If Pays To Advertise Through Tlfe Columns of : The farmville Enterprise IT REACHES - THE JWLE : .*? / ?>,' H. 1 J\i I J1 'i vUytim Merchants} (get > Let Vs Writ. Voo m - tad w^fi op^n your WITH INCREASED W FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K.ofP. Meet* Every Thursday Night in their HaU in Horton Bltfi||j k . Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVILLE LODGE I. O. 0. F. No. 373. Meets etery Monday night in K. of P. hall ia the Hortou Build ing.-. All visiting Brothers wel : ; ' V - I : PHOtaS : Otfic. 4, H. P. MOSELEY FARMV^LXE, N. C. ke on Main Street V whh W. M.Lmjj. ?e Norse j| irmville, N Fannville,^. Carolina; 1 5- Promptly attended t(k I . %)lfice in Horton V . ? ; _ I |- ' , SPSS COX ?afc Attorney-*-!** ; ' ' ' PARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA ones ov?r Clti*en* Bank ?%- - ?i WkaM?*4&H^a mi . n^-Sr?/l to Ca?aion? 'm> JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer STUDIO up flairs in Hud Hard , ' ' ' vrm Co's. Building Fumvllle, North Carolina. Farmvil le Motor Gar Cc W. C. COLLIE, Mgr. Located Comer Belcher Moon St; Phone No. <5. F. G. ALLEN, FanaviUe, N. C. ' Ghejftnut, Moore & Baker's SHAVING PARLOh Located on Main Street Clean linens, and Sharp Raiora. At The Brooklyn Navy Yard President WUson Grave Dead's Relatives Present Fifteen Thousand" Heads -Bowed as Secretary Daniels Read names of Sailors and Men Who Fell at Vera Cruz Fight. Significant points in Preside tt Wilson's speech: Wehave gone down to Mexi MMfcpre mankind if we can BPpthc way. Wfedpn't want to light thr Mexicans. We want to serve the Mexicans if we cut. ? * A wnr of ngeression is not c war in which it is n proud tffiilg to die. v ?, J3ut a war of aervice'Wtf thfirp. ioVwhlchiTlsti proud things to ft* - I' is^u^ as hard to do your ^tyvhen m<ffl are .sneering or ' /ou as when they shoot * a\ you Man who do their duty wlietb HKffiOhissesnre cheers arc 3od none of vou may join the li&s, but if you do you will Join an immortal company. Notice that these were men ol iur blood. It mean of oui \tacricjn blood, which is not drawn from any one country, rhe flag under which they serve was a flag in which all the blood af mankind is united to make o free nation. New York, May 11.? Final tribute to the nation's dead from /era Cruz was paid at th< 3rooklyn navy yard today. The highest honors possible to be' flow in recognition of the ulti . nate sacrifice to duty were then lavished upon the nineteen slain For admiral or general there could be no? more no? less than this ceremony? impressiue in it* simplicity ? over the flower tirewa caskets of Aese heroes ?rom me ran us, Prayer And thanksgiving, the nation's prniitude voted by it; cheif executive, the triple volley of musketry, and, la& of all, the ever sweet and melancholy "taps." That and the silent vale of 15,000 of their country men and the record of their achieve ment was complete. ' It was a grandeur nioro in spiring than that of the custom lry pomp of a military service for the dead which awayed the throng in the navy yard whtrf the lumbering gun carriages carrying the slain crept into v'.ew. In the fates of the on lookers came tiern. fixed glances as of men and women who were ing in a vision the bullet swept Greets of Vera Cnu when as fell. the solemn drains of (useral march the ring teemed to echo, caught the half whipped them sunlight. A and blue-jack 8 JotttaSw ? * v 5 _ . , X a? tfae vail as assemblage were m eted on President Wilson, wl ilood grave and pensive ga across the field. One felt this einbodymcnt of the nnti spirit portrayed in the sai these heroes had made a the tribute of mourning Q[. . at th*ir countrymen were i ing them was tbe dominant of the memorial setvicc, Higher tribute to the teen boys who gave up lives for the flag of Vera was paid by President V today in u remarkable ad^i which he expressed f heroes who died in tbe ance of their duty and i ^ iicated that of need be the tion is ready to make fu sacrifice in the same car The president dewlt emonies were 1 11 o'clock. 1 On the ?tand wcrv President Wilson, Governor Glynn, Mayor Mitchell $ecretarj of the Navy Daniels and Assis tant Secretary Roosevelt, Secre tary of Agriculture Houston and members of the senate and house committee from W ashing toqand other officials who had pafrtici pated in the processibn and the brief ceremonial at city halL All were Sanding with hats remov ed when Commandant G leaves, it the Brooklyn navy yard, sig nalled to an orderly? . ... ;? From behind the guard of hon or they left the band opened the Aratns of "Nearer My God to Thee," One verse was played, followed by a bush, again only broken by deep, sftronj sighs and sobs. i na ucv. w. u. Cassard, chaplain of the naval academy at An [fool is, followed with th< EpiscopSI service for the dead, "I am thj^ reaurredion and (lit life," and a prayer. A large part of the throng au dibly made the response with navy chaplain, including Presi dent Wilson, at the conclusion of the prayer." Secretary of the navy Daniels (hen in a voice \yhich trembled with emotion and "nervously holding in his hand a slip, of paper on which was engraved the names of the nineteen dead, addressed the president. , He said In Cocclusion. "Mr. President, I hand you, sir, names of these heroes, recorded THE GOdse ktVER rQRGOT. itesf Shown * Gosling Gaihtd -JIM Constant friend Wedaynlid saw a young ijng struggling ia the grasp dl uge rait/ Jl made 4 vigorous istance, but by the time A/ came to the reSciSe' ii ^aS so erely.bittep that It must have n Mcome v^Lrjantnfionits' The youth contined his HHHptt until it 'recovered n its injuries, . drcssitfe. it# ^?fevery day. During his sti^fkOe ph k a friendship^*; p Up between tbeov aod' the ling might be seen- limping if him eveywhere.Tiie boy bitted for school, and on; bis im homo m holiday'-^;time, s joyfully recognited by the im as before. came a mUft^nnd the ^Hhjoose, but neither oi fii^Outllvedthe^ kindly ,re 4 ibr each other.-- great ^H^descrtud her fea thered Hfons OS soon as her friend iher homo, and . following before, aud when the was seized with ill ^Boor bird become rest : pining as though she thifag was wrong, by some wonderful in lie mnde'her way to his corner of: which she bad Rd established herself there. *-H. A. Pajse^in^The Inner Life of Animalc*'^ W . I ^iadam Rumor has some thing on her ilring now, juii wait, watch and liiten. high in the national roll of hon ir, that they may be preserved ia the archives of our republic. Their services will be held in lading rememberance by grate (unpeople." ^ iident Wilson rose, took thf^thicet of paper from the sec of the navy and looked itatively upon the row oi seventeen flag-enshrouded cask .?(s. His lips trembled as he me the opening words of his Atfitress. He spoke across the row of the seventeen caskets to the rflatue-llke blue-jackets and marines who were assembled on other side. ic president began speaking 10:22 a. m. and concluded at , Father Chadwick, who chaplain of the battleship Ine whenit.was blown up in vina harbor, made the clos imprcssive prayer. "lere followed the firing of lute for the dead from a party from the battleship Ihjee sharp volleys as if y one man. Then a pause tally on the nobn air was the silvery Cotes of a bu lal tribute to the man dies in the services of the 'laps" ? lights out? the fin iwell. HA STATVTl.) IM farrtfhf. SURVEYOR 1?M - 1914 Four Executions Are Set ?a June. ? - : ^ By setting tljedates for three I June electrocutions at the Slate's prison, Governor Craig yester day, named one day which will be marked by a double execu tion, ' Thrge of the murderers are colored and one 'white. One is ?ftHlatlarge. Hedrick DeVaOe, a neero, 'whose appeal went to the court in .April, escaped from jail I be morning that thepourt took it up and Ije has since been in biding. It is reported that- be* is ur Nevj York City. De Vane's dateiij June 24th. >' ,.;4 ? ' Jitn NfcGulIers, the murderer of Deputy Sheriff Bain la& year in Guilford, is under sentence to die, June 19tb. Wednesday of I'"VP W, C Unrjinpr^ sentenced Sid Finger, the Rowan I murderer of Pre&on Lyerly, to die June^ lUhr Finger's attorn eys did not appeal.- Unless there is a change, there will hie two deaths on tHai date. Will T. McKensie, a white murdered U to die June 12tb f6r the murder of his "brottaet^m hiw, Peter Jones, in Robeson County. This murder irsaid to have been, pect'lOlfly' vicious and unprovoked. McKenzie is a man who had some property. Another appeal has been set tled in, .the case of Jim Cameron, tmirderetv but no date set. ? . News and Observer, 10th. colored messenger. .At first the lad was very respedful to every body. Mr. Root asked him where the wnflebaskets was, and the boy politely replied that Mr. Riley had taken it. "Who is Mr. Riley" asked lhc Secretary, only to find that it was "Pete." A little later he asked who lefi the window open, and the an swer came, "Mr. Lantz has been washing window." "Look here, my boy," said Mr. Root, "don't call everybody miiter; use tticir fir& names. I can't tell whom you mean." In the course of an hour the boy opened the door and called, "Sap, Elihu, there's a fat guy outside who wants to speak to you.,, The "fat guy" was President Taft. There is no record of what Mr. Root said next. . No Discomfort From Dodson's Liver Tone Violent Purgatives Need No Longer Be Used lor Constipation, so Why Run Risks of Their Disagreeable After Effects. To overcome constipation and sluggish liver pleasantly, easily send safely, Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed by J. M. Wheless who will cheerfully refund pur chase price (50c.) at once if you are not entirely satisfied with it. Dodson's Liver Tone is made to take the place of calomel and other strong purgative. It has none of the disagreeable and of ten dangerous after-effects of calomel, a form of deadly mer cury. Dodson's Liver Tone is strict ly vegetable liquid, containing nothing harmful. It not only leaves no bad effects, but works easily and naturally, without pain or gripe and without intcr fearing at all with your regular habits, diet or occupation. A trial may benefit you greatly, why not tee about itftoday ? ?Cataitfa Cannot Be' Cured* ' ??h lyOCAT^ XPPLICATIOKB. M Ih.T cannot reach tho i?at of tho rtle?m. "cZ *nd In order to euro It you must Uk? In fernal remedies. Hall'e CatatTh Cure to ?^iCKji^iem*i,3r*' and ilc4> upon the blood and raucous surfaces. Haifa Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It wss prescribed by one ofthe beetphf Blcla&B In this country for years and is * reyular prescription. It ft rrmpostd of the t-jt tonics known, combined with tho beet blood purifiers, actln* directly on th* mucous surfaces^. The mi Hon of the two fncred* fluces such .wonderful catarrh. ? Send .for test* F\ J. CHENEY A CO/ Sold, by Druggists. pr.t, , Take BaU'e Family PlUsfos e You don't have'to insiift on the beA when buying here bectus? THE BEST is the only jjr^de we keep. We invite your judge ment on the ' ' FINEST GROCERIES yi town. Health-building, pleas ure-giving; and dime-saving. Come in, look round, you'll figd ? nothing but fancy prices. We solicit your trade. J. A. MIZELt & CO. Pone No. 26 . EAST BOUND-' 12-34 A. M. Daily Night Ex press for Edenton. Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping Car. 9:02 A. M. Daily for Washing ton and Norfolk. Conneds for all points North and We& , 6:06 P. M. Daily except Sun day. for Washington ana inter mediate Nations. ?WEST BOUND? ? * 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Conneds to all points South and We&. Pullman Sleeping Car Service. , 8:29 A. M. Daily except Sun day for Raleigh. 5:35 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. H. S. Leard, Gen'l Passenger Agt. W. A. Witt, ? . ? Gen'l Superintendent. Norfolk, Va. Pastime Theatre 3 Good*Moving Pic tures every night Two shows ? night, the firrft show begins promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Admission 10 c. INSURANCE SEE : /. A. MEWBORN at the BANK OF FARMVU1E,N?. Agent for ?* ?'< National life Insurance Co. of Montpelier, Vt., Eat na !, amd other beet Nre uranee Companies .

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