/f Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The FarmviUe Knterjgfcy y IT REACHES THE PEOPLE FABMVIIXB, PITT COUNTY [^OABOIiDfA. MABCH 19, 1914 Merchants I Get Wise Let U? Write You m Ad. and we'll open WITH INCREASED BUSINGS G. A ROUSE. Editor. NOt 40 FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218, K. of P. Meet* Every Thursday Night in their Hall in Horton BM* Visiting Brothers Welcome .1 ii i 1 1 aa? jeaeggggggggggL . ii.rssaa FARMVILLE LODGE 1 0. 0. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday night in K. of P. toll in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel come a ?1 i'i j i. l fcoUoKlJ . : PHONES i Otftte 49 DR. H. P. MOSELEY FARMVILLE, N. C. In Office of Dr. C. C. Joyner. Raidenee with W. It Uog. * I- 1 ? II1 1 , J1 L^.. ,J ? -1 ,1 I. ? .,1.1 P-TT? ALMOMDWN. W. AJSMMN. DUNN 6c DARDEN o AuwniMfrLwr Fflrmville, N. Carolina. Butiaew appreciated and *" Promptly attended to. Office in Hdrtoo Building. DR. PAUL E. JONES DENTIST Office in Long Building FARMVILLE N. C. DRESBACH & HARDING Civil Engineers fit Surveyors Greenville, N. C. cowry surveyors rot nrr. Colic fib "3 PweTST ritinf of Deeds, Mortgages, JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer STUDIO up flairs in Hud Hard ware Co's. Building Farmvllle, Norih Carolina. For Potting Down and REPAIRING .V PUMPS Writ* or m? F. G. ALLEN. Fannvifle, N. C. ? "H ii m i I Gheflnut, Moore & Bakei's SHAVING PARLOR Located on Main Street Clean Linens, and Sharp Raton.) Sithfacttoo Qlaftydj THE FARM! LIME HI I via ><ull?tin by the & r \V . Ii th? buU o I *0 food fumiof. Write for POWHATAN UME Ca Tie Woman's Toifc AT ALL GIVES TO STATE IMflENSE VALUE V "? ? Freight Rale Decision Marks (he Administration of Gov. Craig as Remarkable ? J. W. Bailey Points Out Its Effafts and Pays Tribute to Craig and Others "The decuioo of the laureate Commerce Commission in favor of .North Carolina in the matter of freight rates is of itself suffi cient to mak the administration of Governor Craig memorable," said Mr. J. W. Bailey to a report er on yesterday. "When Gover nor Craig took the oath of office he declared that the laA atom of his power should be exhausted if necessary, in corro&hg discriminations again# North Carolina, by the great carriers. He Aaked bis admin i&rstion on the issue. He has made a mas terful fight and won a victory that will never be forgotten. He showed his mettle in two ways, firfl in landing up again# the big carriers and second in Hand ing up nguinA the big mass-meet ing at Raleigh and preventing an extreme course." "The immediate effedk of the new rates will be to save, about $2,000,000 per ytfar to North pur* olina commerce. Put far greater tributora will not have to coin pete with Virginia merchant's. This will inevitably tend to the upbuilding of our cities. Ral eigh is ooe of the beA distribut ing points in the South, having an immense population vyithin a radius of fifty miles and mod of it in touch with railroad facili ties. Every foot of land in Ral eigh has been increased in value by the Governor's viAory. And this |s equally true of other cit ies and towns. "Of course' dtio credit should be given to the JuA Freight Rate Association and its leaders, - and to our Corporation Commission ?very great deal to the Corpor ation Commission, and especial ly to Chairman Travis. He mas tered the'subjed in hanl, gave himself to the cause with gTeat enthusiasm, ahd when he gets Aarted at qnythipg that way he can doas much as any man I havo known. He has earned the right to a. unanimous renomina don, and 1 beleive it will not be challenged. ?'But it win Gov. Craig who put the vigor in the movement at the outset, and it was he who direded it all the way with 'cool head and lion heart* ? "I believe that ills triumph will be followed this year by the ratification of the amendments to the ConAitutioo, the revision of our syAesa of taxation, the es tablishment of closer business methona in the management of our inAitutioas. and the'enad ment of ? legalized primary law. If so, President Wilson win have nothing on Governor Craig when his terms has expired we will have all the progress that the moA progressive could desire." ?? News & Observe.. SPOILING {HEIR FUN gawngftt) . ? CUAH UP AND KEEP CLEAN Clean up and keep clean don't spit All the time is clean up Keep a-fcrubbln'. A city ia as clean as its . Your back yard reflet habits of cleanliness. Got your back yard *, up? Looka better doesn't A grocer's belt ad to cleanliness. A dirty neighbor is a to neighborhood health. food bed fellows. Civic uncleanliness kills dvic] Pride. No filth ? no fliea. Flies on the table are worse! than bugs in the bed. Fliea bread and live in tilth. "Who for the public has no bet teniae *?<! Than to atnear clean walks with tobacco juice, Expecting others to clean bis muss. Can juftly be called a dirty cuss." Watch the men spit on your| main stretel*! ? Gleaned from Health Bullitiir.1 If yott want a prosperous town where people can come who are disposed to make homes, then do away with and bury 'rem sight all jealousy and sp'<;e wotk; move for common prosperity aod mutual benefit. Wake up, rub your eyes, roll up yout sleevea and ^o to work, and don't forget to take some flock in the FarmviUe Building and Loan -Association 1 , i. . * . ?! 1 ' By killing 103,493 rats, Han* cock coanty in Ohio figures that it hat aayed 23,000 bushels of corn, worth $11,000.' The com putation is based on government statistics showing the ravages of rats which are credited with tha de&rudlon of millions of dollar* worth of foodstuff annually. It appear from this that (ho rat is a factory in the high coS of living Swat the rodent. noma off to tkade. : Some men in our town are nl; ways figuring and scheming to outwit Ottr merchants on a trade, a* they say, "Save anickle." ty pull together, make out a of their wants, and then with t (or half a wagon load Is, say to Mr. Merchant of foreign port, "How much this t>H), spot cash?" This the blood tingle to the of (he merchant, and thus tures and soliloquises: "I make much,* but whal I sure pop." The _ you have been' diarged by your home merchants, and you chuckle to yourself, "So much saved." Now did you give your home merchant equal chance? Did you go to him with your fifty or one hundred dollars 'and cay, "How much to fill this bill, for the cash?" Or did you not send ill your fifty cent and one dollar with diretfHons'to "charge and deliver," and then find you have a<$ually paid twenty-five or thirty cen ts more on five dol lars worth of goods brought 10 your door and charged to your account, good for six months or a year when you might have Mved that much by spending t day going off to some other town and paying the cash? Now, h not this about the case? Give Oar home merchants an equal chance; tender them the cash for your wagon load of goods, tad if they >an*t save -you mon ey, all things considered, we'll not say "trade at home" Bear in mind the money left at home; the profits are spent at home and every dollar invefted abroad is that much pgainft the inter ?A of your town and commun ity. Pie Party at Walslonbutg . The teacheri of the Walton burg School invite yoO io attend ? Pie farty to be given there, Friday evening, March 27, 1914, for the benefit of the School, be ginning nt 7:30 o'clock. Every - ono interested in the cnuse of education is especially iovited. L|aui-L? u-M I 1 mil II ? III i. B. 8 L STOCK HOLDERS DIE! Meeting Held in City Hall Tues day Night? Cot-#' iitkm and By-Laws Passed On ? Officers Elected and Association Will Begin Operation April ISt At a called meeting ot the share holders of the Farmville Build ing and Loan Association, which was held in the city hall Tues day night, and which was well attended, the constitution and by-laws governing same was read and approved and the fol lowing Board of Diredors and officers were udamously eleded to serve the Association for the ensuing year; the association to begin operation on Wednesday, April 1&, 1914. The Board of Directors is com posed of J no. T. Thome, Presi dent; B. A. Joyner, Vice-Presi dent; T. C. Turnage, Secretary and Treasurer; McD. Horton, W.J. Turnage, C. Townsend, T. E. Joyner, R. E Belcher and B.S. Smith. The Association as above dated will begin operation April ISi, 1914, with a subscribed Aock of about seven hundred shares, no $70,000.00. The charier fcr-the association lee of 25c. on the $100.06, are ro queted to htrnd same to the Sec retary and Trfearanr, Mr. T. C. Turnage, at once. - The weekly installments will be due and payable only to the Secretary mid Treasurer each Saturday from April ISt, 1914, until Stock matures. The hours for the paying of sucli dues are from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 8 p. m. Those failing to pay his or her dues as above Stated will be' subject *r> a fine of 5 cents on e#ch share for cach took. '? i'v. The establishing ot a Building and Loan Associa'io: for Farm villo speaks in highest praise oi its citizens and no doubt will mean one of the beSt agencies it couid have thro-'gh which fo continue to grow. Those of our citizens who have not already done so, should take a few shares at once in or der to go in on the firSt series. You have until April 1 -I, to do so. Get busy. Government statistics shows that the American people drank 7,000,000 gallons ol whiskey, smoked 4,090,300,000 cignrs and putted 8,711,000,000 cigarcites durinc the six mouths ending December lait The revenue colleded from distilled spirits amounted to. $85,862,812, the whiskey tax being $16,142,584; tobacco, $41,296,5?i, corporation tux, $3, 110,700; cigarettes, $10,899, 000, and cigar^ $12,270,000. The total colle<flion Of taxes for the ux month* totalad $167,647,905, Increase of $4,179,630 orer the corresponding period tor 1912. And yet some people wonder why the co& of living is to high. 1 , Abraham Llncolo never said Hello, Central," never dodged anautomobile, never held a?rap in a trolly car, nevar pUibod a button for a light, fteVer heard a hac Lincoln UieJ only , forty Eight yean ago. ( LISTEN TO THE WISE HOUSE KEEPER. She's giv ing our adddreas as the be& place in town for v'p' F'NE GROCEklE^ A quality, bigge& vaHety, everything; the BEST tad at save-money prices. Better take her advice TODAY. W J. A. MIZELL & CO. Pone No. 24 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAflXOAb. Route of The "Night E*prf?" Schedule In Effect tun. 11th, 191i N. B.The foUo... figures published ?< ONLY and ate not press for Edentoo, j and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping C 9-'0 2 A. M. Daily for Waahiag ton and Norfolk. Connedb for all points North and WedL 6:06 P. M. Daily except Sun day. for Washington and inter mediate Nations. ?WEST BOUND? 3*2 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Cocne&s to all points Soath and Welt. Pullman Sleeping Car Service. 8:29 A. M. Daily except Sun day (or Raleigh. 5:35 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. H. S. Leard, Gen'i Passenger Agt W. A Witt, Gen'l Superintendent Nqrfolk, Va. Pastime 3 Good Movifig: Pic tures every night . Special Shdw Sat urday afternoon. . Admission 10 c. For Life and Fire INSURANCE SEE J. A. MEWBQRH at tin BANK OF fAtUMUejI.C Agtnthr ;Vi Ntflonzl Lffe Insvaoct C+ K v and after bt* Imnranct Compute . J; IL ?

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