"J" VNA irm.t >j -tr-r *I 1 ' f"" «»»»M»»»»««M|W|y«MIMW ■ IBIIISUIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIII >• I I I U 1 LIMIJII"R^NIY A L |MWIIII ' TT^||TF^^ 1 * 1 I || W |,>| >IMM || W ||| M ||||| II>L! ,,|,, » ,|,| M» , H ,, , ,, P I^YRI^G R^JR^JYSISIFILNI!RI^I3 the toleemee 3mintal VOLUME NO. 60 W IB ' iffiA gar BBLWW JR JF JR MM WL I P IP GNIKP J|F ITH LRLP] JJ ' I *N COOLEEMEE SCHOOL JUNIOR CHORUS—Row 1, left to right, Mike Stewart, Richard Barney, Dickie Hellard, Betty Foster, Patricia Stewart, Martha Jerome, Ann Barber, Derrise Ridenhour, Richard Bowen, Roy Wilson, Vicki Hardy, Pam Presnell, Wanda Glass, Sharon Foster, Janet Nichols, Beth Hoyle and Debbie Clantz. __ r S ♦ ■ Row 2- left to right: Gary James, Kenneth Durham, Debbie Ridenhour, Cindy Eudy, Susan Hellard, Rachel Miller, Pam Cranford, Phyllis Seamon, Beth Nesbit, Susan Holt, Kathy Tatum, Kay Champ, Jennie Stewart, Patsy Tutterow and Randy Smith. Row 3, left to right: David Miller, Scotty Vogler, Vickie Foster, Peggy Tucker, Sandra Durham, Carolyn Lankford, Cindy Jordan, Cynthia Cheek, Leslie Steele, Susan Jordan, Debbie Spry, Dianne Barney, Mary Lou Shoaf, Andrea Carter, Kathy Wagstaff, and Tony Daniel. Row 4—left to right: Cindy Richardson, Mona Jo Blackmon, Penny Foster, LuAnn Seamon, Barbara Cheek, JoAnn Cuthrell, Peggy Champ, Ariene Shore, Cathy Beck, Rhonda Nichols, Kathy Foster, Linda Call, Linda Mills, and Sue Patterson. (Betty Allen was ab sent.) The Chorus will sing on Sunday, December 11, at 5*30 P.M. at the Cooleemee Methodist Church and at 7:30 P. M. at Liberty Metho dist Church. On December 12, they will present a program of music for the Senior Citizens Club at the Cooleemee School. On Monday, December 19, at 7:30 P. M. they will present the P.T.A. program, assisted by the second grades. On Tuesday, December 20, they will sing in Charlotte, on Channel 9 on Jimmy Kilgo Show, at 12:30. Hie Chorus is directed by Miss Mariola Crawford and accompanied by Mrs. Edith Waller. Christmas Party Joins S. Citizens-Civic Club On Tuesday evening at 7:- 30 approximately 100 mem bers of the Cooleemee Civic Club, their husbands and the Senior Citizens Club met at the Recreation Center. The Civic Club is the sponsor of the Senior Citizens Club, and was in charge of the enter taining. Upon arrival the guests were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jerome, Mrs. Fred Pierce Mrs. Charles Spencer and Mrs. Buddy Alexander. To open the program, the LIBRARY The Davie County Public Library issues a cordial invita tion to the public to atttend an Open House and Art Show, featuring the work of Mrs. Ann Rankin Ford, December 11, 2 to 4 p.m. in the library. Mrs. Ford was awarded first place in the Open Air Art Show sponsored by the Mocks ville Woman's Club recently, and her works will remain on exhibit in the library for sev eral weeks. This collection is composed of pieces loaned for the occasion, many privately owned. The librpry is happy to own • permanent collection of pen and ink sketches, the gift of Mrs. Ford. These hang in the Davie County History Room, and the subjects include build ings in the county dwell ings, churches, a law office, medical offices, Fork Acad emy, and the well-known Marchmount. On December 9, "Europe Without George" will be re viewed on WDSL Radio Sta tion by Mrs. Knox Johnstone, who presents the regular li brary program each Friday MtoIMUU group rang, ".Toy To The World" and Scripture by Mrs. Robert Hoyle. The welcome was given by Mrs. Fred Pierce president of the Civic Club, and the response by Mrs. Rosanna Swink, Vice-Presi dent of the Senior Citizens Club. « , A Christmas poem was read by Mrs. W. N. Hasty. The au thor is a former Cooleemee resident, Mrs. A. A. Kyles. To the delight of all, Beth Hoyle sang a medley of Christmas songs and accom panied herself at the piano, on the accordian, and then on the ukulele, and Chip Ha?- ty, 6 years old, gave a rendi tion of a 60 line poem, Twas the Night Beiore Christmas". 'Mrs. C. L. Isley, Mrs. C. P. Spencer and Mrs Buddy Al exander were in charge of the program. Winning door prizes were Frank Miller, Mrs. R. G. Mc- Clamrock, M. H. Ridenhour, William Owens, Mrs. Sadie Steele, Mrs. Granville Mc- Cullough, Mrs. Tullie Grimes, E. K. Sedberry. Sam Myers won a red nightshirt with matching cap, which he mod eled for the group. Prior to the singing of car ols, Granville Spry, Presi dent of the Senior Citizens, expressed appreciation to the Civic Club for organizing and planning tfye Club and pre sented 'gilts to M!rs. Alice Hoyle '|and Mrs. Margaret Seders for their contributing efforts in their behalf. Christmas carols were led by the new recreation direc tion, Charles Beidler, and Mrs. Seders wer st tfca Diano. The refreshment table was graced with lovely oratmauts and punch, coffee and assort. 04 .rss r" "■"* COOLEEMEE POST NO. 54 CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY— Cooleemee Post No. 54, The American Legion, is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. The Post, which was chartered in 1946, is one of the largest in the State, based on population. The Post has 172 members signed for 1967 and expects to sur pass 200 by the end of the year. The Post has an excellent reputation for servicing" veterans and has sponsored many projects for the benefit of the Community and for needy families. Hie Post annually sponsors the Miss Davie County Beau ty Pageant and a Christmas distribution of .gifts and food for the poor and sick. The Legion Memorial Park in North Cooleemee is a Post project and the street signs in Cooleemee is another Legion project, co-spon sored by the Lions Club. At the present time the street sign propect is being ft rough up to date by re placement signs and additional ones in Cooleemee and North Cooleemee. * "The Post will climax their celebration with a Christmas Party December 23 from 7 until 9 P.M. at the Legion Hut on the Liberty Road. A buffet style dinner will be served and everything is free for all mem bers. Pictured above are all of the Post Commanders of Post 54 with the exception of two, C. O. McDaniel, who was Commander from 1951 to 1952, who was absent when the picture was taken and Kenneth L. Pierce, Com mander from 1948 to 1949, who is now deceased. Lett, to right and the years they served as Commander; Front Row: L. H. Beck, the present Commander, 1949-1951, 1963-1964 and 1966-1967; Charles L. Isley, 1945-1946 and Charles E. Alexander, 1946-1948. « Row: Harold F. Foster, 1954-1957; John R. Barber, 1953-1954; Thomas E. Vogier, 1960-1963 and 1964-1365, Chariw L. Jordan, 1957-1960; and Bag F, Jordan, 1952-1963. JPfaoto —Photo * Gift Sh qqL COOLEEMEE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Board of Commissioners Name Brock, Judgeship; Martin as New Solicitor Miss Stewart On Dean's List Miss Ann Stewart, a fresh man at Western Carolina Col lege, Cullowhee, N. C., made the Dean's List this past fall quarter since having a 3.80 quality point ratio of a pos sible 4.00, her name was plac ed on the Alpha Honor Roll. Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 2arl Stewart of Cooleeme. Officers Elected The following officers were elected ai the Church of the Good Shepherd ait a recent congregational meeting. The Mission Committee elected was: Joe Murphy, Wink Has. ty, Jack Jerome and Wilson Wagner. The Church School Superintendent is Mrs. Mabet Head, the delegate to the* convention. Jack Jerome, al ternate, I. H. Huske. BASKETBALL RESULTS RESULTS OF FRIDAY NIGHTS GAMES AT MOCKSVIIXiE: Central Davidson S 7 » 13—47 Davie Comity 7 t 5 S—Z9 Central Davidson Sexton 6, Hedrick 23. Black 3» Heit man 2, Kearney 3, Hines. Davie County Bailey 6, Jordan, Markland 5, Foster 10, Coma taw 6, Brigman, Mil ler 2. Boys Game Central Davidson » lfi C 17-4* Davie County 14 14 11-5S Central Davidson Parks, Lookabill 5, Cross 8, Wonnts 11. Hoover 3, Kearney 4, May hew 17, Brewer. Davie County —Hendricks 10, Bailey 7, Deadmon 8, Os borne, Ward 16, Carter 15. MK& ANN RANKIN FORD AM R. F»rd To Nave Art Display Des. 11 The Mockjville Woman's Club will sponsor Mrs. Ann Rankin Ford of South Boston, Va. with a one man showing at the Davie County Public Li brary, Sunday, December 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Re freshments will be served by members of the club. Mrs. Ford was winner in the "Open Air Art Exhibit", wM* the club sponsored in October:' Her winning entry was Marsh mount which was done in pea and ink. Mrs. Ford is a native at Da vie County and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rankin of North Main Street, Mocks ville. She is a graduate of Davie High School and re ceived a B S degree id sculp ture from East Carolina Col lege, Greenville, N. C. at ECC she was a member of Delta Phi Delta National Honorary Art Fraternity and served on the College Union Board, Jun ior-Senior Committee and Homecoming Committee. Mrs. Ford has done graduate work at Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, N. C. and complet ed course requirements at ECC for her MA. degree in paint ing. She has held positions as an art teacher at East way Junior High School, Charlotte, N. C. and Walter Hines Page Senior High School Greensboro. Prior to the position she now holds as an Art teacher in the Hali fax County High School, South Boston, Va., she was an ad vertising artist in Chapel Hill for the Simplified Farm Re cord Book Company. Mrs. Ford's specialty is her pen and ink art. Her show will include approximately 22 works, which will consist of oils, water colors, pen and ink, mixed meida. silk screen print and monoprint. Several whiph would be of local interest are: Marshmount, pen and ink; Twin Brook Farm, mixed media; Murray's Mill, oil; Home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Martin, Jr. and her Davie County High School Straight A Students Straight A Students For 2nd Six Weeks 9th GRADE Betty Allen Andy Andrews Jan Carol Barber Martha Barney Lynn Blackwood Dwight Creason Mary Evans Ronnie Stephen Hamrick Mary Eva Harbin Kathy Shore • Thomas Talbert 19th GRADE Deborah Alexander Diane Burgess Karen Cook - , Nancy Frye ' '' , _i „ PUBUESHED THURSDAY John T. Brock has beea appointed Judge of Davis County Criminal Court Ha will assume his duties in Ja«v uary, replacing William X. Hall who has resigned. The appointment at We. Brock as judge was mada Monday by the Davie Coun ty Board at Commissioners al so appointed Lester P Martin as prosecuting attorney. Mr. Brock is a graduate at the University of North Caro lina Law School and is com pleting his fourth year as prosecuting attorney. He has served as county attorney for the past six years. He is a veteran of the Korean War and a member of the Method ist Church He is maniad to the form«r Mary Martin. They have three children mad reside on Jericho Road Mocka vflle. Mr. Martin is a giadiatfa of the University at North Carolina and the Wake Itor est Law School. He has bean practicing law in Moeksviila for the past ten years. A vet eran of Warld War H, ha served two terms in the North Carolina General Assembly aa Davie County Representative He is married to the fniinar Elizabeth Weaver. They hava two sons and reside on North Main Street Mocksville. He if a member of the MocksviUa Baptist Church, Lodge and Rotary Club. Bcv.fi.Lßb KOMaSM To kHnnnrnJ nOßOrefl Next Sunday, December 11 the Rev C. E. R Robrnw f will preach at the 9:30 AJI. service at the Church at tte Good Shepherd. There will be no service at the Church in Fork since this vffl be a unified service. Mr. Rob inson served the Church it our county for fifteen yean. A good many members aai friends have honored him by giving Cbnununion nmnM** j and flower vases to the Good ' Shepherd Church. Since Mr. i Robinson served both church es, there will be a united service with combined choirs. Following the Holy Com muinon Service, and the dedi cation of the Altar Ware, a reception will be held in the Parish Hall. H.D. Club The Cooleemee Home Dem- onstration Club will meet on Saturday, December 17th, at j 6:00 P. M. at the home of Mrs. James Alexander. This j will be a Christmas party and covered dish supper. There will be an exchange of gifts. Please note the change of the day of the meeting. father's birth place, which was one of her first to be done in pen and ink. Mrs. Ford is married and has one son, David Charles. Kenneth Ma be Linda Richardson 11th GRADR Michael Barney Mitzi Brigman Veronica Hanet June Harris Sharon Howell Lavada Mirk land Gary Richardson Tanya Stewart Peggy Wallace 12th GRAM . ' Brenda Barney | Linda Bargees Darlene Dull Keith jf