J't jf' ? i 'Vffil i Jf Pays. Through Th? Columns of The FarmvHle Enterprise IT REACHJ& ? THE PEOPLE ? . 1 - - ? 1 1 l -1 -J-!-- " ? '??? ??_ ?' " ? 1 11 n"nmj'. ' i J.'l; Merchants! Get Wise* Let Us Write Yoa an Ad. and we'll open yow eyes .... WITH INCREASED BUSINESS Publisher. ? ear in Advance. " * " ITII CAROLINA, -APRIL 30, 1914 : A... G. A. ROUSE, Edit**, r PARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 fe'V :}? j- ; *v'V/ fcfWfc? VI Jj "?aaKK1 ..Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVILLE LODGE $ : '/? L O.JO. F. No .pi, - . Meets every Monday night In K. of P. hull in the HOrton Build ing; All visiting Brothers wel come. ?t.: 1 f ? I , ' . Re*U?*eD : PHONES : Offite 49 ir MOSEUSV ' "l Main Street. ! with W. M. Lang. MISS LALA ISLEYl :f;r-V Graduate Norse Phone 34, Fnrmville. N. C. Harmj Uxsud la F*r?r?e ?y Stoic** tre | '*< j tor rlBdlil ? . '? '? ."j "LUll* X- J Hi- L--I. -lilBS ALBION DUNN. W. A. DARDEN. Crctmrttte. Fsnnrille, DUNN & DARDEN Attarwys-at-Law V:-\f Formville, N. Carolina. Business appreciated and Promptly aitcnded to. Office in Horton Building. DR. PAUL E. JONES - dentist ^ ' Office in Long Building; 1 FARMVILLE ';AN.C y:rr ?xnmsciWiti le,N. C. ? county suamons for mr? ; E. M. COX Attorney-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA Offlc* over CltUint Bank PnAkn Wkcttm Swifett *n Desired. Spcdd Attention Ptid to Cotledloiu and ' WiWof ol Deed*. Mortffife*. Etc. JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographed STUiHO up fiairo in Hud Hard ware Co's. Building Fvmville, North Carolina. Farm ville Motor Gar Go W. C. COLLIE, Msr. ' Located Corter Bdcher & Moore Sta Farmvllle, N. C. Auto Repairing Especially. We also repair Stationary Engines om Shrfrt Notice. Let ua terye you. Phone No. 85 T MgCES REASONABLE. For Cutting Down and 1 ""repairing fp6|puM^ ? Wrltaoraca ' . F. G. ALLEN, FarmviUe, N. C. Che&nut, Moore & Baker's SHAVING PARLOR Located on Main Street Clear. Linens, and Sharp Raton. Satisfaction Guaranteed,; v. Evidcftcc mtd?c Case' for lx>th>3tMe $uid De(ens^j| brief, which is Taken From the Relleclor daily One ?<? Strongest Fought Cases on Record in P: County ? Much htteresl Manifested. ' ' - Testimony all in Widne^da; afternoon? Lawyers Given Fourte< Hour# to Add. ess Jury, which Ended Thmsday Night ? Judi . Dan!c'.s Ct.a rgcd Jury Friday Morntaf-PabUc Anxiously Awa cd the "So Say We All" of the Jury. JPolJudwai Sentenced? five Years in (he Penitentiary. An Appeal was Taken ai Pollard Returned Home Friday. Night under $7,060 Bond. J ^ I First witness for prosecution lail Friday was Mr. F. S. CorbiH whose testimony was as follows: That he went into Pollards drug store for aclgaT about 16:00 o'clock Saturday night Jan. 17th, where some boys were.playmgo punch board. Pollard was be hind the counter/. Aflcr. a very mk started to leave store be heard someone say "get out of here." Corbitt then turned and as he' did so, he heard 1he second com mand, "get out of hero" and a revolver report followed imme diately. Says that there were only a few seconds from time Pollard said get out of here and the firing of- a gun. The two clinched and 'a second shot was then fired, and that Pollard had hold of, the breech . of. the: ?un and Smith the barrelL He then wrung tho gun fron i" Smith and Pollard, while this was going on Smith said, ''Sam you have shot meandkiUed me for nothing." Pollard replied "you have cursed me enough and I have taken it my last time." When Smith was being carried from the stoic be pulled revolver from his lelt hip pockot and fired across breast at Pollard. Corbitt,. Askew and Belcher took Mr. Smith home. On way home Cari Turnage Said that he would go /or the doctor and Smith told Turriagehe need not go for a doctor as he was already dying. When they got Smith to hU home he called his wife by her name and said, "Mollie, Sam Pollard has shot end killed me, you need not cut up aboutit for I am going to die." On cross examination Corbitt held to former restimony. Second witness, Chief Lupton. of New Bern, to state good char acter of F. S. Corbitt former wit ness. Then was called Sheriff A. C. Gastrins, of New Bern also to state good chancer of Corbitt Botfi said same to be good. /A The fourth was .D. R. Morgdai (eye vyilness) lie slated that on Saturday Jan. 17tli, he camc oul .of barber shop adjoining Pollards plncc. He saw a number ot boys standing around thedoor^^^H .in, ,isMlie did, -he saw Potjifl fitaniling by the counter witM nun in his hand and heard him < ut of hero" to nnrdfofcfoat moment shot Tfownrd nIso^9p|K*vj^H He. stated- that he wasiri Pollard^ drug store on Saturday night Jab. 17th, standing by side of counter and Flowers, Skinner boys, Church Perkins and a few others were in the store and that all the boys were at a punch board when Smith entered door, Smith was walking with hands in side pants pockets. -- Howard spoke to Smith and said "Chief, come up and take a chance," Smith said "no, I am hot taking any chances tonight." Howard turned his face toward punch borad and paid no more attention. Pollard turned and walked toward the cash register. Howard testified that he then heard a voice say "get ouV and at that moment a shot was fired. He turned and saw Pollard with the revolver in his right hand and Smith had his left hand on barrell of the gun, the two had clinched and another shot followed. Howard ran out. When another shot was fired he returned and heard Pollard ? say "that Smith had curaed him like a dog and he had taken it his last time.", P. S. Hobgood, an eye witness, was then called and his. testi mony "was that on Saturday night 17th he went into Pollard's drug tfore to get a package .of cigarettes and that a number of boys were landing r-round a punch board. That Smith was dandiug in the flore about 12 or 14 feet from Pollard. Hands in his side pants pockets. That he hud seen Smith in Turnage's rftare a few minutes before Pol ZzZks Gtaocus A. Bryant HM. )?<( (UCMR) lINDIft NORTH CAROUXA tTATVTt.) AW XmrW CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR f: M m4 L?? ML Mm* SJ7 V-TLSON, N. C Exp^rienc* : 1W* - ltU i v.. l>. n -?T tll^L ^ ? - - ?V- - . t ? ? I. tinvjRmii ww noni nm jvycji UTpmpmi auubikw. AH Saw?r? HUMS* through thJ? Ctfks?, ?llher by AuKUnti, or My g?? ARK GUAR A N'TEKI) tO BE ACCURATE. . lurite t*d tttinJ to you and jronr frlnk l)tt cowlcty o# this of floe for Uforatilo*. or vt% will bo *Iad |o call upon you t! jroor coarcftlcoct lard went 10 the cigar cote and .sold Hobgooil a package of cig arettes. He Parted out. Smith [was standing near middle of i^lore. Hobgood -heard Pollard [say "get out" and turned and ;saw Pollard standing with a re volver drawn on Smith, and fired [into him. Ilobgood then ran to IT urnage's. ilore where found the bight po)ice and told him that ^Pollard had shot Chief SiQith. i Seventh witness wns Rufus Skinner, on eye witness. Smith canJe in the ?lore with coat un buttoned and hands in side pants pockets and one of the boys ask ed Smith to take a chance and one of the boys asked Smith to take, a chance and he replied that he didn't wimlto. Pollard moved to the cjgarshow case. Smith was Landing a little dis ftanl. Skinner -turned his face to ihe punch board and in a few mrifiutes he -heard PoHard say rgefqutof here" and then fired. Skinner said bo fled from -the hflorc. t The tetftimony of fRoy Skin ?iier and C. S Ik) won, eye wit Besses for State, was same as hat of Rufus Skinner. , Tenth witness T. C. Turn age. "he pisftol is produced by Mr. (image and some of the cham ps being 3iill loaded. Sheriff udley was ordered to unload ime \vhich he did: Mr.Turnage is Mayor of I'arm JW>- -ind 8atd- tha) op Saturday" "i r/ l^th.ahat he was m in a sober condition. About A ^o'clock Turnnge wns told that,! S. M. Pollard had shot .Smnh. Turnage rushed in and found Mr. Corbiit and Mr. As kew endeavoring to separate the; wen. . ' ' ? ? ' ? ? ' ? ' . . smith said he' has shot mp and killed^ne for nothing. Mr. Turn age and Mr. Belcher and Askew Aahed to take Smith out. Ju?l before leaving the door Smith drew a revolver from his left hip pocket and shot at Pollard. . On way home Smith remarked sev eral times that he was going to die. Turnage says he was in the bank Monday or Tuesday be fore the shooting and that Pol lard came to the window and as,v.ed what be would sell him a pi&ol for. Mr. Turnage told him that he would sell him one for 10 ner cent profit. On Monday or Tuesday before the tragedy, Pollard came in to Turaage's ?ore to purchase an automatic gun and Mr. Spiv ey sold him one. The pi&ol with which Pollard shot Smith was brought into court and in dentified by Mr. Spiyey as the one sold him Saturday night. He was at Turnage*s &ore and &ates that he went to Pollard's drug Sore about 20 or 25 minutes af ter shooting had occurred. Andrew Moore, who te&ified that he was night police. That at the time of the shooting he was in the rear end of Turn fcge and Co's. Sore and previous to this time he had talked to Smith and knew hiin to be in a sober state. That upon hearing of the shooting he went immed mely to Pollards Sore. He enter ed the drug Sore where he saw the two men clinched. Pollard holding the breech of a pUk>l And Smith the holding the bar rel. He caught Smith's wrkft sod tried to part the two when SfQith said "don't pull my arm IU(e that. Pollard has shot And killed me for nothing,' and Pol hud said that Smith liad cursed h|A to everything that he could think of end that he had put up Mb if his lail time. The two men -were then seperated and Smith was carried from the ?torc. That when near the door Smith drew a revolver from his left hip pockct and turning, fired at Pollard. Mrs. T. II. Smith, who testi fied that she was the wife of the late T. H. Smith. That on the night of Saturday J7, her hus band was brought home and he told that Sam Pollard bad shot him to death without giving him any show and it was a cow ardly trick. Mrs. Smith further testified that her husband was not intoxicated on the night of shooting. With this the prosecution reel ed its case and the witnesses for the defense were called an<f sworn. ?<. ; J * The FirA witness for the de fense Dr. D. R. Tayloe, of the Washington Hospital, Waffiag ton, t-f C." who testified. JfiTiat T. H. Smith arri ved 'at his hos pital between .4 and 5 o'plpck Sunday morning January '"loth. That when Smith reached hos pital he was in a conscious and rational giate. That examined and found that he had 2 wounds, one in the left side of the abdom inal region and the ball taken from victims .body was a 32 cali bre fleel ball ?. M. Pollard loos ^and at 4:10 P. M. whose testimony was: That he was 42 years?of age, bom in Fahnville, fived there 'til 18 ^esirs, old went to U. ?. Army served e^ven years, 3 months, Furamlle, this was 1901, where he'has lived since then. Married Delphia L. Belcher October 30, 1902. After went to Farmville he was Traveling salesman for about two years. Then ran a grocery &ore for 1 1-2 years. Then ran a bar-room to 1908. oecn running arug store jince bar closed. That he had Unown T. H. Smith for about ton years. On Saturday night January 17tb, he was in his &ore conducing his business. That a few minutes prior to the shooting, Perkins, Flowers, Howard were in &ore. Perkins was cleaning floor. Flowers landing by large win dow in front. There were 5 or 6 playing a punch board which was on snow case parrallel with window, when Smith . came in door Pollard was landing by this show case, he turned to put some money in the cash register and then went to cigar case to wait on some one. One of. the boys asked Smith to come and take a punch. He said "No, I'm not taking any chances tonigt." He' then walked toward the case where Pollard was landing. Pollard said "Smith I told you not to come in my place, so get out." Smith said I wont go any where. Upon this Pollard shot him, fearing that his own life was endangered. Immediately after the shot was fired. Smith grabbed the barrell of Pollard's pi&ol and Pollard caught him around the neck with the left arm. While they were in the clinch, the gun fired (he sec ond time. That Will AskSw came in and he called him to take Smith's right arm to keep him from getting out his own piSol, saying that he would net shoot Smith again anyway. Sev eral men took Smith and ear ned him toward the door and upon nearing the door he drew a revolver from his left hip pock et and tired at Pollard. Pollard Sates that he kept eyes upon Smith'* hands from time he en tered until t>not was fired. Says to have had four notices during 'continued on 2nd page) Beware of Ointments for . Catarrh That Contain Mercery a? mercury will oure!/ deitr smell end completely whole ayatem when entering tiie mucous aurfaefs. 8uc!i ?j never be used except on *ro m reputable physicians, ai they trill do la t.a fold to tne rood you c*n possibly derive /rom tftS&gtR catarrh Curo. manufactured by FV 7. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no t 55T2I.ry'. and V tlkrn Internally, acting directly upon the tlood and mucous aor or the rystem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo suVe you get the gum* ine. It Is taken Internally and maids In Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. Cheney ft Co. Tes timonials free. Bold by Drugglats. Price TCo^per bo t tie. Take Ball'a PaciUy Pilla foe ooaatipatlen. oy the . derangs 1 It tM r tides j presci i the "It all looks so good ond ju? as I ordered." This the remark heard in every home where, our Groceries ai? used. No need to come to our Store in'iiopes of getting something better than an order taken by our man at ' your door. ? Our goods are all one quality the 'best Full weights full meas ures ? guaranteed. Join our throng of satisfied cuAomers now. J. A. MiZELL & CO . , Pone No. 26 NORFOLK SOUTHER* MUtXOAD. ?EAST BOUND? 12:34 A. M. Daily Night Ex press for Edenton. Elizabeth City ond Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping Car. 9:02 A. M. Daily for Washing ton and Norfolk. Conneds for all points North and Weil. 6iD6 P. M. Daily except Sun day, for Washington and inter mediate Nations. ?WEST BOUND? 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Connects to all points South ana We& Pullman Stepping" Car" Service. ? ? 8:29 A. M. Daily except Sun day for Raleigh. 5:35 P. M. Daily for R^teigh. H. S. Leard, Gen'l Passenger Agt W. A. Witt, Gen'l Superintendent. Norfolk, Va. Pa&ime Theatre 3 Good Moving Pic tures every night Two shows a night, the firdt show begins promptly at 8:00 o'clock. ' Admission 10 c. > . ? For Life and Fire INSURANCE SEE I. A. MEWBORN at the BANK OF FARHVILLE,N.C+ Agent for National Life Insurant! C?. of Monlpeller, iff., Eatna Fire, and other Jbe*f tire ; Insurance Companies. ; " " .r ? * T, y.i * *"? ?* ? i??W 1 ,.*i ? '-?Ji

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