*" •- ■ • • ■ Mil I" il'll' l ||"'|K ill 2t. fifS ■_ : i' : .?*-.va.. IB—I ,:i • ' l 9Hfe.-A* '"*r if. 1 5- BHBHH^^UHB^^BHSBBB S &j4&| - liilj-r --i. . " i i-«yfgffflfnii|i | - w-m ■ w.- m*; :® .; ; » ,;a i- t JH ■*■■ - ; -•*& . *, '^■ffl F * .ji n' '- ■S fIcSH (S w itjmM H - I £ ikM - • r. -i-■.=■ f a . ■K i DB■ 111 11 Ploy Ball! •'" ■ ' -. . .'• ~ -Art Mfny McCfiiy. It mhUmatMr. m4Mn. WHmMcCrary of FrMkli*. aril mortar it Yam* «M »4 jriMtyof fottainUtvwm hom • M| tim|rfavM«su* lotbrf«tk M port.ToaoMofyMffnoafch rwta." phot ft* to mi 1 (Photot ky James Bwrhi|«). 5 Hurt In Wreck At Greasy Corner; SI4OO In Damages Four people were admitted to > the Davie Hospital and a fifth treated and released after a bad wreck at Greasy Corner Saturday afternoon about 2:45. Admitted to the hospital were: Elizabeth Rachel Shaw, of Route 1, MocksviQle, one of (he drivers; Alan Ray Link, 28, of Salisbury; Paul Parker, 55, of Statesvflle; Larry Rachels, 18, of Rt. 2 Harmony. Judith Ann Taylor of MocksviDe. driver of one car, Inside Your Journal POLITICS»• »Maay timtimm ■tiwpinniin fa»arita wiWim wfll ba faaatf la toby's Jaaraal. la aliHiaa. t)» Jaaraal Km cswJuiatw HI OMTKTTD stata and district races en Pap % along with pmtmu of aaverai candidates wfca hurt vital tfca coat*. PLAY MLL -. A aa«at baM (Mat at the haN park fe IWHIVN IW « PKUIM layam MI VPJP 9 *®JWYE TRACK STARS • • • Three Rchd track mm win ceaferean LAMAIM DSAaMfMA AM a a 9MR W®alH Wi l2« TODAY'S WW2 Whet's yaar favorite matiaa spat? Sat the ptoses yaar frieads ead i#tin hen nl»ul aa pap 11. was treated and released Patrolman Randall Beane said the Taylor car was going north on Highway 001 and attempted to nuke a left turn. Hie car was hit by die Shaw car which was heading south on 001. Judith Ann Taylor was cited for failing to see if a move could be made with safety. Patrolman Beane —timafrd damage at S9OO to the Taylor car, a 1901 Chevrolet, and at SSOO to the Shaw car, a 1902 Volkswagen. The patrolman said he believe£that none of the injuries would have occurred had the passengers been wearing seat baits and shoulder harnesses. h. ' ; * fc s&:£r:. - |tefe, ■£ - Bk a ffi gk aßja[ **uai ' . -' #i JBHKu|K I^shß^l _ j-^ r _ r - ||: ± =, I 5"? * Young Politicians PafHks NMyJbfßjta mi ktmn/ far mm plaia faa for thm yauafc&irs kaawmntito't m'ftjMt JmmdUkM • jaatf war «• pava May ■NwMwUa'Srt, tkty Ma't avto kaaw far wMai tiny war* cmpaipriai. fleam* awriai at pmmi mis an Viaeaat | t | iv m igflgy 9kaMm*i Kfttbw j -f^ia HMP WHKNrJf NHW IMf| MU* •®TB®R $ ™KII VRMI UNPRotB 9FWIBWMB« I>avie Library 5-3-66 f«ocks ville, K c 27028 62nd Year Ccdwiww, N. C. 20 - No. IS Wednesday, May 1,1968 IB CM* Local Races School Board, GOP County Commission DISTRICT and STATE RACES On Page 5. Davie County Republicans will vote Saturday to select three nominees for the county con mission from a field of six can didates. Candidates are Charles (Bud dy) Alexander, Samuel L Daywak, Frerf O. Ellis, I. H, Jones, Dr. Francis W. Slate and Clay Itotterow. Other local GOP and Democratic office seekers are unopposed. BOARD OF EDUCATION la the only other contested local race, two members will be elected to the school board in a nonpartisan election among five candidates. Candidates are Claude Hicks, Hudson Hoyle, Benny Naylor, Allen Webb and Booker T. Williams. Jerry Call Takes Gemology Job In New York •ferry Call, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Call, returned home from Los Angeles, California April 18 after receiv ing bis degree in gemology. He has accepted a position with the Gem • Trade Laboratories, which is with the laboratories in Los Angeles, on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Jerry will begin his new job on May 1, and wiß~be teaching and grading gpm atones (ram all over the world. He plans to move his family, now living in Hickory, to New York at the end of school, around June 1.