3Jte tonteaut lanntal BvEflj El Hi* ■ % - - |el ~" 1 v x, tj- 5 i EHF v '^JKa»-v' I f I B l §r " : '' iB . W^MJB&EBnKI m ■ m —*. I a m m K lr ' HV: ,/^*| ■ ' 9H| I 1 ft & % $ n ■ T H 9 4|9HH 9r i jrffl LEGION OFFICERS - Pictured above are the new Legion Officers of Cooleemee Post No. 54, who will assume office next week: Front row, left to right; Thomas Vogler, Commander; Charles Bean, Adjut ant; Charlie Jordan, Finance Officer. Back row, left-to right; James Phelps, Service Officer; Craig Sneafl, Second Vice Commander; Alton Holt, Sergeant at Arms and Otis Penninger, First Vice Commander. (Photo Photo & Gift Shop) - Corinth Church Of Christ Begins Bible School The Church of Christ in Needmore Community will have its annual Vacation Bi ble School beginning Monday, July 26th through Friday, July 30. There will be class es for all ages including an adult class, which will be taught by Louis Savage, the minister of the North Main Street Church of Christ in Mocksville. The classes will be conducted from 6:30 to 8:30 P. M each evening. The theme of the Bible School will be "God's Son and Chris tian Living." i The public is certainly wel come and urged to attend each and every night. Trans portation will be furnished by the members of the church in Woodleaf, Cooleemee and elsewhere. Anyone desiring to attend and doesn't have a way are asked to call Ron nie Ulrey, Minister at Cor inth Church of Christ at BE 8-2528. RUFUS BROWN SANFORD In our grcwing up we were told that the human body was made up of 16 basic elements. Modern science may have discovered others. However, man is much more than body, and a real person embodies such qualities as love, high aspirations, integrity, honesty, courage, faith, neighborliness, kindness whicn are spiritual in nature and necessary to a full human personality. For many years Mocksville, our neighboring tcwn, was blessed with the presence of a man who early reached maturity in those fine qualities which spelled themselves out in personal conduct, and in service to his community. He was a christian who liVed out his heavenly citizenship in the world in which lie found himself. As a business man he was a success; he succeeded because that all the while he was getting, he was giving. As his talent was building a business, it was also building a com munity: Mocksville expanded, jchs were created and re sources of the entire community increased and multiplied. Sdund, wise, and prudent use of talent and resources ex tended a man into the prosperity of the community. Few people in the community ever stop to realize hdw much its entire life is the extension and expansion of 'those few citizens whose spirit, wisdom, diligence, and labor create resources which enrich the community. Ru fua Sanford waa «uch a man. His faith, confidence, wis dom, and courage wpre not expended solely for himself, but for Mocksville, and the surrounding areas. The C9ol eehiee Journal gratefuly claims Mr. Sanford as a part of out community, since his example and service extended far beyond the physical boundaries of his town. His Church life permeated his business, and his busi ness in turn contributed, as did his personal service, to his community. To those who mourn his passing -and there ace many the Journal extends sympathy; but at the •ame time We would not lose sight of the fact that his life was such that we can rejoice that such • man lived in our ... r V* * " Grand Opening Of New Par 3 Golf Course 1H Announced LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hoover of Orlando, Florida spent a week here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fos ter and other relatives, and his mother, Mrs. Leslie Efird in Albemarle. Mrs. Judy Boger is recup erating at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Henry Canupp. She received a fall while at work in Ft. Lau derdale, Florida. Her daugh ter, Charlene is also here. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swice good and sons, of Alaska have been spending two weeks here visiting* their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Swiee good of Woodleaf and Mrs. W. B. Blalock of Cooleemee. They were enroute to make their home in New Mexico. Mrs. Sherman Gregory is a patient at Davie Hospital. This week, on Saturday, just 3 miles from Cooleemee on U. S. 601, a modern new Par 3 Golf Course will open to the public. It is being op erated by Bob Benson, Wood row Mabe and Robah Allen. So when you hear a group say they're going to the "Ponderosa" you will know they are going to the new golf course as the owners have named the new facility the "Ponderosa Par-3 Golf Course". There will be a Grand Opening list of prizes that will include a Grand Prize of $25 in cash; a second prize of $lO and ten free passes to play on the Ponderosa. Draw ings for the prizes will be held this Saturday night at 8 P. M. Play actually began on the new nine hole, par 3 course last week - end. Those who have played on the course like the entire layout. It is 1.306 yards long and features Tifton 328 greens. It is light ed for night play. They also have rental clubs and balls available. A driving range for night uss is operated in conjunc tion with the Ponderosa Course. The opening hours are from 5 P. M. to 10:30 P.M. each week day. On Saturday and Sunday, of each week, the course will open at 1 P. M. and close at 10:30 P. M. On Dean's List Greenville About 15 per cent of East Carolina College's students made good enough grades last spring to earn special recognition on three honors lists announced this week by college officials. The three lists include 971 of the 6,200 students enrolled for Spring Quarter. There are 822 North Carolinians and 149 students from outside the state. The non-residents repre sents 18 states, the District of Columbia and two foreign countries. James B. Foster of Advance, Route 2, was on the dean's list. James Hinkle of Mocksville rtmains a patient at Davie Hmpjt-i COOLEEMEE, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1965 Davie Man Killed In An Accident Larry Gene Peacock, 25, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, was killed at 2:30 Wednesday while log ging near Mount Holly when the tractor he was driving overturned crushing him a gainst a stump. He was born in Davie Coun ty to Ivey Lee Peacock and Lizzie Padgett Peacock. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Seamcnd Peacock 1 a son, Larry Gene Peacock, Jr. of the home; his mother, Mrs Lizzie Turner of Mocksville, Rt. 4; five brothers, Kenneth Lee Peacock of Mocksville, Route 4, Herman Peacock of Mocksville, Rt. 5, Harold Pea cock of the U S. Army and Garry and Ronald Peacock of Mocksville, Rt. 4; and three sisters, Mrs. Kathleen Frye, Mrs. Julia Sizemore and Miss Barbara Sue Peacock of Mocksville, Rt. 4 The body is at Eaton's Fu neral Home pending arrange ments. , Cooleemee Fire Department Answers Call At 2:30 a.m. Sunday a three room house near North Coole emee was comDletely destroy ed bv fire. The Cooleemee Fire Department was called, but the house was engulfed by flames before their ar rival. Fire Chief Thomas Vog ler said the house was owned by Arnold Barnes, but was empty at the time of the fire. Bible School The Church of God at North Cooleemee has been holding Bible Schrol this week and approximately 40 each day has 'oeen attending. The closing program will be held Saturday nigftt at 7:00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har ris and daughter, Jill, of Eau Gallse, Florida spent a week here visiting friends and re lative* STUDENTS ASKED TO REGISTER Students that have not registered for their courses for the School Year 1965-66 are requested to do so during the two weeks from August 2nd through Aug ust 13th. This includes students that have moved into this county, students that failed to register in the spring of last year, and those that are planning to at tend Davie County High School for the first time. Students that wish to change their schedules must do so at this time also. Registration and schedule change will be made in the principal's office at Davie County High School from 8:00 to 12:00 during the period mentioned above- Burlington Will Build New Cotton Fabric Plant In Rutherford County Correction Through an error last week the Journal reported that Mrs. Annice Alsobrocks was in the Davie County Hospi tal. This was a mistake. Mrs. Annie Livengood lames has returned home from The Da vie County hospital where she was treated for a heart attack. She is not allowed vi sitors at this time. Kills large Copperhead Judson Page, who lives on the Pine Ridge Road, and in his spare time is a gardener, reached down to pull a Morn ing Glory vine from a pea nut row, last Monday morn ing, when he saw the head of a snake close to his hand. It was coiled and ready to strike. He killed it, and found that it was a 41 inch copper head. Several people who saw the snake said it wai the largest they had ever seen. Capt. and Mrs. Allen Stout and children of Ft. Bragg spent the week end here vi siting their parents, Allen and Mickey Stout remained here to spend several weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rovie Mayberry. mm- a. m mm# g/mg' jmrt 1 plf Jlgi ' ''^^B y ■ .i- * s M SB? Iff B Mm W tI IIP] Jh H J V| Q | m ■ SB if ' «i m VIM I m\ mm B m m Wg ±Sw M :11 'ijlH .J 'lk- S m Stm V|[ B B Hmtt- Sw wmk mm S - fl H K 1 if 3 $r %BPE K *s® - i &| m| - v SH - I ' I g » 'liM-j • K^fli ■ IV I M \ll ffinnral g AWARDED MEDAL- Charles Bean, Adjutant of Cooleemee Poet No. 54, The American Lrii§|3M shown receiving the legion's Merit Award as the outstanding legionnaire of 1964-65. Mr. Dnjitt W(f» all the legions many projects during the past year. Presenting him with the Post'# htgftfilf ITHflf jB Holt, Poet Sergeant at Arms. (Photo - Photo 4b £»- Sas Forest City, N. C. July 15— Burlington Industries an nounced tcday that its BI Cotton Mills division will build a new plant in Ruth erford County. The plant will produce cotton and cotton-blend fab rics and will employ apprcxi mately 200 persons. When completed, equipped and in operation, the plant will rep resent an investment of a bout $7 1 /i million. Payrolls are expected to reach $1 mil lie n annually. Plans for ths new facility were revealed today by Bur lington officials at a meet ing with Rutherford County comnaunity leaders in Forest City. The new plant will be lo cated on a 200-acre tract two miles frcm Caroleen, adjacent to State Roads 1901 and 1911 and facing the proposed U.S. Highway 74 extension. The property is near the Second Broad River. Of modern, one-story de sign, the plant will contain about 200,000 square feet of floor space and wjU be fully air conditioned. Daniel Construction Com pany is general contractor for the project, which is sched uled to get underway with in the next few weeks. The plant is expected to be in full operation by mid-1966. The building is being de- See BURLINGTON Page 8 JACK WARD Ward Named Assistant Davie School Jack Ward has accepted the dual role of principal and athletic director at Davie County High Schbol. He had been athletic director but new, in addition, will assist Principal John N. Norton in the administrative duties at Davie High. In announcing the appoint ment, Mr. Nortcn said that Mr. Ward would be relieved of all teaching duties an: would d;vote full-time to his job as assistant principal and athletic director. Bill Peeler will take over Mr. Ward's duties in the physical edu cation department. Mr. Ward is a native o Thomasville, the son of Mrs. H. E. and the late Mr. Ward. He attended the schools of that city and Catawba Col lege where he played varsity football and baseball, gradu ating with an A. B. degree in 1951. He received his mas ter's degree in school admin istration from th University of North Carolina in 1959. He coached and taught for five years at the Cooleemee High School and has been head fcotball coach and ath letic director at the Davie High School for the past nine years. Sail Park Lights Paid In Full Now At the regular meeting at the Cooleemee Jaycees ro , Tuesday night, July 20, 1906, it was reported that enough money was then available to pay off the loan at the local bank which was made tor the lights which have beat installed at the local h » 11 park. The source of the ney was from the Jajnoess ' share of the profits that waft made from the Donkey Batt . Game which was played on Monday night. A large crowd did attend and they trust eve ryone had a night of 1 md enjoyment. The Jaycees also wish to thank all the people of Gml semee and surrounding ansa that have helped them in -aising the money to pay for this much needed imprcy*- ment at our local ball pack. The Jaycees have plana to j complete the concession stand ■ at the park as soon as ptal .4 The crowds at the parte J have steadily been increaaMp| and the Jaycees hope this | will continue, proving that > what they and the people of Cooleemee have worked hud for the past year cr so is now being enjeyed by everyone! 1 "urniture Store j iaaoaacosA j arand Opening Mr. W. Frank Shoaf Own- \ «r of Shoaf Wayside FurnJkj ture located M West at 29-70 comes everyone to ailfplgpj their grand opening now .iji'.j progress. This is the la(|MtJ furniture store in North rolina on one floor and ihey have practically everything for the home. See more de tails inside, paper.