Through The Cojynrn? of The farmvilto EnterprUo IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE -ui-uoj-m i ..imjm- j?. i i. n miiiihuiiW & C. MONK, Publisher. fij-VOK ' III ? @OB*SS Merchants det Wise Jjft Us Write You ?n Ad. and we'll open your eye* WITH INCREASED BUSINESS ... , . v.: ' ? G. A.- ROUSE, Editor. OAHOL.INA, M AUCEL 1?, 1914 LODGE; No. 218 iPfLofP .Meats; Every. Thursday Night in ?; |tb(Sr JHall to Horton Bldg. VUitln^BrothersWelcome " ??g?grgaateser.-l:,.i H' 'itii I i. . n_ . FARMVILLE LODGE I. O. 0. F. No. 373. 13 : PHONES i Office 49 DR. H. P. MOSELEV Pi? vFARMVIUJE, N. <i ? In Office of Dr. C. a Joyner. luilfBi with w. M. Um. mi. n il r?= dcwT^'-'^w. Idunn & darden '? ?' %; ... - Farmville, N. Carolina. attended ta| JAS. P. TAYLOR] Photographist STUDIO op toirs to Hud . Hard- 1 wanflCo'a. Building. Farmville, North Carolina. For Putting Down and REPAIRING I %FA PUMPS F, G. ALLEN, FarjnviUe, N.C. Cbatint, Mcore & Btker'i SHAVING PARLOR f Located on Main Sue?t ?* mm. - SITE EMU! coiimy home - ? Commissioners Closed Deal For| Eighty-Six Acres 1-Mile North of Greenville ? Building To Be Modern Brick Strudore. ? V :X:j< The board of county Commis sioncrs held a special meeting Friday to transact some business deferred from the. regular meet ing on Monday. Among <mer things, the board closed a deal whh Mr. C. T. Munford, for' 86 acres of land on hjs Wilson farm, a mile north of town, as a loca tion for an-; w county, home. The price paid for the land is $65 an acn, and the board, has tba priv ilege of taking a lew more acres adjoining if they should want to a new road- that wig. t>e built op. 'the , sires#' of H, purchased by the commissioners is that portion of the lark lying to the north of the Tnrboro road and fronting immediately on the railroad already has a side track abutting the property. v. r. if. -** ' county home, plenty near town, and when the home is complet ed there will be every sssur ance that thoao who are cared for by the oeunty will have every comfort provided for them. The board of county commis sioners ere to be commended for this Aep. The new home will be a monument to their wis dom, and be pointed to with pride both by ths present and comiug generations. And the cofority "is to bo congratulated upon having tudiaboard of com missioners.? Reliefer. Thanks to a Kansas editor, we now know why men <lo boIro to church. These are aeyen rea son*, towit: The Sunday news papo, the automobile, tiresome sermons, the collection' baakei, failure to reach th? bwbet shop on time Saturday nigh t, misplaced r* ~ ^ 1 ? ? " ? ""f* - - -- j anyone should be able to- select t. This is to notify my Meads and former patrons ia Farmviil* and vicinity that ! will be in- A* /wn m iiniiu T ilnvi' V^trim |pvNrapp^?ip?i?i 'T?." nhiK Monday Mnreh The" tf>th, for the purpose of cdlle<ftine the tcvpyrtofet) to sand by hiotne enterprises. But remember tfcat ydu cannot set the folks to find by home enter prise* unlesa they are convinced tiHsMsesas a business frn may lis# food for thought i? the f?<5l that the' great mail order house isgetting richer jrear.? Ex. ): Mama Bof SauttdhiQ. . We are to note that Mr. Claude FlanafflW, >bo for the ^fewyewalw beltf ? pori tiosj with the AnMKcaa Tobacco organ pealed forth, the na: "Now. it is high time len automobiles firtt began l on the road* there teemed ao Mm that they had no fore, nd that thair use db.^ Wt? by law. out doubt there is still preju igainft them but why should be? It would Mem that man has a right to travel ie public highwav as he ies, hit vehicle be a cut or tora bufty or an aulo i. Besides automobile own i> thefcr part of the taxes, pay their general taxes like Mvup DFMOCRACY IN IB fORf FRONT s Troublesome Mexko ? Grtai Britain Shows loyal Friendship? One Yen of Democratic Unto. ' Washington D. C., March 1 1th, Wif? President Wilson is having considerable annoyance in keep ing Mexico from developing in to more serious matter. How ever a great deal is Wing tent out by -various sensational Press Bureaus and by what is called "Mellow Journals" to 'he ef(e<5t that an invasion of Mexico by the Unitud Ssatea army is only the question of avery short while The fad of it is that President Wilson is htvadling Mexican situ ation sritjn; a firm hand, and prac tically every European Power of any impedance has approved Praeideoi WiliK?'s humane pol icy. The execution of Benton, the British subject has called forth mora disCuaaion than ana' other event that has transpired within the lad six months^ Whether or.notth&IoaargentG?sieral VH 1* was warranted in executing Benton has not yet been decided but it is believe^ that the investi gation now being made will clear thia mattf.Bg in a short white. jM'iliienllie United States will com pell him to pay a satisfactory indemnity for taking this man's life. The recent developemcnts in Mexfco have been sufficient to convince the civilized wc:' ' that we hold the unwavering friend ship of Great Britian and that ahe will do nothing to embarrass President Wilson in his Mexican Policy. Secretary of State Bryan haa assured Greet Britian that the Death of Benton will be treat ed by thia country as if he wens * citicen of the U. S? and Great Briftta can eslc no more than this. President Wilson has now served ono full year in the White House, and no President that <sver entered that White Ho*se has been so pertinent and ag gressive as ho, in fulfilling the promises made to the American People by the Democratic Con vention which nominated him In July of 1912,. Furthermore, Mg&fegttgl nation has made such a pro satlon of the world in so short a 'MJSSl * ***&* Wilson has. Me has probably made ? few trifling miAaket, ? w mm liinrtiA bfll .he any .serious mis ' entiro country for absolute patriotism nship. The however, is r qucs n ' put hiaad i gam w ? the vet For Sale? t have four or fivJSH Koung Sing? cone. White Leg. torn Roofers yet for tale. If pou want ono, a A qeick.?L. W, Oodwin, Farm ville, N. C '> ? WATCH OUR WIDOWS for the fine display of good things we have to offer you. Our assortment of CHOICE GROCERIES is large and varied and sure to please even the moil fa&ldious. We buy only of find class con-, cerns famous for the purity and grade of their goods. Get our price and compare them with others and see bow you come ouf ahead through dealing with us. J. A. MIZELL& CO. Pone No. 26 1? - -? -H-T? lo, madam, t commend ftcadache that affect thoheartacti?* Uli easier to suffer cteroporaHliv. with a bursting head than it ia to dio with a bumtnir hedrt." "But I can gaiety recom mend this. Bwn soiling it for 15 yearn and Barer hadn case where it did tho lout harm." "Oh, yea, it'a pleasant to take, wo scire it at our foun tain and it ia the moat popular remedy we have for Hwdache. Neuralgia, Backache and other achee that aia superinduced by colds and ctomaetrdJacrder*. "Which site bottle will yra hareT" - "Thankyoa. Palladia " 10c. He. He fcMfc*. Al u .I r? Sold by I. M. WHELESS Druggiil, Farmville, N. C.

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