Farmville Enterprise A. \ , A. C. OWENS. Notary Pabllc. My ceamMoo expire* Dec. It, 1114 Cocre-el ? Atteil: It A. FOUNTAIN I R. U IBPFER.SON . C.W.JBPFERSO ? r Dlrcrtor* PLEAifc pay your subscription. ?> A STATEMENT FROM SOLICITOR CHARLES L ABERNETHY J To the Democratic Voters of the Fifth Judicial District: I lake this method of bringing ccrtain matters to ihe attention of the Democratic voteis of the Fifth Judicial Di^lridl relative to my candidacy for the re nomi nation for Solicitor, My official duties keep me so engaged in Court that I have no opportunity to make a personal canvass, and I will be almost constantly in Court prosecuting the Criminal docket from now until the primaries and precinct meetings on the 16th of May, and consequently will have to rely upon my supporters and friends to look out for my inter esls during the campaign. I desire to be re- nominated and re-elected because I wish the office, end for the further reason that I desire; that my of ficial record in the conduct of the office ol Solicitor shall be appoved by the people. I have necessarily created an tagonisms since I have been in office, by reason of vigorous prosecutions in the Courts. I sincerely trusl that these iufluen ccs will not be sufficient to en compass my I am submitting my claims to the Democratic voters of this Diilrid solely on my record as a publicjolficial.- TfCCTrtntH have faithfiflly served the interest of State and for tjiat reason should be re nominated. I call upon the Democrats whe are in *sv or of my.i lion to attend the; precinct meeting icw ciun (iii'vitnOT Counties of the . taken and record? ... marks and preclnd . the cod that the same may le certified by the Chairman or pre siding officer and secretary of the precind meeting to the Coun ty Convention, so that I may receive such ilrength as I mo have in ihc Diilrid Conventic It seerris now assured that 1 will be re-nominated. The onl; way by which I can he defeat is for the intere&sand induenc fighting my re-nomination toj out candidates in various Cout ties and secure the delegtt from these Counties by such] means, and combine againil r and encompass my defeat intl manner. To prevent this r^_, lriends and supporters mufl be vigilant at the primaries andf" cincfl meetings throughout Distrid, regardless of local ditions and influences, and to it that my strength he re cd in each precind meeting regardless of whether that str_ th is great or small, and to see 1 it that delegates friendly tq are selected tonttend thevar County Conventions to rc sent that strengh in accor_ with the plan of organization. I sincerely trust that the ia that I will be compelled to be t attendance upon my duties Solicitor and therefore unable ^ make an crtive personal can^ of. the. District, that the .... will uuderstnnd this, fend see l that my interests do not suffer^ the vnrious p'ccincl and primi meetings and County and tritfk Conventions. Kcspe/;?'? rf" . * * Vr* V&%\* SEeKS^ OUR MOTTO. 9ur line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is now the freshed to be had and is complete Remember friends our terms are cash, and for you to get put pipmpt attention and berfl prices, as you exited, your accounts * be paid promptly. ? m - ? "? ???:; ?? ?? JAMES POL Coat Suits, Broad Kid Gloves of an