m t djfc -*mmmmmmmrn*~**mmmmmmmmimmmmmm*mmmmMmm*mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmm Cyrus E. Cooley ¥' ™ ~--r. *--■ 4- • m* * t . -2* ' j - ■. '" ■- 1 Is New Manager _ , - .... At Erwin Mills • . - v- " : ' '"• • .:; * . * ■:■ f * i_ --*:■ Jj| sf d Wj f* ' *jfl~ fHHIMIHp MHRBP ®HBPPHHWW^BPBWBBBP CWMWMIt - • • JHPw BMHHBMT - .. Jj ';. JZjB&J X ; - , ■ I & {KNEAH WAUDGR .. .irifcsa. ■*'."'l . ","• •. •: . Pt • I k A 1 • Drink Machine .j -IT. Twelva-yeorold Judy Human tot a miser, but rfiedoem't like to be *ort changed. i j At the xaoam *, hwwr, the tea » dta *e» of soft drink di»pen»en and riw may very wen let the masMae keep it* change neat time. USE . J> r -. w —MA y. Jfi im.e -8 "1 Hi TT* iffli 'ffc fit-fk ■»>■» «jj Jfc ag - - #■ -n% mmy wm vccstcxMi'' uy siigd ® snvciiiiis * % ' * .. .'. Watt, sol ftft&y aßiutitoi, fiut vftffft At wads** , > "^ w •«** # w ssejPP-SP* - ™ - ' *"J • - *"* dim tighten her finger. And il took sis emßMtail HI dtetM io rWKSBW "* Mra jame9 "It reaUy wMBt fanny at the time," mM her f *; r \ W„? . , ,®|jS gk# ,y * - * mvna iJmimvui TTjuimvr wwwm^^utamumv^w tnooamr, %m * ommart »fp mm imgamgi - :i; '• ''»; '■ ". "/ " ' :7 ;"" ■ ' ,'V "• . - s ■• - ' ' - ,v: . •' : : W'A -■vw;-: ■. s " ■ - ■ '~. .;-. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ Mm 17 •*i flfl : V ;J^ f' -i * —I i'- •' •&>££. * . d Cm K. Cooie> ha> ban mS»I mnm * the OSOteWMMS EFV«I& MUfel awarel div Woe of Bertflpi ' fijiMlilfn, II was asafeaoced Mi —*A b¥ Ikgdd Mwi wVUM SDfiß®o»# war— **—a J _ ft Mr. uocwy -.peweai v, O'Neal Walker, who is rctiraf bui*|ilMjn , a %fc«p £i amnd M m —IMTT At O>o|p*me| _ far By part 1% Iters mtl prevfeMissiy was y ffijw gf the Company's B Mr W «g to tbs S'Snie ,Wl aatfre of Ms dsgw 1b rlisfßlrtry to IMS at Memphis State Uphrerrity. He Sfvad five years with the lft|V» 55tTlwSr^n^M the Georgia Dye Corpsratkm at Catoosa, Ga., mi was vies ncnahlfiit summer Ta *» * ' -- _ - I i„.„,T„ « BM* ww www rmmmm to Bmrßagtm. He we* named massif* and devsfaamept director for Erwto Milk «t - March, I*B. He was a msabtr of the city csbbcH to Bans ¥fc£a. Vs., wtato aarvisa with Lees; bs is a member of#£e MoeksvWe Rotanr Cteb, Is "a toy aishf to tte Methodist is a m * mS *f r sI mm! the An»rie». Cfasmfcai Sodsty. f«ro C9&I£EME£. ■ £ - MMftngter StMMfaff HL MS _ i Jtu..... «*» Bm ' J : -i I .1 " £9l ■3iwl ' 3 " M m ' If " My rttar Sm* MtOaiM fc *mm « «*• m ftp * t»*y. , • •- f '-m By Burlington Rothell, Smith Promoted ~•■i . . • . Two otter promotions at firwtn ware aiawiureri today by DhHadeo Mawagw Donald Mmm. Mm G. (Jack) Rothell has been named manager of the plant SUCCeediM 111 Ml.jk I"" 1 ™! " Befeeft Stewart who has reign ed fiusi position; aad Ray S. •ailh, Jr., aaceeedaMr. Cocky an. development tor the division, wtth nfflnaa at Oaoiaainaa. A Mr. RMM la a native al Saferfa, S. C., is a graduate ■af• "• ißwfMiMt and Clemen - iNgen la wm m * trainee hi the Cwspaay 1 * decorative Me- Inter served V. with otter textfc Anns, ratnrn- Im to Bw&uAan in Ml at Caritaaant, 7Tie efaai ea i ijjpißJ &Bfl jim "* Ossreh, Is "x gSy-iiSi ; «rf»Cr * vron, a mbvo ok wnanvuie, IB SHU ■■■■■■■■MnuaacMttg S\ - - : | § g§ ; - Jmgffls ' mam JH .mmmb ■F mtm mKKBBm lif* BftWHWI s - ft ' „ , urTP M iftn f||f mJi/Mrtfa w£ TlmrfAift %J 111. sr 184 MeSmif tttlßls 8 re a e a r eh " »' - '' *"-' *„ - 1 tf hp , M m -- • ■ • iBBi B mKm fi KMB9CB M■■■ MBMafliSMMp flMnßHlippHpir ; : v ,'." RAY MRR ♦ • •AwHeel nißiMtk. sssM£t! , ff i af £