-'-'-s Spake HlilllllllilMlllltiMIIIII iililitiiliiiJiytVfHUiii mmiimicfffiguii llllllilllllllllllllllllltll llllllllilllllHIlllllllllll lllllllfllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiMi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIUIIIIIIII iiiiiiezzzF r- y- ii fiiciiiii s d ilia ci if 11 VOLUME 54 COOLEEMEE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1961 J- & , ? 4? -? 4 LOCAL CHILDREN 1. to r.: James Edward Brown, 11 months oid son of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Melanie Spake, 3'2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spake, and Rena' Osborne, 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osborne. Bottom row: Ricky Snipes, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Snipes, Cynthia Soots, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Soots, and Edna Toney Brogdon, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foyell Cope Brogdon. r j mm1 fiew Contract Signed Lnion employees of the Er win Mills of Coolcemee met Saturday and ratified a new two-year contract, thus elimi nating the possibility of a strike. The old contract expired January 27th and negotiations were recessed February 3rd with neither side setting a date for their resumption. However, talks began a ga'n last week and Thursday representatives of the Tex. tile Workers Union of Ameri ca and the mills released a joint statement that a tenta tive contract had been agreed upon. About 500 local union mem bers ratified the agreement at a meeting Saturday afternoon. Neither side disclosed de tails of the new contract. The meeting was not open to news men. About 1,000 of the 1,600 em ployees of the two Erwin textile plants are TWUA members. f 4 Ki 1 ' h ,i 1. to r. top row: Freda Lynn Hellard age 3 years and Lou Ann Hellard, age two years, are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie E. Hellard of Gladstone, and Ronald Keith Carter is the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Carter of Route 4, MocKsville. Bottom row: Mary Edwina Carter, age 4 years is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carter, Wade A. Osborne, is the 2'4 year old son of Mr .and Mrs. Britt Osborne, and Mary Elizabeth Holt is the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Holt. Cm : v.. s,; : ... . $4 if, v; ,5 4 .::. A- :.: A: . ' :. '::. :;f T. ' . t ' fy ?0f mm-' :.:jii : ,j:L L 1. to r., top row: Alicia Ellis, 13 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ellis, Dewey Donald Allen, Jr. 4 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen, and Donna Lynn Clawson, 14 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clawson. Bottom row: Gregory David Mills, 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Mills of Route 4, Mocksville and Nettie Seamon, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Searnon, and Linda Lee Mills, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Mills. ,V v. r : - ) L: ... VVM-. I. :41 Injured In Fall Jerry Lagle, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lagle of Route 3, Mocksville, injured his back from a fall off the roof of his uncle's home. He is a patient at Da vie County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Chap pell went to Durham on Sun day to help celebrate the birihday'pbf their grandchild, reft,- Jtfy-.t,- and Susan Turn- er, ; whiSs birthdays were on FebrusljZ,J and February 14. Their peTents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Turner had a dinner on Sunday, February 12, for both birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Herman My ers and children of Cuyahoa Falls, Ohio spent a recent week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gales. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie E. Shore and children of Char lotte spent the week end with h's sister, Mrs. Robert Gales and Mr. Gales. Has" Local Woman Interesting Mrs. Gladys Lowd.?r has a very unusual, but also interest ing hjliby, of Lirdwatch'ng. She lives in an idoai location for her hobby due to a lot of cedar and other trees scat tered over the open land near h.;r home at North Coei eemee. Sh? has ted and wat ched the various kinds of birds. With a feeder on the south side of her home and a large window, this makes her hobby work out very nice ly. Sparrows. Cardinals, Star lings, Snowbirds, several Woodpeckers that are very shy, Bue Jays, several Mock ingbirds, that will very often chase the Starlings, are some of the birds that come there for food. It is about the time of year now for the Robins and Wrens to come, if the season is warm. There are thousands of people through out the couQtry who are tak ing up this wonderful hob by and we hope to hear more from Mrs. Lowder concerning, birdwatching. Weekly Report From The General Assembly Week-ending February 10, '61 The 1961-63 North Caro lina General Assembly con vened at noon on Wednes day, February 8th, 1961, with a short but impressive cere mony as members of the Gen eral Assembly took - the oath of office upon individual Bibles presented by the State of N. C. for the occasion. Secretary of State Thad Eure presided and Supreme Court Justice Hunt Parker administered the oath to the 120 members of the House of Representatives. The oath-taking ceremony call ed to our attention that, al though we are each elected to represent our respective counties, our obligation also extends to the State of North Carolina. Immediately after the "swearing-in" Mr. Joe Hunt of Guil ford was named speaker and the House got down to busi ness. The first bill, a resolu tion calling for immediate consideration of the problem of re-dividing the congression al districts, gave rise to a short but violent controversy between Mr. Ed Kemp (Dr. Ramey Kemp's brother) of Guilford and Mr. John Kerr of Warren. Further argument was avoided when a messenger from the Senate brought word that a similar resolution had already been introduced in that chamber. This news brought a temporary truce, that li..iy times are ahead. The Thursday session for the most part was concerned with the Governor's budget message which was delivered before a joint session of the House and Senate. The Gov ernor called for no new taxes at this time but promised to be back with further propos als, particularly in the field of education. The majority of the House appears to be in favor of the budget and gen erally sesm to favor more aid for education, even if it means higher taxes, but there is a growing hope that dras tic new taxes will not be necessary. At the Friday session Speak er Hunt announced commit tte appointments for two of tne larger committees Fin ance a;id Appropratio;-:S. Th-3 f .nance comni.ttee is composed of half oi' the Membership of ti.e House and is charged with the duty of raising rev fciiuo. The Apropriation Com mittee, of wh:ch I am a mem ber, is composed of the oth er half of the membership and is eriard witn the duty ot spend. ng the money raised by the Finance Committee. LESTER P. MARTIN, JR., Representative Basketball Scores Scoring for the. Davie Coun ty Basketball games held Tuesday night at Troutman was Girls game, Davie Coun ty -- 27 and Troutman 47. The boys game total scoring was Davie County 52 and Trout man - 61. Lions Club Entertain Ladies Vi v Episcopal Service Ronald Eugene Taylor, age 4 years and Michael Dean, age 10 months are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Taylor of Route 4, Mocksville. Pat Gales, age 10 years, Susan, age 7 years and Billy, age 10 months, are children of Mr .and Mrs. W. R. Gales. The Rev. John N. McAllis ter will be at the Church of the Good Shepherd Sunday, February 19th for the cele bration of Holy Communion at 9:30 A. M. Road Hearing On February 22 Danbury - Residents of the five - county area comprising the Ninth Highway Division will have an opportunity to present road requests, peti tions and problems to repre sentatives of the Ninth Divis ion at a public hearing on Wednesday, February 22. An nouncement of the hearing was made today by Division Engineer R. B. Fitzgerald. City and county officials, along with the general pub lic, are iiivited to attend the hearing if they have re quests which they feel should receive attention. The hearing will be held in the Stokes County Court house at Danbury on Wed nesday, February 22nd, begin ning at 10 A. M. This is one in a series of public hearings being held in the Ninth Division, which is composed of Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Rowan and Stokes Counties. Lenten Services Lenten Services will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Episcopal, on each X'ednesday, evening at 7:30 until Easter. Rev. J. L. Martin will "be in charge of the services. World Day Of Prayer The Annual World Day of Prayer services will be held at the Cooleemee Methodist (y.urch on Friday evening, February 17, at 7:30 P. M. All churches in the com munity will participate. Giles Sexton is improving at Davis Hospital in States-vilie. To,,iIead Easter Sell Drive The Rev. Boyce D. White ner has been named as chair man of the Davie County Easter Seal Society. Mr. Whi tenor who is pastor of the ioly Cross Lutheran Church has been here for the past nine months. He is a na tive of Hickory North Caro lina. He received his AB de gree from Lenoir Rhyne and his BD degree from the Lu theran Theological Southern Seminary. Mr. Whitener announced that the following persons will serve on the committee to as sist in planning and conduct ing the annual appeal to fight c: ippling in this area: Miss Ossie Allison. Miss Jane MeGuire Mrs. Paul Hondrix, and Mr?.- Margaret LeGrar.d. The campaign M-hcdu'ed March 2nd to April 2, marks 40 years of service to the crippled by the National So ciety for Crippled Chi'dren and Adults. The Davie County Chapter is one of 1,653 af filiates of the National Society which each year conduct sim ultaneous campaigns for the crippled in the 50 states, Dis trict of Columbia and Puerto Rico. About 90 per cent of the funds contributed remain in the slate where contributed to finance rehabilitation services for the crippled. The remain der helps support a national program of direct service, edu cation and research. Envelopes will be addressed by typing classes at the Davie County High School. North Piedmont Cage Tournament Set The North Piedmont basket ball tournament will be held this year in the West Rowan gymnasium with play in the opening rounds beginning on Friday, March 3. The top eight teams in the conference will participate in the tournament with the first place team being paired a gainst the 8th placed team; the 2nd against the 7th; 3rd against 6th; and 4th against the 5th, in the opening round. The tournament will begin on Friday night, March 3, and will end with the finals on Thursday night, March 9th. The winner of the North Pied mont Conference will meet the winner of the South Piedmont Conference at the Kannapo lis High School gymnasium on Saturday night, (March 11 to determine the Piedmont Conference champion. (This is both boys and girls' teams). The Piedmont Conference champions will play the West ern Conference champions (boys and girls) at Hudson High School on Tuesday night, March 14th. Seedings of teams will be based on the final standings in the conference. In the first round, three games will be played on Fri day night three games on Sat urday rt"ight;-and two" games on Monday night. The schedule for Friday night March 3 shows the 4th and 5th place girls' teams playing at 6 P.M.; -1st and 8th place girls' teams playing at 7:30 P.M.; and the 4th and 5th place boys' teams play ing at 9 P. M. On Saturday ni ;ht March 4th: 3rd and 6th place girls' teams play at 6 P. M.; 2nd and 7th place girls' teams meet at 7:30 P. M.; and the 1st and Sth place boy's teams play at 9 P. M. On Monday night March 6:h; 3rd and 6th place boys' teams play at 7:30 P. M.; and the 2nd and 7th place boys' teams play at 9 P. M. The girls' semi-finals will b-e played on Tuesday night March 7:h: and the boys' semi-finals wi;l be played on Vc-dr.e-:day n:iit March Sth. The finals will be piayed on Thur,-d:v right March 9th. Billie Regina Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. Billy Van Zant of Mocksville announce the birth of a 7l2 lb. daugh ter. Billie Regina, on Febru ary 8, at Davie County Hos pital. Mrs. VanZant is the former Miss Dorothy Ann, Waller, daughter of Mrs. Rob ert Hampton of Cooleemee. The Cooleemee Lions Club held their annual Valentine observance with Ladies Night at a dinner in Bame's Res taurant near Barber. Nearly 100 per cent attended the de lightful occasion. No program, was held, but a few of the Lions made short talks. Miles Carpenter, the president, made a brief talk, and A. J. To karz, Zone Chairman for this district, made a talk on the eye disease Glaucoma. The Lions Club is trying to spon sor a Glaucoma Clinic locally for the examination of the eyes to be made and to ar rest the disease. People that have glaucoma cannot be cur ed but the disease may be stopped if cared for in time. The clinic is for this pur pose. Bob Hoyle, the Entertain ment chairman, spoke briefly. He was in charge of the love ly decorations carrying out the Valentine motif. Open flew Business Otis Penniger and J. T. Pilcher have opened a new business. The Economy Radio and TV Service, located at 540 Sanford Avenue. Mocks ville. Mr. Penninger was for merly associated with J. N. Ledford Company in Coolee mee and resides at Wood leaf, Route 1. Mr. Pilcher was with Farmer's Hardware and ; Supply Company in Mocksville before opening this new busi ness and makes his home near Farmington. Sen. Brock Named To Committee Senator B. C. Brock, rep resenting the counties of Da vie, Yadkin and Wilkes in the North Carolina General Assembly, has been named to the following committees: Agriculture (vice-chairman; Appropriations: Courts and Ju dicial Districts; Education: Ju diciary I; Penal Ir.sti'uvons; Propositions and, Grievances; Public Reads; Stats Government. Oavie Hospital ets Fund The trustees of the Duke Endowment have voted an ap propriation of $418 to the Da vie County Hospital. The award is made on the basis of the charitable work of the hospital during the fis cal year ended September 30. Appropriations this year went to 137 hospitals and 43 child care institutions in North and South Carolina. Hospitals are aided at the rate of one dollar for each free bed day of care rendered. Valdese Day The children of the Recre ation Center in Cooleemee will go to Valdese on Satur day, February ISth, to observe Valdese Day. The days acti vities begin at 10:00 A. M. until 3:00 P. M. Mrs. Jack Kurfees has been sick with a virus at her home for several weeks. -- . i .-' f ( ! i V -i : ' 1 i - I : I' i Vi i. '' i - . A i ' Y - - y-i i - ! .. ., , ., , :-nn f Eva Nemidi, featured flyer with Rinoling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Circus which plays six performances in Memorial Coli seum, Wirtsfon-Salem Fri., Sat. & Sun.; Feb. 17. 18 & 19.

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