It Pays to Advertise Through The Columns Heaven wot't have them, and bell don't want them. Arc they to pass down through the ages of eternity as a people without a final placc of. abode? Or arc they like the reptile, a thing without u soul? - The question is too deep' for the human mind to solve. ? But perhaps llic gossip can tell. WHY PEOPLE READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Suddenly nsk twenty people ?why they read the advertise ments in this paper every week, and fifteen out of the twenty .will probably hesitate, and ham mer, and become more or less embarressed before they can call to mind the real reason why they read the adj. People buy this paper and read it for two very Simple rea sons?they want to know the news of their home community, and they want to know of the commercial advantages that are placed before them each week in its advertising columnar This? paper goes out each week to an enlightened people? to a people who arc accustomed to ta think and a (51 for themselves ?to a people who know ex*dty what they want, and want to know where they can get it. Hence the natural course for them to pursue in their search for inrormatioa is to turn to the advertising columns of the pa per. ?'?'iv-f-:* . The live merchant knows ibis ? recognizes th? farfl that he 1? catering to a people of high mental attainments, and shapes his business policy to meet their commercial desires. Such merchants live and pros per, and grow with the com munity. Their advertisements arc con stantly placing, the desirability of their goods before the buyer, and. tho merchant ; is tbu3 brought into contaA with the buyer through tue medium of his advertisement. The information contained in the advertisemct saves the buy er the time of chasing from place to place in search dt some article of which he Sands in need. It thus becomes a time saver to the buyer;:*!>d an impulse which ?pur? bim on to a con flatat persuing of the advertising pages of the paper. Thft habit of reading the advertisements is growing upon the people day by day, ? for the public realizes that it is the one and only surq means of reducing the "killing of time" to a mini gium. 1 1 Theae are (Strenuous days, and time is money, and die well written advertisement becomes! a thici of great value to tttej consumer as well as to tl ^nd of lalo yean tl sumer has become edt to the Standard of . merchant who wants to talk to him through um of hivadverti .* > -V m VPomatt St>oul6 Vote* v '*;!'- ' >? ' "'? ' * ;} y.-' ? ' *? ' ???.'. ' i\ Uecauie the is mother of man, and without her man . \vi>utd ceasc to exiil. Because she is the intelletfual equal and the moral superior of man. Because woman transmits her intelligence to her off springs, and if fjh^ has the power to do this she is of equal intelligence with her olfsprings, for none of us*may give thnt which we do not possess. Because if she is the mental equal of that male off spring she has an equal rigbt to a voice in the shaping of the laws which shall govern her, as welt as him. Becausc she is qualified by every law of nature to exercise the right of franchise. Because the inilind of woman leads always to the upbuilding of the humah race. ? Because she abhors theMrickery and deceit and graft ing rampant in modem political parties. Because that abhorrence would lead hefTo the cleans ing of those parties and the petrification of the ballot. Because she would labor to'place men in public of fice who would govern for the people and notjor self. Because she is a believer, in the purity of All homes, and because of this belief she is a safe person to say who shall govern a community made up of many homes. Because her ideals of right and jutfice are superior to ? those of man. Because man owes his prospective to the qare and training of woman in his infancy, though many forsake her gentle ways in the latter years of life. Because man owes to woman n debt which it is not within his power ever to repay. Because her entrance into the political arena would mean a better state, a greater country, a closer com munion with thc^lawsof God and man. Because she is the essence of purity, the light of the home, and the star which beckons man on to greater and nobler deeds. Because she is woman, the mother of man. ?h . _ Ji WE THANK YOU ALL. In bebajf of the teachcrs and fftudeots of tSnow Hill Hieh School 1 wudI to express through your paper our sincere tliaul's for the kind hospitality shown us \aft Friday night by the people of Farmville. Never befcie havo we been treated so courteously. We are especially indebted to Mr. M. Cohen for.his unsurpass ed hospitality) to Mr. ]. 11. Har den and Joyner Furniture Co. for their great service in helpiog us to.advertise and to arrange the dage. We also remember very kindly the help, eiven by many others. We wish to thank all for what thev did for us, and ask qs.a favor that they give us a chance to cancel some of our indebtedness We were also delighted to have such a large crowd to at tend our play, and their attention and behavior was all we could aricfor. We thank them one and all. ' . -^Very truly, r C. iV. Holliday, Prin. ? Work will fill the Aopiach, but more work will (iQ both stomach and pockubook. Step livelyl \ i,,' T MS-AMD Five CENTS! | Don't miss this. Cut out this codose five cents to Foley , Chicago, 111., writing yout . 5 and address ckfcriy. You will receive in return a trial containing Foley1! and Tar Compound,. ' Women in Business Life. \ The following statistics irom the Department of tabor show how women arc represented :.n the business life of the United States.: . Stenographers, 23C.077. ' Teachers and professors, 327, 635. . - Physicians and surgeons, 7,30c Clergy, 7,395. Architects, designers, and drauehtsmen, 1,037 Lawyers, 1,010. Agricultural pursuits, 770,055. Various professions, 429,497. Various trades, 481*159. ?Women Lawyers' Journal. WELCOME INFORMATION. MotU middle aged men and women- are glad to torn that Foley Kidney. Pills give relief from languidncss, stiff and sore muscles and joints, puffiness under eyes, backache, bladder weakness and rheumatism. They get results! Contain no harmful drugs.? G. E. Moore, successor to S. M. Pollard. Second Quarterly Conference. The 2nd Quarterly Confer ence for Fatmville charge, will be held at Lang's church at 11 o'clock oa Monday March, 29fh, 1915. All of the official breth trn are earnestly requested to be ptesent with a good report. Y. E. Wright, P. C. CAM Of THANKS. -t We wish to extend our appre ciation and moA heart felt thanks to our many friends -who were N> kind to us during our rcccnt Mrs. H.w. Bynunr and family. LIFE SUCCUMBS 10 SAD END. . .9 ' ' i MR. ZEB BYNUM DEAD. Found With Face Buried In Water In Ditch Near His Home. Had Been Shrubbing. The friends and relatives of Mr. Zeb Bynum were 'suddenly ruck with grief Saturday morn ing, March 13th, when news of the sad end of his life reached their ears. Mr. Bynum had been shrub ?bipR on the ditch bank on the toad side nenr his home, a few "miles South of Farmville, in Greene county, the evenine be fore, and as he failed to come up for supper.the family thought that he bad probably gotten up with some one and gone over to Farmville, as he had often done before, and would return later in the evening, so they were not uneasy about his whereabouts. But when day broke the next morning and Still he had not put in his appearance his brother, Mr. Ben Bynum, went out in seasch, finding him face fore most in the ditch where he was at work the afternoon before, with his head burried in the bot tom of ihfe ditah and his feet rest ing on the bank higher up. He immediately summoned the cor oner, Dr. J. H. Harper, of Snow Hill, to the scene, who, upon ex amination, found there had been no foul play, but a ease of heart failure or apperplexy. Mr. Bynum was a son of the late John T. Bynum, was 47 years old; a Mason in good landing, member of Farmville Lodge No. 517; a successful far mer and a good, true and loyal citizen, thought wetl of by all who knew him, and in his death Greene county loses one of its be& citizens. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the grave in the cemetery in Farmville, which was conduced by the Masons, assisted by Rev. C. .B. Mashdurn, cf the Christian church, in the presence of sever al hundred grief stricken rela tives and friends, and' the floral designs were as lovely as ever placed upon' a mound. The deceased is survived by his mother, three brothers, Mes srs. P. U A- C. and Bon Bynum; five sixers, Mrs. J. H. Wynne, of Fort Pierre, Fla., Mrs. M. R. Turnage, Mrs. VT. B. King, Misses Ada and Addie Bynum, and a large number of distant relatives to mourn over his sad departure into the land beyond. The Enterprise extends deep est symjfethy to the heart broken mother, setters and brothers. Schedule of Passenger Trains Through Farmvillc , Norfolk Southern East Bound Weil Bound 12:39 a. ih. 4:05 a. in. a; m. 8:29 a.m. 6:00 p. m. 6K)0 p. in. Sunday Schedule 9:06 A. M. 6:00 P. M. . Ea& Carolina Railway. , North Bound South Bound 7.40 a. m. 1.40 p. m. 3.00 p. m. 6.40 p. iq. 5.12 p. m. Sunday Schedule 10:30 A.M. 3 JO P: M. J. Loyd Horton Attorney-At-Law Rooms 3---3a. Ilorton Building Practices wherever ser vices are desired. Farmvllle, N. Carolina. FARMVILLE LODGE I. 0. 0. F. No/373. Meets every Monday 'bight in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel come. FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Every Tuesday Night in their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome DR. PAUL E. JONES DENTIST Office in Lang Building FARMVILLE - N. C. W C DRES BACH Civil Engineer f; Surveyor Greenville, N. C. COUNTY SUHVEYCH FOR FITT. B. COX Attorney-st-Law FARMVILLE; - N CAROLINA OHicc over Citiz?na tteuk , rradkes Wherever S? \icea arc Desired. Special Attention Paid la ColeAioaa and Writing o( Deeds. Mortfagea. Etc. T Specials!! Pastime Theatre. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG In 5 Reels - One Night Only TUESDAY March 23, 1915. The 2nd Episode The Million Dollar Mystery Friday Night, March 19th. ALSO A KEYSTONE COMEDY L