fhc lurmvilK S*m. rARMVILLE LODGE, No, 218 K. of p. 1 sa? tol FARMVILLE LODGE L O..O. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday night in I K. of P. hall in the HortonBuild inf. All visiting Brothers wel-| come. I I ILl-lJ Ll^L. ? 1. , ? . M?u > moras ? on* OIL BL P. MOSELEY FARMV1U.E, N. C. In Office of Dr. C. C. Joyner. Residence with W. M. Lsa*. u lu-taji . .. . .tag JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer STUDIO op flairs in Hu ??.JJ-1' i '???.'I DR. PAUL R JONES ? ' DENTIST ' " ' Lnwl^t. * Greenville, N. C. COUHTY SURVCYOKS FOK HTT. E. M. COXl AUorricy-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA! Otflea OTW CltiMM Bttk Pi*dkc* Wkvmr SmlM DnM> S?dil Attention Pcii to CcMIW ?? WiMtaral Dm*, UwtcacM. die. Farmville Motor Gar Co I W. C. COLUE, Mgr. Located Comer Bdther & Moore Sts| FARMVILLE, N. C. We make a specialty of re-| pairing. All work guar* teed, prices reasonable. LDT US SERVE YOU. Llill ? L JL1 qij ' ... ,JJL . I. 1 -'TTTT See Us for Bicycles! AU. MAKES AND PRICES. We Also Carry a Good Stock of\ Graphophones and Records. Bicycle and fiu Repair tag a Specialty* - PRICES REASONABLE. Taylor 0 Carraway. B^Bakaaaarsrsi 1 j1 i- Wf worry! Tyoo see, I att always i>era done, "l^en thev all look ss>*med and? there yoJ are!" "Bat data- thit seem sinosc* ??d^" V ? "topped abruptly upon the ?teira. "You do not seem to remember that 1 am animated by purely Chri? tian motivee .% She want on up the aiaifs again. "Sinoeref Good uti? n*;*-**.*-.*: General Alderleigh? aged eighty four? bowed and said : "Yah yah!. . . . Bh, ehr "Hear, hear I* echoed Mrs. Gen eral ? younger by fear years. "How do you do? Everyone here?" said Lady Bultagate. "Mow, supposing we beg{n work ?_ earnsetly sad with enthsdnm." "Yah, yah F* remarked the general. "Enthusiasm ? oh, ehf "Hang it I* said Lieut. Freddy Mastering, surreptitiously tangoing with little Miss Aphrodite Saunders in the alcove. "Oomo on I" Tho bishop of Park lane cleared Hi* throat, stood up and cleared his throat again. "My dear friends, fellow commit teemen, er ? and ladies ? ?* "Oace mere into the breach," whispered "Dits" Saunders to Prod djr. "1 ? me ? I beg your pardon V tsked the bishop. "Yah, yah!" murmured the gen eral- "Hh ? sr ? that is, oader, or> derr The bishop closed his eyes against uny further interrupt**]. - "We have atet together in a good cause ? a noble cause ? the protection - s ? ? " ^gpno. This is to notify my friends and former patrons in Farmville and vicinity that I will be hi the community several days, begin oinc Monday March the 16tb, for the purpose of cdle&ingr'the balance ot the accounts which were made while Dr. Moseley and myself were associated. We want to get these accounts set tled and off our book*, as it is no smalt trouble to keep two sets of books, You will rcceivO notice in writing of the amout of your account together with date on which you may exped us to rail for settlement. Please have the money ready as Twut to gat through with the matter as soon as possible. I am giving you lib eral time in which to provide for our coming, so, therefore, be ready. |Sr KT Dr. G C. JOYNER, J 1 _ Norfolk. Va. . ThU Ffcfc av, 1914 "Thank yon f * ?bai.,ia T?ij of you all I jHow? *? KJ? > " , "Ahe* r 'Mid the bishop ingl). "? ,he P? "let tu really get down to f work." "^Tah, yah? ?" ?aid titf ge ?'-Quifc* aiorwad ?^Sg|gS ahr . "1 .? '. "Weil, I Wa* really thinking taftkla-J. A. P. A-k-' TUj ao aweet! Take th. * awy. i Jrhft have yon I*:.- / a -V ? "A- p A- p ." ??gg??tc4 PrW brffl^ntly. Th* president glared at him Wi erinfly ; the bahop amiled. Mw. General awoke out of I iftertwo* sw wttfc i ! i not co^S'thaF one's personal attention end care ia always h^huy," the bishop pot in. "A. earn";?" "A servant!" cried Lady Bulla- ' gate, horror-stricken. "A servant.' would forget them,. a aervant would ^ neglect them. If one left ? " ? . [ The butler knocked at the door, 1 and flame toward the preaident. "Ga away, Trebble. ... U?f j "My lady!" | "Go away I Immediately! Do not j! disturb me I . . . If one left ooe'a peta to a aerrant they would ? offer from oold and hanger quite apart from whaterar spiritual unhappineaa they might have to endure. Possibly they would Rrahip'a border? well, 'e eoaie i Kg, my lady, and belt* after the I B The sat, being very deep'raia, W>1l* toe, my lady. late the coak'a t Km tbev belted, an' a pact the heH (Ire I And than," Trebble ?. ont so, I Bud at hariag lucti an andienoa, jl refuting to notiee Lady Bulta ftb'i frantic (igaa, "aad theo the r\\a caaght *flre, the dorg caught the' oat, aod, in a twiaklla' of the hey*, teek '!? life. An' the l*M waa *u fierce that wa oonM Imilj reflorw what yea might ?*y waa the binder* of the dorg." ? ? ? ? ? The committee of the Jmior A? ?ocUtioo for the Protection of AdI> mel.Pet* hM not mat together eiaet. Freddy and Dite . itiU form the J. A. P. P., bat it U rwtricted te-? meroberehip ot hre; for tho time being, anyhow. Ia&j BulUgete h*i gono in for the tall go. Vh? biehop it the lead log light in the Triple 8 ? the Society for the Supjrweion of SocWtiw. ? Louden Quwa. ? ""iai' Glaums A. Bryant ?*mm. t?4*. (ucmn wot* mam cAfcouu ctatp?.> ??% CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Local aad to* DHL Km J17 WIliON. N. C. Rxpartaoea ( l?t ? MM Caataiutlea. Ctort Wa* mi Smrm ?Ml k?W AMMlM. AU tanreyi axh through this Oiflc*. Iher hf A?l*a?ta. or Myatf, ARK GUARANTEED TO IK ACCURATE. We lavtto tad elMi >o yU ??<] your Irlt li <%t tmwmi <4 Ifcu ottlc* k* lafonaatloa, or we will fea |W to call < M j-o? at year coawateaca._ , LKtl. Oteeertat|e? fty hNttin Jw? ml That la litbl? td flaki ? ? .-3 A southern man related the other day that a {pond waa-jt atodeat ia a northern uaireraity, and th*t when we day a fellow ftodant applied, in a ckaua) way, the epithet of "liar" to Wgfc; jW\;*outl**B?>; knocked down the y oath who had b *D ao impmdyoi tt-.thr-tta of M ?rft53 *)* nwtlMW afcfc* af^STSSSp* j Evej^an holding a pwblic ottea aweara an oath tg obey the Cooattt? ,ttao and law*, and, if be be ao exeea Mutt, to enforce the law*. There are ceaumutitiea whn, ?r proceeding alone ? country road when ha ftw a cottager eating bia ?upper alone in the road before kit ?welling. i "Why, Henry," uked the itatat man, "why an you 'eating oat here ?loner ii "Well, air, the dm ataa? mated, "the- -e*? chimney unokea." "Thafi i?o-had/-eakl tha etate m*n?hy fhil^thiwio awtinMata at ebbb'TaUg dLdb1 Tit h**e ' it fixed for you. IA?i hate 4;loefcrat it Ana before the cottager could stay Us the etataiinaii proeead?d te as ter the cottage. At aoon u ha had apoMd the door a' brooraatuk fell V?a hi* ehooldara and a irrrman/? Toice rimekwl: "Baok her* tgaia, are you, yea eU raaeal I Clear out wikii ym, or Ffl? The eUteamaa W&ad pneiftiale iy. The eottagar eat in tha naad shaidag bia head in aorrenr and an tm TT>Miinnf Tfif lit If mm bst otw him and laid hiahaad in kindly (Mkiaa on hie am. Hmm n? d,TE?ory,- aaid ha, ea*Ktiegty, "my chimney Mill? ayaWtta, to*."? Harper-- Hag*. UNIVIMAL TOOL. Ilia aodern aoldier ia lylffii with a THMfhahle .1, wdiiaelina M tool., aQ in boa. So- varied ia Hi Application that it baa been all points South anil Weil. Pullnian Sleeping Car Service. 8:29 A; M. Daily except Son- . day for Ralelph. 5J5 P. M. Daily iter Raleigh. H.S. Leard, Genl Pacsenger Agt. W. A. Witt, Gen'l Superintendent. , ?> Norfolk, Vo. Pastime Theatre 3 Good Moving Pic tures every night Special Show Sat urday afternoon, Admission 10 c. For Life and Flip ? ' INSURANCE ?\ . SEE ? 1 ^ y u L J. A. MEWBORH allhe BANK OF MWWLUE.K.C. Agent for National lift losutaace Co. of Uontpeller, 1/1., Eatnt Fkt, am t ethtr beat Hrt * Insurance Companies. ,? ] r* ? v?- r t f 'jMMrwrurvwaM