t£b e lournal VOLUME NO. 60 -•_ . : - . V -§ -".. -3 j' : ?. mgsM ■ ? - jjftP • ■ ■- - r,!.^-;. a t " 5, \ 'i v nRHH|H|M||Hp *•'•• - • > >• »T "'•' n ; ,; ' >,s ,' • -'" ''/ i" ' •'■'"'v bbsi i a i'" B» JflH Hp beb •>*«••. * M HI fPMHL MB BS mm, > '.. .■*'>: ■- '-"• N >;.. "' v '-y ■> INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS FOB SENIOR CITIZENS CLUR— for 1967—Left to right: Mrs. George Miller, Chaplain; Dewey Jor dan, Treasurer; Mrs. Charles Isley, Secretary; Mrs. Rosanna Swink, Vice-President; Granville Spry, President; Mrs. i. G. Crawford gave the installation service, M. H. Rtdenhour-~Outgoing President; Mr s. E. C. J. F. Penningbr—Outgoing Treas urer. —By: PHOTO A GIFT SHOP Postmaster Asks Aid In Drive For All Zip Codes Postmaster William White today thanked the thousands of Cooleemee residents who have been cooperating in a plan to add ZIP Codes to personal mailing lists. He also urged all those who have not yet sent In their "ZIP-A-LIST" forms to do so. As part of. a nationwide program, the Postal Service will add the ZIP Codes to personal mailing lists. Every household in the nation has been sent forms with blanks for addresses to which resi dents wish the post office to add the five number codes. "It's not too early to think of adding ZIP Codes to your Christmas mailing list," Post master White suggested. "Al so, it would help us greatly if you would print each ad dress.** "Postmaster General O'Brien has said that we mu£t do all we can to make ZIP Codes completely accessible and this is part of that program. Local ZIP Codes are also available in the business pages of the phone book and in di rectors in post office lobbies. William nmm»«it— Hriw NSW ADMINIST*ATOE William Hamilton Hudson ' will accept duties ap Admin istrator of Davie County Hos pital. He will assume admin istration duties on November A special ZIP Code infor mation section has been set up at the Post Office. "Personal and social mail accounts for more than 20 billion pieces annually." Mr. White encouraged mail ers to use the ZIP Codes on all addresses because with it mail moves by a more direct route and is handled fewer times. , In filling out the forms, householders are asked mere ly to list the addresses-not the names of their corres pondents. Incomplete addresses which are submitted but cannot be ZIP Coded by the local post office, such as those in a city like Washington, D. C. which has the same street names and numbers in the northeast, northwest, south east and southwest sections, will be sent to the appropri ate city and the codes will be added there. Postmaster White emphasiz ed the importance of in cluding the return address on the cards so that his em ployees will know where to return them after the five number codes have been add ed. He also noted that extra cards will be available for those requesting them. Now Radar Cheeks Speed At Moeksville The Town of Moeksville be gan using a radar device this week in traffic enforcement. Moeksville Police Chief Joe Foster said the radar will be used all over town to en force the speed limit "We invite motorists to stop by and see this radar device demonstrated. We will be hap py to assist them in check ing their speedometers," said fMttt. , i » * ■ * ? , «L*.\ H6S-' Dr. Dirt Was A Participant h Symposium Winston - Salem, N. C. Dr. Richard L. Burt, profes sor of obstetetrics and gyne cology at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine this week participated in the first In ternational Symposium on In tra-Uterine Dangers to the Fetus. The meeting was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Burt, who has gained na tional prominence for his re search on changes in body See Dr. BURT Pages I B*" ; j Si - ? WHHP flfl ■gg I DAVIE CX)UNTY BARBECUE Pictured above are Mrs. R. Y. Sharpe and Wade Beck preparing for a Texas Style Barbecue, held this past week-end at Mr and Mrs. R. Y. Sharpe's bear creek farm near Mocks ville, N. C. for the employees of the Pilot Freight Carriers Inc. of whicn Mr. Snarpe is President. Wade and Richard Beck, brothers, both of Mocksville Route 4, N. C. are also getting things underway for the Jerusalem Township Fire department Texas style barbecue which will be Saturday, November the 12th, tattooing it 10 A . * COOLEEMEE, N. C„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 Senior Citizens Have Bis sth Anniversary Party by Reporter The Senior Citizens cele brated their fifth anniversa ry at their regular meeting on Monday, October 10. Cool eemee Hardware graciously provided us with a beautiful ly decorated fifteen pound cake. Five years ago this month, a small group of interested retired people, sponsored by the Civic Club of Cooleemee, met and organized a club, palling 'it the Senior Citi zens. The newly elected pre sident, Mr. J. G. Crawford, predicted that the number would be doubled. His pre diction was more than true. There are 151 names on our roll at the present time. For our anniversary, the club room was made quite festive with various arrange ments of flowers brought by: Mrs. Henry Daniels, Mrs. Kathleen Dyson, Mrs. M. H. Hoyle, Mrs. Ida Foster, Mrs. See CITIZENS Page 8 RONALD BOYCE IS SELECTED AS DISTINGUISHED STOUT Steve Jonlaa b A Nteakr Of JLS.T.C. Bis Marehiig Bud Rev. James E. Races NEW PASTOR OF CJHURCH CF GOD - The Rev. James | E. Rogers is the new pastor of the North Cooleemee Church of God. He and his family moved here from Hi ckory. For the past six years he has been pastor oI the Church of God at Isaac Creek in the Bethlehem Communi ty of Alexander County. Rev. Rogers attended Bible College at Cleveland, Ohio lor three yeais, where he also met his wife, the former Miss Oleta Wood of Whittier, N. C. He received his first pastoral assignment in Cleve land before coming to North Carolina in 1957. He has ser ved as pastor for churches also in Candler, and Frank lin. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK During Fire Prevention Week, let us all go full force to bring to the minds of everyone the importance of Fire Prevention to prevent the never ending loss of life and property. The purpose of Fire Pre vention Week is to remind homes, business firms, hospi tals, schools, churches, rec reation centers, etc. of the im portance of being on guard and trying to keep fires from starting. Your local fire departments urge you to PREVENT FIRES BOONE, N. C. - Steven >ordan, son at Mr. and Mre. James R Jordan of Coolee nee, is a member of the Ap palachian State Marching Band for the year *66-*67. The Marching Band func tions in close cooperation with the Athletic Association dur :he football season. Its appear ances include pep rallies, half time shows, parades and sev eral out-of-town performanc es. Membership is through competitive auditions. The is directad by Charles Isley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Isley of Cooleemee and Elmer White. Jordan is a sophomore at Appalachian and plays the trumpet in the baud. Davie Mai's Laak Briags Highest Price Randy Boyer of D»*fe County received the top price of- 33 cents -« pomHar his grand champion market lamb in the annual auction sale at the Dixie Classic Fair Thurs day. Forty-six other fat lambs, auctioned by fair manager Neil Bolton, sold at prices averaging about 38 cents a pound. In the Wednesday night showing of the lambs, Boyer also placed first with his pen of three. The reserve grand champion and second place pen of three lambs were shown by Bill Osborne of Alleghany Coun ty- HD Club Plans Regular Meet On October 21, the Home Demonstration Club will hold their regular monthly meet ing at the home of Mrs. Tho mas Vogler on Center Street. It will be a Halloween Party and members may come dress ed in costume if they desire. Hasty COMMENTS By Mary Alice Hasty ■ The last bell rings, the taadhar I calls the roll, and^begbasJthe day£ I to tea objects on a table sad Mb I forward and spiels oat, "1, It, IS* I IM, Ml. 116, 111, MM, IMI. MM.* "Correct," says teacher. "Msar I yw count, Mary." I IM, ML" "Excellent," teacher exclaims. "Since yaa*re a*ag sa well coant again. Boy, yoa came up here aad try." 1 Roy: "1, B, 3, 4, M, 11, 12, 13, 14, M." Teacher: "Correct, rat pread of yoa." > vjl If yoa have a child la school this year aad if yoa Mai been helping bin with his homework, yaa immediately tMMfettl I stood the above. If yoa do net have a child la school aatlfti H has been saaae little tlase since yaa y parse If ■Maadsil M arithmetic lessaa any have wtael a ltttle atraaja. The oatsMe of Cooleeaiee School looks pretty immli HhalfcS always has, and it still has that schael —ell yea sharpened pencils, etc. Bat haw the carrteataai has ehaiigHy It has changed boeaase oar society Is haeaaring sa'fMH creaslngly complex that whaa tadays ftrat graters flab* ££9 hool and go to work M% of the Jabs they wfll even exist today. Obvkmsly, they aaaat ha prnpint. arithmetic leason la capaale fans Is Jaat a tiny pari af jH preparatioa. Whea Jaii nay isaalud the taa akjaets ha ami the bteary aambcr system the syatem apaa whteh tSm electronic compaters are based. Mary asai base three wIM fhre. BbJWISIbIiIBm are^mThsdTu£»'» be PUBLISHED THURSDAY CLEMSON, S. C - Cad* Captain Ronald L. B*yc% • textile ii.aiiaginwt malar from Cooleemee, K. C, wa» named a Distinguished tary Student d urine »■ Army ROTC Brigade Review Than day at Cfaansoa Unirani^. Ronald, son of Mr . and Mrs. J. A_ Bojrce of 1 Ruffla ■ Street, ia training officer for the brigade's Third Battah an. a member of Phi Tim ' Delta and not pi laidl etf he YMCA Senior Council. Ha is a candidate for graduation in May, IM7. To qualify for the Db- - tincuished Military *Ttml—l Award, a cadet must rank hi See SOYCE—-Paget > V-*#' %7V- l®ti RfeHuTfcr Lacy Saeai Funeral services for Mk Lacy Snead, •!, of Cooleemaa, were held on Wednesday at 3:90 P. M. by the Rev. Charles Burchette at the Fir* Baptftf Church. Burial was in Rovwft Memorial Park. Mr. Snead died Sunday at 8:30 P. M. at Davie CooMty Hospital. He was bora in Al exander County to the late John Rowe and Cora Greg ory Snead. Survivors include the wi dow, Alma Hellard Snead, sons, Craig Snead of Oooi ecmee, and S-Sgt John I*. Snead Jr. of the U. & Amy in Germany, two sisters, Mrs. Tom Page and Mrs. Kthat Scott, both of Route 4, Mocks ville, two half - brothers, Clarence Messick of Route S» Mooresville, and Glenn Mea sick of Route 1, Advance.