it Pays To Advertise I Through The Columns of m The Farmvilte Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE (flijlBjfli j ii L-!.. -.1 ? ! ?r-rr ? Merchants I Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. apd we'U'open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS 4=^8? Ptl LUl-i'-J <!_ Subscription $1 a Year in Advance. ? ?.I ? i ?? ? i ? ii . i .i i ? ff ARM VILLE, PTTT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. FEU. 20, 1910 G. A. ROUSE, Editor. II DECREASED lj " r? Surplus Of 1914 Crop Is Very Great and Dc | | ; maud is Reduced ? ' PRODUCTION IS INCREASING Laid Which- WW Grow Other $ props Should Not Be Put I? Tobacco Especially - -a-sr ? . After Careful consideration by the Boanl of directors of tlic Tobacco Association of the United States, it was determined to issue the following statement regarding the situation of bright tobacco vyitb rcspcct to the planting for 1915: * Land suitable for the produc tion of bright tobacco in Vir ginia, North Carolina and South Carolina is sufficient, if used, to make enough Mobacco in- one for the demands for ten ? B ' : .)?? ' '.U ?' Twenty-five years ago the tobacco . produced in Eastern l^orth Carolina and South Caro lina; was a very small amouut indeed. In 1914. these two sec tions-produced over 150,000,000 pounds, against about 140,000,000 pounds produced in the Old Gelt section of Virginia and North Oaroliua, showing most distinct ly how this new territory has in; creased. Tobacco and cotton aVc thc - ' ihoney crops of this part afftbe country. The Old Belt section it noi adopted to cotton . and, therefore, it Appears that the cot ton section has made the in crease in the production of Bright tobacco that .must pro duce serious consequences if | continued. | Eastern North and. South Carolina produced in? ''J910 -75,000,000 pounds. 1 L r 1911-49,000,000 " I mtSSZ " I 19W-lSft0?,00? - Old Belt- Virginia and North Carolina produced In 1910-100,000,000 pounds. & f 1911-148,000,000 1912-148,000,000 " 1913 .200,000,000 " . , ifcsetl.a - t- HHMH p lind for the two years o 000,000 pound* have been pro duccd. about lOO, 000,000 p6u^U more than is used. , ?/., '?Vf .The following wiU ?ho\v how this over Production has reduced ' ;-,f>ricei.p jg HI' J&J South Carolina ta ?|t? aver aged $13 77, in 1914 $9.<$. '? Eastern North Carolina in W13 vcraged $18.56, in 1914 $12.39. It North Carolina in averaged 117.72, in 1914 Ddt Virginia in 1918 avor in 1914 $9i83. , it the sameauantit: crop, the situation 4bsoluto'y de mands that a decided decrease in the planting for 1915 shall take place. The Old Belt cannot raise any money crop but tobacco, and therefore the crop should be cur tailed in the cotton sections, where the increase has been so pronounced. A conservative planting in the Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina section will give the fanner .an opportunity and an interest to raise full crops for home tuste nance, and as the high price of every article of food is likely to continue, it does seem reason able that every effort on the part of the farmer should be made to rAise food crop*. % so doing and making a decided cut In tEc ucregze of tobaoco, the price ol tobacco will be remun erative and will bring aGout a general condition of prosperity in tho communities on which depends the success of the farm ers for their weifare. finally, it is the firm opinion of those who fiave given the matter thought, that another large crop of tobacco (and a large crop enn only be raised iq Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina) will be a calam ity upon every one connected with the trade, and especially upon the farmer who produces it, and the remedy lies only in a very considerable degree de creasing the planting this year. PUT ON THE SOFT P2DAL /; ^ ? . It is time'for the American lay* man to put on the soft pedal* and let the president do the talking. The is grave concern lest the United States become involved in the European wbr. But it mu& not bo? if mortal man and honorable means can prevent. England seems determined to Aarve out Germany, even to th* depriving of women and children of the necessary food to sustain life. This may be in accordance with the rules of warefare, but it is not in accord with the laws of ,of humanity. Germany, in retaliation, says mcrchnnt ships mu& not en?if English waters, and warns neuf tval countries that their vessels are in danger of being sunk by Teutonic submarines. Germarfy, apparcu'iiy, \ would also Starve England? including its innocent women and children! This, top, may bj considered a justifiable aclofVar, but the ^ment of humanity is lacking?quite dead. ' The United States is a . neutral country, favoring neither side to lands. British merchant ships arc ii* iug the American flag in ac ef fort lo escnpc the hostile craft of the enemy, The kaiser inslruds his subma rine commanders to sink mer chant vessels approaching the English coast, and warns Ameri ca that its ships bf commerce are in danger of being destroyed. y: If either country, in pursuance of its acnouoced policy, dejSirovi An American ship sailing under % Americaa flag, then that arft bev^mes one of war egainA tho L'ntVcd State*. ?r of piracy on the !;i ' V AndthJrein lies the extreme HEver^bofc? Work. Let's everybody go to work! Let's forget about the hard times bugaboo and work ? work? work! Let's bring a stream of gold into this community as 3 result of the next year's work that will chase the wclf away from even ibe humblest door in the township. Let's put gold into the pocket of every individual? by work. * * ' '' Let's feed every stomach with the best in the market ? '>y work. Let's fill our banks with the profits of the labors of the ne*t twelve months ? by work. / Let's write PROSPERITY in capital letters? by work. We can do it? if wc work! Any community can do it? by work! J It only requires confidence, intelligence, an J work plenty of work. "No work to be had" is often a phant'on of the brain. It seldom exists for the man who wants to work. There is work? plenty of it? for people who are looking for work instead of a life of ease, or a soft snap. If work is slack in one line there is always a demand for labor in other lines. Some one is always wanting * men? more men. Farmers ore at their wits ends over the scarcity of help. If the job won't hunt you, go out and hunt the job. DOn't loaf. Whittling sticks ou n street comer never yet has made a man rich or filled an empty stomach. Swapping lies in the shade ot a tree wilt not bripg gold to an empty i>ockct. It requires work? work? plenty of work? and more }* ;%? , *- ? I ? ? When we wait for money to hunt us the other fellow gets it. .! ?? ' ; ? ???.. But the man who works gels the money ? and gener ally keeps it. ~ T)w> output of this community might be increased by half? might even be doubled? if everybody worked? \vorkcd hard? and kkpt on working. It will be a great year for some one, for much gold 'is coming to this country from abroad. Who's out for a big slice of that wealth? Everybody speak at once! THEN GO TO WORK! % gravity of the situation. President Wilson and bis ad visers are draining every ncrVn in on effort to'avoid tho danger of a clasb, and' the people of this country can best assist them by refraining from partisan discus sions of war, and by re tutting their native coolness and Volm neis in the face of danger. Hot denunciations and vitriolic dis cussions will only serve to ag gravate an 'already delicate situ ation. ,*? ' "? . ??' Let Europe fight its own bat ties. Our business is to attend ^Irictly to our own affairs? and to furnish food for the starving millions when the inevitable time is at hand. he president it speaking soft ly1? but to the point? and he should not be embarrassed by the flames of racial Slrifo. Put on the soft pedal, brother ?the soft, soft pedal. Old King Cotton is making a desperate elfort to retain his time honored crown. :p f.> v Mission Study Class Organized. The Mission Study Class of the M. E. Church, held their first meeting at the home of Mn. Joe Parker, Monday afternoon. The class, wftich is quite a large one, was cs!<ed to order by the president, Mrs. Parker, at 3:30. Plans for conducting; meet ings, were discussed Then our president, gave a brief out line of the book, the members arc to study? "The New Home Mis sions". After which, leaders were appointed, for the next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Rollins. As this meeting was only to orga rii/.o, the remainder ot the after noon was spent in a moat delightful social manner. Our gracious hostess, assisted by Misses'Pcrry .and Eliey, served the dantiest refreshments? de licious cream,, with the lucious cherries, and George's own little hatchet, as a sovenier, fconveyed to onr minds* Washington's birthday. With such refreshing, of the inward man. and with musical and social chat the after noon passed all too rapidly away. In leaving, all felt grateful to our president for such an enjoy able beginning of "pur Study Claw. ? .Waited? An authentic boun dary map of Enropc. ) V wfjt IsV ,m Yon Can easily gauge a young man's character by ascertaining what h's does itt his idle houfe. PAYROLL OF CIVILIZATION MET BY FARMER . V" .? i J~', ? ? ' WANTS NO "DEADHEADS" ON LIST OF EMPLOYES. A ^ALL UPON THE LAW MAKERS TO PREVENT U8ELE8S TAX UPON AGRICULTURE. By Peter Radford Lecturer National Farmers' Union The farmer Is the paymaster o! Industry and a* such he must meet the nation's payroll. When Industry pays Ita bill it muat make a sight > draft upon agriculture for the amount, which the farmer la compelled tp ? honor wlUraut protest This check drawn upon agriculture may travel to and fro ov'or the highways of com- . raerce ; may build cities; girdle the globe with bands of ateel; may search hidden treasures In the earth or Uavetse the skies, but In the end It will reat upon the soil. No dollar will remain suspended in midair: it Is as curtain to seek the earth's surface as an apple that falls from a tree. When a farmer buys a plow he paya the man who , mined .the metal, tha woodman who foiled ' tho tree, the manufacturer who assembled tho raw material and shaped It Into an ar ticle of usefulness, the railroad that transported it and. the dealer who ?old him tho goods. "He pays the wages of labor and capital employed th the transaction as well as pays for the tools, machinery, buildings, eto.. Uicd In the construction of the commodity and the same applies to ail articles of use and. die i of him self and those engaged In the sub sidiary lines of Industry. There Is no 'payroll In civilization that does not rest upon the back of the farmer. Mo must pay the bllla ? all of them. The total Talue of the nation's annual agricultural products Is around $11,000,000,000, and it is safe to esti mate that 95 cents on every dollar goea to meeting the expenses of sub sidiary Industries. The farmer do'eiv not work more than thirty minutes per day for himself; the remaining thirteen hours of the day's toll he devotes to meeting the payroll of thc> hired hands of agriculture, such ss the manufacturer, railroad, commer cial and other servants. The Farmer's Payroll and How Ha Meets It. The annual payroll of agriculture approximate* (11,000,000, 000. A por tion ot the aipount Is shifted to for eign countries In exports, but the total payroll ot industries working for the farmer divides substantially as follows: Railroads, ' 1 1,1 5 J, 000. 000; m.' jufacturers, $4,365,000,006; mining, $6^5,000.000; banks. (200,000,000; mercantile $3,500,000,000, and a hoary miscellaneous payroll constitute* thj remainder. , It takes the corn, crop, the most valuable In agriculture, which sold last year for $1,692,040,000. to pay off the employes of the railroads; the money derived from our annual sales of livestock of approximately $2,000, 000,000, the yearly cotton crop, valued at $420,000,000; the wheat crop, which . Is worth M10.000.000, and- the oat crop, that is 'worth $440,000,000. are i<eqnlred to tnfeetthb ' annual pay roll ot tho. manufacturers. . The monty derived from the remaining staple crops Is used tn meeting the payroll ot ^the bankers, merchants, etc. After these obligations are paid, tho farmer ,bs? only a few bunches of vegetables, < some fruit ana poultry which he can sell snd call tho pro Cards fits 0?o. 1 When tho firmer pay# off his help he has very little left and to meet tbeao tremendous payrolls he hss been "forced to mprtgsgo homes, work women In the Held and Increaso tbe hours of hie labor. We are, there fore. compelled to call npoh all In dustries dependent upon the farmers tor subsistence : to retrench In their expenditure; ?nd to cat off all un necessary Mrponsci This course la abeolutely necessary In order to avoid a reduction is 1 wages, and we want. If possible, to retain the present vago scale paid ullrnart and all other In dustrial employes We win dovoto this article to a dtirustlon ot annexes sary sxponse* and whether' required *y law or -per mitted by the managotnoate of. tho concerns. Is wholly Immaterial. We want all waste labor , and extra ya gaaca. ot whatever character, cut out. Wo win) mention th? fall crew bin as Illustrating the character of unneceo aary expenses to which we refer. Union Opposes "Full Crew" Bill. The Texas Formers' Union regis tered its opposition to this character of legislation pi the last annual meet ing held In Fort Worth, Tex., August 4, 1914, by resolution, which wo quote, as follows: "The matter of prime Importance to the farmers of this state is an ade quate and efficient marketing system: and we recognize that each a system is Impossible without adequate rail road facilities, embracing the greatest amount of service at the least pos sible cost. We further recognize that the tanners and producers In tbo end pay approximately 95 por cent of the expenses of operating the railroads, and It Is therefore to the Interest of the producers that the expenses of the common carriers be as small as Is possible, consistent with good ser vice and safety. We. therefore, call upon our lawmakers, courts and juries to bear the foregoing facts In mind when dealing with the common carriers of this stats and we do espe cially reafflrm the declarations of the last annual convention or our State Union, opposing the passacti of the so-called full -crew" bill before the thirty-third legislature of Texas." The farmers of Missouri In the last election, by an ovcntbctmlr't' ma jority. swept this law off the statnte book of that state, and It shonld come oft of all sta'ute books where It appears rnd no legislature of this nation should pass such a law or similar legislation t hlch requires un necessary. expenditures. l oo same rnie a! piles to all regu latory measures which increase the expenses of Industry without giving corresponding benellts to the public. There Is oUMmes a body of men as sembled at legislatures ? and they hare a right to be there ? who, In their zeal (or rendering their fellow assoclatcs a service, sometimes favor an Increase ' In the expenses of in dustry without duo regard for the men who bow tholr backs to the summer's sun to meet the payroll, but these committees, while making a record (or themselves, rub the skin o* the shoulders of the farmer by urging the legislature to lay another burden upon his heavy load and under the lash of "be it enacted" goad him on to pult and surge at the tracts of civil ization, no matter bow he may sweat, foam and gall at the task. When legislatures "cot) a melon" tor labor they hand tho farmter a lemon. The farmers of tho United States are, not financially able to carry "dead heads" on their payrolls. Our own hired hands are not paid unless we have something for them to do and we are not willing to carry the hired help of dependent industries unless thero Is work for them. Wo must thcreforo Insist upon the most rigid economy. Legislative Home-Cleaning Needed. Whllo the war la on and there 1* a lull In business, we want all legisla tive) bodies to take an Inventor; of the statute books and wipe off all oxtravagant and useless laws. A good house-cleaning Is needed and econo mies can pe Instituted here and 'there that will patch the clothes of indigent children, rest tlredy mothers and lift mortgages from dospondont homes. Unnecessary workmen taken off and useless expenses chopped dov.n all along the line will add to tho pros perity of tho farmer 2nd encourage him In his mighty effort to feed and clothe tho world, IT any of theeo Industries have sur plus employes wo can uso them on the farm. We have no regular ached ale of wages, but wt> pay good farm hands on an averagt- of $1.50 per day of thirteen hours when they board themselves; work usually runs about nine moptbs ot the year and the three months dead time, tbey can do the chores tor their board. It tbey prefer to farm on their own accehat, there aro more than 14,000,000,000 acres of Idle land on the earth's sur face awaiting the magic touch of the plow. The compensation Is easily ob tainable from Federal Agricultural Department statistics. Tho total average snnual ssIm of a farm In the continental United States amounts to $51ti.OO;' the cost ot operation ta $340.00; leaving tho -farmer $17$ per annum to live eft tad educate bis family. There is no, occasion for the legis latures Baking a position foh surplus employes of industry, let them come "bac* to the soil" and share with us ?the prosperity ot the fans. When honesty 1* merely a good policy It 1* a poor vlrtuo. ' Laxy farmers are Just aa useless as dead ones and take up more toom. When tin soul communes with the spirit ot nature the back to (He farm woven eat ?>*?!!. Cere* ta 4 to 14 Days

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