? !? 1 - ? m ? ? II Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The ParmviUe Enterprise IT REACHES ? THE PEOPLE MerchantsI Get Wise Ut t'? Write You an Ad. and we'U open your eye# WITH INCREASED BUSINESS i ii ii . i , -i Subecription 11 1 FABMVIULJE, pepi^oowty,.n< G. A. ROUSE. Editor. UABY 8, 1914 .-TT SUCCESS MEANS SELMEHKL eucoeaaward do not lire each day ot tir ely nnfc itself; they take thought of the morrow, -its emergencies, it* poarihlHtUe, iU opportunities It it ?nutter of moat preaaing im portance to ?rery yooag penon to oanaider ? the adrieability of doing without certain pleaiurea and ffltpen comfort* at present for the sf enjoying them longu ittffil date. What share of liM comforts, en joymente and freedom from hard ship do you want* for your later days? From time immemorial thia ques tion haa found its solution in "a willingness- to make reasonable effort in one*i own behalf and to postpone little gratiflcitftttU that ara not really nccesaaiyjS^flif order to ei? joy them in multiplied ratio later cm. you are familiar. Jfe nine casts fut of t?n Uit not faye ^atj^w^ngh An Kaat end man moved last ram? m?r, ud among the other neeeaaitier of the n#w ho*w ??? 80-foot Mo tion of garden hose, says ihe Cleve land Plata Dealer. : The But ej ! mm haa a fondness for boasting about his steadineaa un der trying condition!, and nerer tire* of (tiling ot his sangfroid when a pAiienm oo&ch in wludi he vu riding ?u raided hy a" pair of fealn One Sunday afternoon he wai ipriniling the lawn ^hen an auto mobile containing some friends drew up at the carta- The Eaat end man, fcaea in hand, JaiAied across the wi^ to greet them, and then tamed to *are hi* hand tor his. wife, who was, on the pweh, to c*ne down. As h* whirled about he f ergot the boae and uaeonaoiofaely traihed it direetlyro? the party in the auto. There Were wild shritka from the woman in tM sar. The beamnaa hastily Urn# the itream around, and let it drive s Should Prapara for Ufa Haraafttr. . . . It it not *11 Iocs to be driven back to the toil, remarks the Universalis leader. ~ It ia not all gain to be erven ?i Adams in New England. The burden of respectability U gnat fta&f. trait* en & traditiona are sometime* stifling to originality. Some people are littio mora than copy plates of their forbear*. Then ia aoou comfort in vectoring forth upon the friendly road for ? joust with nature la a colored shirt with* out fearing the rebuke or frown ol some eminently sfraltlsced critic ol our vulgar ways. There is something humorous in the remembrance of th* friend who ia always genial in tht club, but never aee* a* when In bhu jean* wo an sweeping, the gutter w digging in th* garden. T^-re ia a pathctio aide to the existenoeof thoat who do not think they are really alive unle*a collar and euff* are prop erly adjusted. Naked wo came into the world. Naked we will go. out of it During the little time that we linger between these two door ways to the infinite pcrhap* we ahall be wiae to cultivate a little mora of the robustness which will enable us to live in that gnat out of doori which ia certain to be our eternal ab'Jing place. LATirr KITCHEN. -- The sanitary and mosj eatiafactory kitchen baa glazed tile wall* anu the celling it sheathed with pnaeed abeet iron painted white. . The range ha* hoods over it to cany off the odor# and heat and to make the room coo) and comfortable.'' The floor ia of cork tile or of earnest, with strip* of matting laid upon it? the*e can b* fcaailjr taken Bp. , drain in th? cen t*r carriea off the water tram Um floftr after waahioir. ? - Or, fame A. Day 0f Su M clioo waa tailed to examine t*etb of thl inmate* of th* Culiforaii *%*#? smSPE* and cum .away convinced that ttvr condition of their taeth wu largely responsible for their criminality. In tell ins the National Dentalwoda 1 -J '? ?, .* w~'T7e'77mTT> 1 tm ?bout it ht mi \M J , "I wa? convinced that malforma tion* and i r regular itiea of the tartb Iiad a great deal to do with tho men-, tal *tate of the?e people. One ma* had been condoned to die and had or three invitation* to'hia haaging. Tht* man ,waa ?nt to priaOa for life and While there he killed three other prisoner*; and he baa a maloocfaxian of ' dam HI., tha wctj* t*m I arw una tooth to ccclualoA iNow, no oc* can abnviike ink thi*'(M4itioi ha* notlfclita influence to the ddrel opment ( )f the insne brain ?&????*. I taw many other catea of the worn KgSMKpM their effect npon the aoebtal-davdt DPTnent/'* *?' :';s??^^3 It ma) he w?l to (cplatoM^'W duiion" men Tig the meetfrg or dos^ i? in it, arrived one afternoon in o well yrown Tillage whose one street had a itraggly, dreary, diacon raging ap pearance. Ha went to get hi* din aar at* the only hotel in the place. Evmything' progressed- anappetix ingly and emoothly on til the old raun who waited on the table crept utealthily behind Moree and asked him in a languid, lonely voice: . "Will yon bare black cofiee or white coffee t" Hone flinched. "What's thatr he asked. Ho had bead of bine pearls,brown rosea, green carnations and other vio lent color schemes, bat here was a aewonc. He was seized by the thirst for discovery. " "White, if you. please," he said ur banely. The old woman . brought it in. White coffee, it developed, was coffee with cream in it. HKALltTIC "PLAYING." The "peacj at any price" policy is not reflected at a certain Chicago tchbol, where a militancy that would win the heart of Colonel Rooaevelt is the order of the day. Two small boys cam* to rchool apparently the bast of friends but with their face* lor*tched *nd their >yes blackened almost beyond recognition. "Why, boysf exclaimed the hor rifled teacher; "what have yon beer doing? fighting f "No, ma'am," came the ttvly, "Yss. Willie was the United States and I was Mexico," HI* CHANCE. A lively Irishman was once ^ invit ed to a. Urge. dinner party in Dublin la hope that he would amnn and di vert his host* s guests. But from the beginning to the end of the dinner he preferred a solemn aad serious (see. The host thought this very strange. "Why, old fallow," he remarked, "I don't believe the biggest fool hi Ireland could make you laugh to night." "Try," was ths wit's cutting re joinder. >v i ART FOX ART'S SAKC. The Berl~You aee, they of iiq.it hts school for the mid bring in the greatest dead weeps and Tommie HE OF EYI FAT1QUE rtlna. but tM Inner and tA&??fef I* . : ? Ureal iSkition ot itW is s^ed ocas of the ilm at "the eyelid, beto kening a congested state of the inner itirfMe, accompanied by aome pain. 'Sometime* this weariness indicate* the naed of glasses tightly, adapted to the person, and in other cases the true remedy ia to rub the eyo and its ramrandings *!> far t.s may be with the hand, wet in cold water. After a Canadian named Morgan had been appointed to a government place it iti discovered that the po rtion technically had to be 'occupied by a lawyer, which Ur. Morgan was not. The benchcrt of the law soci sty, hotfevcr, undertook to obviate the technicality, and appointed one }f their number to examine Morgan. "Tell us, Mr. Morgan," said the ex s miner, "what do you know abont the law, anyway P" "To tell the truth," was the modest response of ijorgan, "I don't know a tingle thing." ; Whereupon ^he examiner intimated that the . question waa at an end. He turned in his affidavit, wherein It was stated : "I have exam ined Mr. Morgan as to bis knowl edge of tip law, and to the best of my knowledge tnd belief he has an iwerea ?ii the questions with entire correctness" ITS CHAPLAIN I* EDITOR. Here's soiAething with which the newspaper men mky soothe their louls: In the state penitentiary are about 8 78 prisoners. The institu tion publishes a little weekly paper called the Penitentiary Bulletin. In most ststea the prison paper is edit ed by the prisoners, but in tb? Kan tea institution this is impossible be cause there is not an editor in the entire lilt Consequently the chap lain Vi compelled to add the dntiee of editor to other. tasks. Is there another state in the Union where the cditotiMt inch model cititens? ? . Abilene Rcflcctor. _ .. WITHOUT Tl^t MICE. "Scribble says that when be is hi the throea of oompoeition he forgets to e?t.w TWt convenient." "Howeer "The chaneee are that he can't eat, inyway, entil he has toned out eon INCUBATOR NOT * HEW IDEA Anol*irt Egyptians Realty Knew Mar* About lh* ?ubi?ct Than W* Modtrna Do Too*/. The announcement 1* made by a British scientist that he has discov ered how the ancient Egyptians in cubated chickens to the number of 18,000,000 a year. He ha* found in cubator* which be declares were used in Egypt 6,000 years ago. Tbe#ecret baa been well guarded, but it is laid bare at last. They had no oil stores or gas or electric heat ed incubators, but they had ovens 'which worked much better, even though they required more constant tending. Bach oven was calculated to hold 7,000 eggs, and the fuel by which it was heated consisted of chopped straw end dung, but for the last ten days of tbe hatching the en ergy was supplied altogether by the chickens themselves. It is the commonest error of thoee operating our modern incubators to use too much heat, especially toward tite.ead of the period, and now we may letfa' from the old Egyptians '.ow not to do things aa well as how to do them. The use of the straw ?fid other light fuel shows that the Egyptians were most careful to avoid too intense hea at any stage. We thought that we were the first to use Incubators, but we are fifty centuries behind the times. ? ? TEACH EAST ABOUT THE WEST ^PY??l*nt1*MlahMJaClwi?H *9 With Farm CdlMettWB. - . - i ever did in the taWk manner* of tho Hedes and Peraianfc " Some day all our public achoota may teach a little elementary agriculture and awaken an interest in children in things that grow ? an interest that should lead to future enlightenment and under standing. If only the sto^t- prin ciple that snocessful farming ia not a haphazard pastime, but a business and ? science requiring both patieaco and ingenuity, could be hammered home a tremendous advance would be made. ' . It might also be an excellent j>lan to teach eastern school children a few truth* vonceming our great west, and our western school children a few truths about the east ? not the wild and wolly west nor the coleaul east, but the west and eat of today. IN HOUSE-MOTHER'S HANDS. Of course it >?oes without saying that the heaviest artillery of our fu ture warfare against disease will be directed toward its prevention rather than its cure. The beat and only radical cure of disease consists in preventing it* spread and wiping out Ute conditions which alone render its uistence possible ? poor food, dirtj water, had drainage, dark and ill ventilated house*. v ? Mora and mere of our energy and brain power will be devoted to the cheerful, positive task of keeping oui bodies so strong and wholesome and vigorous that the}' can defy disease, instead of patching them up aftei they are sick. ? Food, rest, "unshino, exercise, bath ing, massage ? theeo are the sheet anchors of our new materia tucdica. ? Dr. Woods Ifutehinsan. "What makes -Smith's drinking Jokes so popular V "I suppose it is the dry way he has of telling them." ADVANTAGE OP' EGOISM. f tWnkin* She? Yea. In that way ho always avoids having much on his mind. JEALOUS DOUBTS. "Tour neighbor, Mrs. Comenp, has so much savoir fairs;'' FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Every Thursday Night in their Hali in Horton Bids. Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVILLE LODGE I. 0. 0. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday night in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel" come. (Utlicoe 13 : PHONES t Office 49 DR. ML P. MOSELEY FARMVILLE, N. C. In Office of Dr. G. G. Joyncr. Residence with W. M. Lang. J AS. P. TAYLOR Photographer - ^TUDIO up flairs in Hud Hard ware Co's. Building . Farmville, North Carolina. " r t -t ? ~ ALBION DUNN, W. A. I'ARDf.N, CretanUt. Fari.nl! Ic. DUNN & DARDEN Attoroeys-at-Low Farmville, N. Carolina. Business appreciated and ' - Promptly utter. Jed to. Office in Horton Bpilding, DR. PAUL E. JONES : DENTIST Office in Lang Building FARMVJLLF. ? ? , N. C&& w__. .J Qvfl Engineers & Surveyors Greenville, N. C. COUKTY SURVIVORS FOi PITT. B. M. COX AUorney-at-Law FARMmLE. - N. CAROLINA Olfica over Cltliena Bank Pradkca Wherever Scnricn are Driired. Sfedal Atlanlioo Taid to Gotledio oa aid WriiltK c( Deeds, Moetfaf ea, Etc. Farmville Motor CarCo W. C. COLLIE, Mgr. Located Corner Beicfaer & Moore Sts FARMVILLE, N. C. ~ ' We make a specialty of re pairing. All work guar teed, prices reasonable. LDT US SERVE YOU. See Us for Bicycles ! ALL MAKES AND PRICES. fcfe Also Carry a Good Stock of Craphophones and Records. Bicycle and Gun Repair ing a Specialty. PRICES REASONABLE. Taylor & Car raw ay. Chetf nut, Moore & Baker's SHAVING PARLOR Located on Main Street Clean linens, and Sharp Rasorr. Satisfaction Guaranteed. THE FARM ?f i LIME iaOwbaahotall (nod larmW. Write for bulletin br lha but authority In tke United *u?? <* Use ua tfca Fee*, and *?t price POWHATAN LIME Ca