r.mhi—ii ln—i TTi ii n itij. 10 m*9s 8M IMB MrtiJi FOR SALE Bnck bwtse Margins! St Ext., 3 twkwims, living room itiwy area and kitchen. 14 baths. Electric heal Call mC7I FOR RENT; 5 room house, run ning water and bath See or call L. C. Dedmon, W Ittl. ? For The Lodios 1 I HATS "aterkitv | I BERMUD*s7 1/2 j_ 9 I ?;/Ls SHELLS ( *" BERMUDAS) | 1 hWlllL SKIRTS J I 1 |I, Permanent Press DRESSES XuL $4.99 1 H \\e ■ &«■« WMtt 81 Bam Camas U*R 9 I /J 1 1U ® resses Dross Shoes Shoos Soadols 1 I tT' 30"" 1/2- ay I I For Girls For Boys' For Moo 1 I Summer Suits Sommer Soits irtT Slim*) 1/2 9 B * K OA % off Btraidas J *"• | | Sommer Dresses jU a I l O Sp.rtc.au skim ?££ 2,1 B speciau 499 489 5 I 1 I | ——— SPORT SUITS 7499 f I SPECIALS! 0. I SHOES ir B I i I FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY DRESS SUITS 0Q99 I Iff ONE TASIc OF H n H SAS l9 3 / jo MERCHANDISE ■ _ | I 1/ L PR,CE SPORT COATS |i W I I R* $34.99 IH £ I S*U 9IGIHS WtD„ Jdy 161b.Hr.. j.ly 31st. | | ELLIS SHOP sf [ SINGER IK SAC ss«?WGMAanra. -«• S* ££* cabins i~ No it- IWIIBIIT I needed to oimoM. IM hem draooes, sew on bat tens, make battoa holes, ccdj muaugiom New Machine of IUI Cafl ceßect for firoe bone dawatntio# ■Mi no obhgEttica, h Charlotte, Capitol Sewing Mechme Oredfc Manager. ucdl t pjn. fM-O*- .11M « TOE» PATTS. bo* mi mortal*, •o*. Aba. mrt a* Mmoo.Admoo.RC. - FOR RENT - «m hove, two liiibimai, both, hot end ooU water, 4* mfies north of, a#—a ?■«- wn mum 1M mvCK#*l(lt OKI Mml Wm. % ImMM UNCLAIMED LATAWAT 9MJM Or amhe N payments of lUk Mast be ooHL n«t yeer pah and sernce gaei oa-.m No tt- MBaa, mdte baßcn holes. hfiwi hem dnstL -and (aacji sttrher For frae homo deoooNbratioa. call Cmalol Credit Moßirgw m Charlo&e, coCoci aatilt pjn. m-SM-mc. EXTRA INCOME OP PORTUNITY wttS*uSSST f™* nto^froin coii-»nrittd «5j aTa^neM^liMJ'FS dating phoat amber, to Cal- TOB Sonify, E. Tirade St, Box xm Charlotte, North Carolina, HU DRIVERS WANTED SEMI YOB CM earn onr F&JV per hr. after abort traunhag. For Mbrmatian coB (US) S&MU or (OS) MUM or write Safety Dirodar, Notion Wide Systems, toe., MM Uniterm Aw., N.W., Kmvffle, Itei Ml. WILL KEEP CHEtDREN te my for firot Ait worker. 00l Mrs. Aubrey Weoafl at »to. WILL kkh* children in my home for first shift or day workers. CoB Mrs. Mildred fiaMoa, Junction Road, Mft-5317.