AMHMV- _ ._. Work began this weak on the bad park cum. Upon wmplaliop. the Mde of the cum wilt be raistd 18 inches in hopes of praaenting hazardous driving this winter. In arintan part, we have printed pictures drawing cars in tha (fitch all around this famous curve. In just • few mora months wall know whathar or not this was an improvement. Picnic Swing Fails MOCKS VILLE - The annual tri. r- n a i-t El* ft fjfc 1 I V „ ■ 1 •iiisontc ncnic imhu mtc Thursday exceeded all other 89 years as thousands of people attended the event for reunions with friends, to feast on good food and to contribute to the Oxford Orphanage. But, the run was shghtly dam pened by a near tragedy when one of the rides in the amuse ment area collapsed injuring four people. Officers identified the injured as Bobby McLamb, S, and Us daughter, eight-year-old Melanie McLamb, and Mrs. Nancy Jackson and her hus band, Bobby Jackson, both Jl, all mated, and all from Dunn. McLamb and Mrs. Jackson were admitted to Davie County Hospital, and Jackson and the child were treatedand released* Officers of the Mocksville Police Department said none was seriously injured, that they all sustained Cuts and bruises in the accident but, aa is always the case, operations of freeing the injured and carrying them to the hospital were hampered by Spectators converging on the area after the aocnsnL Sheriffs deputies, potice and highway patrolmen, however, | a - - »- - mtmemy DTOUKXH 01*001 m tot chaos, keeping back the cnad and helping with the injured. | A toy Aid His Dog P. 3 | Apparently many people on the grounds were unaware of the near tragedy The arbor was filled at the time with people watching the program by the MocfcrtOe High School band and two beauty queens. Only thoee taken to the hoapital mined out on the re training festivities of the day. It was about 11:45 a.m. Thursday when the ride col lapsed One police officer observed that had the accident occurred around • o'clock in the evening, it could have been worse because more people would be waking around the rides and shows. 63rd Ywr COOIEEMEE. N C PMB fit 33 WMMatey, August 2ft, 1969 H Ctnts Schools 4,300 Students Schools will open Monday for one-half day orientation with the first full day of school scheduled for Tuesday. Faculty members will report to their assigned school tomorrow to begin preparing for opening day. James E. Everidge, superintendent, expects an enrollment of approximately 4,300. There are 186 teachers in the system. Davit Sdwdife Students will pick up tfiair schedules by classes in the following locations: Freshmen~.Lobby off "C** building Sop bom ore...Front lobby of Gymnasium Juniors . . . Main section off Cafeteria Seniors . . . Activity section of Cafeteria Steve Jordan Gets Degree Steven M. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Jordan of Marginal Street, graduated Sat urday from Appalachian State University with a B.S. degree in music. Steve is the first instrumental music major to graduate from Appalachian State since it be came a university, and the only instrument major to graduate for the year 1961. He has accepted the position of band director at Buford and Indian Land Schools in Lan caster, S.C. where he and his wife, the former Helen J. Grant, now reside. Last week several teachers from Davie High attended the annual Vocational Home Economics conference held at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Attending the conference from the Davie County High School Home Economics Department were Mrs. Lucinda McClure. Mrs. Shelby Nichols, and Mrs. Ruth Short. The theme for the conference was "Action for the Seventies, Total Commitment.** * Some objectives of the 1969 conference were: "To identify means for providing full educational opportunity for all students through the public school; to identify research which may be used in redirecting the curriculum in home economics education; and, to identify some new instructional materials for use in the home ma king program." J3 rt