rrT = iTiHffli'W H wSni^ ZU (UntAtmtt Soiiriral fOLUME NO. 60 -JIISBS^ ^H v . - j£ ■ pa| S?X-i". Jg gg? • B ||i H ■r «« j . . ■ It - ' 1 ||||||||f ' ■ ■ |p |||| jjjj jj Leaving for the Job Corps is John Clyde Daniel of Cooleemee. Giving him the bus tickets is Mrs. Mildred H. Foster, Office Head of the Davie County Commun ity Action Program, with offices in the Davie County Office Building. Davie Youth Leaves For Job Corps John Clyde Daniels of Coo leemee left Wednesday, Jan uary 25th for Oconaluftee Job Corps Center in Cherokee, N. C. This boy has many special problems which the Job Corps is going to try to help him work out. He dropped out of school when he was in the sixth grade, has never held a steady job, nor been trained to do any particular j*b. At the Job Corps Center, JibHn will be tested and coun seled to determine what type of 1 work to choose for an oc cupation. He will be exposed .to a number of jobs within his ability range and will se lect the one he feels is right for him. The Job Corps will then see that he gets the training he needs to learn the trade he chooses. As a school drop-out, John is beginning to realize the im portance of a good education. At this time John is a non reader, but, the Job Corps will help him learn to read and improve his mathemati cal ability in practical prob lems. He will attend classes one week and work to get on-the-job training the next week. The Job Corps is a lot of Work, but it's work load is forgotten when the boys get together to practice football, basketball, or baseball. They ' often compete against other Job Corps Centers for tro phies. The Job Corps is a whole new horizion for John, an op portunity to realize the vast ness of the world and the part he can play in it. Burlington Quarterly Reports New York, N. Y., January 24, 1967 Burlington Indus tries, Inc., today reported con solidated net sales of $337,- 437,000 for the quarter end ing December 31, 1968, com pared to sales of $338,499,000 for the same period last year. iNet earnings for the quar ter were $16,146,000, equal to 64 cents per share on 25,221,- 000 shares outstanding at De cember 31. For the comparable quarter last year, net earn, ings were $19,085,000 or 78 cents per shale. The Board of Directors of Burlington Industries, meet ing in New York today, de clared a regular quarterly di -1 vidend of 30 cents per share, payable March 1, 1967 to shareholders of record at the close of business 'February 3, 1967. Medicare covers expenses for private or hospital ambul ance services if your condition requires it ■ k Rowan Institute Size To Double Within A Year SALISBURY Rowan Tech nical Institute will almost double its size within the next year. Members of the board of directors voted Monday night to add the third building to the plant with almost half a million dollars which will become available from state sources. The building, which is ex pected to include approxi mately 30,000 square feet, will include practical nurse edu cation laboratories, a library, audio visual storage facilities, the learning laboratory, elec tronic data processing labo ratories, space for secretarial science classes and business Mr. James is a senior at N. C. Corinth Church Of Christ Schedule The Corinth Church of Christ of Route 1, Woodleaf, Needmore Road extends a wel come to anyone to attend their services. William H Young is the minister and the following is a schedule of services: Sunday: Bible Study 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Worship 7 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study __ 7 p.m. G.O.P. Women To Have Meeting On Monday night the reg ular monthly meeting of, the Republican Women of Davie County was held in the Scout Room of the Mocksville Court House Thirteen members at tended. The meeting was call ed to order by the President, Mrs. George Schladensky and business was discussed. Fol lowing the business, the instal lation service of new offic ers was given by Mrs. George Jordan. The coming officers were: President -- Mrs. Schla densky, Vice-President— Mrs. Lillian Gregory, Secretary Mrs. Pat Riley, Treasurer— Mrs. Buddy' Alexander. FUNDS ASKED FOR JERUSALEM DEPT. Another year has passed and it is time again to solicit do nations for your local fire dejjartmertt. We need youe financial help to make Jeru salem Fire District a safer place to live. Your volunteer firemen would like t* «ad Jaycj«li«ws The Cooleemee Jayceeshfcld an orientation meeting, Janu ary 19th, at 7:30 P. it. at the Cooleemee Recreation Cen ter to kick off this • year's membership drive. Nineteen Jaycees were present, includ ing Rodney Calloway, State Vice-President for the 13th District. Rodney gave an ori entation talk to all the new members who were present. The following young men were introduced into the local chapter for the first time, W. D. Wagner, Mocks ville, C. D. Foster, Cooleemee, T. R Steele, Mocksville, J. K. Holt, W. W. Nesbit, A. V. Shastak. R. S. Gregory, D. G. Myers all of Cooleemee, and F. C McDaniel, Woodleaf. All the Jaycees present thought the meeting to be a great suc cess. The next regular meeting scheduled will be on Febru ary 7th, at 7:30 P. M. at the Recreation Canter. All young men between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to attend. Davie Varsity Boys Win Over West Rowan Following is result of Tues day nights games: AT 'MOCKSVILLE: Girls Vanity West Rowan 11 7 10 7—S5 Davie County 11 11 11 9—41 WR -E. Hall 13, J. Hall 10. Sigmon 3, Weinhold 12, A. Smith 1, G. Smith 1. Davie Bailey .8, Jordan 17, Allen 1, Markland 16, Brig man, Miller, Holder. Boys Varsity / West Rowan 4 14 14 14-U« Davie County IS 15 18 10-05 WR—Jackson 4, McSwain 18, Rape 3, Grantham 8, Campbell 3, Kanoy 2, Peeler 8, Hensley 2. Davie Hendrix 15, Ward 21, Carter 19, Bailey, Dedmon 5, Mando 3, Legans 2. every person to be very cau tious when burning trash. Al so watch for faulty electric wiring, over-heated stoves and furnaces, and etc. Mail your donations to Rich ard A Beck, President Jeru • IIIDB Dm District. COOLEEMEE, N. C., THURSDAY JANUARY 26, 1967 Baptist Board Names Sam H. O'Neal Sec'y Raleigh, N. C. The Gen eral Board of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina haa named Sam H O'Neal Secretary of the Training Un ion Department. He sucoeeds the late Mr. James P. Mor gan. Prior to this Mr. O'Neal has served as an associate in the department for five years. Before coming with the Training Union Department, ne served as pastor of the following North. Carolina churches: Pleasant Grave, P-utherfordton 1953-1957; Plea sant Grove, Ronda, 1957-c1960; Rich Fork, Thomas voile, 1960- 1961. While in Ruth erfordton, the church was ' named "Rural Cnurch of the Year" in 1956 by the Baptist State Conven tion. In 1951 it received the same honor by the North Car olina State Grange. While in Ronda, the church was named "Rural Church of the Year" by the North Carolina State Grange. In 1957 Mr. O'Neal was the recipient of the "Outstanding! Mountain Minister Award" given annually by the Clear Creek Baptist School in Pine ville, Ky. He is the graduate of Gardner - Webb College, Limestone College, and South eastern Baptist Theological Puiry. Before entering the try he was with the J. C. Vf Co. serving as assist- in the Maztins- Mr. O'Neal is married to the former Lucille Combs of Elkin. They are the parents of one son, T. Shawn, age 6 foriegisiitioii To Help Davie Families To Obtain Better Honsieg The U. S. Department of Agriculture's Farmers Home Administration is better eq uipped to handle the housing credit needs of low and mod erate income Davie families as a result of legislation re cently signed into law, accord ing to Clarence Sink, Far mers Home Administration county supervisor Sink said the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan De velopment Act, signed last month by President Johnson, makes it poMlble for a broad er range of Davie County fa milies to qualify for housing credit under expanded hous ing loan authorities of the Farmers Home Administration The new legislation, Sink continued, makes more mort gage credit available to low and moderate income families in Davie County by increas ing ihe level of activity ai the agency's rural housing loan program. Here are some of the other changes in the rural housing loan program administered by Davie County Farmers Home Administration: —'Many Davie County fami lies who had to go the long route of planning, contract ing and building a house can now buy newly constructed buildings. Before the new leg islation, these families could only purchase previously oc cupied buildings. —Qualified low-income fa milies can now obtain hous ing credit from Farmers Home Administration on the basis of a cosigner. Previously, only those rural persons 02 years and older qualified for this assistance. —The new legislation in creases from SI,OOO to $1,500 the maximum amount of assis tance the agency can make [ for emergency repairs or im provements to owner-occupied rural housing or farm service buildings. Thil credit is not designed to upgrade a build ing but only to remove ha zards to the health and the safety of the family and the community. —Rural families on the verge of losing their homes through foreclosure may save their homes if a sound basis can be developed by the Farm ers Home Administration to refinance their debts. —Financial assitance can be £'ven to construct rental hous g for low and moderate in*, come rural families of all age oraa«K, PmtaMlar, natal Western Carolina Telephone Company Receives j Approval To Acquire Cooleemee Telephone Co. j Local Druggist Foils Robbery On Thursday morning at 1-45 A M. Ed Hoyle, local druggist of the Cooleeme Drug Company, was called by Mrs. Kenneth Gillian of Wood leam to fill a prescription. Upon entering the store, he" found two masked men at the rear of the store attempt ing to open the safe. They asked, "What are you doing here?" and he replied, "What are you"ll doing "Here?" They pulled a gun on him and walked him back to the front door and told him to walk away and fired a shot into the air. Mrs. Gillian, hear ing the commotion knew something was wrong and left immediately to call for help. The men then left in their car which was believed to be parked near the school house. Some bottles of medicine and poison were missing. The front door was prized open with a bar. The robbers left a small har, two screw drivers and one man's hat in the drug store. The investigation is incom plete. housing financed by FHA had to be occupied by rural peo ple, 62 years and older. Loans by the Farmers Home Administration are made to Davie County applicants Who are unable to obtain credit they need from private lend ers at reasonable rates and terms. Applications for Farmers Home Administration rural housing loans may be made at the FHA office located in the County Building, Mocks ville, North Carolina each Monday morning. Library News HIGHLIGHTS IN YOUR LIBRARY: "GREAT DECISIONS 1867" Discussion group on United States. Foreign Policy Each Monday night 7:30 P.M. February 6 March 27 First topic: "Communist China" - Sidney Fox, leader. Booklets may be purchased at the library. NEW PLEASURES FOR THE HANDICAPPED! Do you know anyone who is physically, handicapped, but enjoys travel and new sights? Guide to the National Parks and Monuments for Handi capped Tourists has just rea ched the library and could be a wonderful help to such a person. This guide will offer a convenient means for tour ists with physical limitations to plan their trips and visits to the inspiring National Parks and Monuments of our land. Material is listed by regions and states and is down-to earth, (practical An example: "MOORES CREEK NATION AL MILITARY PARK, CUR WK, N. C. (Scene of a battle on Feb ruary 27, 1776, between North Carolina Patriots and Loyal ists. The Patriot victory no tably advanced the Revolu tionary cause in the South.) The visitor center is the only public building accessi ble to wheelchair visitors. Thfc restroom doors are 28 inches, wide. The battlefield site is hard surfaced. Wheel chair visitors could reach the lines of the old Patriot earthworks without difficul ty.' Audiovisual programs qt the- ba-ttlefield site, interpre tive talks at the visitor cen ter' and conducted tours are offered. The average elevation of JMia #vk iMtuM* i»ae w HBr • CAPT. MIKE OVERCABH Returns From Viet Nam Captain James It "Mike" Overcash, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Overcash, Sr of Wood leaf, has recently returned to the United States from a 12 month tour in Viet Nam. While in Viet Nam, Capt. Ov ercash flew over 800 hours in Army transport aircraft in support of the United States Ground Forces in combat, ag ainst the Viet Cong. For his combat services. Capt. Over cash was awarded the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters and has been nomi nated for five additional Oak Leaf Clusters. On January 26, Capt. and Mrs. Overcash will depart the States for a tour of duty in Frankfurt, Germany. Captain Overcash has been assigned to the 66th Aviation Company headquartered in Frankfurt Captain Overcash was em ployed by the Cooleemee First Baptist Church before gradu ating from Wake Forest Col. lege and entering the Army. He is the grandson of Mrs. H. E. Barnes, also of Wood leaf. H. D. CLUB On Friday evening, the Coo leemee Home Demonstration Club held their regular month ly meeting at the home of Mrs. M. H Ridenhour at Rocky KnolL Nine members were present and one visi tor, Mrs. Ann Boger. The meeting was presided by Mrs. Buddy Alexander, former pre sident. After the business, the Year Book was completed by Mrs. Octavia West, Home Ag ent, assisted by other mem bers. The new officers for the coming year took charge of the program. They are, President -- Mrs. James Al exander, Vice-President —Mrs Roger Gabbert, Secretary Mrs. Thomas Smith, Treasurer —Mrs. Lawrence Smith. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Girl Scouts Hold January Meeting On January 20, the Girl Scouts held a meeting. Mrs. Edith Chappell showed sev eral films and slides on ac cident prevention and first aid. The troop learned many things about safety out of doors, as well as in the home. The troop is working on the Health Aid and Home Health and Safety badges. The girls would like to express their appreciation to Mrs. Chappell for her time and effort in helping them to earn these badges. Linda Lee MiUc, TVoop RONALD CRAIG SPRY ON DEAN'S LIST --Ronald Craig Spry, a freshman at N. C. State University, Raleigh, has made the Dean's List for ihe fall quarter, according to an announcement. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spry of Center Street Exten sion, Cooleemee, and grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Brady Spry and Mr. and Mrs. C. R Ridenhour of Cooleemee. Davie Rolls Past Falcons MOCKSWELLE - Davie County's Rebels remained un beaten in the North Piedmont Conference by smashing visit ing West Rowan, 65-46 last Tuesday night The Rebels upped their league record to 7-0 and thair overall mark to -10-1 with, the victory ever West. Davie's girls also triumph ed in the first game of the doubleheader, winning by a score of 41-35 and halting West's three-game winning streak. Guards Randall Ward and William Carter again led the Davie victory with 21 and 19 points, respectively. They rank first and third, respectively, in the North Piedmont scor ing race. The Rebels had three big scorers last night as Forward Jerry Hendrix tossed in 15 points. It was his second straight big game. Hendrix led his team against Mooresville last Friday with 26. Davie jumped out front by 13-4 in the first quarter and led all the way. The Rebels led by 28-18 at halftime and 46-32 after three quarters. Da vie outscored West by 19-14 in the final eight minutes. The Davie victory sets the stage for an important league clash at North Iredell on Fri day night. Both teams carry 7-0 records into that meeting. Davie's girls pulled away from an 11-11 first-quarter tie to take a 22-19 halftime lead in the night's first game. Davie led by 33-28 after three quarters, then outscored West by 9-7 in the final stanza. Jan Jordan and freshman Janice Markland led the win ners with 17 and 16 points, respectively. The team's lead ing scorer, Marsha Bailey, add ed eight. Davie is now 5-2 in league play and 7-4 overall. West is 3-4 in the NPC and 4-5 over all. Rebels vs North Iredell i Friday Night This Week 1 The Rebels will play North Iredell on Friday night to compete for the North Pied mont Conference lead. Both teams are tied for the cage lead with each team winning 10 games and only one loss. The game will be played at North Iredell. World Bay Of Praytr The World Day of Prayer will be hefld on Friday, Feb ruary 10, at 7:30 P. M. at the Church ofthe Good Shop- PUBLISHED THURSDAY Negotiations underway -j for the acquisition of the Coo leemee Telephon Company by the Continental Telephone Corporation, announces Cool- ' eemee President C. N orris Rabold. On Thuraday, Jantt- I ary 12, Western Carolina Te lephone Company of Weaver ville, a subsidiary of Conti nental Telephone Corporation .| received approval from the State Utilities Commission to acquire the Cooleemee Tele- ' phone Co. Western will issue 6,736 shares of its common stock to its parent company. Continental Telephone Cor poration, in exchange for 12,- . 500 shares of Continental These 12,500 shares will be traded for assets of the Cool eemee Telephone Co. After the acquisition has been complet ed, the Cooleemee Telephone will then be integrated into the Western Carolina Tele phone Co. The Cooleemee Telephone Company was authorised by the State Utilitiea Commie, sion to operate as a Corpor ation in 1909 with a capitali zation of 100 shares common stock-par value SIOO.OO each. This stock waa distributed lo cally to parties interested in purchasing same. Over the years, said Preal* dent Rabold, Cooleemee Tele phone Company has upgraded its properties and aervieat in the area it serves. Mantis! telephones were discontinued some fifteen years ago and replaced by a dial system operating from a central switching statical. Outside lines have been replaced and extended to provide addition al service. , The CooUeraee Tetepfcoae Company currently somas stations in Davie and Row^» counties. The acquisition of the Coo. Jeemee Telephone Company by Western Carolina Tele phone Company will not af fect operating personnel of the company. Mr. I. H. Huske, General Manager, will con tinue in his position and Mrs. C. B. Hoover will continue as Commercial Clerk. Since more capital undoubt edly will be available for the area now served by Coolee mee through its acquisition by Western Carolina Tele phone Company, it is expected further improvements and expansion of service will takft place. Charges and rates to cus tomers will continue as at present and no immediate changes are contemplated. Any changes in ratea in the future must be approved by the State Utilities Commission before they become effect ive. Davie High Talent Show The Student Couneil of Davie County High School will sponsor a talent show at the Mocksville Elementary School auditorium on Bnt> urday night, January 28, at 7:30 P. M. Variety talent will consist of only Davie Hljp students. Trophies will bft awarded to the top three con testants. Everyone is urged ■ to attend and bring a friend. | "Vj Deputy Nanad li Davie J MOCKSVILLE - deputy sheriff has Joined the-8 staff of Davie County ttagfMß George Smith. Ha is (Doug) Seaford, J®, of % 2, Advance, husbapl of former Miss Beverly Mortttt. | puty who rv. | m Other depaxtttteftt \mSK |*|||in,felte &•'TIM