Local Vols Do Good Deed At Crossnore Hli| ■ - v. ■ ij - K ,v In—? fe 9 mL t " -*-' ftf/; li ' I ■ K * 11 """ I "',j*i»dip||Bßtea^Ti^^ l^*| *wfeMa»> w > r ' I*P&-' -/- -Sgß^Httlfl •. aXa? • : . '.' ■• ■p : %j> > ** V■ ■ - .^m Bob Hoyto. Dtwiy CrMao« and Dorie Piarat Panal. 16 f>o9« COOIXEMEE. N C Wedneadav. iaanarv 31.1968 • * • * '' ' • • • v V s v'.. 1 " " - . - i y Miss Wanda Gullet, a Davie High Junior, likes to feed the birds. Several years ago, the wind Mew their apple tree over and 4fee tree died. Her lather, who is very good at building tilings, cut all the limbs off and made bird houses to fit each limb. He also (has made a bird feeder theft is set Inside The Journal GARLAND OWENS - • • Davit County OOP Chairman and other nawty •taetad offfear*. Paft 2. VALENTINE DANCE - ■ • Local Jayaaas garner annual danaa and a ptetura off tha Cattmataa Combo. Paga & •OT. ROY MeCLANNON * - - Wlm Sarvie* Ribbon. Saa Hory Bird Feeding Station Davie Library Hockavilla, K C 27028 Frad Pierce and DoN Fooler Inaulate. up near the little houses. In the spring there are no vacancies. Wanda says that more bluebirds build here than auy other kind and they enjoy watch ing them very much. Wanda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lomas Gullet of the Pine Ridge Road. Gardner To Talk In Mocksvifle Hr. Jim Qawfcwr, OOP womk to tbt public the Court 3m» to m Mootey right, ftUwiy S, at I'M ml KMIfM a «Sv»®a W wXtmfmX* • ' i Mry. | ~ a■■ J- »■ ■ - » uowvwni «io nuujon nuyn ■ mn. Cooleemee Folks Moke School Improvements Some men in Cooleemee left early Saturday morning, eqoip ped with hammers, saws and various working tools, for Mother hard days work at Croaanore ScbooL in February, I*7 many of the people hi Cooieemrr berama very waint tor the needs «f the children at Croaenore. The school, which is not stale sop ported and depends " iw ** w *y an Mdtol cwatribotiona, was in much need of repair wort Sons of the men and women in Cooleemee decided to lend a helping hand. They began by putting down floor coverings on all the floors hi the middle girls' dorm and painting all the bedrooms. As otber people in town learn ed about this group and the work they were doing at Craasnore, they began to make contributions of supplies and materials needed and in several cases, joined the working party on the next trip. This made it possible for die gang to con Pfc. Scott Suffers Wound In Vietnam Pfc. Junes M. Scott wms slightly wounded In Vietntm on January 23, as a result of hostile action, pe received a concuss on mfiflff en a operation what engaged en hostile force in firefight. He was treated and letuineil to active doty. Private Scott, a member of C Company of the Ist Air Calvary Division, received word, while on a five day rest period, that A Company had been hit. Tfrey loaded up their armored personnel carrier aid ant out to aarist them. Jnst as C Com pany started through one of the villages, their track stepped briefly between two grass shacks and was hit by a B-40 racket. Scott jumped oat of the track and started across a rice potty when he M tato jjeep M»wey to the M rid track. called Is pick te ald ana sf his bnddiss qp and ratan (ham to thsir bass camp. Mrs. Scott, the termer Sarah struct a much needed recreetion »- AOtt Snipes and several of the men donated their time to laying the block for the foun dation. the nest trip, another and gutty The fire Depot trfimben to beapplied on a pool table for the chikftrun. Erwfn Mffls contributed enough materiel for the ladies to make diapetiee far the entire dorm end { little boys. EQUIPMENT ADDED A professional hair dryer was donated to the girls by one of the ladies in Oootoemee and from the difleieut donations, a mashing machine and dryer was pm-chased and installed at the school On Saturday, Bob Hoyie, Den ny Creeson, Fred Piwce, Biß . Continued on page 2. ' Walker, received word Monday from liar taaband that ha was Ceding fine, eacqpt for aa ear ano neaaacoe regunjns oraui toe bleat fjaj ■K '^mr |pF . 9B • * . „ . .