aiMi 2MB MrftJi WILL KEEP CHILDREN )a my home far dm drift water. Gal lira. Arihray Weaafl at •iSJflro FOR SALE: Brick hMM, MM ia ■frannl 3 Mm, cm part, akSLnTcarport. Let UT x mr. Ltayd Martin «N1 foiiijmujc^ BHafaripA Ihndiy. TOR BENT One xUPBL Located on*! Davie Street (Wad Mia. Raymond HOOK, 21 Davie St or call sum. FOR SALE: 3 acres, wooded lots, 3 lots and acreap track located in Woodland jftflnpnw* on about 2 miles north of Mocksviße. Comer lot Cal *"«»• M FOR RENT OR SALE: CaroUaa Mobile Home. IV x W, partkHy faririabed. on Gladstone Rood. Sea or Cafl Carl Foater, Gladstone Road, phone MMISI. WANTED: Snbatfcota carrier for daftr Sattafaary Poet in the MocksvtDe area. Contact Mrs. Floyd H. Rkkard, Route 4, MocksviDe, Ptona: 04-5446. WEAVERS and LOOM FIXERS WANTED for filament weaving. Experienced on X-D and X-3 Draper Loom. Top Pay. VENMAR MILLS, Glendale, S. C. phone 5850300. USED FARTS, body aad mechaafc work. Abo, uaad car alaa. P A S Mptay Adwao*, * lladaimad Lipay ... HUS Or make 10 payments of $4.10. Must be sold. Five yea/ parts and service guarantee. No attachments needed to sew on buttons, make button holes, blind hem (hemes, and fancy stitches. For free home demonstration call Capital Credit Manager, in Charlotte, collect until 9 p.m. 704-536.1714. WWBgZag ftMfcq IMrinuSJMI 1968 Zig-Zag sewing machine in walnut cabinet. No attachments needed to overcast, blind hem diam» aew on buttons, make but tan holes, and monogram New machine guarantee. Asaume monthly payments of %6.J2. Call coded for free home demonstration with no obligation, in Charlotte, Capital Sewing Machine Credit Manager, until 9 p. m. 704-536-1714 .... 7 laceperatlag Cmlnmi Slijh? tM« liMhilwi ««U te prtated ae the ballet ia illfcrtittril vder, mi wd mhtwl voter weald kt tbk to vote for fi»o BMB.^ ItettrMoa«tatN«ttthi most vofau «wM be tkdad far fou~ years, tad the tee cu- MBhtr at votes mid he elected (kr two years. kU every two years, with two coanustoaers elected ia Wl, aad three elected te HIS aad ae ml After the tlattiea, the tewa 1 heard would have aa accurate arm made ef the corporate boaodaries ef the TOwa at Coeloomoe aad record the hoaadartes with the rafiater af The tewa coaiaiiiioani weald chooee eae af their aaaiher la ha mayor aad aoother aeabv ef the hoard la he mayor pro tern. All salaries weald he set hy the, hoard.. Beard aaeaahers wedd he prohibited hy tew ftoaa vottec 1 IhaewliH late execative eesrioa, or other wtee formally "i.uaiiihilai or voting upon" aay qpeetiee fta private aeaaiea. a I Ma few T» AfHarf Oar Si SaaManf JAMBOREE Saturday, Juaa 14th ONartaf TOV Ik* Bart li * ff_ Ibf 1 ••grjGpjjjr 4jpyr —f FiATUKIMGI * AM> LOYAL CUSTOMBtS OF 1 #IW S—fcf Hijl lfl£ 9%3L£L IH7 Stoto ChMfiH ' ITJL t?o2 Vi'i *K» 1 •wfcjwi —: j Otef «a ■*■■* aaa» MM art M* caadM -» ..«.... ». • «• ■an «a _ niiai M «M* m9m art No at •* »®ipt ■«l« r Mil I* MM SSLTJS:TZZZIZZJIZZZZ t—tt irMimt MI SLt«*au lteir.ft. ■May *>MHr pint MvMdiwßm. ———————^ , A HL. •TNISM6M6sr«nuu''HQHMQ Off Statniii RkwAh Artist Fm £§9Hffi99Ri| ian v. st««« 1 SWI Sto7—i7to 11 p. §■■■■ | 1 1,. HHHH • SAJI CHARM'S ST. KUIAKi DOGS tIH hi m Jispky ! Sp. ■. Mis IMdli M«s to Cart P«H»d If h| m M P—Tfca 118 XMIAIIK DAHCt H £jkcZ.**mmm —. I JUSy***" all|.B. vfth a* "teakty IMp hrO 'x*»' WATOattOK mi am hfi «i SMMrib ari I ALL-DAY LO9M ■H 11» !>«*■«»awtoa.. a. 1 «at. Juwt 14 | «a| fa JM* Mft *• WM MM Mfc h MnM* lb GMC TRUCK LINE Cmm Owt AW Mm 71* 11m Of Ymv UM *Ww ' MOCKSYILLE fT CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, lac. 711 mtobii St. hMM 454-XIM i. C a?« SSaMk^aoTtK wSSt * that there be ae «apato at tke first or later elartaaau abeat tke materiel candidates te be the MD provides that each rater aaast aaaik hh ballot for aa aaoay caadHatei as there are offices to he filled; other arteethe hafiot wffl aot he "Then ahSTbe priated ea al bf'Mf Car eonuniisiaaer, 1 * the Milata ■miifHi "*the aaaaher af candidates to he Beter ' aotod thol the at a "very Gaaual Assembly seosioa, hat said hh csfieagaei weald, prebahiy pass the local hUL | Homamokars Club The Cooleemee Home Ihtas dub will hold their regular moating on Friday, June 20, at 7:30 pjn. with Mm. Monroe Rkknhour at her home in Rocky KnolL AB members are urged to sttoad. 11 -C..!■■■■■ Jaanai, W I Ij. Jmm U, IW9. James Roberts Receives Woke Forest Low Degree j MDM Lbfd Roberts, son of BU FMar Roberta nd the bteVOtai PirtMiJWbiiili, received i Jwb Dodmte degree in hwittte GOD erctoee held at Wake Ffcreot Uafoeraity on Moaday, June 9. He ii i IMS yriiia of Mocksriße IB* School He mi employed by WiMi Hectrte Oeanw before betaf Ueeted into the U. S. Anqr h Macch in. After tee jeers of active hty, Mr Roberts retaned le WeateraSectricJallSj^ad a OAM, madaathf hi mi wth m XB degree hi ei Hl— i if Me at Palo aha, he eaipreskket ef 2* SbpmTrl* Alpha, alto of the ailimthiag rieb, iscelwai of (he Sherr& aad Smith Ac courting Award, aad was on the dean's hot. _ Mr. Roberts aai employed by Internal Reweeaae Service ia Jaw IMt aad awaked antil August IMS when he left to attaad Wake Fareat OoAcge School of Lear. He waa a Flak) Auditor aad m Offer h Coae- far the lUrivavafty School of Law, Mr ITAmIb was aa a MrtU icWMbftrmjwi.MNd onaa araflwitr undergradaatc acUevMal wd financial aeed. Abo a Member of PM Alpha Delta Law ftatoiaij. Ha is married to the former tatty Wagner and pnwHtly raSKJcS fll f« oWSOIU AmK ; liocksvflk. N. C. with MB two sons, Stephen Lloyd, a* 7, and Janei CuAoo, S. He fat con templating estate the practice of tat plena