Farmville Enterprise j A. C. MONK. Puolisher. mpany. The establishing of such an agency here speaks in highest praise for Farmville, which meins a Slep onward in advancement. A big volu.Tie of business has been allotted the North Caro ngency for 1914, and we hope Mr. Humphrey can return from New York next year again the winner of the firtfl prize. If you desire good, safe life in surance in a company that is ab solutely reliable, and in which you can feel safe at (o the fu ture welfare of your loved ones, you could not do better than get a "Home Life" policy. L' Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is now the freshest to be had and is complete in every way. We carry only the berft and can supply your every want. Remember friends our terms are cash, and for you to get our prompt attention and betft prices, as you expedt, your accounts mu& be paid promptly. Rasberry & Thorne, Farmvllle, .... N. Carolina Announcement! I wish to announce to the public that I have located in Farmville and am representing the Consumers Monument Co? o{ Ball Ground, Ga. one the largest monument I a dories in the South and will be pleased at any time to serve your needs in this line. I sell direct from factory to purchaser and can save you about 25 per cent on the usual agent's price. We sell any size. Write or see me for further particulars. J. H. Savage, Farmville, N. C;: J 'The Poor Man's Opera? The Rich Man's Pastime" This appelation has been given to Talking Machines and it fits well. It brings to you the sweet notes of the moft famous opera ftars, the favorite se lections of celebrated composers played by the world's greatest bands? it intermingles comedy with drama and furnishes an ever dunging program that is indeed edifying. We sell only the best Talking Machines made, and can furnish you with the new records, as soon as they are sent out from the factory. ? We invite you to come and hear the lateft records. We hold a free* recital at our iiotc every day, to which you are welcome. Joyiter Furniture Co. T. E. JOYNER, Mgr. <- FARMVILLE, N. C. gglgg MAJESTIC RANGESl] ONonTyEK Beginning Monday, March 2nd. ONonlyEK SPECIAL Next Week. All during next week a spec- " ial demonstrator direcft from the MAJESTIC factory will be glad to show you "ALL ABOUT Ranges" ? show you why the MAJESTIC Is the beSt range on earth at any price. YES, INDEED! The Days of "CHEAP arid FLIMSY" goods are part. Qual ity is faSt being recognized; it's the essence of economy. You recognize quality- in buy ing dresses, suits, shoes, imple ments, etc.; you know it's the cheapest to pay more money for better goods? they wear better, look better and laSt longer, MAJE5TICRANGE5AREMADEINALL-51ZESahd5TYLE5 ~ c ON LEGS -IP- DESIRED Mnjwncnevw-?i>Bncoowc?- i STemtitRcwuetiaennfiQ ntWiNERl Menw- ymraPcawwwraBLtizED' KETTLE : lSQ2-niL'COPP?BTtnKtmj lAOZ-niL-WPCR ?_ ? Qjffee-PQT- y SAVE ^ jr. * <: As a special inducement dur- I ing our demonstration week On- I iy, which begins Monday morn. ] ing, March 2nd, with every MA JESTIC Range sold (prices the same always) we will .give FREE one ,handsome set of Ware as il lustrated here. Every piece of this ware is the BEST of its kind. Not a piece that is not needed in every kitchen. ' It cannot possibly be ? bought for less than |8.M. This ware is on exhibition at our Store. I Don't Overlook The Dates.