Civktmw Journal Wtdarftlay. Fetnuaiy 7.1968. 2 Letters To The Editor Students Petition For Lowering Age To Vote To 18 To The Editor: .. The Davie County High School Student Ooundl mid lite to bring the matter of the voting age to your attention. After giv ing careful consideration to the tame, we support lowering the voting age requirement to 18. Few people nalhe thai the minimum voting age of SI, ntablMiad over 199 years ago, was derived from the Fn|W> tradition of i online" tow per * taining to the minimum age of knighthood. As one can ruaenn, the minimum age of knighthood baa no positive function in- a modern society and detracts from the viability of ov democratic system. Today's young people have already entered the adult world in many areas. Far Instance, youths between the nges of 18 and 89 can be tried in adult courts and committed to federal prisons. They are eirtorted from all forms of compulsory educa tion and from lecetving moat forms of aid as dependent children. They are reqarad to pay income and property tax, in fact, there are twenty million young men and women between 18 and 39 who pay government IML Yat «hcy Jtove issues. Also, the government can draft a young man to serve his country in the armed forces. Here, a hoy changes to n man fast. Since he must bear the responsibility of a man and die like one if necessary, wa believe he should have a man's voice in his government Last, let us point cat the extensive that today's youth between 18 and 80 have to current events. This aspect of education is To Congress Nielson, Mizefl Vie For GOP Nomination Wilroer (Vinegar Bead) Mfoell, former major league pitcher, and Ekkm D. Nielson, manager of biological research far R. J. Reynolds, have an nounced their cendidecses Jbr the Repdblican nomtaataan lo the U. S. House of Represen tatives from the FVIh Distract. Davie will be in the new FVfth, along aith Foray*, Yadkin, Stokes, Snr ry, Ashe and AHeghenr i m«Hi i Ov current 4 congressman, Rep. James T. Broyhill, win be in the new Tenth District NWeou, 47, was horn in Banter, Utah, and has lfvad in Winston sinee 1982. Ha managed Bag ley Seeks Democrat Nod Benley. a flnalst as one of the nation's Top 16 Yovng Men, has anuouuued his can dklacy far the U. S. Heaee of flspHaadathiii from the Fifth Dtetrct, which includes Davie. Bsfley, defeated in his hid in the prsasnt fourth District by Rep. Mek GaWianakis, is a Deaiisti at from Winston-Salem He wan dtad by the U. S, Jsyoees far his leadership rale hi founding *» » C. Sehaot cf the Arte in WkuGou Saiam, gin ai tke^Jtaaristf presented through htatosy and government cuutoea. Thaae eouraes do not merely toll the students what happens, fast it* trams H"** in a mature ap proach of forming attitnrlea of the situationa being a youth no longer means being uninformed as in pierium years. We have bras** this lane before yen for an hnportnnt reason. The Student Peril at Davie BBgb Is imirtsg a petl tfcn supporting the lowering of the voting age to 18. A campaign to circdfae the petition wffl begin February Hand last until March 1. Daring this period members of the Student Council will be spouting nt various ctoba and organtantfcwe throughout the county to introduce end explain our viewpoint Atmn . i T" 11 * will be visiting hemes to give people upportraMj to sign ttw petition Other nehools in North Carolina have received identical petitions and are ntoo circulating them. Our objective is to solid! enough aignabnaa of tagistered voters to bring the issue before the slate hiftlriatinn far discussion. Let as atones the point that the petition is in no way a pro tost tt is for democratic minded individuals who would like to aee die matter iMsiuasid and both sides of the mane memntod We thank you for year con sideration and urge yon to nup port our cause by signing the petition. KENNY EATON Pres. of Student OoumO SUZANNE MARTIN Editor of Rebel his wife's suoceaafui campaign lor the state semfte in IMS. Mizefl, 37, was elected to fee Davidson County hoard of com aMannra and ana named He retired from baseball in 1962 after with the St. Unas Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pi rates and New York Nets. A sore arm ended his career. He acquired his akkaame from his birthplace, Viaegar Read, Ala. . He moved to Winston-Salem, where he had in his nu aor league years, and teak a sales mansaenwnt aad naMir relations Job with s aslt drink compear He, las wife aad their two saaa live ia Davidson Coun ty Coolmw Joiwi Founded 19M j. c. ini tmim . Mrs. 1. C. M IMS-MO Mrs. i. C. ML Jr. tto-ItOT PMißrtwiii Wednesdays by the Devie PabiiabQg Co. Box Ml Oooitww, N. C. 37014 Marbwi I ■now SiibscriptioH tilv * ndßmmMln W nrviEimi aaywairw i*. A. *At f4J .tJi .a >Jt Ja m 4 It. I Crsst I I TOOTHPASTE 6901 ITOOTHBRUSHES S? 49p I 1 Woodbsry I I SHAMPOO "" 590 I I ROSMMTT I HAIR SPRAY u» 5901 116 M. Swve I ICREAM RINSE 6901 ICEPACOL I DRISTAN I S. 790 1 I tmif I Caii | I Alp mi piN( il„ I I ft—flji Cooleemee 11 ■ Drag Co. |1 I" |j^^ ?■ . 1, . „ _... „ Ml - : - .. %&J : J*-.-:-: M ______ > _ I " -• f.3M,f

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