TUeFA*MVHUMAiyEf.i hlttt Out Merchants art OtUrj m far What ike Farmer Hai*es. Fre pared By T. L.StW.f. T*rna0e, BuiDer 3 er8? ? ? -a Pctt ?' 2A Country Hams 3 Shoulders * 1 Bacon 12 K Strict middling Cotton 12 1 Middiin^T^r^.. 12 ?; ' ? i iw ii> v Dr. and Mrs. Taul E. J one* went to Bethel Saturday. Mr. W. J. Rollins paid Middle-, ?ex a business visit. Friday. Note the change In the adver tisement of J. A. Mizell & Co. Meadajnes Ed. and Maude Wanen spent Monday in Green-;, ville. Mrs. W.J. Rollins and son, Melvin, spept UA Friday in Greenville. . Mrs. W. C. Askew entertained the Magazine club Wednesday afternoon. Note the change in the adver tisement of the Joyner Furniture Company. Hon R. R Cotton, of Bruce, spent a few hours in Farmville Wednesday. :?'?> "'HI J Read the advertisement of the Bank of Farmville in this issue. It invites your patronage. Misses Etta Cay and Bessie Croon spent Sunday in Wendell the guefo of the Misses Perkins. Don't forget to go to Lang's Mr.. W. J. RasbetTy left Tup* day for a business viait to Mid dlesex, . Baileys, Wilson and Nashville. ' ' ? - , Let the bnOdiUgspirit continue until there Is not a vacant lot in the town; Ihen take* in "som4 more territory. Mrs. G. M. Holden, who has been i pending some time with her parent* in Snow Hill, came home Tuesday. FOR SALE-Sevenfine Full Blood Durock Jersy Hogsi wetting from 75 to 100 pounds gross.? T. L. T urnage, Farmville N.G > Mr. C. U. Townsend went to Greenville Wednesday morning. UHte wlurned) W the. afternoon; and left on the night train on a bM^ne. trip to KefahK ^ Hit many friends are glad to at his po^Str bo?t;confine4 The handreaa residence of street is now recemnf tts tinisfjr, ing touches. When completed this will be one of the handsom eft residence in the city. Mr. H. U Humphrey htutmov-; ei his insurance office fromWil oosi^lrc-et to the tore recently vacatcd by Beamag$ Mrr*. J;J>ytar* of ? Tueedayin Farmville m ??? i by the Atfomen Tuesdaynight to ser. sSpettftg and talcoihe badge of authority in the hear future. ? ? ? Jlf. and Mu. ]. M. ChriSt.nan and daughter, Miss Murgaretlc. Aod Messrs. McD. Norton and lobn May, Jr? were ftocky Mount visitors lafl Sunday. They foade the trip lo Mr. Horton's touring ear. ? ' ' ' ? Cootnuftor J. S. Stephenson is rapid .cubing to completloa | WO I andsotc*; cottage residences oq Ei i4t Church Street for Dr. J as. V- Patrick. Dr. Patrick wfll move into one of them as soon aa completed, while the other one be wUl rent out. Trade with those firms who are constantly asking for a abate of yodr patronage through these columns. The linns who make nublic their busineas through the press are the one* you can a) waya depend on for everything you r ied, and abould be the ones to deal with. Elsewhere in this issue we publiti) the International Sunday School lesson for next Sunday. We hope to give a column to this work each week hereafter. Read the lesson over and attend some Sunday school. You'll en joy attending and the hour given to this work once a week will] help you. Try it and sec. Purer MttVng. ' There will be a joint prayer meeting at the Methodic church Wednesday evening Feb. lluat fcWdock. The meeting will be devotion al, and we hope it will bd well attended. We urge the church member* especially to -be pres ent Faithfully yours, ?; J. E, Kirk t H. E. Lance > C. B. Mashburn. | TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. MEETS FEB. Hth. : : .Having received ? number of inquiries in regard to the time of holding the February meelingof the Pitt County Teaohers Asso ciation, I take this method of no tifying all teachers that the regu lar monthly meeting of the As sociation will be held ia Green ville, Saturday, February, the 14(h? The second Saturday. Re ports from the head of blithe de partments indicate that this will be.an unusally interesting meet Jog and I urge all teache/s to attend. H.H.McLEAN, ; Pres. Pitt Co. Teachers Ass'n. | Class of 1914. i'. The clan met Wednesday af ternoon and was called to order 1 by the president The follow- 1 M>g;Progrntn was carried out 1 Broif skctch of Mendelsohn's life ky Mils Sallio Koel. - v His tfyle of. composition by Mils Sarah Pollard. ,~<v~ > n?" Paper- -W h a t Mendelsohn's cotapoaed ? by Mr. Rhoderick Joyner. Instrumental 3ok> by Mist BettJe ]oyn?r. Alter a rttoad ttble talk of sev era! minutes the class adjourned. | HU* PROF. NOBLES ? ' 1 r 1 it ?" iMt'sfdkMl Nope Friday M fpM ] ?? February 13lft. v I Prof. C. & Nobles, of the Uni versity of NorthOifolina will de "iver an address at Lang's School ' , Friday night, February Subject: "Community Bet public "b" earnestly, re - hear what Prof. No tve to say. He is a orator and a forceful and it is expelled that be grated with a large ialie audience. ... your neighbors about his and itfVAem .logo and [PLEASE pay your subscription.! Womta's Horn* MM* Society! On Tuesday afternoon, (be sssssk ttftSSZZ* *- ?' ATici ;h? opening ?oqg, Qnd| TOT*,* ihort Bible Study on ~n? Missionary ChrM-His Minion Field" was conduced, by the President. The subject tor the February meeting was, Conquers of the Cross among ? T^" therefore Mn- Hos coe Fields gave an account of what Ae Crews of Christ faasacJ complished in China. Tins was S "? J?y 8 very beautiful ?on?, China for Chritf", com- 1 P?*?d by a Chinese Lady and which she hopes will soon be come the national anthem. J"' J*fk Smith told of the the Conquers of the Cross in the intereflintr country of Korea after which Mrs. RE. Lance read o I the conquers of the Cross in Mexico. Mrs. T. W, Lang then took uP?ur own Country, and in a modi intending tfory told what the Cross of Jesus has done for America. I Maps, showing the locations of the Schools, and Hopitals un der the control of the woman's Wt?d?nary Cbuncil e*hi*j The devotional nnd literary I iwrt of the Program being over, the Auxiliary tang "The King dom is Coming," after which the business of the Society was tak- 1 en up. ? Alter roll call, and minutest read, the Officers gave their re ports. Mia. Chriilman reported that MUwonajy literature had been attributed, and some very in!er- 1 erong books on Missions were offered to the Society to read. Mrs. J. I. Morgan, fourth Vice President read her report on Lo cal w0rk wbich (faat quite a number of useful articles had been placed in the Parson age since la# meeting.. ' -.hT. ? ?*?* Laax reported $8.50 Mot to the Conference lYwte Mrs. A. C. Monk reported One renewal to the Missionary Voice The Cor. Sec. Mrs. Eli Joyher wad two letters from the Diil See ??niu?e of Mis. G. A. Rouse ?doed to the rolL Twenty visits O the ride and Grangers were reported by the Committee On motion of Mrs. Roscoe Fields the Society decided to col l?ft an absent free of five cents each month, unless the absence is caused by sickness. There being no further busi ness, the Society adjourned to m?et the firft Tuesday afternoon in March with Mrs. Eli Joyner. TttLABLE LANDS 60 PER CENT. Department Estimate} 829,000,000 Acres Not to Use. Only 27 per cent of the'tillable land of the United States is actu ally under cultivation, according to estimates of tbe Department of Agriculture, based upon re ports of 35,000 correspondents. Tbe entire United States ex cluding; foreign possessions, con tains about 1 ,900,000,000 -acre?. Oi this area about 60 per cent, or 1,140,000,000 acres is estimated to be tillable, that U, capable of being brought. under cultivation by means of the plow. This in cludes land already under such cultivation by means of the plow. A total of 361,000,000 acres, or 19 pet cent, are estimated to be non-tillable but valuable for pas ture of fruits."' On'y 21 per cent or 339,<KM>,000 actus, was estima ted to be 'of no use for agricul ture, present or future. According lo the censiis of [1909, the land area in crop* where acreage was given was 311,030,000 acres. This is about 16 per cent of the total land yea or about 27 per cent of the esti mated potential tillable area of the United States, ?st'duding for eign possessions.? Wall Street Journal Lots For Sale. ^ Five- Ropd residence lot# in NorfolK Highlands, on m line, near Indian RiVer Park. Sell cheap for cash or installments. Dr. James E. Patrick. Report ;of the condition of the BANK of FOUNTAIN at Foantain/N. G;, at the close o^busi^ess Jan. 3! , 1914. otSHKi irrpr P ? uveraajli, j * ? 314.71 ??? Furniture fsTlxtares, 1.868.V6 2,440.71 Duo frpa Banks & Bankers 9,832.14 Cash item* * 264.68 Gold Win .24#. Silver Coin, including kit ' . minor coin currency 1,052.72 Nallnol bank It. other U.S. notes 976. Tout l- I 4U4J.N LIABILITIES Capital Stock .paid in ' $ 12,350. Surplus Fund ?. 1 ,500. Undivided profits, loaa cur rant expenses & taxes paid 1,201.64 Dividends unbaW 57.00 Time ecrtilidUes of Deposit 9,284.41 Deposits subfoS to check 23,700.19 Cashiers cbcc^cj outflaqdln? 152,00 Total t 4 48,245.90 State ol Nich Carolina, County ol Pitt, Hi I, K. T. Wdoten, cashier ol the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above tfatemaat Is true to the bcil of my knowledge add belief. ; . K. [T. WOOTKN. Cashier. Subscribed fend aworn to before me, this 24tl> day of Ian. 1914. A. C. QWENS, Notary Public: My commlssloo expires Dec. jr, 1914. Corrctf-Attefl: R. A. FOUNTAIN R. L. JEFFERSON T . O. W. J KFFERSON Directors ?M ^ m vbj-ili" man & Monk Bros. teaman & Monk Bros The Big Store, - - FsrmvUle, fL C ?t ? SB& ? ? ie Store of Low Priced And We'll Furnish the Home. help "Young Couples" to happiness now, and a com fortable home in their declining years. Newly married folks who are waiting for their ' "Ship to come in" before furnishing a home of their own not only lose the beA part of life but the content and comfort of a happy old age. Do not let lack of money continue to hold you down. Stop paying rent for a furnished home and get one that belongs to you. Let little monthly payments bring you and yours the pleasure ol youth and happiness of age. You can make your payments at the ?tore. No inquiry is sought among your neighbors about your ability to pay our easy credit way. All transactions glritfUy confidential. A home furnished complete is yours for the asking. "? r E> CRBT OP' VOCE>-,SSJi - ? -V ?? v . * . f . ? _ IN TH? HOMK It Lies in a Bank Account In Business, in the Home or in the Social whirl, the Bank Acct. cuts a figure not to be discounted. ? ' * 0 ' It gives security and stability to your business affairs ? brings happiness and plenty to your fam ily and insures for you and them respectful recog nition in the social functions of the community. No matter how small your beginning may be, it puts you on the right road? the way (to wealth. Start on it to day by making your firtft deposit in this bank THE BANK OF FARMVILLE FARMVTLLE, N. C.

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