2 MF' ft Hfi a I -eT - -~ - ™. - - - L —Jt _ - ~ ••;...• ■. ~■; ■.■ ; ■ . ■_.. .. •■ ... ..v.. ■. ; ... .... ..,..■' ..■.■■... ■•■ . „■;.■>■..■ " . n . ...,.-' : ~. . ■ : . . ■...■,. ' ; ■ ~/ r ' A /..•• _ ■■ . "''f ' ' 4 ' '. v " 1 " * . : '_ r ~ f'"'"" ;t * " 1 * ' V-v -v/v.-V '-iT" ' ■ ; ■ .V ' 7^-'=:- ; ..p ' , .V-iv7\L' 7 '■. v.; - ■.'. ~'.V ■■' V :-.. ; v-,'. . -v- ":A 7 - ;7 •. " .;" '" ' '' ' ; '•' Vv "- ■ - , V-■ J "7 7 mHKutmt wmM , 31, ~ .4* Z%J~ " 7"' r ~ 77 v. "7*7.7, j JJ 7 HiS 7_ ; S. ,: 7 .'. i . .. : K . -• 7". . _ £l' _ : film Inrtltttan —Twenty two employees of the Cooleemee Plants participated in a Special Instructor's Seminar last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The school, held at the Recreation Cen ter was designed to train employees to become instructors of other we£ presented to .U participants by C.E. Cooley, Cooleemee Division Manager. Participating were (L*), front rowJEad Prevette,Cecil Johneon.Butch Owens, Ethel Bivins, Women At Fiber Invade Wfin't~Worid By ULA DBBOW Peat SMt Witter ?gn IS Sin to weSTeT mtattag shifts at tbia plant sdth the satianoe » ¥ off Btonwav It. la her fourth weak at Fiber, Mrs. WUUam L. Gamer travels daily hem atatoavttfo to her earaleyisent In the pmnmaph and staple department. The es&spobm woman bm ana ilaagtitor Janet Laafoe, It, a fourth grade etadent at UMty SehaoL Har hmbaad, hsa bam HmmmbmH |HHR in I BBL v \«>W ■ jup«flnvH^j^n I' B H| _| - I Cgfißßßfi' i ;/Hi HANDLING MALE JOBS - A Fiber employe for 17 months, Mitt Sandra Bonr, of Saliibury, lift, is bao&tef a law's job In th« Production Servicer Depastmssit. Sta® lias to WSStf a safety mask M At 4km )Nf duty of Stripping molten poSymer waptoyed for la years la the table rihto djjaitmoat at Staftasviffle Chair Osama ws. Gamer, a production mender, is mad to hard war*. aad doami ebteet to waartog maaculina attire Alter acbael, har daagNer ridee the bm to the heme ef her grandfather, Mrs, Isußa Pawn. When her methar worts an \ the first ahtft, 7 am. to S pan., the bao esn look forward to spending aftarooom duties ef toe aaaiher and before aha Joined work force at fiber, km Gamer waa BMdd at Bread Street United Msthedat Church for 17 yearn, and aha alee hat waited as a aald to a n>rW*e hsam and mstol Joyce Ctewton, Sadie Bernhardt, Lotta Atom; Second row, R.V. Cook. Water Myera, Gurney Burr*, Laura White, Joyce Lankford, Reba Gobble; Third row, John Whitehead, Oaear Call, Wffliam Head, Paul Gibbon*, Tore Denieb; Fourth row, Fred Pierce, Train ing Supervisor, Jerry Sherrfll, Bobby Laird, Clawet Anderaon, Dan Moore, Training Director. At right, Mnt. Lenfcford of Ifimksvfte, sooctnirotot on her jofe oa a products* mmtor fa tbt plant's FU&r?*«nt firming DooaftME &>« is ptmrmlrn the of iiftkg #«ci* out otapaekaoaiiMr. (Photo* by Mike Ctammer) .. , f ... . ± 3; I .. ... ..~1 > *iL v , 1 * -: ■" '*- IB Per a month, Mrs. Unda Lmbford jho esatber^jrf each day. Sbg wm_ traneformd work was comfafwed too henvy for Laakford, whom hated, G. C. Laakford, worts at Rowan Dairy In SscjftrihfM'y,. iijysil tootitaj fisrwui^di to a vaeatfon with har famHy, after eeamlattog a eevmday cycle an the ftmTSiitwhm me werka en the • '5 I y ; Election Dec. 6 | For Supervisor Off Conservation ttf OlKPfe « Ss"*? ijji Clliir»n*i Qlatriet WHIM lit »■ IbA JfcrißLWißbaJLftfc &&BSS m tMewm mm. SB wg*"" The oudMi miitei the is Mknw: Jotaasa'a G«K Strviet, Rt S, MooMBt; Elmore Sreotnr and flirvte*, Rt X, ModarrUit; Darin Tra* tor and Tinffkmwrf Oorapeny, Meekavttfe; Cwtntr't Sifto St. L IfecMfe; Bid OanwbMr'i a Advaow; Bme Foster's Storm, Rt S, lftcM; Spa* Bron it Serriee, litonU 601 aid 861, Them man have tan k» regular patition, I R. Wlwi, Rt. I, •mad drift, t u. to 11 pm., ata tat «w (toy off, Md the (MM, U pm. to T t>au, two day* aff. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rafeh Bofar of m ftrtad ft Iw, Owoespd, Wm Sandra Baa* asataa tar taase t* , g i |||aaui|Mm l «,J * *® OWwBI mKmW tHVP S3HsU iPipllll 4K RHr fir IT flMKta. Sta mfci to tta » atrvicaa with ttaaa ts MMM| «>*»«*■ *«oni fgg m wadto M,'nES it aat tad." Jaay^of SB W «*b «fcs m flfiWO ndtatog OMpaay. A. hraiaaa to tlto quality (ton) iNtortawel, Mm. Dal WmSßrn arid that iiftfoaflhu pi aajiSfti 15r to Banitai J, to It jwn. aaM ttat tar Job ii totwartli* and that ata a©- qulrad tat lab knowfedftt by a*tta-Job Ooafldbat that aba aaald toara tta lab itfhri rnMa, lira. a Whar asptoya for taw yaara, aaftd that ita aaaar thought about tta bard pat ¥ tta Job, IfcTHutching family toctodw a mar rtod daucbUr, lira. Ttonmy Hill of Gold Hill; BoNflfi UL ftttdMt fl£ wfe f iilty of North Carolina. Cta#oi 801; Patty, to. David li, MudaatoaTNMth 9mm High School; p.v,j; HaowSi 11 atEaat Sstwsir & M iragjfya Siaca lililaa ft! a hob&y wftfc Aba y—niw av aw aamaw wasmw OHM at* Ktotoa Itoato, aha aaJaya tar woth aa tha plaati aaiy famala sSSS'SEWS w W iWmmMTrm IQIM W MNP f taunt y _ Jf-'jfc gt S Ill*lßl fl Hi' B jj| iftijtjL tdt A m. . .5* wjj- jpr j§ Mar •raadawHto^