3fe teleemee Journal VOL. NO. » ■ 1 1 HH|M ffl . ;■ Open House At Davie Hi To Be Held Next Monday Local People In Toriido Area ocean' Drive Beach, South Carolina was hit by a torna do Tuesday night 4e«*lng buildings with the roots off, trees uprooted, power lines down, plate glass windows smashed. A ferris wheel blown over and the total damages was over 1 million dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Deadmon and children Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan of Cooleemee were spending this week at the tornado damaged beach. Mrs. Jordan who is employ ed at the Davie County Court house in Mocltsville, called her mother Mrs. Henry Cook of Cooleemee ami said they were all safe and decided to stay on a few more days. Course For Librarians NASHVILLE —"The Church Library a Partner in Pro clamation and Witness will be the theme of a church libra ry conference August 25 th- September 1 at Ridgecrest (N. C.) Baptist Assembly. Among basic- courses to be offered are these in train ing new library workers, clas sifying and cataloging books, selecting subject headings, and processing and circulat ing audio-visuals. Other cour ses will cover principles in evaluating, selecting, and us ing printed matfrials and au dio-visuals. ) Special courses will be of fered is making and using leeming aidj, selecting and using reference' material, ef fective; church' library - gd ministration, caring for and repairing books. ' Another course has been planned for those with association*! and itate church library organisa tional responsibilities. Conference leaders will in clude: Mrs. Lawrence Free man, librarian, First Baptist Church, Itturfreesboro, Term.; Miss Jewell Alexander li brary staff, Howard College, Birmingham, and Doug Dill ard, artist and illustrator of The evening worship speak er is to be Dr. Luther Joe Thdmfteon pastor. First Bap tist Church, Chattanooga, Tenn. The conference is sponsored by the Baptist Sunday School Board's church library de partment, Wayne K. Todd, sec retary, Nashville. Todd will direct the conference, assist ed by his department staff. Miss Braids Adams of Rockwell returned to Titus ville, Florida with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shore to spend the winter Open House will be held at Davie High School for all the Freshmen on Monday, August 23, from 8 A. M. til 12 noon. The Student Council encour ages all freshmen to come and look over the school facilities. They are looking, forwent to acquainting them with , ..the school. .. V .. Ceramic Class Now Plarinad The Cooleemee Recreation Center would like to organize Ceramic Classes for anyone who may be interested in learning this art Please call the Recreation Center if you like to enroll so that they may make plans accordingly. Receipts For Picnic $3,183 The Bth annual Masonic Picnic at Mocksville last wc«ek netted gate receipts in the a mount of $3183, which was an increase of $53. over laat year. The receipts from the dinner Thursday totaled $269,35, which was $2.40 less than last year. Love, Jr. Rajoins Burlington New York, N. Y., August 10, 1005— James S. Love, Jr., has rejoined to Burlington In dustries Inc., as Director of Market Research, it was an nounced today, He will make his headquarters at the Ccm pany's New York office. Tor the past three years Mr. Love has been Deputy to the Sec retary of Commerce for Tex tile Program. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Don Wall and daughter spent a few daya at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this week. M. L. Webb it undergoing tests and X-ray and observa tion at Davie Hospital. Mrs. Susie Fields is confin* ed to her horn* for two weeks suffering from a broken foot received in a fall nekr her home on Monday night. Tamaria and Pamela Webb of Kensington, Md., spent last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Webb. Their cousin, Margar et Webb, returned home with them for s week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Murph spent last week at Memphis, Ttnn, and Day tons Beach* Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mil holen and children of Emer son, New Jersey are visiting relattvM here. Mr. and lira. Lester Sills and children and Mrs. Claytie We Do Have Birthdays An institution, like the individual, has birth days-events celebrated in a spirit of hap piness and hope for the future. In a certain sense, while the individual becomes older, the institution becomes younger, since it must function in the spirit and manner of must function in the spirit and manner of the age in which it lives- So, while the Coolee mee Journal is proud of its past, and tries , to preserve the best of it we feel like kicking up our heels in the manner and spirit of con temporary iife-which is to. say, w? Yfel some what youngish, and while waltz is our fav a orite lance, we.are averse _tp ?«vlnging i a bit -with teenagers on our 59th birthday. We are not unmindful of the past and the memory thereof, we must confess, fills us with nostalgia They were good days in spite of the hardships- At least, we like to recall that one could buy a pound of coffee for ten cents, and a penny would buy a big stick of candy- When the Journal was Born one could go to a store with five dollars and return laden with goods; today, we can bring it home in our coat pockets - with room to spare. We are all for the progress of our genera tion. Scientific knowledge has created many things to enlarge and enrich human life; but in its increase of things, the world has for gotten to carry along some more ethical, and spiritual elements in life which leaves us at the mercy of things minus the qualities which make for justice, righteousness and peace- Our things are becoming increasingly given to im plements of destruction, and we stand before life today appalled, frightened and fearful of what might happen any day. Somewhere along the line we missed several boats which might have carried us to a safer and happier desti nation- We wish that we could go back and bring back a few items in the past-such as the neigh boriinees. friendliness, honest dealings, and the reverence for life which we held in the days of simple living. So, while we celebrate a birthday, we do so with a thankfulness of our past the joys and benefits of the present, and gratefulness to our subscribers, advertisers, and readers- We aim to give the best spirit of the past to infuse the present with all of its neighborliness, friend liness, and regard for life: Trusting that such a spirit may make our many things in scienti fic achievements, serve the best and highest purposes of life- We celebrate in happy mood and hope though in a world somewhat confused. Firm To Handle Truck Sales and Service Now IcwCoMhAt Robert Henry, of Granite Falls High School, has accept ed the position at basketball coach and assistant football coach at Davie High. A form er Children's Home football player, he was lettered in basketball and baseball, as well as football Mr. Henry will serve as head coach of the boy's basketball team and will assist coach Jack Ward and Rill Pcaiar in *— • v i COOIJCKim, N C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 1», IM6 HOMECOMING AT LIBERTY METHOD IST CHURCH annual homecoming of the Liberty MetWdkt Church (pictured on left, will be hehl on Sunday, August 22 Rev. R G. McOamrock, former pastor, and now retired, wtt deliver the homecoming message- The Schedule will be Sunday School at 9:45 A-M- foHowd by the worship service at 11 AJI and picnic dinner at 12 noon. In the afternoon there will be a singing at 1 P. M. Rev. William $. Frost is pastor of the church- The homgfcoming service will be held in the new sanctuary, which has wall-to-wall carpeting, padded pews and air-conditioned- Completed In Ap(fi, 1965, the first service was held on Easter Sunday. An invitation is being issued to the public to join in this service. Allen Smith, and Mr. Ray mond Owens have announc ed that they are now auth orised International truck dealers, all lines of Interna tional lines of truck sale* and service will be availapae at. this firm, located on the StatMville road, Mocksville, North Carolina International builds trucks of all sine, and typee. Smallest is the unique and versatile Scout, than in closely graded ascending or der of payload capacity trucks, light and heavy-du ty trucks and today's popu lar campers are readily avail able from International , j Ti DALE P. COZABT Selected For Tech Training . SAN ANTONIO, Tex.-Air man Third Class Dale F. Co zart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Cozart of 969 Mun ford Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina has been selected for technical training at Shep pard AFB, as a U. S. Air Force transportation special- I Airman Cozart recently com pleted basic military training ft Lackland AFB, Tex. His few school is part of the Air Training Command which conducts hundreds of speci alised courses to provide technically-trained personnel far the nation's aerospace farce. Thp airman is a 1965 grad uate of Davie County High School. , lew Honrs At tost Office William E. White, postmaster Of the Cooleemee Post Office, if announcing new hours for toe local office. Mr. White said.that new hours were be ing instituted upon a direct ive from the Regional Direc tor in Atlanta, Ga. The new schedule became effective on A wist 16 th. The new hours for Window Service will be as follows: Monday through Friday from M 0 A. M. until 5 P. M. Saturdays from 8 A.M. un til 11:00 Noon. The above hours for Win daw Service are in accord ance with all Post Offices (with the same rating as Cool .ectnee and the Postmaster must adhere to them. PAN Store NQy-'> 1 • Front Damaged The P AtN store, located in the shopping center, was da innpd Wednesday when an autb accidentally went across the sidewalk and ran into the corner of the building. Several bricks were broken but na glass was broken in the front of the store. No one was hurt Hiss Emma Grimes le*t August 12th for her home in Plant City. Florida after vi- 1 irmliitliiUM i macsvw w* Cooleenoe and Dim Ki(li Ram Faculties For The School Tear MM. DOVA CHEEK CELEBRATES 85TH BIRTH DAY Mrs. Dova Cheek, mother and grandmother and a relative of several families ctf this area* celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday. She has visited with her children here at various times during the past years and has many friends in this area. She makes her home at Elk in. The following relatives were present Sunday at her birthday dinner which was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hardin Wil son in Wilkes County; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward and family, Mrs. Ernest Capel and Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strain and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Cook and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Cheek and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cheek and family, Mrs. Law rence Page and family,. Mrs. Roy Grubb and family all of Cooleemee, Mrs. Vermeil Anderson and children of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Shoaf and fami ly, all of Salisbury, Mrs. Wo vie Brcwn of Jonesville and other relatives from that a rea. About one hundred at tended the dinner and follow ing the afternoon singing was enjoyed. To Sample TV Owiere In U.S. Families in this area will be asked about ownership of television sets during the Au gust Current Population Sur vey by the Bureau of the Census, according to Director Joseph R. Norwood of the Bu reau's Regional office in Charlotte. The Advertising Research Foundation and the Federal Communications Commission have requested the TV infor mation in addition to the reg ular inquiries on employment and unemployment asked by the Bureau each month to furnish information for the U. S. Department of Labor's Bu reau of Labor Statistics. The TV questions will be aimed at determining: 1. If the sample family owns a television set. 2. Number of sets in the househcld, 3. If the household has col or TV. 4. If it has ultra high fre quency TV (Channels 14 to 83) and the type of UHF re ceiver if there is one. A similar survey done in May 1964, showed that nine ty-three percent of U.S. house holds had television sets at that time. No questions were asked about color or UHF television in the '64 survey. The information will be col lected during the work week starting August 15th from sci entifically selected sample households in this area as well as other sample areas throughout the U.S. Census Bureau interviewers who will visit families in this area in August Include: Mr. Charles C. Gunter, RID 4, Box 114, Mount Airy, North Caro lina, 27030. Mr. and Mrs. Judson page, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pry and children, and Mrs. Cora Page :f Cooleemee, and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Page and chil dren of Fairfax, Va. and Mr, and Mrs. David Page and family of Charlotte, 'Vacati ons! last week at Ocean Is land, Nurlh Faculties for the local schools cf Davie County foe tfai coming year were announced this week by James EWmH idge, Superintendent. They are as follows: »AV® HIGH John N. Norton, Principal Jack S. Ward, Assistant Principal Miss Gail N. Carter, Librarian Mrs. Cecilia B. Grimes, Librarian-Reading Improvement* Mrs. Nancy W. Bock, Mrs. Joaephine S. Beam, English Mrs. Jacqueline Thomason, English Miss Claire Wall English Mr. Elizabeth G. Calhoun, HwyiiA ' Mrs. Lynn H. Price, English Mrs. Carolyn a Beaver English Mis. Frances G. Peeler. French John R. Hatcher, French Miss Ana Marg, Cordero, Spanish Mrs. Susan S. Lewis Health and Phy. Ed Bill Peeler Health and Phys. Ed. James W. Wall U. S. History , | Daniel G. Barbee History Sociology and Eronnmk*. 3 Robert L Henry, World History and Civics Richard J. Ammons, World History Mrs. Judy H. Cooke, World History, Civics and Geography Mrs. Barbara P. Howard, introduction to vocations "4 Mrs. Mayme B. Jamerson, math Mrs. Erma W. Mauldin, math Thomas W. Bullard, Jr. math Foyell C. Brogdon math Jackie G. Fender, math Mrs. Wills W. Newsome, physical science Mrs. Carolyn Y. Burnett, Biology sfl Bobby O. Mott, Biology James E Mcßride, Biology, Physical iMfMt David M AngeU Physical-Practical Bcienoe Malcombe L Niblock, Chemistry-Physics Dominic J. Mando, Bask Education Marketin* Walter G. Morris, Commercial Mrs. Eleanor C. Sifford, Commercial Miss {Catherine O. Mullis, Commercial Mrs. Martha M. Kepley, Commercial Roger L Wilson, Industrial Arts Mrs. Patricia Griffin, Guidance Paul G. Reichle, Band and Chorus Ralph J. Randall, Vocational Agriculture Mn. Shelby F. Nichols. Voc, Home Be. Mrs. Ruth W. Short, Voc. Home Ec. V. G. Prim, Principal . Mrs. Marjorie Hoyle, Librarian Eighth Grade: Mrs. Carolyn C. Hatcher, MM Mary HcamL? Thomas L Ridenhour. • Seventh Grade: Mrs. Pauline B. and q. erhardt. Sixth-Seventh Grade: William H. Davis Sixth Grade: Mrs. Ruby M. Moore and Mrs. Martha W. - Vogler. Fifth Grade: Mrs. Yvonne S Stewart, Mrs. Wntb J Tutterw and Mrs. Helen B. EverhardU Fourth Grade: Mrs. Geraldine G. Jordan and Mre. *~mll E Shank. Third-Fourth Grades: Mrs. J. Beck Third Grade: Miss Mariola Crawford and Mrs. Mary ItSS Sexton. Second Grade: Mrs. Agnes S, Leary and Mrs Pauline Prim. First Grade: Mrs. Louise C. Campbell, Mi— T«»>» Morgan, Mrs. Betty K. Rhyne and Mrs. Edith H. Waller. NORTH COOLEEMEE Mrs. Mary S. Davis, Principal and Sth-Tth Grades • Mrs. Arline H. Johnson, 4th and sth Grades Miss Viola D. Morgan, 2nd and 3rd Grades m * J Mrs. Ruby P. Brown, Ist an second grades School Doors To Opot For Davio August 27 Story Hour To Begin Sept. 7tk Story Hour for the 4 and 5 year eld children will be gin at the Recreation Center on the first Tuesday in Sep tember and will continue each Tuesday throughout the school year. The same rules will apply as before. The morning Story Hour is for the children who are 4 years old or will be 4 by October 16th. Their hours are 9-11 A. M. The afternoon Story Hour is for the children who are 5 years old or will be 5 by October 16th. Their hours are 1:30 - 3:90 P. M. During the two hour period the children hear stories, learn Finger Plays and songs, draw and color, play games and have refreshments. Each child is to bring 15c a week. The Leaders are Mrs. C. W. Shepherd and Mrs. Scott Jordan. Mrs. Roy Nolley ottered Davie Hospital on Tuesday lor observation and treatment Mr, and Mr*. James VOIOSMK. and daughter. Ginger, of Val doia, G«., spent the week end Davie schools will open on Friday, August 27th for p» , rollment. The buses will ntn on regular schedule in the morning, however, this «Ki be a short-day schedule • for students. On Monday, Aug ust 30th, school will tfifgll' on a regular full day scled- Teachers will report . work on Wednesday, Augftt 25th. All teachers are to aheoj ■t 9:30 A M. for a facul*? meeting in the auditorii«OXl Central ; Davie High At the .'close of the iiifii UllLl the teachers will their school for other mmO ings. On Thursday, August 18, they will report at I AM. far a full day's work. ON TOUR |a| " . ™ 1 * Vj^wEl Alabama is on tour w *th me of his church cta&jPj They 'will be apyeoriaa^M

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