Journal Wins 2 First Prizes In State Press Competition IM Var Na. 2 Coming Events Guest Sptoker Rev. Charles Young of Lex ington, former pastor of North Cooleemee Baptist Church, will have charge of the regular services at North Cooleemee Sunday, January 19, at 11 a.m. Rev. McDaniel is one of a group on tour of the Holy Land. He will return home next week. Homemakers Club The Home Makers Club will meet Friday, January 17, at the home of Mrs. M. H. Ridenhour at 7:80 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Exams Are Underway At High School By KAREN HEADLEY Elaine Osborne Soow caused an unexpected holiday for Davie students last Tuesday. Cinday Glascock, Katie Glascock, Elizabeth Hall, Cynthia Heffner, Bin McKay, J. D. Purvis and Steve Stout, members of the Debate club, went to Chapel Hill Friday for a Debate workshop. J. D. Purvis spoke in the Persuasive Speaking Conference. Monday was the first day of exams. The students bad first and second period exams. Tuesday, they bad fifth and sixth. Exams for third and fourth period were scheduled for Thursday since there was a ball game Tuesday night. This gave the students an extra day for study. Davie will play South Iredell Friday night m the Davie High gym. Chaffins Have First Child Sergeant and Mrs. Harold R. Chaff in have announced the birth of their first child, a son, Harold Russell, Jr., on Jan 12 at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyo. The baby weighed seven pounds, three ounces. Mrs. Chaff in is the former Bunny Bean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bean of Cooleemee. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chaffin Sr. of Rt. 1, Woodleaf. Mrs. Bean will leave Wednesday from Charlotte by Jet to visit her mw grandson. COOLEEMEE, M. C. ... ... "• -j. ■ ! "C"* 12 R m 1 - .» « Hl' ~ Aj&f • i'" ' ' ; A-. *mm .JHR Jmmi Yj . ..M JI rllyt H JHS tJk iB Lai AM^Jm HMB /. MtoA IWW v i «B Wgf € /4 i mm > . Hi BJ| M 1949-50 Cooleemee Cools Left to right, bat boys; Bud Ridenhour, Aaron Spty. First row; J.W. McClannon, IX Bringle, Clarence Myers, Fred Pierce, Bill Shoaf, Henry Shoaf Jr., Hayden Benson. Davie Library 5-3-66 Mocksvill©, N C 27028 The Cooleemee Journal woo two first prizes for excellence in competition among North Carolina weekly newspapers for the year 1968, it will be announced tomorrow. The Journal was judged best in the state for its feature pictures and for its use of pictures. Only one other weekly won two first prizes in the nine categories of competition. Photographer James Barringer took most of the feature pictures in the issues submitted by the Journal while Marlene Benson and her trusty Polaroid took the rest. Most of the Journal crew will travel to Chapel Hill Thursday night to receive the awards, which will be presented at a banquet at the University of North Carolina. The contest is sponsored by the North Carolina Press Association. Those planning to go down to get the awards are Marlene and Hayden Benson, Barbara and Jim Barringer, Gerry and Jim Hurley and Iladcn Hurley. This is the first year the Journal has been a member of the state press association and, of course, the first time the paper has won a state award. Rev. Burchette Leaves For Latin American Mission This Monday Charles P. Burchette, pastor of First Baptist Church, will leave next Monday on a three week tour of four countries in South America. Mr. Burchette is among a group of North Carolina Baptist Ministers taking part in a Preaching Mission in Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. They will leave from Charlotte next Monday morning, January 20 and return on Monday, Feb. 10th. This is the year of the "Crusade of Americas" em phasis sponsored by 23 Baptist groups in the Western Hemisphere. Revival services will be held on the American Continents during this year. The Back row; Buddy Alexander, business manager; Grimes Parker, Cianard "Ftrpo" Creason, Gflmer Pope, Fred Dunn, Jimmy Honbarrier, Bill Fewer and Dick Pierce. emphasis is beginning in South America at this time as it-is summer time there now. Mr. Burchctte will be visiting the Mission Stations of Baptist in Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. When the group reaches Brazil, each will bo assigned certain places for preaching. Mr. Burchctte will be preaching in Itio dc Janeiro, Brasilia, Belem. In Fortalcza he will be holding a week's revival. First Baptist Church has made it possible for the pastor to be a part of this Preaching Mission by taking much of the responsibilities for planning and caring for the needs of the congregation in his absence.