FARMVTLLB, PITT OO CAROLINA, APRIL 16, 1914 It Pays To Advertise Tlirough The Column* of The Fannville Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE ?4* A. C. MONK. Publisher. VOL. IV Merchants I Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS G. A. ROUSE, Editor. FARMVTLLE LODGE, No, 218 K. of P. Meets Every Thursday Night in their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVTLLF. LODGE I. O. O. F. Ko. 373. Meets cvor> Monday night in K. of 'P. hull in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel HuMorc 13 : PHONES s. Office 49 OR. H. P. MOSELEY FARMVILLE, N. C. Office oil Main Street. f Residence with W. M. Lang. MISSLALAISLEY couifty sum ES. M. cox Attorney-at-I^w .f ARMVJLLft^N. CAROLINA Ottlc* ovtr Citizens Bank Wbtram Scnlcet ?re Dtiired. Saedil <tmiin Pild to CotMUoos and Writhf of D*?b. Moftptes, tie. JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer Jff STUDIO up flairs in Hud Hard ware Co's. Building Farmville, North Carolina. Farm ville Motor Gar Go j W. C. COLLIE, Located Copter Belcher & Mocre Sis : Farmville, N. C. Auto Repairing Especially. We abo repair Stationary Engines onj Short Notice, Ltt as serve roa. Phono No. 85 PRICES REASONABLE. For Putting Down and ;s WriU F. G. ALLEN. Farmville, N. C. | ? i ,i i1. . jikm'iii iran'l r Chestnut, Moore & Baker's 1 SHAVING PARLOR Located on Main Street Clean Linens, and Sharp Raxors. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. THE FARM b?w?*o(.atWrr (Continued from April 2.) Mr. Editors? I closed lns't week very abruptly by sayiug that E. A. Moye w&s defeated for the Senate by Jacob McCalter, a very worthy citizea of Grifton. 1 shall go bock a little and tell of his domeftic life. He was married in 1867 to Miss Mary Edwards of Lenoir county, and I wish jo say that few men have a moro industrial t^fe or tfmore economical one than she was. She was an especially nice houie sped and cqurtcsy. They K fond of each other at.d each other's children, Thiee more honeil, honorable. . upwright, chistian gentlemen would be in deed hard to find; each one was the soul of honor? absolutely truthful aud remarkably ju& Their father bovine joined is his old age the Sons of Temperance, each one of these men were so ber, in fact for the greater part of their lives tee totalcrs. They were public spirited men and for the most part and in moil things they were in advance of the communty in which they lived. This was partly attributed to love for reading. When the Dorfch Prohibition Bill was up before the people E. A. Moye, though a politician and o great majority of his party was anti-prohibition, he voted for the Bill, and to the dis may of many, he n evCT lost by the vote." People like a brave and courageous man, even when he disagrees with them. He was a remarkable mac. for making and keeping friends.. He was not given to saying harsh things of others even when lie thought they bad wronged him. He in most things set a worthy example and the .more the people follow in his lead the happier the coun try will be.? A, J. M. "I wonder if (her# will be an lot famine thi? ieason*" ' "Now wouldn't that bo ? queer bminesa to be ? fteete-oui ?' A COMMON TROUSLg. "On what grounda did he baa* hk doatactic diaeontentf" "I think soma of them wen U? aoffae ground*." ? j JHY MAKES INFERENCE ambiUon to bfeS^HBHI In point of attendance iiMM tfient, and to 'thla xnd ?Tory energy of thla thrMaak' Modern city will be directed. Every ?Sort' will ba put forth to tank* them feel at bome, and to enjoy lUelr atay la the Qateway City of Florida. HoteU, boarding houaea and private homes will be open to the reunion delegates and visitors. All who oome will ba cared for. The boat that JackunrUl* can do rill not ba too good for tha thousands of ?!? ltors who will attend thla reunion. Jacksonville will lmpraaa tha vis Itora with all tha fore* of Andraw Jackson, for whom tha city waa named. In raturn for raluabla serv ices rendered tha atata In Ita Indian troublaa by Qen. Jaekaon, tha city waa named In hla honor. From a Tillage of 1.500 population a year after tha cloae of the war, Jackaonvllle baa frown Into a modern city of 8S.000. There la no mora profraaalTa city la tha South. It la thoroughly abreaat ?f tha liars- a throbbing aad thriving center ot trade aad commerea. By reason of Ita location, Ita railway faclll tlea, Ita resources and Ita enterprise, Jackaonvllle looma W* aa tha Qateway of Florida and oonunanda tha trade of a vaat and constantly expanding Mr rltory. Thoaaanda of tourlata from tha northern aectlona of the country paaa through Jackaonrllle everyf all to aaak warmth aad pleasure alone tha famed East Coaat. All ot them atop at Jack aonvtlle. t pending a part of their vaca tion time enjoying tha many atlrac tlona that the city aad community af forda. Thla conatant stream of travel hua made Jackaonvllle batter and more favorably known than any city on tha Atlantic coaat. Rocognlslog tha opportunities for profitable busi ness aad lnreattteota, new cltlaens are aoqulred every year? active, . progres sive youag men,, with brain and cap ital. wbo Join In tha .work of maMng Jacksonville a worthy product of the t?tb century. Jacksonville la a new city, aad yet it la old. ir one reads the Antiquities ot Florida, ha dads that the urrltory now covered by thle marvelona city waa fought. ov?f nearly four hsndred i by the sturdy adventurers t century. The sarly settle the Florida peninsula bad tad origin In the rellg !bles experienced by the Char lea IX. king of i Rlbault heeded the flr.t to the new world In Uft *? of founding a colony ,U now the Baat Coast of I adventurers first land k of the St. Johns river, below the present ;:&iRzmr-4im6k * tort Kfng _ ... _ Spain, through 'hatred of religions faith of the Huguenots. * an expedition to Florida to drive th? French. Fort Caroline fell be fore an attack by thta expedition. The site of this old fort la but a few mllea Mow Jacksonville. History la lull of evidences that both the French and Sknlsh brought their warships as far M St. Johns riser as Jaekaonville. They were the first white men to set fqot on Bast Florida. Dnrlsg the Confederate reunion imboat excursions will carry vet is and visitors to these points of to Interest on the beautiful St river, which bounds the city of lonvllle on the south. A boat on this rlvsr Is worth coming mllea to enjoy, la msny respects It Is the most wonderful body of wster In America. It Is a river of sensations, fed by nevnr-f'Jllog springs. At points sfcif* Jacksonville It rsaches a width at five or six miles, end it la doubtful It at any point between Jacksonville and Palatka It 1s less than a mile wide. TW Indians called It Welaka. mean UjA la thflr tongue, "chain of lakes.a The St. .Johns Is navigable for about 100 miles, and palatial steamers make "??Mar trips from Jscksonvllle to the of navigation. The largest ocean . vessels come to Jacksonville passengers and freight from all _ of the world. The traflo that river brings to Jaekaonville' Is an trtant factor In Its business, and river Itself la a wonderful and 4? " U revslatlon to the tourlat. le Jacksonville has not adver _ Itself as a large manufacturing \ of recent years many large Indue 1 plants have been established, glv employment to 6,000 wsge-earhers turning out IH,W.0*0 to 111,000. worth of prodocts per annum. In of prodocts, the city mskse s I that but fsw other communl ean equal. New Industries, are almost every month, and the of Trade, one of the most active South, Is steadily pushing a can tor mora Industrial establish KA STATUTE.) SURVEYOR WRITTEN BY A SINGLE WOMAN. PROBABLY. Man in liis arrogance rises up ever and anon to harangue on the vanity land foolishness of wo man's dress. Well, let him. Who cares, anyway? asks a writer in one of our exchanges. Certain ly not the woman for -he goes on her way serene and smiling knowing in the depths of her wily little heart that itis the very conceits he comdemns that take his eye and ensnare his fancy. Woman without her frills and furbelows would be a sorrow sight indeed, and man, the sin ner, would be the firtft to tell her so, ; Man's dress, I mu?t admit, is in general very sensible, but there is one thing about it that for unlessness discounts any thing that women ever wore or thought of. I am referring to that little flap that is placed ju4i below the bosom of, the shirt and which is supplied with a button hole, but for what reason no body has ever been able to dis cover. It seems to me that to be consilient man should re move that flap before he makes any criticism on the apparel of his better half, and I am- sure women in the land agrees with' me.-EX. ?k ? Thousands'*:)! former sufferers from con^ipaiioD, biliousness, sick headache and Stomach ills are now brighter, healtheir, hap pier through taking Dodson's Liver Tone, the medicine which was made to use inStead of calo mcL They have learned to smile again. Dodson's fine remedy is so different from calomel. You feel good after taking Dodson's. There arc no depressing after effects, such as with calomel and other strong and violent pur gatives. You do not change your habits aad diet when taking Dodson's Liver Tone. There is no pain nor gripe, no change, in your regular habits. Liver Tone promptly clears the dulled brain and clogged sySttm in Nature in the Struggle against constipation and biliousness. Dodson's also Simulates you and builds you up and Strengthens you at the same time. A reliable, pleasant-tailing vegetable liquid, Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed without con dition by J. M. Wheless who will cheerfully refund purchase price (50c.) inStantly without question in event of any dissatis faction with the remedy of its results. (Adv.) Fcr Solicitor. To the Democratic Voters of the Fifth Judicial Distridl: . At the request of Democrats from various aedions of the dis trict I hereby announce that I will be a candidate in the next Judicial Convention for the nomination for the office of Sol icitor for the Fifth Judicial Dis triift. ' ? Respedf ully, R. A. Nunn, New Bern, N. C. Warded? A home in some nice white family in tbe country. Address ? "Home" care Enter prise, FarmviUe, .-f. C. - ? $100 Reward, $100 Th? readers of Uiia paper will ba pleased to Icarn that tberefiat leaat ona ,.t>at ?ci?nc? h&a been *?? to cute lu oil Its itaiu, and that la Catarrh. Hell's CatarrhCura la tha only poaltlva cura nor/ known to tha medical fraternity. Catarrh twin* a constitutional r^ulrc. a constitutional treat Ha'.ra Catarrh Curo la taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood rjrf*c?? of the system. there by deatrcylr.r t>.o foundation of tha dlr and f.vlng the patient strength by bulldln* up tho constitution and ??-'?Hnr Pu. -r? ?n Zzlag Its worlc The proprietor* have so much faith In lta curitlve p<nr ars that offer Ona Hundred Dollars ior f.ny c-co *hat falls to cura. Send %&.<!, S?i CO . To**. ^ ??W \f Drnffrlcts. IZe. Hall'u raatly PUU fa "It all looks so sood and juft p" I ordered/* This the reme; heard in every home where o Groceries are used. No need come .to our itove in hopes o' getting something better than an order taken by our man at your door. Our roods are all one quality the be^t. Full weights full meas ures guaranteed. Join ~ our thronjf of satisfied cu&omera now. 1. A. MIZEI.L & CO. Pore 26 NORFOLK SOUTHERN 7*-EA9r 12.54 A. M. Daily Nkht Ex press for Ed^nton, EliznbethCity and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping Car. 9:02 A. M.'Puily for Washing ton and Norfolk. ConnedU for all points North and Weft. 6:06 P. M. Daily except Sun day, for Washington and inter mediate Nations. -WEST BOUND? 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Conncfts to ail points South and Wc,<l. Pullman Sleeping Car Service. " 8:29 A. M. Daily except Sun day for Raleigh. 5:55 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. H. S. Leard, Gen'l Passenger Agt. W. A. Witt, Gen'l Superintendent. Norfolk, Va. Pastime Theatre 3 Good Moving Pic tures every flight. Two shows a night, the firrft show begins promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Admission 10 c.

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