IkPays To Advertise Tliroujrh The Column* of The Farmvillo Enterprise' IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE A. C. MONK. PublUSier. Subscription 91 Merchants I Get Wise Let Ui Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS - in Advance. ? ? G. A. ROUSE. Editor. >BTH CAROLINA, MAY 7, 1914 NO. 50 FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 JL6iF. Meets Ever? Thursday Night in their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome "FARMVILLE LODGE % 0. 0. P. No. 373. Meets every Monday night in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel come. ReaMtae 13 ; PHONES : Office 49 . DR. H. P. MOSELEY FARMVILLE, N. C. Office on Main Street. Residence with W. M. Lang. MRS T Al.A ISLEY Graduate Norse ' Phone 34, Farmville, N. C. Hirlag Looted la FwaniOe nqr Service* ire ?t JOB COMUd DUNN & DARDEN Attorneys-at-Law Farmville, N. Carolina. Business appreciated and. Promptly attended to. Office in Horton Building. DR. PAUL E. JONES ^ DENTIST '&;}?* Office in Lang Building FARMVILLE ? N. C. E N.C. ' ' ^ COUMTY SUKVEYOKS^FOH MTT, E. M. COX Attorney-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA Offloa over Cltbni Bank ? fndkct Whtrtver Sttvlccs in DctimL Sped*! AttMbM PaW to CofedlMi mi ' ^ ot Dtt'*&{? F. G. ALLEN, FarmvlUe, N. C.j Qte&nut, Moore & Baker1! SHAVING f Lociml.i? Main u UMMtAAil vanteea. mm V Farmvifte Graded School Ctosis J Exercise^ Wednesday night by Primary Grades. Excellent Ad dress Thursday night by Con gressman John H. Small. Undoubtly, ' the best *term known in the hiilory of Farm ville Graded Schools closed to day. The exercises began Wed nesday night with a well gotten up and splendidly rendered pro gram by the primary grades. The opera house, in which the ? exer cises took place, was packed with interested onlookers Who atteilcd their enjoyment by fre quent applause. The little ones ?hmv?t hy ihpir BplonHifl ni^tinn that nothing had been left un done towards their training. Thursday, night the music class rendered a few selections after which the commencement address was delivered by Hon. I. H. Small, Congressman of this diAridt. Conscious of our inabil ity, to do the subject justice, we shall not endeavor to give a sy nopsis of the address. The people of Farmville and surrounding community are juftly proud of our school and sp'.ecdid showing made. The corps of teachers, who have la bored so zealously' for the good of boys and girls have the grate Thore. seem to be quite o jealousy am6ng some business men, a disposition to try to brenk down tbeir adversary in order to build themselves up on their opponent's down fall. This petty feclins: among rivals in business is all wrong. The best way to bi'ihl up a town is to stand by every man in the place, that docs right. Whenever a man is doing well do not tear him down. All residents should be as partners, not opponents. In all livelihoods the mora business your rival does the more you will do. Every business man who treats his customer* honestly courteously and fairly will get his share, and the more business that can be secured by united efforts, the better it will bq fgr all. a town cea$e*to?row it begins to die, and the people try toVJtfU:*j?ctf < business, the more- readly v utter ruin come to all. >S^ond to gether for the advancement of every citizen. If a man shows ability to prosper do not pull back through jealousy or weigh him down through cold indiffer 0 WHAT WE OBSERVE . It is true that all men have sot I ;eo given the faculty to accum ulate wealth, 7: thongl^, they economize and work over so hard. Neither can all men be crcit physicians, lawyers preach er* or skilled mechanics, Mad)-, c and Ubor as hard as they may. But there is n measure of success,- n modest home a'ud comfort for every man blessed with health* honesty, economy and steaJy purpose. If you look about you among the poor i you will notice that sod* of] them i When I "? THE FARMER S CftCUD. V,- ' ' ; "*'? ?<*?? It would be no'eM?-i.? amend this "farmer's' which is found in the "Btf Gazette: We tolieve in the KdckF and its soil. MM We believe that ell men she love the soil and understand it > We believe that soil cullure and soul culture ro lmnd in hand. We believe he nobly serves who makes two blades grow where one grew before, 5 We believe that blood will.telL We relieve that good seed should go into the enriched soil. We believe that good animals should crop the grass. We believe in the divine right of. man to labor. ? We believo in helping mca get full reward for 4 Wo believe in * MMM)t Wei Believe ia,,t schools and bettor* ^ We believe that ttofe hbu? wife is the better half, and to her home should cotpe manner of comforts. I NEWSPAPER DONTS Don't take your home pnpcr. It is the most active and power ful factor in building up your town, and to support it would olve you in the wi ilypayUon Don't fail to how to run the papety nothing to do but listen and keep his temper sweet. ; Dojft fut.ydbr ajtirie' Jo' whet you Want , published. 1 1 editor's business to es'po?ise: ucpoplar causes and take your cheitnut out of the fire. What hurts^our business might nlso huitliis? but that's different ' Don't notify the editor when you change your postoffice address. He may lose truck Of you and you will escape paying the last two or three years of your subscription. Don't forget to writs on both " is of the paper.. The printers ;ht forget how to sware. "jn't write your cOmtminica legibly. Deciphering them a the epitor bu: lomnkean wspapers print themselves and the ravens feed the printers. Hp who walk? through life with 'aft even temper, and a gentle patience, patient with himself, patient with others, patie difficulties and crossQp, everyday greatness. {*vond that | which is w<^ balQes.or chanted cathedrals. - Ajgood word (ctfiflMMg worth much in thehombacT costs little. ' ? JSn Washington xico Peaceful Again? Huerta I Preparing to Flee? Toll Ques tion T.o Be Amended. (Washington, May 6th, Wil lie Mexican people suddenly Dkeup to the fact that they f not care to be plunged into a r for the sole purpose of keep ; the usurper Huerta, in pow.er. was a realization of this fact at led Huerta to accent the ^ding South American coun es, namely; Argentine, Brazil d Chili. This Cemmittee gich is called, the "A. B. C.M nmittce has taken hold of the in f nrnefl. and there isJ led ip reliable circles] __r_ prepara ? jMjipWW i short i?K>tce; and it is not be vcd that he will attempt to lintain himself in power much I nger, as the weathy people ho have hitherto supported him five practically all deserted and Mexico will not be a ate place for him to re in when he once relin be3 his power. It seeusnow very certain that t toll biH passes the I will be so if it Duld decide on ewil| again pass iti^bnsuUiBgany ^ ia: quite cer that the administration bill tvill pass the Senate by equally as satisfactory a major ity as that by which it passed the House. In additional to hav ing the support of the entire Democratic wing of the Senate with a few insignificant excep tions, the President also has the ablest republicans of the Senate supporting the measure, such as Senators Roqt of New York, Bur tontof Ohio, Lodge of Massjichu- < setts and others. LIZZIE SCHOOL CLOS?S. ' ?- ' Ky"?* ? f ? ?'* vj / . be Lizzie Kb Friz.zclle and a most delqtht ilcnic. Quite a large number be friends and patrous of the >ol were present, allot whom Sy enjoyed Mr. Frizielle's htful and delivered ress on education. -At the e of the speaking the good iewives of the community aycd a dinner that no one ihai not attededoq<5 of these ene county school ptcn|c?.can "Itsitij a nded dinner ana was greatly iycdvby the large number pre ???MdMkHIIH^o'ose of lips the best term ia the his : of the school.? Laconic. "ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE 95 TH ANNIVERSARY." Last Sunday, the first Sunday in May, Farmville Lodge No. 373 ?. O. O. F? celebrated their 95th Anniversary. A11 the members met in their Lodge room at 10.30 A. M. and marched in a body to the Christian church, wearing their regalia, where the paster. Rev. C. B. Mashburn, delivered an able sermon. For a time it was the idea of the Committee to have some visitor to deliver .the address, and the local Minister was not notified that the lot would fall on him until Thursday of last week. However he preached one-of the greatest sermons that we have ever heard, and those tliul failed to attend the seivice at. the Christian Church last Suu day, missed a treat. l^The Meat Lodge nt Farmville, Smite only a liitle more than two years old, is doing a great work, ?nd is recognized as one of the strongest Lodges in the District. They have a quantity of degree work now pending, and by the close of the year the membership will be increased considerable. A GOOD TOWN. ? Here are some words from Edward K. Graham in Harper's Weekly that are in such good accord with the doctriss of city building advanced by this .iSs1 i or the richest town,?0 thai ! people at the top can have iugh money to stop work. Vdo ask for wisdom enough to know what the permanent and progressively good things to work for are, the civic will to work for them and the material prosperity to put wheels under them to make them go. "What we have learned is that it is wise to work together for a good place to live, a place both to make a good living add to live 0 good life? good money, good water, good streets, good schools, good churches. A good place to liy- is a place to invest money and get bigger returns, and to in vest life and get bigger returns 1 'Whatever promotes the mate rial welfare of the larger number of p-uple is an essential of gccd jsevernmeut as it is of good relig ion. Good [citizenship is not a ?f'.erce struggle in our business to take all the other fellow has and then endow a school and church for him to go to tor consolation. Big men in business are more and more coming to discover the |y|lueof profit sharing and co operation between all factors, even in business itself; and for tunate will be that community which extendsJo every detail of iits economic life that same doc trine of fraternal co-operation which* gave us Deomcratic government and the Christian religion." With the city, as with the inSfaridtad there can be' oo prosperity worth while that 'is not based on order, equity and a sincere devotion to the common good. A good town implies a town that is rounded out equally In all desirable phas - . In Chicago one of the head of a mail order house has confessed that he has income of $1,320,000 a year, and yet he is supposed to be at head of an institution which is' working and soiling goods for the benefit of the poor man who has thought and been made to believe he has been S& (^?edbyJwa local merchant. - * Catarrh Cannot Be Cured* with IJOCKIj APPLICATIONS, u they cannot reach the seat of the ttmie. Ca tarrh Is a btoood Moving Pic tures every night Two shows a night, the fir& show begins promptly at 8:00 o'clock. i - Admission 10 c. H!r1 for Life and Fire INSURANCE SEE /. A. MEW BORN at the BANK OF FARMVIUl.M.C Agent tor National Life Insurance Co. of Montpeller, I ft., Eatna Ffre, ami other beattrt V Insurance Companies.