62nd Ymt No. 11 BLi i'" >v * • .jj^ * jfl rnwk JMrnm The Coming Of Spring PwttyOMhyLy— ttwta.hw duTiwkitiwdifirtwltnwr p—l pwhwulm NfcJwh' ** c °y^ i *** ** Lywi * - J k „-^wgw *\*& ; I^HK pW -' ,-w •..' - ,w»- ■ '."^it '■■iVVw >i V .^gfjQ^njS^X'4 jr ' * ~.' '.-. *w Wxtk,„ * ■ 11i?i^frri V~' ir ■ ■P kilflHf^Hli&42C*t : ' - - K .. Jt. . jHifc v^flLr - > jiiia j&aHSbr ■T . r «■ V ■■» HI Hi E* ■ COOLEEMEE, N.C. KM 28.1988 *6 Posts 10 Cenh 52 Make All A's At Davie 9th GRADE: Bobby Brogdon, Deborah ONE, Gayie Tfoiii— T, Joey Holmes, Tint Basle, flhofwi Jum, Sondrm Kertey, Kenny Leonard, Barbara mar, Ned Smith, Terry Summers, Dixie Walker, Ssosn WM, Carolyn Whitafcer nd Kathy ML 10th GRADE: Betty Allen, Nancy Anlann, Martha Bsrney, Imp Blackwood, lomro Essex, Wiffiaan Beaton, Deborah ABoe Plott, Joom Richardson Md Ksßqr Cameron Shore. lltb GRADE: Deborah Loose Alexander, Billy Anderson, Patsy Andam, Bsrboni Am Oodfciter, Joe Foster, Nancy Joss Frye, Cynthia Jose Glaseock, Jaset Leigh Hoyis, Dsls IJamcs, Lyn isOrw, Carolyn Fbfflipo, J. D. Purvis, Jr., Patricia Kay «H GRADE: JcrT^BogSr. jSsoHsnis, BS Jh*soon, Bbs Long, Levada Msi llaad^tork Renter, Gary Eagese Rknardoon sad Itaja ABes fte eyctigUt of moot birds is SQperior Is tHBt of liiiaani ■KTI. *% '* ]FI RIFE,"" ' •^K , SB JBI *. MJY AGYY >^BUMI!V., WMIJPW ▼- * IJH^KIB K%9MHK F %BI,NX I JLFLI 'sgsfo I '* ■ " JSP J^G 'FFNP, IR I " _ J| • $ IAGA • 1 JBB .£* *» l&samfe- : - I ■ : H ■ ' N '• ~ ' sT" ■'"■■ •'" L^^-" 1 S '*" I ---- > TJS* „# - - T.. ■•• YR~ .1 I"NLM (Editorial) Something To Squawk About It looks as though someone has his own ideas about a pre-Easter celebration. On Saturday nigit, many homes, cars and almost every store window in the Shopping Center were vandalised by someone with nothing better to do than throw raw eggs. This was a very unpleasant sight to find your car, porch or windows dripping wifth eggs on Sunday morning, but what kind of piotortion do we have? Hie next time It could be rocks instead of eggs.. We, in Oooleemee, are vay fortunate to have the only Shopping Center in the entire umty and I, for one, hate to think what oar tittle town would be kike without it. R's hard to believe anyone could be so child-like as to destroy somethmg that ahnost evetyme in Datfe County benefits by. Not to mention the waste of aU those, possftly stolen, eggs that a great number of people in fw world would give almost anything to nave Just one.. R hurts even worse to think how our own service men, who are willing to give their lives for us at home, must do wMmut the many things that are used in any such way as this. I judt cant believe that the numerous things happening in our friendly little town are being done by mature people. There is no profit in such things. To quote the Bible from First Corinthians, chanter 13, verse 11, "When I was a chid, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put • away childish things.'" We as parents and citizens of this community should search our lives and maybe, just maybe, we can come up with a solution to end such van ,l N 11, ~ , (WWII. MARLENE BENSON Kids, Win A Prize Coloring Burlington Industries, Erwin Mils Division, «i ymrr an Easter Coloring Contest for children, ages four seven, this week. There wil be two groups and prises wfll be awarded to the best entries in each group. The first group wfll be for chMn ages four and five;secoad group for chfldren ax and seven yean old. The prizes in each group wfl be: First place winner - a giant bunny; second prize - sflver dollar and third prize -Keimody half dollar. AH entries wfll be profesaoatfy judged. Entries may be turned in to the Cooleemee Journal office or msflod to Cooioosaeo Journal, P.O. Boa 548, Cooleemee, N.C. 27014. AB entries must be is no Inter than Apr! 6. Winners wS be notified before Bsslsr. Contest end rales are on pegs 3 of todw*s Journal