- 82ad Y«r nHH| .; . W^:-'--V IB i V7 *'" - ' > 4is - •>: -:'- • ..fiW - MRS. MARGARET COPE Stork Beats Doctor To The O'Neals But Mrs. Cope Arrives Just In Time By MARLENE BENSON mm KfiJßim■! Mrs. Margaret Cope of Route 4, MocksviOe, was awakened Friday morning around 2:30 a.m. by the frantic screams oi her neighbor, Mr, Ray O'Neal. "I've got to have some help," he kept yetting, "my wife's having a baby." Mrs. Cope immediately -ran to his house, ar riving shortly after the sferok. The baby was already here and crying. She began working with the baby to prevent its choking to death. By the time the doctor arrived, the mother, baby, father and even Mrs. Cope were just fine. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal have three other small sons, whom they had awakened earlier, ftiwHng it was time for the new arrival, and they headed for the hospital After being examined at the hospital, they were informed feat it was too early tor#* bdby add they might sis well return home. 01* Mr. Slttt other Ideas. Just as they arrived home they both knew it was no false alarm. Mr. O'Neal first ran to the borne of Mrs. Ekrise Stavens, who oallod the doctor and teat Mm to Come On, Dad, It's Not Flat All Over When Milton "Red" Wetmore of Woodteaf, who is a mechanic at Erwin Mills, and his brother Charles were small toys, they went with their parents, Mrs. Harold Wetmore wwi the Mr. Wetmore, to visit their grandmother in Norfolk, Va. ' ' The went by train from Salisbury, leaving their car there wi ß relatives, W-hen ttoey returned and started in fift into ctg t® drive to WaadfeMif uta Mi l]imlii|,fcy a, im 19 CM Awards Presented To Davie Students Nmtf Srtte M D? OnrMnutw FrUbj. Bound tte JBBAROW HOWBLL, MICHAEL SKAMON, a Ditfd !#M* MMMUb IBlhiii) «t HJN. fiy -Tift m a—"iSHE Ihwe iHgy# stteMHt - ~ | ®ba w# call Mrs. Cope. Bin. Stevens was busy fairing care of the little boys, while Mrs. Cope was helping with the mother and baby. While tatting with Mrs. Cope about her most unusual experience, die commented, "Alter all these years and even having children of my own, that's the first tinw* I've ever held a brand new baby in my hands.'* "It all happend so fast," she explained, "that I didnt have time to even get scared. But of course the father was certainly scared enough for both of us.*' The baby was the O'Neal's first daughter and has been named Wendy Kay. Porker Is 3-2 At Portsmouth John Parker, assigned to Portsmouth this year, has won three games and lost two. He pitched 14 complete games while compiling a 17-3 record at Spartanburg last season. He pitched Ml innings, allowing 196 hits and only 45 runs, 32 of which were earned. He struck out 127 while vraMqg 36. Harold said, "Weil, we won't be going for a while, I've fol ate tftre." Mitten, who was tired of cky His and waated to est back heme to his horse and dog and to country hie hi moral, said, "Dad, let's go. It's just flat on the bottom. We can get hems before it gets flat all aver." A WOQOLEAF SUBSCRIBER Davie Library J*oek3ville, II C 27028 Joyce uri Dtfefafe flb^fanu hwfcislEiS? fcvA ISSmJbt'^ yyy WW, »•« gpSSs * m- * 1 * KMffEOTM ; "^8 >-;• M >*®S DELIA HWKIE I HH B i^^Bx miMlllfiAß