bo to risk leaving tUe road altogether and dashing 08 Into apace . . . And It >u Impossible to atop th?j cyc%? so brief was all bla warning. In desperation Alan chose the outilde of the road; and for the apace of a ?Ingle heartbeat thought that he might possibly make It. but wltS "It 7 ^oxt realised that b* would not ? seeing the front wheel awing off over the lip of the slope. At this he acted sharply Nwd upon ahear Instinct. Aa the cycle left the road altogfc'hcr he rlaked a broken knee by releasing his grasp of the handlebars and straightening out his lac and driving it down forcibly against the roadbed. The effect of this waa to lift him bodti? from the aad dle: the machine sfept from beneslb hltn like some strange projectile burled from the bore of a great gun; and Rose craabed against hi in In the same fraction of a second. Headlong they plunged aa one nnwn " tha blHsM*. struck Its shelving sv-r faoe a good twenty feet from the brink Triaa W? LlfUd From the Cjtr and Carried into th? Hot*!. g Sacrifice. But Tom Barcui hadn't failed to profit by the warning Implicit la Atta'a accident ? . Alan, ike told blmeolf ahrewdly, would never bare ran bla cycle at to foolhardy a pace without good rea son: and under the ciroumetancea good roaaon waa aynonymoua aolely with purault. Ha waa therefore on the alert, quick to aaa the racing autocapMle. when It came hurtling round the bend, and In the Mrr nick of time graaped Judltha arm and a^ung bar bodily with him back out of bam'i way, jnld the treea that bordered tt>e taaide of the road. Of neceaalty hit motorcycle ?offered. Abandoned In the middle of Cte rood. It waa atrock by the buff era of the motir car and flung aalde da If It had b<*n nothing more ponderable than ? I daa of atraW? landing half-way down the embankment, a hopeleaa tangle of ?haltered tubing and twlatod wire. . At flrat bluah the ^wMmHalwa teamed aurprlalng. that the ear did of the road, and flying apart tumbled their aepanue . waya do*n the re main dor of. the drop and Into tbe| friendly aheiier of ttio underbrush. Something nearly mlraculoua aaved them whole. Beyond a tew acmtche* and brnlaea and a nevero shaking np, they earaped unharmed. And they wars picking themselves up'aad re gaining their breatb and re-collecting their acattared wlta when, wl>h Ini petua no leas terrlfllc than their own had b*n, the punning motor car awung round the bend at. t hurled It aelf directly at the two who remained 1 upon the road- above. I CHAPTER XLIX. ? delay. Tbe racing ear wu tardr out of sight wjieu ho sprang (rom tbe sheltering trees and, Judith at his hsstl. nelted headlong down tbe alope to tbe spot where tbv others bad van ished To find thfcm not only allvo but practical!/ unscathed affected that loyal aoul almoet to tears But When congratulations bad beea mutually exchanged, there fell an awkward pause. The wee of tbe fcur sought one another's ruefully, each pair quick wlU) the tinuttered but In exorable inquiry: What neat? In tho outcome, It was Mr. Baroua who advanced the suggestion which waa adopted ? though thla waa Its re ception more through lack of a better, than for any actual appeal intrinsic In the proposition. ' ? "When we broke down, I saw," he ventured, with a backward jerk .of his thumb to lndlcr^c the road, "a can yon brandling off from thla one about a quarter of s, mile orer yonder. It It's all the ?ame to you people, We might atroU round "that way and see. what Its natural attractlona may be? It any. Bat It's sore a 'mighty poor sort of a can i ? -o that doesn't lead anywhere ? and nothing could possibly be mora fatiguing to ,our mercurial and rest leas tempers than to squat down here and (old our hands In our laps and wait for something to turn up? and anyway \>e can't be worse off than wa are ? and ? " "gufflclentl" Mr. Law Interrupted with a bleak smile. Crooking a deferential arm, Barcua oflcr;d It to Judith. "Everything- U ? loveiyar the formal garden,"' he Insisted ? "to aweetly ro mantic. Are you (?me for an 141* M.unt-r, Just to while the Idle M?i away?' Tha women fyind spirit enough (or n wan anile aa she tucked her hand gratefully beneath hla arm. "You'ro the cheerfuleat aoul I over tact," ahe said demurely. "What I'm going to do without you when ? If ever ? wo get out of th!? awful bualneaa, goodness only knows." "Let's talk of ftomethlng else," he suggested hazily. ' "Unless, -f course," ahe pursued with unbroken gravity, "I marry ' "Heaven." the young man prayed fervently, "fortmd!" "Thaffla hardly gallant-r." "I mean ? heaven forfend that you should throw yourself away!" "Humph!" she mused. *Pcrhaps you're r'rtt" Their banter waa not without a subtle object, namely, to reassure the girl who followed, supported by her lover's arm-" In the coarse of the last 1< hoar* Roso'a Jealousy of her slater's new found friendliness with Alan had become aontely evident The least courtesy which circumstances now. and again demanded that be ihow' Judith or seem a boor, wa# enough V> cloud the" countenanoe of Alan's betrothed. ?. U ... . Nor, Indeed. w4a Rom aUotether deetltuto of plau.lbl, cica?e tor Ul* feeling. It ni undeniable that bo jhMM Abn ud Judith a bond of aym pathjr bad grown out of the trial* and hardships they ha#, of UU Buffered In common. It. waa undeniable? but e*e* In bU raoet ? mrlrale though ta >U? denied It fierce!/. Judith, da the other hand. rMoaif acko-swledgod ?' tree* to hereelf. but aecreOy <Ja rtra? a etrangaly a it act and poignant pleaaura ftw U>e knowledge that >he toted 10 raadljr. and hopeleaaty, SfUKSmf. ?** hoffOedd $*M ? ' ' . 1 ' 11 .1 be MeorW her. and ? ?ui?kly, *n? that the Mtcrlflcs It ahould dMWd would be complete. . . . Mow prayers are sometUnva. an ew cred when ths boon crated la' topd for the aouL . . . Slowly aod painfully these lour toiled alone an obeeuxe trail that fol lowed the Winding! of the Utile river, until ? branch (truck Into Ike main stream and so discovered to them yet another trail leading Into the west ward 'canyon. ; Then again slowly and painfully they plodded on following blindly an other trail blazed by Fates aa blind as WW Above them, on the road they had abandoned, the crimson raoer-doobled back to the point where It had passed Judith and liarcua; Its MeaMoU de scended, explored; and cam* present ly upon the trail of the fugitives. Bloodhound* oould not hate set ',';J down upon a scent with mora good will and eagerness than Mr. Mar rophat and hla faithful aide. The sun was Ugh and kjaslng above the canyon when the pursuit cauie within rise' shot of the ekaac. A spiteful shot roused the quar tet from a pause of lethargic dltaay dae to tardy appreciation of the bet that they had penetrated wlUessly al most to the end of a blind alley. A hasty oouasll of war armed Alan with Judith's revolver and poated him1 behind a bowlder commanding the ap proaches to the chasm. Thf weapon, a powerful .45, had a range sufficient to numb the Impetuosity of th* as sassins and keep them under cover mm* **!-*?' "?? ^-*1^***'" es says the fugitives were making to compass an escape. For In the ahed behind an abandoned log cabin? souvenir, no doubt, of some forgotten prospector? Baireus had un earthed a length of afoot hempeu rope. With the aid of a rusty shovel he had hacked this Into two equal lengths. One of these lengths he prooaiMed to make fast aroond Ms own waist, then around Rose's. The other be left to be similarly employed by Alan and Jadlth. For it was agreed that they must climb, and while tb* cliff offered no problem to daunt a mountain climb er of any pretensions. It w*a consid ered best that the fugitive* should be hitched up la pairs against any pos sibility of a allp. Th* ? pairing had been determined by the fact that Barcns boasted some slight experience In mountaineering, while SoM r.-as plainly the most exhausted of the two women, the least able to help herself In an emergency. He had worked his cautious way, with th* girl in tow, to a point mid way ,up the fao* of the cliff, following, a long diagonal that provided the eer iest climbing, whan Alan atole back to Judith and reported that, on the evidence of observation and bdlaf. he waa convinced that the pursalt had turned fcack? perhaps for want of am munition, perhap* to execute some leaa hazardous attempt upon th* Uvea of th* fugitives. Without delay. then, ho made ' the tree end ot the rope fait around ilia own waist, and, following tljc war Bar cue bad chosen, began the ascent. Two-lhlrda of the climb bad been accomplished, and Rose and Barcus had arrived In safety at the top, be fore the temptation to look down proved Irresistible. Immediately beneath bia heels the faco of the ellB was deepl7 hollowed oat, leaving a drop ot SO test to a shelving ledge of mx ale as steep as a roof. -ri?jse eavA? perhaps another iL'et below? Jutted out over an other fall ot a hundred feet. Alan shuddered and swallowed hard baton resuming the ascent Another 10 feet brought bim to a ledge quite elx feet wide, ottering a broad and easy path to the summit Ha gained this with a prayer of heart felt relief and was on the point ot rising to his feet when a cry of horror from Barcus and a acraam of Wrroi tram Boa*; watching over the upper edge, warned him barely to lime to enablo bim to snatch at add grasp a knob of .rock boforo Judith's weight tautened the* royo between tham and jerked Alan'a legs from under him. His feet and legs kicked Us empty air beyond the lip ot the ledge, be lay ffcee downward, clutching desper ately the knob of rock, praying that. it might not come away in his ftasp, that bis grasp islght hold, that Baretjj. might am*? in time both. The rope waa cutting into Us watat like * dull knife. Tke drag ol Judith's body was frlghtfgt He could feel her swinging Ilka a rtndulum at the end at Its SO feet. ??d could Imagine tat too vlvlflf. what woulo happen If- the rope, should prove fanltjL .& . X &i&i;} - O XJ The tall ot JO- feet to the shale roof waa nothing. What would fol low would, however, spall doaih. The ?t of her body would set thwj ttv raoUtm, llko iralcache and beyond the eaves waa only emptt neaa and the bowlder-strewn bed ot titf chasm, a hundred feat below I The sweat poured from Us face Uke raln.^Hls^swee ststrtad In ^ their sc*k L ? ? ?? - 1 y: r Mdlth had somehow ?c?p?l bring prccipttatcd orer the ma* of the (hale roof roused him -and fin him B?rr? enough to muffle the climb. .' -It ?u tru#. when he found courac* to look a&d mo for him??l(, ah* Uy within thro* yards of the brink **? pine, her face uplifted to the ?un? uo-' ' (tlrrtw; ehe dared not etlr; a ilnxl* His Scrum* Brought Attet ida^oa. moTcmeat *u calculated to Mi the abate DM agsiU IB auUuo. ? t ? I Painfully h? reiUied that It U. Bar cos asserted, aho had deliberately eat tha rqpo- herself, Judith had offered op her lit* to spare his ova. CHAPTER L. Retrlbutlon. . And ret the Terr consciousness ot the girl's danger was all the stimu lant that Alas needed to recall him to himself. Once arrived with Barcua at the top ot the cliff, he lost no time la setting about preparattoas to effect her res cue. In thla bualneaa Fortune amlled upon him, as It wet*, by predisposition < A broad roaftpay ran alone tha top of the precipice, turning off at a little distance to the right, to descend tha mountainside.* And Just beyond this turning Providence had chosen to locate tha camp of a hydnnllc min ing outfit Alan's appearance at the top, In face, was coincident with tha arrlrel at that point of half a doaen excited miners; and he had no mora than voiced his demands than three of their number were hastening back to the camp to procure rope and mora bands. Within five minutes Alan, against tha protests ot Boaa and Bareus, was bolng lowered over the edge and down to the ahala roof on which ha land ed at a spot far to one aide of Judith, to escape all danger of sending a sec ond landslide down upon her. Picking his way carefully down to the very brink, Alan edged along this, more than once saved a fall to death only by tha rope, until he stood Im mediately below Judith. Then pausing, he Instructed her earefally, toaaed tSe end of tha rope Into her hands, and whan aha had wound It twice round her arm, crept np to her aide and helped her make It faat about her body. Hla signal to ibe miners that all was well edseed prompt raaponse. Tnere Was a giddy Interval In whlcu tha two swung perilously ? between heaves and earth.' Than they stood once more la safety. Supported by e7mpalMie -hands, the quartet staggered lata oaan, their story, aa condensed by Bareus <ak? breathlessly confirmed by Also, already winning them mthuatasUc champions. ? L ?W ?*. m ? w E&msssm Sylvania Woods, of fcftNN y tec* and bead v e-pairt' would kill n* H| o! my hou?cwork. After taking three I , 1 began to feel tike a new woman. I soon ana now, I do all my housework, '- water milt The Woman's I Va ? I 841,1 i8* Carillfl when ? feeI ^HWo bad, ?? tonic. Yw Mnnot msike a mistake In trying Cardul tor your trouble. l>. has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! i * $ * W cSW -ii"r><iwvv)<JW- ,11 EMU (located in Brick Store at Warehouse) NOW OPEN' FOR 4 liiy. We carry a complete fftock.of Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish aad Country Produce; also a general line of Fancy Groceries. We invite die patronage of everybody in town and country. We will pay the highest market price for country produce. .. Bring iM your chickens and eggs. :' v ' . Remember friends, oar place will be kept in a perfect Sani tary condition. Phone us your orders they will receive our . Prompt and PerMnal Attention. p|r. Zeb Byoura, who is an expert meat carver, will take I pleasure in serving you to the best of his ability. ?It * ,.'<i?rw?1v b?r. -.f.l. ?" > '? . 134 Orders delivered in town 2% 5 ?' ? H2 m ^Loyd Horton ' Attorney-Ai-I<?w - W Room* Horton Building . ? Practices w:icr#v?r ?ci? vice* art dulrcd. FarrtvHle, N.^arotln*. FARMV1LLE LODGE. ?X 1. 0; 0, P. No. 373. Meets every Monilny niehi in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel v . ? FARMVILLE LODGE. No. 218 M K. of P. Meets Every Tpesdsy Night in their Hall in Horton Bid*. - 1 VI?fangBrother?Weteoine DR. PAUL E. JQNES 'K &X; DENTl^ ;,l ? : Office in Un* BuUdin* ? $ FAfrMVIU B ' ? ;? y; . ??jjf. C. V':-jou.vry YOUli ATtBtjfrtON IS IN ; jiv'.; VlTjED^ ;^' to. the qunlUy, variety, and (trices tJEST GROCERIES IN TOWN Coffees, Teas, Flour, fruits, etc |] Trade winning prices. , We'rp || tagging the goods, showing the J brands, and ?cllinsr in rapid-tran sit time. Don't delay? buy our GROCERIES TODAY. You'll * need 'em all to morrow. mmmmm

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