2 Deer In 2 Weeks! The boys at the hardware heftrd about Bruce McCrary's bagging an eight-point buck two weeks ago, so naturally when he brou£* in MI eight pomter Saturday, George Jordan asked, "Same "Nope," sakl Braoe, one." And so it goes. Some folks hunt for years without even seeing a deer (Bruce is one of 'em), and ttien all the luck strikes at once or wlthftn two weeks. Unfortunately for Bruce, lie didn't let Marlene know about his kills so that she could get a picture or two - for The Journal. Next time hell know where to take 'em. Bruce works on the second shift in the finishing plant at Erwin Mills. Former Superintendent Dies In Wreck In Va. ft ■[ • " * » |H Rj|^^^R^f ri ' . fc # WKi* *•■■« i Weflve Room Sends Boxes To Areo. Boys, In Vietnam The waiving department of ferula Mills made up $lO6 for Christmas boxer to be seat to the local boys now serving in Vietnam. This is the money that would have been used to boy their supervisors s Christmaa gift. The boxes wfil contain lymft mrnfa «mt fopfciflS as well as socks and many other asefttl articles. mStJjR *J!M ; H JBF ,®L* 181 lW I MMr- J I - IBW 3Hs|gH i\ I i - n || T\ f a # J\ *ll |v I i . tl/ w - V JenP » 'fr 1 * - m ' . t-' -'.".. w. • "*.• ~. '■■•J* j|J» * J afc i iMib fun iiM imiJi jyimfciinHiiaiiin •■ 11 || r 1 ■fc\ a , « 1 T. 0. Fegraan, 74, vibo -mm ait Enrio MB« here uritt trtotfemd to Dutnm In 1961, and Mrs. Fegnam 'were lotted to an antamxttte accident do Vsgafe knt TUunalay. Mr. Pegram n>wwH) suf t ■ i _. . 11« | »*— ■• tered v netart at®acK. iranr oar no Off fae road and Ut • cuhrat. Both seat befes were attached, (and no otber car iraa invtalved. Mr. Pegram dkd about a bdtar after being tafaen to « hospital. Mre. Pogrom vm dadd oo ar rival. The ooqfe IMB driving fctn (faek* borne to Dnrtnm to vMI their cab Betty to ONr %rinp, lli Suw4wre todtade and three Ifc Pmtoi bun uttt utth gwrto IMb h OntowTte 3B diaiii>an df tbe board of atoanh at fee ltinii Chußeh. docted at "aSSj mS Cfaanob to Mm « flatonhj. Bortai ma to Utonaoj Oenetoy to Dtofno. The bones were sent to the following servicemen: Sg t. Donsid Burton, CpL Willie Bart, Sp-4 Robert Cartner, Sp-4 Roger Fowler, Pfc. Garry Grubb, Sp-4 Donald Jacobs, Kenneth Long, George Parsley, Sp-4 Odell Rhinehart, Pvt. Jimmy Scott, Sp-4 Gerald Shoaf, Pfc. Tommy Speaks, Sp-4 Marvin Trexler, Sp -5 Kenneth Williams and CpL Charles Ray Young. L-avie Library 5-3-66 Mocksville, M C 27028 16 Fmm COOLEEMEE N.C. | 0 " Wednesday, December 6, 1967 --.—■ \\ Cjß I DAVIE STARTERS Starting lineup for Davie High in their first home game here Friday night wBl be, (L to R) James Ijames, center; Ronnie Shoaf, guard; Terry Anderson, forward; Freddie Bailey, forward and Joe Mando, guard. / •* K * Chorus Prepares For Season The Cooleemee Elementary School Junior Chorus is preparing for the Christmas season by practicing an hour a day. Hie chorus baa learned eleven numbers in Ifae past four weeks, ac cording to tiie Director, Miss Mariola Crawford. Mrs. Kenneth Waller is ac companist. THE COOLEEMEE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JUNIOR CHORUS - They arc, front row, left to right, Beth Hoyle, Mike Stewart, Van Oliver, Martha Jerome, Ricky Spry, Gene Lagle, Lynn Spargo, Freida Williams, Edwina Carter, Anita Foster, Gloria Ridenhour, Susan Lank ford, Beth Holt, Tina Brown, Regina Hamilton and Joe Beck. Second row, Ann Barber, Scott brwin, Vicki Hardy, Dickie Hellard, Eva Daniels, Robert Pulliam, Jeffery Lamb, Patricia Stuart, Ida Ijames, Phyllis Wilson, Sharon Foster, Donnie Jordan, Lynn James, Denise Ridenhour, Richard Barney. Third row , Janet Nichols, Kenneth Durham, Betty Foster, Dianne Seamon, Vickie Howard, Sonny Cope, Roy Wilson, Wanda Glass, Pam Presnell, Debbie Ridenhour, Janet Athey, Lynn Sain, Rachel Miller, Patsy Tutterow, Susan Hellard and Jack Turner, Back row, Pam Cranford, Tony Daniels, Dianne Barney, Mary Lou Shoaf, Andrea Carter, Peggy Tucker, Nan Angell, Susan Jordan, Jo Ann Cuth rell, Barbara Cheek, Betty Allen, Susan Holt, Gary James and Richard Bo wen. Absent when picture was taken, Betty Denton. (Photo by Barringer). The chorus has the following engagements: December 10 Coatoe mee Methodist Church at 5:30 p.m.; Dec. 11, Senior Citizens Club at the Baptist Church at 10:30 a.m.; Dec. 18, Cooleemee PTA at the school at 7:30 p.m.; and Dec. 19, Jimmy Kilgo's Mid-Day TV program in Charlotte at 1 p.m.