, of Lenoir, has accepted a eall to PHgrara, Be iilah and Bethany Reformed churches, in this county, and he will begin his new work the flKt finndav in Ami) The Rev Mr. McNairy is a fine oreacher and an- excellent pastor, and this charge is fortunate in securing bis services." A 1 1 Doctors, (Bankers, Teachers, Farmers, Merchants, Clerks, in fact all classes of people are car rying stock in this Association. . J ' Our members appreciate the .good features of a systematic me thod of saving as well as the bene. fit from co-operative investing, f .: ' We loan our members money on first mortgage loans secured by j real estate. -, ; . i ;v - ' ' i It is Co-operative. - Asseta OT B. L o Office a Coocord NatioaaJ Bank j TO RENAME STREET. Petitioneers Asking for Union Street to he changed to Main Btreet. A petition thai is being largely signed is being circulated asking that the name Union be officially changed to Main street. The street has long been commonly known as Main and is yet spoken of as Main more than Union which is the official name of the street. The fuentiment seems to be strong in favor of a change and if it is made, as seems likely, it wiLl be done in response to the commonly accepted name of Main street. The Tribune signed the petition, not that we ca'e much by which name it goes by,' and hopes that with the name official changed the matter of improv ing and making street in deed' and in fact the Main Ktreet will be gone into more seriously than ever. If Main is more desired, Main let it be, but by all means let's get it in first alasr, condition. Jercy Nodles says that he bnVke witji his mail order sweetheart because her letters were dictsated by her fa ther, edited by her mother, read by her sister, and mailed by her bro'her. Re preferred an orohan . J ; ..... I IF TOU WANT TO BE SATISFIED WITH TOUR SPRING PUR CHASE BUT A SUIT MADE BY EAOEXTTCARHARDT OQ. EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED TO BE ALL WOOL, AND EAVB NO EQUAL IN FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. ' . IT AFFORDS US PLEASURE ft L. Parhs M Go. The fieme of Gooi Merchuidiw. Prompt Service, Reliable Security, Quick XUollections, Bank Accommodation - and Advice upon' all matters Bank Account with this bank estab.ianeo: it lisn. ,. - -. ,-3 "'-"'' Safe Deposit Box's for Rent ": s : ' - -- . , -' . Interest paid on Time Deposits. " - 1 - - The Accounts of Farmers, Merchants' ! s'i'.'ii.;.'1 ' and Individuals solicited. , . " ' -'.;-...j " The Cabarrus rary urn NEW T ALBINO PICTURES AGAIN TODAY. ALSO TWO NEW REELS OF PLIAN PICTURES THE BEST THAT'S MADE. J. LEE STONE, v Manager Patlme Every Thing' for the Garden WOOD'S SEED 2 papers 5 cents. White and Red Onion Sets Peas, Beans and Corn by the print or bushel GIBSON DRUG STORE TO SHOW TOU. pertaining to boinees hare your Savings Ban!x State Libi PAS ' A. - - -,' I -w '. -

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