Ha I L 1 Id I L lUn * l>mimiiMimmnn»imlftln*iimninnH»MiijMl^jP*rir^jj^^T>^^^!inSlwM»nAfMW^3 the toleemee Journal VOLUME NO. 60 BpPIF a-,gy,'' JKFHHm 12 ti^F §. III MORE NEEDED—The State Highway Patrol, hamp ered by the tight labor market, is stepping up its campaign for new recruits. Patrol officials say the organization is having difficulty maintaining its authorized strength of 750 men. (Photo by Sgt. Bill Huskins.) LIBRARIAN RESIGNS IN DAVIE COUNTY Mrs. Paul B. Blackwelder has resigned as Davie County Librarian to accept a position In Charlotte with the Public Library where she will work ih the reference department. Her resignation, submitted to the Davie County Library Board of Trustees on Novem ber 21 will become effective in 30 days. Mrs. Blackwelder has serv ed as Davie County Libra rian since September '59. Dur ing this period the library grew from 10,000 volumes to 20,000 volumes. Also during this period the library mov ed from their quarters in the basement of the County Of fice Building to the new li brary building on North Main Street, adding many extra services and facilities. MTS. Blackwelder is a na tive of Mocksville, the daugh ter of Mrs. E. P. and the late Mr. Bradley. She gradu ated from the Mocksville High School and Queens College, receiving her library degree from the University of North Carolina Library School. Prior to her marriage to the late Paul B. Blackwelder, she taught in Cooleemee and then worked in the high school in Amelia Virginia. She established the high school library in Rock Hill, South Carolina and served as librarian there for two years. She is a member of the Mocksville Presby terian Church, the American Library Association and the North Carolina Library Asso ciation. Mrs. Blackwelder plana to move to Charlotte around the first of the year. Her daugh ter, Mrs. Claude Sanford, Jr., also lives in Charlotte. Mrs. Hatcher Davie Native MOCKSVILLE -- Mrs. Co leen Bailey Hatcher, 41, at Atwater, Calif., died Novem ber 22 at 3 P. M. after being sick with the flu. Born in Davie County Oct. 21, 1925, she was the daugh ter of C. O. (Ned) and Ila Aaron Bailey, Rt. 3, Mbcks villa. She is survived by her hus band, Lt. Col. Chester Hatch er; two sons, Craige and Chris oJ the home; one sister, Mrs. Robert Stevaison of Winston- Salem; two brothers, Bobby Bailey of Advance, Rt 2, and Billy of Rt 3, Mocksville. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 3 P. M. at Fork Baptist Church with the Rev. Roy Young officiating. Burial was in Fork Baptist Cemetery* I-R Announces Accounting Supervisor Larry MoCullough was re cently appointed Supervisor of Accounting at the Mocks ville Plant of Ingersoll-Rand Co. The announcement was made by R M. Reed, Con troller. Mr. McCullough joined I-R at -Mocksville in November, 1965. Prior to that time, he worked for the U. S. Gov ernment. Larry is a native of Davie County, a 1953 graduate of Cooleemee High School. Upon graduation, he entered U. S. Marine Corps where he held the rank of Sgt. In 1964, Lar ry graduated from Salisbury Business College. Larry is a member of Liberty Methodist Church, a member of the Of ficial Board, and Secretary of the Methodist Men's Club. Larry, his wife, Ann, and their 3 children reside at Rt. 4, Mocksville. Mr. and Mrs. A T. Lewis of Rutherfordton Spent sev eral days this week here vi siting friends. Mocksville Christmas Parade To Be Held This Satarday Plans are taking shape this week for the ninth annual Christmas parade in Mocks ville. This parade will be held at 10:30 A. M. Saturday in Mocksville and indications are that it will be the largest in the past nine years. The parade, sponsored by the Mocksville Jaycees and Mocksville Merchants Associ ation, will feature more than 54 units including the famed Drum and Bugle Corps of N. C. State University. This Drum and Bugle Corps has between 80 and 100 members and is currently holding the National Championship tro phy of the National R. O. T.- C. Band Association. In April of 1967 they will be compet ing in New York to retain the title. In addition to the Drum and Bugle Corps, the bands of Davie High School and Cen tral Davie will also partici pate and attempts are being made to obtain others. The parade will begin at the Mocksville Elementary School and come down North Main Street, cross the square, turn at Water Street, go up Salisbury Street to . Gajther Street turning right on Main DAVIE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL HAS RECEIVED ACCHEDIATION BY THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Civic Club To ERtertiin On Tuesday evening, De cember 6th, at 7:30, the Cool eemee Civic Club will be host to the Senior Citizens Club at the Recreation Center. This will give the Senior Citizens a chance to meet their spon sors, the Civic Club. Husbands of the members of the Civic Club are invited. Library News The Christmas season draws near, and you will see it re flected in the new displays in the library. The children will enjoy a Christmas ar rangement in their area, with all kinds of nice new books. The vestibule case at the library entrance holds a most attractive Christmas college, with books on making a coll age. We think you will find this interesting. And the main room exhi bit case shows Christmas cards from the National Gal lery of Art, pointing up the use of some of the best in art during the Christmas sea son. Come in and see these while they are on display and enrich the season with some of the Christmas books which the library has to of fer. • • • Radio Station WDSL De cember 2, 10:30 A. M. Review of Eating for Good Health, by Frederick Stare, M.D. Mrs. Knox Johnstone will give the program. GOP Women On Monday night, the Re publican Women of Davie County held their regular monthly meeting at the Scout Room in Mocksville. Twelve members were present. The president, Mrs. Marie Schla densky was in charge of the business meeting. Mrs. John Brook led the group in pray er, and then plans were made for the Christmas Party. On Friday, December 16, at 6:30 P. M. the club is to meet at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home to take Christmas tok ens to the patients and sing carols. Following, they will assemble at the home of Mrs. John T. Brook for the exchange of gifts and a par ty. Darryl Veach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Veach of Route 4, Mocksville, is in basic training at Ft. Bragg, N. C. Street and proceeding back down to the square, turning down Depot ; Street. The par ade will disperse near the de pot on Railroad Street. The co-chairmen of the par ade, Douglas Collins and John Hatcher, explained that this routing was necessary because of the length of the parade and also in order not to tie up traffic too long. In addition to both club and commercial floats, the parade will include various march ing units, motorcycle club, sad dle club, antique cars, sever al clowns, and of course, San ta Claus. The National Guard will provide the color guard. Mr. Collins and Mr. Hatch er announced- that the fol lowing prizes would be awar ded: Non-Commercial Floats .S2O first prize $lO second prize; and $5 third prize. Five - dollars will be giv ent for the best horse; $5 for the best cow Girl; and $5 for the best horseman. "All those wishing to enter the parade must be at the Mocksville School no later than 10 A. M. Saturday", said Mr. COOLKKMEE, N. C„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1966 ' E^mP^ *' * **' Jb^w Bk Jf l'"v Mi, i i«k * 1, \ A jj \ wfic o| ' 1 *• x® W M \ W \ ® ■ v^ggß^p a. % m I * „ f \ L I lA. Jm I \ V * % 1 ft &%m \ \A li|fe; % a alt gEi rl 1 a \jk . . wa| ypM flPuf w|| / \vp lb^#s| i DAVIE HIGH SCHOOL MAJORETTES — Left to rig ht, Janice Cartner, Susan Brinegar, Carol Jo Howell, Diane Smith, Renee Berrier, Pat Howell and Susie Nash. Davie County Welfare Department To Dedicate New Addition On Sunday The dedication of the new addition to the Davie County Welfare Department will be at 2 P. M. Sunday, December 4, with open house from 2:30 until 4:00 P. M. A new addition to the Da vie County Welfare building on Hospital Street was re quired because of expanded programs of the department. This building is being used for the welfare department and cooperating agencies. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new unit were held in July. Jack Corriher was in charge of the construction. The addition is of brick and block construction with two stories. The approximate cost of the building was $18,500. The county appropriated funds for the entire construction of the building with a re-emburse ment of 50 per cent from the federal government. The County Commissioners and Welfare Board invite the public to attend open house. Conducted tours of the new facilities and refreshments will be served by the staff. Girl Scout Bazaar On December 10 On Saturday, December 10, beginning at 10 A. M. the Girl Scout Troop No. 22 of Cooleemee will hold a Bazaar at the Cooleemee Shopping Center. You will not want to miss this event Many gift items will be on sale, namely, Bar bie doll clothes, pillows, flow er arrangements, cannister sets, candles, iand all sorts of Christmas decorations made especially by the girls and their mothers. Proceeds realized from this sale will be used for equip ment for camping such as portable stoves, hatchets, sho vels, hammers, etc. The leader is Mrs. Vivian Mills and her assistant is Mrs. Nellie Snyder. Some of those spending the Thanksgiving holidays at home with their parents were: Jeannie Mfc Daniel, Wel don and Manning Huske, Frances Webb, H. M. Jacobs, Jr. Davie County Junior Athletic Association-Basketball League The 1966-67 Davie County Junior Athletic Association Basketball League will open its season this Thursday with Farmington playing at Cool eemee and Advance playing at Mocksville. Each communi ty has entered both a girls' and a boys' team in the league this year. Games will be played each Thursday night beginning at 7:00 P.M. Admission is 50c for adults and 25c for children. The sea son will be concluded with a single elimination tourna ment to be held at a site yet unnamed on February 9, 10, and 11. The regular season schedule is printed below. DAVIE COUNTY JUNIOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BASKETBALL LEAGUE December 1 Advance vs. Mocksville* Farmington vs. Cooleemee* December 8 Cooleemee vs. Advance* Mocksville vs. Farmington* December 15 Farmington vs. Advance* Cooleemee vs. Mocksville* December 22 Advance vs. Cooleemee* Farmington vs. Mocksville* Brownie Troop Active The Brownie Troop No. 59 of Cooleemee made tray fav ors for the patients at Davie County Hospital for the Thanksgiving holidays. The leaders are Mrs. Shirley Rus sell and Mrs. Barbara Fos ter. Home Christmas Decorations Contest The Cooleemee Recreation Department .is once again sponsoring its Annual Home Christmas Decorations Con test. Occupants need not reg ister their home with the Rec reation Department, since all homes will be eligible to par ticipate. Three gift certifi cate prizes will be awarded January 5 Mocksville vs. Advance* Cooleemee vs. Farmington* January 12 Advance vs. Farmington* Mocksville vs. Cooleemee* January 19 Cooleemee vs. Advance* Mocksville vs' Farmington* January 86 Advance vs. Mocksville* Farmington vs. Cooleemee* February 2 Mocksville vs. Cooleemee* Farmington vs. Advance* •Indicates Home Team February 9, 10, 11 Tournament First Night - Ist and 4th Teams Second Night - 2nd anl 3rd Teams Third Night - CHAMPION SHIP This year a good number of students turned out for both the boys' and girls' team of Cooleemee. Those who made the traveling squads are as follows; Boys - Ricky Glass, Randy Brooks, Kenny Leon ard, Gary Lankford, Gary Barnes, Warren Nesbit, Che vis Boyce, Johnny Monday, Earl Cuthrell, Danny Correll, Mike Short. Bernard John son, and Darrell Jones; Girls— Pat Frye, Bobbie Benson, Ca thy Hinkle, Diane Grubb, Ka thy Canupp, Sandra Kerley, Marquietta Snipes, Shelia Snipes, Cynthia Cheek, Vickie Spry, Mona Blackmon, Kathy Chappell, Carolyn Lankford, adn Patsy Wilkins. Good attendance at games indicate strong team support. Good teams are those with strong moral support. Come out and cheer your Coolee mee Teams on to victory. Be seeing you every Thursday night. for the homes judged to be best decorated over-all. These prizes are as follows: Ist— sso.oo gift certificate; 2nd— -535.00 gift certificatet 3rd $15.00 gift certificate. The judging will be done during the week of December 19-23. Names of the winners will be announced in the pap*r the Child, 2, Dies IR Fall Frrai Cir MOCKSVILLE - Tamara Renee Grubbs, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Grubbs of Mocksville, Rt. 3, was thrown from a car and killed in an automobile accident about 4:- 50 P. M. Wednesday. The accident occurred on U. S. 64, about 6 miles east of Mocksville. Patrolman J. W. Pittman said a car driven by Mrs.j Johnsie Gobble Grubbs, the child's mother, collided with a Merchants Distributors Inc. truck driven by Jerry Dean Lowman, 26, of Hickory. Pittman said the Grubbs car turned onto the highway as the truck approached. The truck, Pittman said, ran off the road into a ditch to avoid the car, but the rear wheel of the truck struck the right rear of the car. Pittman estimated damage to the car at SSOO and to the truck at SI,OOO. No charges were filed, pen ding further investigation. The child's body is at Ea ton Funeral Home. Rules For Cemetery At The cemetery committee and official board of the Liberty Methodist Church passed the following rules and regula tions for the beautification of the old cemetery at a recent meeting. They are: to remove all curbing of fences around lots with nothing protruding a bove the ground except the monument; to level all graves and fill in and level ground where needed; to seed the entire cemetery and remove all shrubbery. Rules for the new cemetery are posted in the church and a copy will be given to Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Burial on the church grounds will be by permission only from the cemetery commit tee. following week. Response to the initial Home Christmas Decorations Contest in De cember, 1965, was very grati fying. It is hoped that the community, again this year, will reflect the Spirit at Christmas as it did last year. Plan now to decorate your homes. PUBLISHED THURSDAY The Davie County High j School has been accredited by ! the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The announcement waft made Tuesday at the annual meeting of the association in Miami, Florida. James E. Ev eridge, Superintendent of the ' Davie County jSchoofc and ' John N. Norton, Principal of j the Davie Hi«h School, at tended the meeting and ac cepted the presentation of membership into the asaoci- 3 ation. This accreditation climaxes two years of work on the part of the faculty and students at the Davie County High School. And, although the high school has been accepted the school will be in a con tinual self-evaluation program to meet the changing timea. il The actual work for accre ditation began in the fall of '64. Prior to this an applica tion had been made by the Davie County Board of Ed- 4 ucation to the Southern As sociation. With the approval of thl county board and the South ern Association, various com mittees were organized and an intensive evaluation of de partments, activities, adminis tration, and school faclitiea was begun under the direction . of Jesse Carson as co-ordina tor. When Mr. Carson became the Superintendent of Rowan County School, H. A. McCrea ry succeeded him as coordi nator. After the school's careful a self-study a special commit- *«a . tee representing the Southern Jj Association observed t h a , school in action. This com -1 mittee came in April, *M, and j remained for two days. This committee, which was com posed of superintendents, sup ervisors, principals, teachers, and officials from the Stat* 1 Department of Public Instruc- * tion, visited each classroom to observe the teacher-student learning process, reviewed all information compiled by the | various committees, and in terviewed both facuty and 1 students. One of the purposes of this visit was to view the j 1 school and community and sea whether each was adequate* sly meeting the needs of the r other. > j In November of this year f the Davie High School re* t ceived notification that it had I been recommended for mem t bership by the North Caro lina committee of the South- j • ern Association of Colleges , and Secondary Schools. The Southern Association is .an accrediting organization for all Southern States. To . be a member is a mark of dis tinction for the school. The most important factor in this evaluation is that it helps the school to improve its cur- riculum to meet the chang ing needs of the students and the community. In the past two years Davie | • County has changed its cur- J ' riculum to offer subjects for 1 ! the college-bound student and j ■ for the non-college-bound stu- ' '■ dent, in this two-track prof ■ gram new subjects such as Distributive Education and I Office Occupations have giv >en the non-college-bound atu- » - dents an opportunity to learn j ■ in the classroom and then to i apply this knowledge in an | I on-the-job training program. - Other courses in advanced - English, mathematics, and acS- i ence have been designed for '' ' the college-bound student 1 Besides changes in the cur -1 riculum, there have been ad- J ■ ditions in clubs and other 1 ' school-sponsored activities be- JJ ' cause of student interests and 2 "Acceptance in the South- j ern Association does not mean that the Davie County High * School will stop its evalua- j tion. Evaluation must go on ] to meet the constantly chanf- M ing factors in our society", 1 > said Mr Norton. Rev. and Mrs. Joe T. llillMtm - and family of Thomasville v - ! sited in Cooleemee en day afternoon. They cwmt tiil f attend the Golden Am*l#jn| ry d of