Page 2 t-ltansCay, MSy 11, I*7, Cooleeme®, (S. C.I Jmtml We watch pre* conferences with nixed feelings. We realize that auch con ferences can be useful; but we are not made happy by the techniques used so often. It is not a pleasing experience to see a reporter making his way into a hospital or to the scene of an accident, [dying questions which obviously is pain ful to the person interviewed. In other instances probings with questions un der circumstances which make it diffi cult to make events clear under the stress of the moment. Many persons In terviewed find their statements twisted into the interpretation of the reporter, and not at all what the interviewed per son meant A case in point was the Press con ference of Svetalana Alliiuyeva, the daughter erf Joseph Stalin, who defected from Russia and seeks residence in the United States. Here was a woman, who had suffered the bereavement of a hus band, and surely a great struggle in her own mind bout leaving her homeland, Religion In The Here And Now On May fourth in 1967 we commem orate the Ascension of our Lord into heaven. That event is described in Acts 1:9-11. As He was ascending, and the dis ciples were gazing upwards, we are told that two men stood by in white apparel, and said to the disciples, "ye men of Gaßilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus shall come again." What is also implied here Is that the disciples were to go back to Jerusa lem, wait for the promised outpouring of tire Spirit, and then go forth into the world Witnessing for Christ. They would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry on in the world what Jesus came to do. The Cooleemee Journal PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY J. C. Sell Mrs. J. C. Sell Owner Editor j - c sell > 1906 1840 HH Second Class Postage Paid At Cooleemee, if. C. Zio Code No. 27014 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year $1.50 Six Months .75 Three Months .50 We do not mean to be hard on any one, but small items of this nature force us to demand the cash with the copy. All such received by us in the future without cash or stamps will not be published. NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC This newspaper charges regular advertis ing rates for cards of thanks, resolution notices, obituaries, etc., and will not accept anything less than 35 cents cash with copy unless you have monthly accounts with us. L/fp-f Doctor In the Kitchen ADULT PA*rr SNACKS 'Recently I went to a very pleasant open house and be came interested in observing the way the guests handled the liberal snacks and drinks provided Hie table was spread with varieties of hors d'oeuvres, cold sliced ham and turkey, buttered rye bread and num pernickel, olives; pickles, as sorted nuts, carrot sticks, sti fed oelery, sweets and hot little delicacies of cheese and bacon on a tiny square of toast . . and probably a lot mooe that does not come to mind. The room was crowded, of course, and the oooyiisa tkmal din was of true party deelbelity. Deft waitresses passd among the guests with trays from the table, and our faaftt kept busy making drinks. MOM of the snaAs were of > nature which would add up fci* mAnv iM In a III* rdih n. #>.4 oitnios raraw iwi. mMms Mrittijhnkte mtmfaxt News Reporters and separation from her children. The reporters gathered around her like a bunch of little boVs in excitement over a game, each yelling for her to face his camera. Questions were handed to her which endeavored to probe the inmost secrets of her life, her motives, her in tentions. and even what she was going to do with her earnings from her writ ing. We thought that Svetlana conducted herself well. She has been brought up In an atheistic philosophy of life, but had come to have a belief in God. Russia is an atheistic country, and a govern ment of dictatorship. America is regarded in Russia as A Christian country. We keep wondering If the reception at her first press conference made a favorable impreaakm for Christianity, or for our democracy. Mere was a person who is trying to find God, and to find herself and her mission in life. We would have been much happier If the news reporters had made i better witness for democracy and for reUfion. NCD By: Bw. Nonrht C. flimni Th# insurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ so confirmed man's hope For after death, that Christians be gan overlooking this present world and looked to the life beyond. It soon re solved itself Into fixed beliefs that re ligion meant accepting Christ as Lord and Saviolir, and Witnessing by certain rites and ceremonies, which were pass ports to heaven. This aspect of witnessing turned men's minds away from the fact that Jesus came ifito this world to re dean it, and that He became involved in all of man's experiences and needs. And, He left Mis church in the world to carry on His work. An ancient liturgy has a prayer which says. "Like as we believe our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens, so may we ascend and with Him continually dwell." That means much more than going to heaven when we die; it means that the Christian lets Christ think through his mind, love through his heart, and be at-one with Christ in His will for the world. Saint Paul says: "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus." Religion has a lot to say and do about this present World. The prayer which Jesus gave us says; "Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." When Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. He did not mean that it had noth ing to do With this world. The power must come frOm above, but it must find application in redeeming this world from hatred, prejudice, injustice, poverty, and sin. Jesus touched life, not only in area, but in depth. He became involved in all of man's needs and problems—And that is what He founded His church to do. Man fa Actuated by two motives; the drive to get money and the fight to keep it was used in accepting the tempting offers. Interesting ly enough, this was exactly what was happening. One gentleman with whom I was talking declined some tasty-looking-and - emailing tidbits with the remark. "Thanks, I've had one." A tall slender woman looked over the appetizing table spread carefully, hesitated over the olives, the ham and the rye bread, and departed with a plate bearing two car rot sticks and three pickles. Another not so tall nor so slender, helped herself liberally to a variety of good ie, including several varie ties of sweet cookies, and re marked jauntily to the group ■round her, "1 know I should not" 9°®e of the guests did not even approach the i«Awfe» ment table. Entertaining traditionally in tahrei the 4e*vfe«f off food, #> tea in great quantity and 4M* borate variety. It is quite pos sible, in the course of a pleas ant hour or less at a reception, to eat and drink the caloric equivalent of a full meal. In moat instances, it is also quite possible to make a judicious selection of snacks so as to conform to sensible dietary principles. They can be part of your daily selections from the four food groups the milk and meat groups, fruits and vegetables, breads and cereals. An J one can do this without taking the joy out of the occasion. One need not, and should not, be a dietetic killjoy in order to exercise sense about between-meal eat ing. It is possible, too, to com pensate for the common holi day of convention practice of going from one paiity to ano ther by skipping or greatly curtailing the preceding meal I in anticipation, or by skipping the following one. And while you are at the party, don't make it obvious that you are being cautious if you are. It doesn't hurt to go over board once in a while. But not too often. In any event, dta't blame the snacks. They are good, if wisely used. It is surprising how much tatHToM thinks he Will have tomorrow. Ik ■lyTm If? J TRADITIONALLY UTILIZED THE HmKL ™ t MAGNIFICENT FRUIT© OF "THE - I6LAND6 IN THE FABRICS OF HWIlL7dfSSnifwS»S THEIR CLOTHIMev RENWJt, THE iSfcjfWwC" >ffc3pß SHEER,STARCHED FABRIC IN PTV TRVi THE FORMAL DREGS OF TME r l/nk T|,\,UPPER OAS© HAWAIIAN OF «% "^lr'lVFwtlFA^ /§K\ fV^^S t ro r Hn^MAINLANP //Pm£i\ AMERICA WERE ACTUALLY THMPT C\ \\ißM \ OF THE FORMAL HAWAIIAN V I \ \ : tYVH r I / muu-aauus discovered \ I \ \ yt yHw I W \l \ V Hlß' |Ur TODAY...WHEN BUVIN& ______ .•jJTM ! WCWENS ORCHILPRENS 1 I APPAREL LOOK FOR THIS •Vftl Ml label-thesvmbolof fiMMfl I DECENCV FAIR LABOR YiWggM STANDARDS ANP THE U AMERICAN WAV OF LIFE. I" This Week's 60 SECOND SERMON By Fred Dodge TEXT: "The worst bay is an alibi." E. G. Letennan. A trail had reached the stage where the defendant's wife was permitted to testify in an attempt to establish an alibi. "You are positive you know where your husband was on the night the crime was committed?" asked the prose cutor. "All I can say," replied the good woman, "is that if I didn't know, then I busted a good rolling pin over the head of an innocent man." * * ♦ We all make mistakes, bat why do we alibi them rather than admit the obvious? It probably is pride that causes an excuse to fly to oar lips without thinking. Usually, this alibi is the worst buy we can make. A discerning accuser can expose us in an even more humiliating manner than the original error. If we will admit an error or short-coming honestly, with out trying to bluff it through or abiii it, we'll remove much of the sting we feel from our fault. Further, we'll gain sympathy from those who admire someone who faces his error and takes the blame. When you "pull a blooper", don't shout an alibi. Be silent a moment. Consider. Remember, "The worst buy is an alibi." Then admit your fault. A "BRAT PATROL" New York Seventy-nine teachers of a Bronx junior high school agreed to return to classes after the Board of Education offlared to set up a "brat patrol." The teachers resigned after suffering a wave of assaults from the pupils. HABIT OF COMPLAINT "I suppose you were thank ful for the heavy rain." "Oh, yes," replied Farmer Corntossel, "though I don't see why them weather folks could n't pervide to keep it on the why The Christian Science Monitor recommends yon read your local newspaper tar beat newspaper 1$ > wide-rsrtg® MMpnr with many futures, lis •npMMt it OR local nm. It also nports tin major national and inter im MNffOI COMPLEMENTS TOUR LOCAL PAKH Wo specialize k analyrfnj and Inter* pnam the Important national and tohnwtlonol nam. Our Intention la to brint the news Into sharper focus. Hie Monitor hat a worldwide staff of correspondents—some of them rank mm toe world's finest And the Monitor'a Incisive, provocative edi torial an followed Just as closely Ey *• mm m Capitol Hill as they an by the Intelligent, concerned tMH on Main Street WHY YOB SIIOVU) TIT THE MONITtHt Voa probably know the Monitor's pro* toaalonal reputation aa one of the Ka ftoest newspapers. Try the m aea how It will take you the average newspaper reader, toot Sao* the couponbelow. Boston, Massachusetts, O.SA 02115 Plseea |W m Heritor arfwcrlptioa tar •a parted etoahed below. I enclose mm ■ :sa fields instead of letting it stray around muddyin" up the roads." | -THUBS.FBI.SAT.- | | m BAXTER'S I t 20TH AHMIWEBSABY I Mm PARADE I fAH of VALUES | * kJmffl! ""en! 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DON'T JOSTLE, GIRLS!— Right now there are about four million more women than men in the U. S. But the situation isn't all that desper ate, figures released by a lead ing insurance company indi cate. Because women live longer than men on the aver age, the imbalance increases with age. At 18 the ratio is only 1,067 to 1,000. At 65, It's 1,276 to 1,000. By the year 1980, according to the figures, the ratio in the over -65 group will be 7 to 5. (At least the odd* are best at the age when it matters most!) LONG-FELT . WANT DE PARTMENT—A flew type of specialty, known as "family physician" will be open to doc tors when educational plans Vacuum Cleaner Service Complete service on all makes and model Vacuum Cleaners. Also, New and Used Vacuum Cleaners for sale. Call or Write Filtex Sales Co. Ph. 284-4516 P. O. Box 478 COOLEEMEE, N. C. ROBERT BROOKS, Mgr. SIX INCH Air Drilled Wells —MODERN AIR DRILL AIR WELL DRILLING CO. Route 1, Advance, N. C. Phone 998-4141 iof the American Medical As sociation mature. The need for such specialist* is a "major national problem", according to an association committee that investigated the matter. BEHIND THE SMOKE SCREEN - A true-or-false quiz game, called "What's the Scote on Cigarette Smoking?", printed on a handy little sheet of paper by the Na tional Tuberculosis Associa tion, wraps up some useful Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. are exclusive dealers in Simplicity Lawnmowers Hitch a ride with Naw Landlord* 2012 b the most powerful tractor In Simplicity history. Synchro-balanced angina drastically reduces vibration (or comfort and afflclaney. Landlord* 2010 h a slightly lata powerful version of tha 2012 tractor. Uke tha 2012, It haa Floating-Traction tlraa and attachments that allow it to handle more than 20 joba with ease. Naw Broadmoor * 707 tractor packs new 7hp adding more vigor to It* alt* season utility. Mowing, enow removal and odd job* around the house coma easy with eaay-on attachments. Wondar-Boy* 609 la mora than a mower. TMe 6hp Wonder work* all year 'round while you ait In foam-cushioned comfort Attachments change IN second:, without you touching a toot. Wondar-Boy* 404 puts 4hpln a compact, maneuverabte package—atoiw easily in cramped quartere. Features 24-in. rotary mower with free-floating mount Compact price, toot Come on in end well help you choow. We've got a "yard rtlck" for measuring your Simplicity need. FARMERS' HARDWARE and FURNITURE CO. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. knowledge with a few minutes of entertainment. You may find some of the answers sur- j t rising. Ask your Christmas eal association for free co* pies. Atlanta A new drug, call ed "mellow yellow," is made from banana peel. Smoking the cooked residue from a ba nana peel is one of the latest versions of the mentally dis torting drugs. Investigation by the Food and Drug Adminis tration is underway, according to Dr. James L. Goddard, com missioner.