It Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of ' The Farmville Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE - ? ? . , A. C. MONK. Publisher. Subscription $1 VOL. IV Merchants! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS 1914 G. A. ROUSE. Editor! NO. 39 TO FARMERS OF THIS COUNTRY Look out for the seed fakir! He hits for ttie pail few weeks been operation in the central part of the State, an4 has deceiv ed and (,'efraude.l tanner after ' farmer, selling them ordinary seeds from $4,00 to J6.00 per bushel that were not worth more than from $1.00 to 1.50 per bush <3. Keep your eye on the fellow who comes to your house with his new kind of si ed for spring or fall sowing reed that mokes miraculous yields. Ask bim to show his license to sel) seed in North Carolina. If he cannot show the receipt of the Commis sioncr of Agriculture for money paid for such a license, get his name and eddress and send them to us at once and we'll make on effort to get in touch with him. | It will pay you to write the State Department ?>' Agriculture be fore buying .id* from these seed peddlers. La? year theae seed fakirs did much -damage in Wilkes and ojher counties in that ietf ion and finally the farmers cried out agoiii& their dirty busines?, but the cry reached as too late to do "them any good-~!t was a case of locking the stable after the horse is dolen. ; . , We have iu& received a com t tli&t these fakirs arc in the high prices, and we arc after them, but they may get you be fore we can get them. There fore be on the look out for them. ? W. A. Graham, Commissioner, of Agriculture. TWO KINDS OF DRUNKS There are two kinds of drunks a drunk from imbiding too much barley corn, which makes a fel low, a fool for the time laeing, but leaves him when sober a good citizen and a gentleman. The other kind of drunk is that of some felKAv, who elevat ed to some position of trusft, be comes co inflated with his own self importance that be too is drunk, drunk from a swelling of the head and an enlargement of the "egg." This fellow drunk all the time is a fool nil 1I12 time, is n fool all the time. If he hap pens 10 be serving the public he is ovet -bearing, bull dozing and insulting, especially if he knows his days of preferment are over. - Such a fellow is to be pitied. He can't help it. He wauls to pose as a fellow of importance, a big fellow, but he, not knowing how, makes a mess of it, and about the only way out for him is to bluster. This, being the only thing in his cranium ho knows how to do he does it to p The public in dealing with such a fellow always has to run the risk of -being browheaten, bull dozed and "insulted." Rut the thinking man lets him roar, snort ar.dcavot. His capers aro amus " 1 iag. No harm ever results, and soon such fellows are relegated to tho ranks of the forgotten. Rut he will never get sober, has n't got scnsc,enough. A drunk en man who gels sober recovers tl.c use of his brains, but the oth .. er fellow, having no brains, nev er "sobers up." Poor chap Nashville Graphic. , "On* mrn ta?a rulnad Mmiclt ov?r n?. on* h?? (hot UonU ud *doUmt hu ton* to Afttcm. I ob!/ CMd B? m?d ramb to rnwrj m? kw." ? La*. ^ ;; ?? - MOTORING TO THE POORHOUSE Over the liilh lo (be poorhousc I am setting a sibling pace: I've morgaged the lionfe for an auto, and Fm playing her straight and for place. There are others who will help in the tunning, but I'm holding my own, you 1-et? I can see the roof of the county farm, and I'm going to get there -yet. Of course, I couldn't afford it There ure very few who can But the family whined about it, said I was'nt a man If I didn't get six cylinders, a ton neau, some tires and plugs And go out and Speed on the highways with the automobile bugs. The girls had to hire a "shuffer,'1 a lantern-jawed son of-gun, And when sonny goes out for r. joy ride I'm sorry heliasn't one For whenever ho-Jviw lamp po3l, or sends the old car in the ditch, I cough up sope morespondulix to fatten the bloated rich. Whoopee! Clear -the way, for Fm coming? ju^t passed by a bunch of my friends, ? All bent in the same direction, where the road of the scorcher ends. It's the place of a drunken sailor at the helm of arudderlessship Over the hills to the poorhousc I'm hitting a heluva clip. . >-v . ?Uou&on Texas Chrosk&fc ?BUnBHHOHnll The hearts of his ho& of rela tive)} and friends throughout Pitt and Greene counties were touch ed with greif Sunday morning when n?vs was received of the death onMr. Andrew Jones, one of Greene county's moil prosper ous farmers. For several days he had been cdnfined to his home with chills and inalaric, and about 9:15 Sunday morning he breathed his la.4i. He had been a sufferer of asthma for pa& few years, which h3d weakened his physical condition to the extent of his being able to survive from the attack of chills and malaria. Ilis body was placed in the old Edwin Pridgen burial ground in Olds township, Greene county, Monday afternoon in the presen ce of a large concourse of grief ftricken relatives and sorrowing neighbors and friends, Rev. F. B. McCall conducing the funer al services. 7 Mr. Jonej was in his fifty-sec ond year. He was a eoo l bus band and a fine neighbor and citizen. He was a successful farmer, leaving a large estate in addition to $12,000 life insurance. He is survived by his wife and eight children, four boys and four girls, three brothers and three siileri. To the '\:do\v and ro'a ives the Enterprise jo: ns their hrA of friends in ex'ending dccpc& sympathy. '? Information- Licking. A. photograph In H?rper'? ku the legend TcbuelchM Drinking Mat* in ?.ho Kay ot Their To! do." without tell i.M u? what -Bay" mean?.? Kxchanc*. MR. JESSE STARRY ATtEMPS SUICIDE Greenville, Feb 16.? At . early hour this morning Mr. J< se Starkey made an unsu lul attempt of taking his ov, with (he aid of a razor in his ; at the Rives House on Thir Street, cutting his throat to quilij a depth in two places that sitated the physician taking i eral slitiches. . For more than a week SM had been feeling unwell, his friends had noticed ilic ; liarities of his speech and i but not thought that . would undertake such an act i committing suicide Several years ago Mr. Starke made a similar attempt to his life as that of. ibis mofr.ltS hut like the wound* of tod.iy it were not deep enough to seriously. Reports ore to the effetf th his injuries are not xay da _ ous and that he will soon be < again. Now Is The Time hr It. Some wise person bos i out the advice to drag the duting the winter months" they ere wet and cot w summer as is usually don tcr road draffsio? is < tirely unkr ptU^nHB" difference in their condil at the same time reduce the co4l of their upkeep. The papcrs| ought to promulgate this idea as much as possible before the spring rains set in. The major ity of patriotic citizens and all horses and mules would be glad to see it broadcasted and follow ed up.? Exchange. . . .. ????'?? MR. L D. EAGLES KILLED IH RUN AWAY. " Mr. L. D. Eagles, of near Falk land, was the vl<5lim of a serious accidentTuesday morning which an hour later resulted in his death. lie was driving a pair of mules along the public roads, when they in some manner be came frightened and hashed off, throwning Mr. Eagles out with much force. . Mr. Eagles was a successful farmer, an excellent citizen and neighbor, bavins accumulated much of this world's goods. He leaves a wife on J Feverel children to whom the sympathy of all is extended. The remains were luried in the Lang grave yard n?ar Foun tain Wednesday afternoon in the presence of a todl of sorrow ing relatives and friends. He was forty two yuars of age. ?gotiitlMf Englishman. Th? Inordinate (Cotton of tbe En( Mih rice la exemplified by th? eon ttaually locrMelnc output of portrait*. I* iU the principal exhibition! tb*7 moaopolUe *o unduly tart* proporUoB of tk* wall apaco, and of r*e*at run ?hay hara overflowed lato exhlblUooa exclusively reierved for thla branch cl art ? Tha Connoisseur. ' > -/?' Gtancus A. Bryant '3?" lun. t ui> (UCDCt p UgMft HOKTW CAK6UKA STATVTV.* CIVIL ENGU&ER AND SURVEYOR - Ural and Loaf DM. IVm (27 WILSON, K. C. Experience t' ltH - 1*14 Ofeawltaciea, Ceort W?t ud fwnji Ci*M 8p?t*?l AWimIm All Survey* made throngh 'hla Offce, either by AaaMxata, or MyieU, ARK GUARANTEED TO BB ACCURATE. jgfo. . We Invite and extend la jroa ?mJ twit friend* tbe courieay of Ihl* offtw (at ? Information, or wc ulll be flad 10 call apoa jov tl jravr convenience. ' ' -< OF MRS. EMMA ALLEN * become my painful duty ! I* cousin's Obituary, and requed of her people I tempt it. I (eel too un r to write theme and death ureand beautiful charac h spiritual and mental life his led. iunday. morning Feb. 15th, oA as the golden Sun was A a horizon of light, the Ol death entered the home jjB. AlVn, of near Form ind claimed for his own || of his beloved wife and although all that ^^Bfcians and loving oould do to prolong her ith us and ease her suffer was of no avail, the I,ord limed her His own, and jMfohome above where , sickness and doath are i feared no more, but all *: ?' >ed, was the daugh HKd Mrs, N. C. Vick, ^^Ktville Pilt County, Carolina, she leaves a sad ^^Brcn husband, father M|nk four brothers and Oft, to mourn their less >rn not as those with I for sve all, beleive . that Hthi(i. eternal gain, we Hk> h*3 gone to that Kid above whete all is Sad and lonely is the household, Pale in death there love one lies. She has left her earthly Mansion | For a Mansion in the skies. Ob! father and mother in your V home today; From whence dear ones have gone. Where joy once reigned sits | silence cold Dear ones have a home above Hid in thy bosom she lies, heeds not tho songs of the birds. Beauty of the blossoms or skies. Over iter grave the green grass,] soon will loving creep, Out among the daisies and| ? clover, Written by a Cousin. | ALARM CLOCK IN THE MIND Explanation of Mm Powsr Many Po? i MM o',- Always Knowing Mia Tim# to a Mlnuts. Did you ever know a person who could always tell the time to a min ute without seeing a timepiece P That there are such people ii a known scientific fact. The latest theonr In regard ft> the power of thoae wpose minds count out the hour* and min ti tea U giren by a French psycholo gy ""?rime ia meamred in the subcon scious mind by heart throb*. The heaat beats for tlx moat part with great uniformity a fid tides off the seconds as regularly aa a dock. "It ia in sleeping hour* rather than in waking that the mind worka out the problem beet It is no un gual feat to say to your mind st night, "CSall me at 6:80," and you will -waken and wonder why, until vou recall that you planned to gtt up at just that time. TThis alarm dock in the mind can be traired," the psychologist ?oee an to say, "to be. much more accurate than the busier on the table, sometimes fails to awaken us morning because we hare too often." writer oayt nothiug as to those who are In low will ise of theirquMc throb#, or whether those '/?d n>d whose heart late in reaching toe SURE CURE FOR HOG CHOLERA v> . ... t . I read, with interest all the let ters I see in your excellent paper in reference to hog cholera. Having suffered dreadfully in property interests, owing to this terrible disease among my hog?, I sought out a simple remedy which has aded Uke a charm for me, and f send it herein, hoping some of my brother farmers may be benefitted thereby. To one pint of kerosene oil put a half pint of spiriis of turpentine and two ounces of gum camphor. Shake this up together until the camphor is dissolved, then pour the mixture over your shattered corn, Sirring it up so .that some will get on all of it, then throw it oat to the hogs. I found that my hogs would eat this in preference to corn without it and I have never had a case since I commenced this remedy. I had several sick hogs with cholera when I commenced giv ing them the above, all but one recovered in less than a week. I had a very fine sow sick at the time and bad given her a dose by making it into a ball of dough and shoving it down her throat, she being too sick to eat. The next morning I gave my son a ball of this dough and tojd him to take oa&of the hands and go ?ii . ' V ""f "l i 1 ? evening before, nnu if she was alive to put it down her throat. He soon came back and said: "Pa, if you want me to catch that old sow I'll need more help than you gave me, for she's wild as a buck." In a few moments she enme in a trot and commen ced feeding with the other hogs. I have great faith in this sim ple remedy, and advise brother farmers to try it. It costs but. a trifle.? R. A. Penick, Richmond Dispatch. - Why is Living High. The slory of the adventures of a head of cabbage in New York is told by the New York Press. Itca&much illumination upon the much discused high coift of living. The cabbage is raised by a Connecticut. Thecomparitive ly small farmer will send 1800 to 2000 heads of cabbage to New York. For ono head gels a cent and a half. Then the head goes to the commission merchant. He lives on Ri verside Drive ocu pays $2,000 a year for his apartment and keep 3 an automobile. He spends $7,000 a year to live. Next the cabbage is sent to the whole saler. He lives on West End Ave pue. He pays $1,800 for his opart ment and keeps nn automobile. His'Hving expenses ore $6,000 a year. He sends the cabbage to the jobber who lives in an apart merit v> huh costs him $1,500 a year? en Broadway, keeps an eutomobile and spends $5,t>00 a year. From him the go es to the retailer, .who lives in a $700 apartment on a side street, has a corner store for which he pays $12? a month rent, keeps two delivery wagons 1 1 a cost of $140 a month, and spends $2,500 1 a year on his living. Finally the cabbage fcets (o the consumer. He lives in nn apartment for which he pays $40 a month. He ride* in the trolly car or the sub way, he spends all he can make or a little more to live, and he! pays 13 cents for that head of ; cabbage PLEASE pay your subscription FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Every Thursday Night in their Hail in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVILLE LODGE I. O. 0. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday night In K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wet come. Kciidrnc 13 :? FHONFS : Office 49 DR. H. P. MOSELEY FA5MVILLE. N. C. In Office of Dr. C. C. Joyner. Resident with W. M. Lang. JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer STUDIO up stairs in Hud Hard ware Co's. Building Farmville, North Carolina. ALBION DUNN, * W. A. DARDEN, CrtenviUe. FirmvUlf. DUNN & DARDEN Attorncys-at-Law ' Farmville, N. Carolina. Business appreciated and Promptly attended to. ? 0'ffice in Horton Building. DR. PAUL E. JONES ji ? DRESBACH & HARDING Civil Engineers & Surveyors Greenville, N. C. COUNTY SURVEYORS FOR PITT. E. M. COX Attorncy-at-Law FARMVILLE. ? N. CAROLINA Office over Citizens Bank Pradices Wbererer Servicci are Desired. Special Attention Paid to Cofledloas sod Writing of Deeds. Mortgages, Etc. Farmville Motor CarCo W. C. COLLIE, Mgr. L>cated Corner Belcher & Moore Sts FARMVILLE, N. C. We make a specialty of re pairing. All work guar teed, prices reasonable. LDT US SERVE YOU. See Us for Bicycles I ALL MAKES AND PRICES. We Also Carry a Good Stock of Oraphophones and Records. Bicycle and Gun Repair ing a Specialty. PRICES REASONABLE. Taylor & Carraway. . Che&nut, Moore & Baker's SHAVING PARLOR Located on Main Street Clean Linens, and Sharp Razors. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' THE FARM U the Bxh at ?J1 Mnilri LIME i. the bult cjf aJ! good farming. Write for jwlletm by the best authority^ the United States on Uua on tk? Para, and ret tuiee ?t the njreit lime. Don't buy tujT ur.J POWHATAN LIME