\ .... .... , . t » . , , +? ' ' the tiwAtmu limnial VOLUME NO. N Ai m m |y | Christmas Church Programs The churches of Cooleemee invite you to attend «ny of their services: COOLEEMEE PRESBYTERIAN Rev. S. L McKay, Pastor Saturday, December 24 4:80 pjn. Christmas Program with tree. CMliCi or GOOD SHEPHEKD Rev. Grafton Cockrell, Priest-in -Charge Friday, December 28, 7:00 p. m. Christmas Program. Saturday, December 24 11:45 p.m. Christmas Eve, Holy Communion Sunday, December 25 No Services 9mST BAPTIST Rev. Charles Burchette, Pastor Saturday, December 24 5:80 pjn. Fellowship Hcmr Sunday, December 25 0:45 ajn. Sunday School, 11:00 Morning Worship ■OLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Jack Rhyne, Pastor Saturday, December 24 7:80 p.m. Candelight Service Sunday, December 24 0:45 a.m., Sunday School; 11:00 Holy Communion and Baptism at Morning Worship COOLEEMEE METHODIST Rev. Claude Hartaell, Pastor Saturday, December 24 5:00 p.m. Children's Christmas Program Sunday, December 25 No Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship NORTH COOLEEMEE BAPTIST Rev. Bobby Russell, Pastor Saturday, December 24 6:00 p.m. Christmas Program Sunday; December 25 0:45 ajn.- Sunday School 11 >OO am. Morning Worship 7.-00 Evening Worship 49H651 HMr On Tuesday afternoon, the Junior and Primary Sunday », School CI sawn of the CooJee \ axe Bpisumisl Church present ed gifts and tray tokens to bt patients at Pran-Bay Rest {tome. The teachers of the rtssiri ere lfrs. Mabel Heed with Miss Ptony Ijemes as ■ssiMant and Mrs J. C. Sell with Mrs. Bill Webb as as- There must be something to this "getting the Christmas spirit" business. We've even felt our Dace wrinkle into a Mile here lately. Jimmy Mffler It placing gift* under the tret This table holds the gift* nude by the pupils hse their parents and Mends. ' *n» mural mm made by Bud Allen. Ail the children had a part in other decorations tor the room. The church on the table was made of atyrofoam, which was used in packhw record Special cards were used for the windows. Mrs. Frank Soden and Mis. Hudson Hoyk- met TMay af Pvt. Jacobs Finishes Course FT. MX, N. J. (AHTNC) - Private Donald K. Jacobs, It, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy K. Jacobs, 9 Grow St, Cootoe nee, N. C., completed a radio course at the Amy Training Center, PL Dtx, New Jersey, December 2. During the ten-week course, he received instruction in ba sic radio and electrical theory and was taught the interna tional Morse code. The Night Before Christmas BY WILMA CAMPBELL OSBORNE Taw the nlgM were sttrtag "will yea pleaae mitt* nty tatkT Oar stockings had helea M are UK hang (km ap. And aw at the "yiaagaar was khMf the pap. The chMns that are nes tled aU sMg ta their bed, sore ateH asy kMs A east get' THEM la ML WMh Brace la fce kitchen, and ta there, tea. Math af mi woMdertag what we When all af a islAca there caane sach a racket, we Jamped from ear chairs ta aee what was back-ef-it . Away ta the 'Tahi** rasas we wwt an the ran, was Ja* ear dear sweet mm having sane fan. ZL H. o?D2S*J?SU?, ah, MM, ah, Ihn * ad, «k, Gacy ! ! ) "V yw haw nty Snte wwrt hw* m » n, " a m* Aa dry Icam that Mm the wild harrioM fly, wheat they mat with aa thatatlii, (■out to the iky. piSipS' COOLEEM2E, X. G, THURSDAY, DECEMBER «, 1906 5" Aafl Am hi • MMHt we heart tank la ttaM, mr to*£*ZF ' ~ 1 Ait Uke%r^e I epeaef the tar al JNt A buck «f barm, (MMt la the day, Mi I «T- M, they M«a lii«h»Winl The other kMs la a mat And wkca they raa. er amy aar yhap, ffcfcai f ß* «ehe net a war*. hut mat atraifht I* Us am*. MM ■» the aaat mm MmmT hack* Jhe Uh wttM tow t» (Ha the lay that hat pat. Bat I heard eae ef theaa aafcasltaraed aff th* B«ht, really earn here taaifht?" The Children's Christmas Party given by Burlington Industries. Emrin Mas EMsfea, * S»*lay, ©*- oember 18, was enjoyed by afl who attended. Above, Mr. J. A. Boyce, Division Mam#*, M dma vflfc fHjg and Mrs. 881 CauMe and their children. tram left to right. Barry. Billy and Timrthy. 99 Christmas Time At Local Plant ■■plojptei' children of the local Burlington plant were treated Sunday afternoon, De cember 18th., from 1:00 to 4.-00 P. M. MOO were in attendance, touring the plant facilities, talking with Santa Claus, be ing entertained by members of the Carolina Clown Club, enjoying the refreshments, music and Christmas atmosp here. Special Edacatioa Classes Lean By At ®fcrisln®s Tims By: Mrs. Onn P. Waetton Thinking processes in art activities may be con scions or unconscious Artists depend on the combination of the two to develop directions for their work. It may be compared to impulse. We all know that children have an abundance of energy and it i* up to a teacher to capture on this and help gi4h the children a pur pose and', direction to their impulses. Art education can help a child apply reason to his im pulse. They learn to produce expressive forms by learning to invent, to use their imagi nation anC to dra* from their experiences. In special edu cation, if experiences are lim ited, it i» necessary far the teacher to 'provide some ex perience to challei* ' the child. We believe the roota of ait activity are deeply un bedded to all human eperf mm- The emotional motive* tton t» thinking and leeminf ,j and knowing, can ©endman and give direction to learning, hut It sen also give yeeaon. flier* must he aaotNntion far will mowm* Ua» smm All employees' children 11 years of age and under re ceived gifts, while hams, tur keys and a television set were prices for the lucky ticket holders. Mr. Boyce, Division Mana ger, stated -The response to oar 3rd. annual Christmas Children's Party was very gratifying. It was a pleasure seeing so many of our fine employees and their children present". needed. We believe that the way c child sees, thinks, and ex presses himself will be oi great value later in life. A child will express his person ality in ait activities. It if very important that the righi things be placed in the room for the child to smelL see read, touch and do. Usually a child will try to do what the teacher deicoastrates, but in Special Education Classes we have found that many gc further and up with ma ny things thatare 'much bet ter than what the teacher dees. A classroom for fecial Ed ucation usually has to be con trolled but if the interest i; enough,, there may be group work and sharing with each other. Management Is very impor tant to consider during crea tive work, ft is • learning experience that pupils will uae now and later m lifts. They Met to know the! materials con money MK{ should Ik: iiafiH wtlli cut ml put ftwftv JiidfeO®. >S!&totSp Mr. J. A. Boyoe, Division Manager of MH| Mills, is drawn presenting the grand prize, a pt.i IV, to Russell W. Ridenhour of the Card R00«&,.a HC. Forest Service Uk ]■ Assistait Raager hkm JH - UJttT G. HHWMI ~ • L?Li " r 38 CANADA cmsmi ift'f : m wlych will b# olicsa&di in ~fiw inMiwo 1 IfrffiM-WmE w®raoHPO!» M I "wTM-tel ""-■' i~-.. -3a "* ," " 1 rrrifiwi Tvowwur Larry G. StapfcrtM begiA fl work the {W Ortobtf m »| siitMA n»n*er.^OMte^hMpifl fire control, p*»t control fore* muiaicmcnt—«ndwMH timber marking and in* eastern crew* lor ImH ST* *"* -1| 1 SU'ph*nUs «WIJMUM| c*rp«aigr forasi v.jj